58 research outputs found

    Proteomic analyses reveal distinct chromatin-associated and soluble transcription factor complexes.

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    The current knowledge on how transcription factors (TFs), the ultimate targets and executors of cellular signalling pathways, are regulated by protein-protein interactions remains limited. Here, we performed proteomics analyses of soluble and chromatin-associated complexes of 56 TFs, including the targets of many signalling pathways involved in development and cancer, and 37 members of the Forkhead box (FOX) TF family. Using tandem affinity purification followed by mass spectrometry (TAP/MS), we performed 214 purifications and identified 2,156 high-confident protein-protein interactions. We found that most TFs form very distinct protein complexes on and off chromatin. Using this data set, we categorized the transcription-related or unrelated regulators for general or specific TFs. Our study offers a valuable resource of protein-protein interaction networks for a large number of TFs and underscores the general principle that TFs form distinct location-specific protein complexes that are associated with the different regulation and diverse functions of these TFs

    La orientación social de la universidad. De la Reforma de Córdoba a la construcción de igualdad en la Educación Superior

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    En el presente artículo se pretende reflexionar acerca del valor referencial que tiene la Reforma de Córdoba como uno de los antecedentes para la construcción de igualdad en la Educación Superior y con ello para el fomento de una cultura inclusiva en el contexto universitario, así como  la necesidad de propiciar buenas prácticas en estos escenarios que rompan definitivamente con la segregación y exclusión a partir de la interpretación del alcance de la Reforma de Córdova como referente regional para concebir una Universidad cada vez más inclusiva, donde el acceso, la equiparación de oportunidades y los apoyos sean dimensiones medibles en la transformación los procesos sustantivos y funciones de la Universidad de hoy. Todo ello se realizó a través de la revisión de documentos normativos y legales que han permitido la construcción de la igualdad en la educación superior ecuatoriana

    An Introduction to Psychological Statistics

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    This work has been superseded by Introduction to Statistics in the Psychological Sciences available from https://irl.umsl.edu/oer/25/. - We are constantly bombarded by information, and finding a way to filter that information in an objective way is crucial to surviving this onslaught with your sanity intact. This is what statistics, and logic we use in it, enables us to do. Through the lens of statistics, we learn to find the signal hidden in the noise when it is there and to know when an apparent trend or pattern is really just randomness. The study of statistics involves math and relies upon calculations of numbers. But it also relies heavily on how the numbers are chosen and how the statistics are interpreted. This work was created as part of the University of Missouri’s Affordable and Open Access Educational Resources Initiative (https://www.umsystem.edu/ums/aa/oer). The contents of this work have been adapted from the following Open Access Resources: Online Statistics Education: A Multimedia Course of Study (http://onlinestatbook.com/). Project Leader: David M. Lane, Rice University. Changes to the original works were made by Dr. Garett C. Foster in the Department of Psychological Sciences to tailor the text to fit the needs of the introductory statistics course for psychology majors at the University of Missouri – St. Louis. Materials from the original sources have been combined, reorganized, and added to by the current author, and any conceptual, mathematical, or typographical errors are the responsibility of the current author

    Manual de procedimientos tributarios y mercantiles dentro de un periodo contable para egresados de Licenciatura en Contaduría Pública de la Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente de la Universidad de El Salvador

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    El presente trabajo de grado referente a la tematica “Manual de procedimientos tributarios y mercantiles dentro de un periodo contable para egresados de Licenciatura en Contaduría Pública de la Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente de la Universidad de El Salvador “, se ha elaborado como requisito para optar al grado de Licenciado(a) en Contaduría Pública de la Universidad de El Salvador, Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occident

    Índice de progreso social de la Provincia de San Román 2019

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    Las nuevas exigencias y tendencias mundiales consideran al bienestar de la población en función al desempeño de las dimensiones sociales y ambientales; así como su relación con el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Ante ello, se creó como iniciativa por el Social Progress Imperative, Michael Porter y Scott Stern, una herramienta que mide el progreso social de una región a partir de un modelo holístico compuesto por temas relevantes para la sociedad como el Índice de Progreso Social (IPS). El modelo es aplicado a nivel mundial, el cual puede ser utilizado en distintas unidades de análisis. La presente investigación aplica el modelo en la provincia de San Román de la región Puno con el objetivo de medir el IPS 2019 provincial, y de las tres zonas de estudio. La metodología aplicada permitió determinar 40 indicadores finales que integran la estructura del IPS, los cuales fueron construidos a través de la encuesta distrital y con información de fuente secundaria. El resultado general del IPS de San Román 2019 alcanzó 46.10 puntos ubicado en el nivel Muy bajo; siendo la zona 1 el distrito de Juliaca la que alcanzó el mayor puntaje con 46.24 puntos, seguido de la zona 2 el distrito de San Miguel con 44.61, y la zona 3 los distritos de Caracoto, Cabana y Cabanillas con 32.41 puntos, siendo ésta predominante rural. Los resultados reflejan que no se cuenta con la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas humanas, falta de elementos para alcanzar mayor bienestar, así como limitantes que no permiten alcanzar todo su potencial, no gozan de sus libertades y derechos más importantes como ciudadanos. En ese sentido, los resultados sirvan como una herramienta para reorientar la inversión social e identificar las necesidades prioritarias como servicios de agua y saneamiento, seguridad personal, acceso a la educación superior, brecha digital, entre otros, que deben ser atendidos no solo por el sector estatal si no que requiere el compromiso de las instituciones privadas y la población en general.The new demands and world trends consider the well-being of the population according to the performance of the social and environmental dimensions. As well as its relationship with the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals. Thus, a tool was created as an initiative by the Social Progress Imperative, Michael Porter and Scott Stern, that measures the social progress of a region from a holistic model composed of relevant topics for society such as the Social Progress Index (SPI). The model is applied worldwide, which can be used to measure social progress in different units of analysis. This research applies the model in the province of San Roman, Puno region. Its objective is to measure the provincial SPI 2019 in the three study areas. The applied methodology allowed determining 40 final indicators that make up the structure of the SPI. They were constructed through the district survey and with information from a secondary source. The general result of the SPI of San Roman 2019 reached 46.10 points located at the Very low level. Zone 1 of the Juliaca district reached the highest score with 46.24 points, followed by zone 2 of the San Miguel district with 44.61 and the predominantly rural zone of the Caracoto, Cabana and Cabanillas districts with 32.41 points. The results reflect that there is no satisfaction of basic human needs and the lack of elements to achieve greater well-being. In addition, they have limitations that do not allow them to reach their full potential and deprivation of their most important freedoms and rights as citizens. In this sense, the results serve as a tool to redirect social investment and identify priority needs such as water and sanitation services, personal safety, access to higher education, digital divide, among others. These problems must be addressed not only by the state sector but also by private institutions and the population in general

    Efecto de la inclusión en la dieta de hidrolizado proteico de pescado sobre el crecimiento corporal y composición proximal del músculo de doncella (Pseudoplatystoma punctifer)

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    The effect of including fish protein hydrolyzate in the diet on body growth and proximate composition of the muscle of juvenile spotted tiger shovelnose catfish (Pseudoplatystoma punctifer) was evaluated. A completely randomized experimental design with a 2x4 factorial arrangement (2 diets, 4 sampling times [days 15, 30, 45 and 60]) was used, resulting in 8 treatments with 3 replications each. The formulated diets were isocaloric (42.15% CP) and isoproteic (4 415.69 kcal EB kg-1): a control (DT; without supplementation) and another with the inclusion of 1.20% fish protein hydrolyzate (DHP) in substitution of fishmeal. A total of 114 juveniles (642.65 g; 47.93 cm) were distributed in excavated ponds of 200 m2 (19 fish/pond) for 60 days. Every 15 days, eight fish per experimental unit were captured to evaluate body growth (final weight FW, final length FL, weight gain WG, length gain LG, specific growth rate SGR, feed conversion FC, protein efficiency rate PER). survival S and condition factor CF). In addition, three fish per experimental unit on days 0 and 60 of the experiment were slaughtered for muscle chemical composition analysis. DHP did not affect FL, LG, PER, S, CF, or proximal muscle composition; however, the fish fed with the DHP diet presented better performance expressed in FW (1049.17 g vs. 919.56 g), WG (406.52 g vs. 276.91 g) and SGR (0.82 vs. 0.60) at 60 days of feeding, as well as better CF compared to the diet without supplementation.Se evaluó el efecto de la inclusión en la dieta de hidrolizado proteico de pescado sobre el crecimiento corporal y la composición química del músculo de juveniles de doncella.  El estudio siguió un diseño experimental completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial de 2 x 4 [2 dietas vs. 4 tiempos de muestreo (15°, 30°, 45° y 60° día)], resultando en 8 tratamiento con 3 repeticiones cada uno. Los tratamientos fueron: T1: DT15; T2: DHP15; T3: DT30;  T4: DHP30; T5: DT45; T6: DHP45; T7: DT60 y T8: DHP60. Las dietas formuladas fueron isocalóricas (42.15% PB) e isoproteicas (4,415.69 kcal EB kg-1): una testigo (DT; sin suplementación) y otra con inclusión de 1.20% de hidrolizado proteico de pescado (DHP) en substitución de la harina de pescado. Un total de 114 doncellas (642.65 g; 47.93 cm) fueron distribuidas en estanques excavados de 200 m2 (19 peces/estanque) y alimentadas con las dietas experimentales durante 60 días. Cada 15 días, ocho peces por unidad experimental fueron capturados para evaluar el crecimiento corporal de los animales (peso final PF, longitud final LF, ganancia de peso GP, ganancia de longitud GL, tasa de crecimiento específico TCE, conversión alimenticia CA, tasa de eficiencia proteica TEP, sobrevivencia S y factor de condición FC). Adicionalmente, al iniciar (día 0) y finalizar (día 60) el experimento tres peces por unidad experimental fueron sacrificados por punción cerebral para análisis de composición química del músculo. DHP no afectó la LT, GL, TEP, S, FC, ni la composición proximal del músculo de doncella; sin embargo, juveniles de esta especie alimentados con dieta suplementada presentaron mejor desempeño expresados en PF (1049.17 g vs. 919.56 g), GP (406.52 g vs. 276.91 g)y TCE (0.82 vs. 0.60) a los 60 días de alimentación, así como mejor CA en comparación con la dieta sin suplementación

    Bayesian estimation of genomic copy number with single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping arrays

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The identification of copy number aberration in the human genome is an important area in cancer research. We develop a model for determining genomic copy numbers using high-density single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping microarrays. The method is based on a Bayesian spatial normal mixture model with an unknown number of components corresponding to true copy numbers. A reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is used to implement the model and perform posterior inference.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The performance of the algorithm is examined on both simulated and real cancer data, and it is compared with the popular CNAG algorithm for copy number detection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We demonstrate that our Bayesian mixture model performs at least as well as the hidden Markov model based CNAG algorithm and in certain cases does better. One of the added advantages of our method is the flexibility of modeling normal cell contamination in tumor samples.</p

    Structure, Process, and Mortality Associated with Acute Coronary Syndrome Management in Guatemala’s National Healthcare System: The ACS-GT Registry

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    Background: Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) include ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and unstable angina (UA). The leading cause of mortality in Guatemala is acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and there is no established national policy nor current standard of care. Objective: Describe the factors that influence ACS outcome, evaluating the national healthcare system’s quality of care based on the Donabedian health model. Methods: The ACS-Gt study is an observational, multicentre, and prospective national registry. A total of 109 ACS adult patients admitted at six hospitals from Guatemala’s National Healthcare System were included. These represent six out of the country’s eight geographic regions. Data enrolment took place from February 2020 to January 2021. Data was assessed using chi-square test, Student’s t-test, or Mann-Whitney U test, whichever applied. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: One hundred and nine patients met inclusion criteria (80.7% STEMI, 19.3% NSTEMI/UA). The population was predominantly male, (68%) hypertensive (49.5%), and diabetic (45.9%). Fifty-nine percent of STEMI patients received fibrinolysis (alteplase 65.4%) and none for primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (pPCI). Reperfusion success rate was 65%, and none were taken to PCI afterwards in the recommended time period (2–24 hours). Prognostic delays in STEMI were significantly prolonged in comparison with European guidelines goals. Optimal in-hospital medical therapy was 8.3%, and in-hospital mortality was 20.4%. Conclusions: There is poor access to ACS pharmacological treatment, low reperfusion rate, and no primary, urgent, or rescue PCI available. No patient fulfilled the recommended time period between successful fibrinolysis and PCI. Resources are limited and inefficiently used