54 research outputs found

    A single cation or anion dendrimer-based liquid electrolyte

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    We propose here a novel liquid dendrimer-based single ion conductor as a potential alternative to conventional molecular liquid solvent-salt solutions in rechargeable batteries, sensors and actuators. A specific change from ester (-COOR) to cyano (-CN) terminated peripheral groups in generation-one poly(propyl ether imine) (G1-PETIM)-lithium salt complexes results in a remarkable switchover from a high cation (tLi+ = 0.9 for -COOR) to a high anion (tPF6- = 0.8 for -CN) transference number. This observed switchover draws an interesting analogy with the concept of heterogeneous doping, applied successfully to account for similar changes in ionic conductivity arising out of dispersion of insulator particle inclusions in weak inorganic solid electrolytes. The change in peripheral group simultaneously affects the effective ionic conductivity, with the room temperature ionic conductivity of PETIM-CN (1.9 × 10-5 Ω-1 cm-1) being an order of magnitude higher than PETIM-COOR (1.9 × 10-6 Ω-1 cm-1). Notably, no significant changes are observed in the lithium mobility even following changes in viscosity due to the change in the peripheral group. Changes in the peripheral chemical functionality directly influence the anion mobility, being lower in PETIM-COOR than in PETIM-CN, which ultimately becomes the sole parameter controlling the effective transport and electrochemical properties of the dendrimer electrolytes

    Reduction of Power Losses in the Distribution System by Controlling Tap Changing Transformer using the PSO Algorithm

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    Energy is an essential commodity for everyone, with electrical energy being the most preferred form. Unfortunately, non-renewable energy resources are gradually depleting, and renewable energy sources take several years to establish. To mitigate this problem, technology has shifted from non-renewable energy sources to electrical devices and machines, including household appliances like washing machines and air conditioners. However, the generation of electricity is still inadequate to meet the growing demand. This leads to two critical issues: Excessive power loss and inadequate voltage stability, making it difficult for power distribution companies to ensure a consistent and reliable power supply. The objective of this study is to tackle the issue of reduction and minimization of power dissipation By employing the PSO technique, adjusting the transformer tap settings. The proposed approach uses the 14-bus system as a reference and calculates losses for this system using the backward-forward sweeping technique

    Acute Philadelphia Chromosome Positive Biphenotypic Leukemia Presenting with Bilateral Orbital Chloroma: A Rare Case Report

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    Introduction: Chloromas are characteristically formed by the extramedullary soft tissue infiltration by the immature myeloid malignant cells. Such extramedullary masses are most commonly seen in acute myeloid leukemia usually in the M2, M4, M5 subtypes of the AML FAB classification. However, it has been reported to rarely present only in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.Presentation of the case: We encountered an unusual case of a young male, who presented with proptosis of both eyes followed by fever and fatigue. On evaluation, he was diagnosed to have bilateral orbital chloroma which was due to infiltration by leukemic cells of acute leukemia. Flowcytometry revealed features confirming an acute biphenotypic leukemia. Subsequently, cytogenetic evaluation revealed the leukemic cells to be Philadelphia chromosome positive.Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first case of bilateral orbital choloroma due to Philadelphia positive biphenotypic acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    Clinicopathological Profile of Pure Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Esophagus: A South Indian Center Experience

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    Purpose. Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) of the esophagus are very uncommon with only a few studies published worldwide. Studies on clinical profile, management, and outcomes are very uncommon. Methods. We report the largest single institution retrospective review of 43 patients of pure esophageal NENs out of our registry of gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors treated between 2005 and 2014. Data on the incidence, tumor location, clinical symptoms, stage at presentation, grading, treatment protocol, and treatment outcomes was collected and analyzed. Results. Among 1293 cases of esophageal cancers, pure esophageal NENs were diagnosed in 43 cases. The mean patient age was 55.8 years. The male : female ratio was 1.5 : 1. 81.4% of the tumors were located in the lower third of the esophagus and gastroesophageal junction. Neuroendocrine carcinomas (NEC; G3) accounted for the vast majority of NENs (83.7%). 53.5% patients were Stage IV and 32.5% were Stage III at presentation. The combined median survival of stages II and III patients was 18.25 months, with treatment. The median survival of treated patients with metastatic disease was 6.5 months. Conclusion. Esophageal NENs most commonly were neuroendocrine carcinomas, presented in metastatic stage and were associated with poor prognosis. Grade 2 (G2) tumors had better outcomes than NEC (G3). In nonmetastatic disease, presence of lymph node metastasis and unresectable disease had poorer outcomes

    Estimation of heterosis for yield related traits and grain Zinc in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    The experiment consists of thirty hybrids generated in a Line x Tester mating design by crossing six lines with five male parents and studied along with two checks (BPT5204 and DRR dhan-45) for 16 characters contributing to yield and grain Zn content in rice. Analysis of variance exhibited significant differences among the genotypes for all the traits under investigation indicating the presence of sufficient variability in material and can be exploited. Among all the crosses, the hybrid, HUR-3022 x Dudhkander exhibited the highest significant positive heterobeltiosis for the number of effective tillers (91.94%), the number of grains per panicle (16.44%), 1000 grain weight (26.28%), grain yield per plant (214.03%) and biomass (225.12 %). HUR-3022 x Sathi exhibited the highest positive better parent heterosis for grain Zn content (38.37%). Standard heterosis over checks BPT-5204 and DRR dhan-45 of 214.03 and 40.07 per cent respectively, were exhibited by the cross, HUR-3022 x Dudhkander for yield plant per plant HUR-3022 x Sathi exhibited the highest positive economic heterosis of 69.42 and 60.26 per cent over BPT-5204 and DRR dhan-45 for grain Zn, respectively. Hence, these two hybrids viz., HUR-3022 x Dudhkander and HUR-3022 x Sathi can be exploited in breeding hybrids for high yield and high grain Zinc with further evaluation in multiple locations

    Exploring variability and genetic diversity among rice genotypes in Eastern Uttar Pradesh

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    The genetic improvement of any crop mainly depends on the amount of genetic variability present in the population. To explore this variability, an effort was made to classify, understand the nature and magnitude of genetic variability and diversity among 112 rice genotypes for 16 quantitative traits using Mahalanobis D2 statistics. Analysis of variance revealed a wide and significant variation for all the 16 traits studied. A slight difference between PCV and GCV was found, suggesting that genetic control of traits is higher than environmental influence. Characters such as harvest index, days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, and plant height showed high heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent of mean suggesting that selection for the improvement of these traits may be rewarding. Cluster analysis indicated that the 112 rice genotypes were grouped into 7 clusters, wherein cluster I had the highest number of genotypes (73) followed by cluster III with 22 genotypes. The maximum inter-cluster distance was recorded between clusters V and VII with a D2 value of 58981.07, followed by clusters II and V (51875.13). The number of spikelets per panicle (52.17%) and the number of grains per panicle (27.26%) were found to be the most contributing traits towards total genetic diversity. Hence, information on the nature and degree of divergence would help the plant breeder in the selection and hybridization procedure for choosing the right type of parents to improve yield and other traits

    Head and Neck Lymphomas: Tip of the Iceberg?

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    ABSTRACT Background: Lymphomas comprise around 5% of all head and neck neoplasms and is the second most common extra nodal non hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). However there is sporadic data on this entity from the subcontinent and hence we undertook this study. Methodology: This retrospective observational study was conducted at a tertiary care oncology center in India on diagnosed cases of NHL between January 2007 and December 2013. All patients were diagnosed based on histopathology and immunohistochemistry. Staging work up was done in all patients. Patients were considered as primary Head and Neck lymphomas if there was head and neck as the predominant site with or without regional lymph node involvement. Results: A total of 39 patients were studied. The age at presentation ranged from 29 to 78 years. The most common site of presentation was oral cavity (26%; n=10), followed by parotid and thyroid (18% each; n=7), eye (12%, n=5), maxilla (8%; n=3), paranasal sinuses (8%; n-=3) cheek (8%, n=3), and nasal cavity (2%, n=1). 41% (n=16) cases were in stage I, 43% (n=17) in stage II, 3% (n=1) in stage III, and 13% (n=5) were in stage IV. Most common histology was DLBCL (71%; n=28), followed by plasmablastic (10%; n=4), marginal zone (8%, n=3), mantle cell (3%; n=1), follicular lymphomas (5%; n=2), and NK/T cell lymphoma (3%; n=1). Most of the patients were of low risk (67%; n=26), followed by intermediate (23%; n=9), and high risk (10%; n=4). Patients were treated with anthracycline based chemotherapy +/-radiotherapy. In this study, stage I and stage II patients had a better prognosis and overall survival, median OS 28 months and 11 months, respectively. In stage III and IV, it was 7 and 3 months, respectively. According to site, the best median overall survival was seen with parotid (27 m), paranasal sinus (26m), and oral cavity (23 m), followed by thyroid (18 m) nasal cavity (17 m), maxilla (11 m), eye (8 m), and cheek (7 m)

    Distributed Generation in Power System- An Overview

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    Nowadays, the technological evolution, environmental policies, and also the expansion of the finance and electrical markets, are promoting new conditions in the sector of the electricity generation. Distributed Generation is gaining worldwide acceptance due to its a number of benefits. Distributed Generation eliminates the cost and complexity and reduces the chances of inefficiency which occur in the transmission and distributed network.New advancements permit the power to be produced in little measured plants. Also, the expanding utilization of renewable sources keeping in mind the end goal to decrease the natural effect of force era prompts the improvement and use of new electrical vitality supply plans.Subsequently a portion of the vitality interest is supplied by the incorporated era and another part is delivered by dispersed era.Conveyed era is a methodology that utilizes little scale advances to create power near the end clients of force. The power will be created nearer to the clients.