1,232 research outputs found

    Computation of laminar viscous-inviscid interactions in high-speed internal flows

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    A review is given of computations for a series of nominally 2-D laminar viscous-inviscid interactions. Comparisons were made with detailed experimental shock tunnel results. The shock wave boundary layer interactions considered were induced by a compression ramp in one case and by an externally generated incident shock in the second case. In general, good agreement was reached between the grid refined calculations and experiment for the incipient and small separation conditions. For the highly separated flow, 3-D calculations which included the finite span effects of the experiment were required in order to obtain agreement with the data

    Secondary frequencies in the wake of a circular cylinder with vortex shedding

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    A detailed numerical study of two-dimensional flow past a circular cylinder at moderately low Reynolds numbers was conducted using three different numerical algorithms for solving the time-dependent compressible Navier-Stokes equations. It was found that if the algorithm and associated boundary conditions were consistent and stable, then the major features of the unsteady wake were well-predicted. However, it was also found that even stable and consistent boundary conditions could introduce additional periodic phenomena reminiscent of the type seen in previous wind-tunnel experiments. However, these additional frequencies were eliminated by formulating the boundary conditions in terms of the characteristic variables. An analysis based on a simplified model provides an explanation for this behavior

    Quiescent X-Ray/Optical Counterparts of the Black Hole Transient H 1705-250

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    We report the result of a new Chandra observation of the black hole X-ray transient H 1705-250 in quiescence. H 1705-250 was barely detected in the new 50 ks Chandra observation. With 5 detected counts, we estimate the source quiescent luminosity to be Lx~9.1e30 erg/s in the 0.5-10 keV band (adopting a distance of 8.6 kpc). This value is in line with the quiescent luminosities found among other black hole X-ray binaries with similar orbital periods. By using images taken with the Faulkes Telescope North, we derive a refined position of H 1705-250. We also present the long-term lightcurve of the optical counterpart from 2006 to 2012, and show evidence for variability in quiescence.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Proteomic analyses reveal distinct chromatin-associated and soluble transcription factor complexes.

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    The current knowledge on how transcription factors (TFs), the ultimate targets and executors of cellular signalling pathways, are regulated by protein-protein interactions remains limited. Here, we performed proteomics analyses of soluble and chromatin-associated complexes of 56 TFs, including the targets of many signalling pathways involved in development and cancer, and 37 members of the Forkhead box (FOX) TF family. Using tandem affinity purification followed by mass spectrometry (TAP/MS), we performed 214 purifications and identified 2,156 high-confident protein-protein interactions. We found that most TFs form very distinct protein complexes on and off chromatin. Using this data set, we categorized the transcription-related or unrelated regulators for general or specific TFs. Our study offers a valuable resource of protein-protein interaction networks for a large number of TFs and underscores the general principle that TFs form distinct location-specific protein complexes that are associated with the different regulation and diverse functions of these TFs

    The hard quiescent spectrum of the neutron-star X-ray transient EXO 1745-248 in the globular cluster Terzan 5

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    We present a Chandra observation of the globular cluster Terzan 5 during times when the neutron-star X-ray transient EXO 1745-248 located in this cluster was in its quiescent state. We detected the quiescent system with a (0.5-10 keV) luminosity of ~2 x 10^{33} ergs/s. This is similar to several other neutron-star transients observed in their quiescent states. However, the quiescent X-ray spectrum of EXO 1745--48 was dominated by a hard power-law component instead of the soft component that usually dominates the quiescent emission of other neutron-star X-ray transients. This soft component could not conclusively be detected in EXO 1745-248 and we conclude that it contributed at most 10% of the quiescent flux in the energy range 0.5-10 keV. EXO 1745-248 is only the second neutron-star transient whose quiescent spectrum is dominated by the hard component (SAX J1808.4-3658 is the other one). We discuss possible explanations for this unusual behavior of EXO 1745-248, its relationship to other quiescent neutron-star systems, and the impact of our results on understanding quiescent X-ray binaries. We also discuss the implications of our results on the way the low-luminosity X-ray sources in globular clusters are classified.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Main Journal, September 22, 2004. Figure 2 is a color figur

    A comparative study of Navier-Stokes codes for high-speed flows

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    A comparative study was made with four different codes for solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations using three different test problems. The first of these cases was hypersonic flow through the P8 inlet, which represents inlet configurations typical of a hypersonic airbreathing vehicle. The free-stream Mach number in this case was 7.4. This 2-D inlet was designed to provide an internal compression ratio of 8. Initial calculations were made using two state-of-the-art finite-volume upwind codes, CFL3D and USA-PG2, as well as NASCRIN, a code which uses the unsplit finite-difference technique of MacCormack. All of these codes used the same algebraic eddy-viscosity turbulence model. In the experiment, the cowl lip was slightly blunted; however, for the computations, a sharp cowl leading edge was used to simplify the construction of the grid. The second test problem was the supersonic (Mach 3.0) flow in a three-dimensional corner formed by the intersection of two wedges with equal wedge angles of 9.48 degrees. The flow in such a corner is representative of the flow in the corners of a scramjet inlet. Calculations were made for both laminar and turbulent flow and compared with experimental data. The three-dimensional versions of the three codes used for the inlet study (CFL3D, USA-PG3, and SCRAMIN, respectively) were used for this case. For the laminar corner flow, a fourth code, LAURA, which also uses recently-developed upwind technology, was also utilized. The final test case is the two-dimensional hypersonic flow over a compression ramp. The flow is laminar with a free-stream Mach number of 14.1. In the experiment, the ramp angle was varied to change the strength of the ramp shock and the extent of the viscous-inviscid interaction. Calculations were made for the 24-degree ramp configuration which produces a large separated-flow region that extends upstream of the corner

    The long-term evolution of the spin, pulse shape, and orbit of the accretion-powered millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658

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    We present a 7 yr timing study of the 2.5 ms X-ray pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658, an X-ray transient with a recurrence time of ~2 yr, using data from the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer covering 4 transient outbursts (1998-2005). We verify that the 401 Hz pulsation traces the spin frequency fundamental and not a harmonic. Substantial pulse shape variability, both stochastic and systematic, was observed during each outburst. Analysis of the systematic pulse shape changes suggests that, as an outburst dims, the X-ray "hot spot" on the pulsar surface drifts longitudinally and a second hot spot may appear. The overall pulse shape variability limits the ability to measure spin frequency evolution within a given X-ray outburst (and calls previous nudot measurements of this source into question), with typical upper limits of |nudot| < 2.5x10^{-14} Hz/s (2 sigma). However, combining data from all the outbursts shows with high (6 sigma) significance that the pulsar is undergoing long-term spin down at a rate nudot = (-5.6+/-2.0)x10^{-16} Hz/s, with most of the spin evolution occurring during X-ray quiescence. We discuss the possible contributions of magnetic propeller torques, magnetic dipole radiation, and gravitational radiation to the measured spin down, setting an upper limit of B < 1.5x10^8 G for the pulsar's surface dipole magnetic field and and Q/I < 5x10^{-9} for the fractional mass quadrupole moment. We also measured an orbital period derivative of Pdot = (3.5+/-0.2)x10^{-12} s/s. This surprising large Pdot is reminiscent of the large and quasi-cyclic orbital period variation observed in the so-called "black widow" millisecond radio pulsars, supporting speculation that SAX J1808.4-3658 may turn on as a radio pulsar during quiescence. In an appendix we derive an improved (0.15 arcsec) source position from optical data.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    X-ray variability during the quiescent state of the neutron-star X-ray transient in the globular cluster NGC 6440

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    The globular cluster NGC 6440 is known to harbor a bright neutron-star X-ray transient. We observed the globular cluster with Chandra on two occasions when the bright transient was in its quiescent state in July 2000 and June 2003 (both observations were made nearly 2 years after the end of their preceding outbursts). The quiescent spectrum during the first observation is well represented by a two component model (a neutron-star atmosphere model plus a power-law component which dominates at energies above 2 keV). During the second observation (which was roughly of equal duration to the first observation) we found that the power-law component could no longer be detected. Our spectral fits indicate that the effective temperature of the neutron-star surface was consistent between the two observations. We conclude that the effect of the change in power-law component caused the 0.5-10 keV flux to be a factor of ~2 lower during the second observation compared to the first observation. We discuss plausible explanations for the variations, including variable residual accretion onto the neutron star magnetosphere or some variation in the interaction of the pulsar wind with the matter still outflowing from the companion star.Comment: 18 pages, 3 color figs, 1 b&w figures, 3 tables; discussion expanded; accepted for publication in Ap
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