570 research outputs found

    Hot tub lung: an intriguing diffuse parenchymal lung disease

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    In pulmonary medicine, identical pathogenesis due to varied etiological agents can present with indistinguishable clinical presentation, and produce similar laboratory and radiological changes. The importance of eliciting detailed occupational and social history from patients cannot be stressed enough when dealing with patients suffering from diffuse parenchymal lung diseases. Hot Tub Lung(HTL) is a perplexing pulmonary disease attributed to the Mycobacterium Avium-intracellulare Complex (MAC). MAC is a ubiquitous atypical mycobacterium present in moist environment, and is not considered pathogenic, without the predisposing conditions like immunosuppression. However, HTL is a unique disease seen inhealthy individuals following the exposure to contaminated hot water in spas. The less virulent MAC will, in healthy individual will elicit mild granulomatous inflammation particularly around the peribronchiolar region, which leads to the development of diffuse parenchymal lung. We report a case of HTL to increase the awareness of this rare andenigmatic disease among medical professionals, and to reiterate the importance of eliciting social and occupational details in clinical practice.Keywords: Hot Tube Lung, Atypical Mycobacterium, Mycobacterium Avium-intracellulare Complex (MAC), Hypersensitivity Pneumoniti

    Cyber-Coolies and Techno-Braceros: Race and Commodification of Indian Information Technology Guest Workers in the United States

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    This Essay examines how guest worker programs in the United States have pushed non-white workers into commodity status, further disempowering them, while simultaneously benefiting capital

    Nesprin-2 Giant at the nuclear envelope with roles in cell differentiation, proliferation and chromatin association

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    Nesprin-2 is one of the Giant proteins in mammalian cells. It localizes at the ONM through the interaction with SUN domain proteins and performs diverse functions within the cells including maintenance of nuclear morphology, bridging between nucleoplasm and cytoplasm, cell migration and polarity, and regulation of extracellular signalling. There is evidence for roles in clinical disorders as well. Using a Nesprin-2 Giant knockout mouse model we showed here that the protein participates in vivo in cell migration and tissue repair during wound healing. In the wound healing situation, Nesprin-2 Giant regulates cell proliferation and differentiation as Nesprin-2 KO wounds caused the reduction in keratinocyte proliferation. Nesprin-2 KO mice also showed higher influx of inflammatory cells, mainly macrophages, indicating the protein’s importance in the controlled expression of inflammatory cells. In Nesprin-2 KO mice reduced expression of cell proliferation related transcription factors c-Fos, PPA

    Management of Class II div I malocclusion-A case report

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    Aim & Objectives of the present case report was to evaluate the management of Class II div I malocclusion in adolescent patient with extraction of premolars. Clinical & cephalometric evaluation revealed Class II div I dental pattern on Class I Skeletal relation with sever maxillary incisor proclination, convex profile, average mandibular plane angle, Protruded lower lips, incompetent lips, increased overjet & overbite, over retained upper right deciduous 2nd molar. The case was successfully managed initially by expansion of upper arch simultaneously while facilitating eruption of unerrupted right maxillary 2nd premolar by extraction of over retained upper right deciduos 2nd molar. Later extraction of all first Premolars & fixed appliance therapy using MBT mechanics Keywords: Class II div I malocclusion, Premolar extraction

    A prospective study of maternal and fetal outcome in repeat LSCS mother

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    Background: Cesarean section is one of the most commonly performed abdominal operations on women in most countries. The incidence of primary LSCS is increasing all over the world, Consequently, there is a rise in multiple repeat LSCS with associated complications. Previous LSCS is a common indication for repeat LSCS. Primarily, authors aim at studying the influence of repeat LSCS on maternal and fetal outcome in a tertiary centre.Methods: All mothers with one previous LSCS admitted for emergency/elective LSCS at term gestation with singleton pregnancy in A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences and Research centre, Mangalore were recruited in the study from July to December 2018. Detailed history with antenatal risk factors were noted. Intraoperative and postoperative events were noted. Neonatal outcome was also noted correlated.Results: Majority of patients (58%) were in age group of 20-24years. Most of them were between 38 to 39 weeks of gestation. Most common intraoperative complication was bladder adhesion (18% of cases). In postoperative period febrile morbidity (7%) was common followed by urinary tract infection (2%). Most of the neonates (80%) weighed 2.5 to 3kg at birth. The incidence of poor APGAR respiratory distress, NICU admission was not significantly increased. There were 5 morbidly adherent placenta, 1 scar rupture, 4 scar dehiscence, no maternal or perinatal death.Conclusions: Previous caesarean is the most common cause of repeat caesarean and is associated with maternal morbidity. Measures should be taken to reduce primary caesarean sections which indirectly reduces the incidence of repeat cesarean sections


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    Objective: To assess the effectiveness of micrometric evaluation in the standardization process of raw drugs. In this work, emphasis has been mainly put on micrometric evaluation of different parts of M. malabathricum L. flower.Methods: Transverse section of various parts of the flower was taken and dry flower was also made into powder, then micrometric measurement of individual characters or a group of tissues was evaluated.Results: Experimental study revealed that the transverse section of the filament is circular in shape. Measurement of the outermost layer or the epidermis of the filament is 0.49–0.64 mm in diameter. Transverse section of the style is circular in shape and consists of 3 concentric spherical rings and measurement of an outer ring is 0.65 mm in diameter.Conclusion: With the data generated in this research work it can be concluded that micrometric evaluation of the subjected drugs is an effective tool for the standardisation process with special reference to specific parts (in this case, flower) of raw drugs.Â

    Moral frameworks of commercial surrogacy within the US, India, and Russia

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    In this paper, we draw on three ethnographic studies of surrogacy we carried out separately in different contexts: the western US state of California, the south Indian state of Karnataka, and the western Russian metropolis of St Petersburg. In our interviews with surrogate mothers, intended parents, and surrogacy professionals, we traced the meanings and ideologies through which they understood the clinical labour of surrogacy. We found that in the US, interviewed surrogates, intended parents and professionals understood surrogacy as an exchange of both gifts and commodities, where gift-giving, reciprocity, and relatedness between surrogates and intended parents were the major tropes. In India, differing narratives ofsurrogacy were offered by its different parties: whilst professionals and intended parents framed it as a winwin exchange with an emphasis on the economic side of it, the interviewed surrogate mothers talked about surrogacy as creative labour of giving life. In Russia, approaches to surrogacy among the interviewed surrogate mothers, professionals and intended parents overlapped in framing it as work and a businesslike commodity exchange. We suggest these three different ways of ethical reasoning about the clinical labour of surrogacy, including justifications of women’s incorporation into this labour, were situated in local moral frameworks. We name them repro-regional moral frameworks, inspired by earlier work on moral frameworks as well as on reproductive nationalisms and transnational reproduction. Building on these findings, we argue that any international or global regulation of surrogacy, or indeed any moral stance on it, needs to take these local differences into account.Funding was provided by the British Wellcome Trust (Grant no. 100606, and Grant no. 209829/Z/17/Z); the Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship – Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IOF, Grant Agreement no. 629341, ‘SurrogARTs’), as well as and Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness / Feder / EU (grant no. CSO2015- 64551-C3-1-R). Funding was also provided by the De Montfort University, UK, via the PhD Studentship program 2013-17


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    Stalking is a term commonly used to refer to unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them. According to a 2002 report by the National Center for Victims of Crime “Virtually any unwanted contact between two people [that intends] to directly or indirectly communicates a threat or places the victim in fear can be considered stalking" although in practice the legal standard is usually somewhat stricter.The effects of stalkers on their victims are immense and can result in significant psychiatric morbidity. Only recently, however, has the behaviour become the subject of scientific study, and research remains in its infancy

    A case report of eosinophilic granuloma in axis (C2) vertebra causing spinal cord compression

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    Eosinophilic granuloma (EG), a benign osseous variant of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, is rarely observed in cervical spineand being in axis (C2) is even more infrequent. We present here an unusual case of EG of the axis vertebra with neurologicalimpairment due to cervical cord compression, where the patient underwent decompression, C1–C2 spinal stabilization and steroidtherapy. Cervical vertebrae involvement of EG with cord compression and neurological deficit is very unlikely, and this case reportcontributes to the clinical experience of this rare but highly prodigious disease. The benefit of surgical treatment with total removalof the tumor and spinal stabilization to prevent irreversible neurological deficit is emphasized

    Medicinal Plants Used by Herbal Healers in Narasipura and Manchale Villages of Sagara Taluk, Karnataka, India

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    The present study was designed to study the Medicinal plants used by herbalhealers in Narasipura and Manchale villages of Sagara Taluk, Karnataka, India. The people, particularly from rural places, depend on herbs for primaryhealth care where ethnomedicinal use of plants has been practiced since timeimmemorial. Sagara taluk is located in the midst of the Western Ghats regionof Shivamogga District, Karnataka State, India. Ethnobotanical field surveyswere conducted from January to March 2012 to document the uses of medicinal plants by herbal healers in villages Narasipura and Manchale ofSagarataluk, Karnataka state, India. A total of 21 plants in Narasipura and 14plants in Manchale were documented. The information about local name,partsused, type of formulation and disorders for which they were used aredocumented
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