68 research outputs found

    Deep lithospheric dynamics beneath the Sierra Nevada during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic as inferred from xenolith petrology

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    Peridotite xenoliths erupted in late Miocene basalts (~8 Ma) in the central Sierra Nevada sample a lithosphere that is vertically stratified in terms of age and thermal history. The deeper portions (~45-100 km) have asthenospheric osmium isotopic compositons and possess textural and chemical evidence for cooling from >1100° to 700-820°C. The shallower portions (<60 km) have unradiogenic Os isotopic compositions, which yield Proterozoic model ages, and contain orthopyroxenes that record temperatures as low as 670°C in their cores and heating up to 900°C on their rims. These observations suggest that the deeper xenoliths represent fragments of hot asthenosphere that upwelled to intrude and/or underplate the overlying Proterozoic lithosphere represented by the shallower xenoliths. The contrasting thermal histories between the shallow and deep xenoliths suggest that hot asthenosphere and cold lithosphere were suddenly juxtaposed, a feature consistent with the aftermath of rapid lithospheric removal or sudden intrusion of asthenospheric mantle into the lithosphere rather than passive extension. On the basis of regional tectonics and various time constraints, it is possible that this lithospheric removal event was associated with the generation of the Sierra Nevada granitic batholith during Mesozoic subduction of the Farallon plate beneath North America. Pleistocene basalt-hosted xenoliths record a different chapter in the geodynamic history of the Sierras. These xenoliths are relatively fertile, come from depths shallower than 45-60 km, are characterized by asthenospheric Os isotopic compositions, record hot equilibration temperatures (1000°-1100°C), and show no evidence for cooling. The strong contrast in composition and thermal history between the Pleistocene and late Miocene suites indicate that the post-Mesozoic lithospheric mantle, as represented by the latter, was entirely replaced by the former. The hot Pleistocene peridotites may thus represent new lithospheric additions associated with a post-Miocene lithospheric removal event or extension. High elevations, low sub-Moho seismic velocities, and the presence of fast velocity anomalies at 200 km depth may be manifestations of this event. If lithospheric removal occurred in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, the observations presented here place constraints on the styles of lithospheric removal. In the Mesozoic, the lithospheric mantle was only partially removed, whereas in the Pliocene, the entire lithospheric mantle and probably the mafic lower crust were removed

    Regional study of the Archean to Proterozoic crust at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO+), Ontario: Predicting the geoneutrino flux

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    The SNO+ detector, a new kiloton scale liquid scintillator detector capable of recording geoneutrino events, will define the strength of the Earth radiogenic heat. A detailed 3-D model of the regional crust, centered at SNO+ and based on compiled geological, geophysical and geochemical information, was used to characterize the physical and chemical attributes of crust and assign uncertainties to its structure. Monte Carlo simulations were used to predict the U and Th abundances and uncertainties in crustal lithologies and to model the regional crustal geoneutrino signal originating from the at SNO+

    Insights into Li and Li isotope cycling and sub-arc metasomatism from veined mantle xenoliths, Kamchatka

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    Harzburgitic xenoliths cut by pyroxenite veins from Avachinsky volcano, Kamchatka, are derived from the sub-arc mantle and record element transfer from the slab to the arc. Olivine and orthopyroxene in the harzburgites have Li isotopic compositions (δ7Li = +2.8 to +5.6) comparable to estimates of the upper mantle (δ7Li ~ +4 ± 2). The pyroxenite veins, which represent modal metasomatism and may therefore provide information about the metasomatic agent, have mantle-normalized trace element characteristics that suggest overprinting of their mantle source by an aqueous, slab-derived fluid. These include relative enrichments of Pb over Ce, U over Th and Sr over Nd. Li is enriched relative to the HREE, and ortho- and clinopyroxene from the veins are in Li elemental and isotopic equilibrium with each other and the surrounding harzburgite. Vein samples (δ7Li = +3.0 to +5.0) do not record a significant slab-derived δ7Li signature. These observations can be reconciled if slab Li diffusively re-equilibrates in the mantle wedge. Modeling demonstrates that Li equilibration of small (1–2 cm width) veins or melt conduits is achieved at mantle wedge temperatures within 101–105 years. We conclude that strongly fractionated Li isotopic signatures cannot be sustained for long periods in the sub-arc mantle, at least at shallow (<70 km) depths

    Preservation of ancient and fertile lithospheric mantle beneath the southwestern United States

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    Stable continental regions, free from tectonic activity, are generally found only within ancient cratons—the centres of continents which formed in the Archaean era, 4.0–2.5 Gyr ago. But in the Cordilleran mountain belt of western North America some younger (middle Proterozoic) regions have remained stable, whereas some older (late Archaean) regions have been tectonically disturbed, suggesting that age alone does not determine lithospheric strength and crustal stability. Here we report rhenium–osmium isotope and mineral compositions of peridotite xenoliths from two regions of the Cordilleran mountain belt. We found that the younger, undeformed Colorado plateau is underlain by lithospheric mantle that is 'depleted' (deficient in minerals extracted by partial melting of the rock), whereas the older (Archaean), yet deformed, southern Basin and Range province is underlain by 'fertile' lithospheric mantle (not depleted by melt extraction). We suggest that the apparent relationship between composition and lithospheric strength, inferred from different degrees of crustal deformation, occurs because depleted mantle is intrinsically less dense than fertile mantle (due to iron having been lost when melt was extracted from the rock). This allows the depleted mantle to form a thicker thermal boundary layer between the deep convecting mantle and the crust, thus reducing tectonic activity at the surface. The inference that not all Archaean crust developed a strong and thick thermal boundary layer leads to the possibility that such ancient crust may have been overlooked because of its intensive reworking or lost from the geological record owing to preferential recycling

    EPSL Trace elements in diamond inclusions from eclogites reveal link to Archean granites

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    Abstract We report trace element data for rare garnet and clinopyroxene inclusions trapped within diamonds occurring in eclogite xenoliths from the Siberian craton. These inclusions are more depleted in incompatible trace elements and have lower Mg# than the eclogite host minerals, reflecting metasomatic enrichment of the eclogites after diamond formation by high Mg# melts that are enriched in incompatible trace elements (such as kimberlites). A reconstructed whole rock composition (using inclusion data) is severely depleted in light rare earth elements and niobium but shows a marked strontium enrichment. The melt in equilibrium with this eclogite is calculated to have had very high La/Yb and Sr/Nd and is Nb depleted (if futile is present), characteristics similar to those of some convergent margin magmas but most especially Archean tonalitic rocks. Experimental petrologic studies demonstrate that eclogites of the type described here are in equilibrium with silicic melts such as tonalites or trondhjemites. Thus, both our trace element data and petrological considerations are consistent with the eclogites forming in equilibrium with Archean tonalitic or trondhjemitic magmas. Our data may therefore comprise the first evidence for the fate of these voluminous residues. A corollary of our findings is that trace element and isotopic data from eclogite minerals must be interpreted with caution because of the eclogite&apos;s complex evolutionary history. Specifically, models of early Earth differentiation based on isotopic data from Siberian cclogites [1,2] require re-evaluation

    Titanium isotope evidence for the high topography of Nuna and Gondwana - Implications for Earth’s redox and biological evolution

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    Titanium isotopes recorded in glacial diamictites with depositional ages between 2.9 and 0.3 Ga show that the upper continental crust became significantly more felsic relative to the present-day crust during the amalgamation of the Paleoproterozoic Nuna and the Neoproterozoic Gondwana supercontinents. This can be attributed to the continental collisions involved in the assembly of Nuna and Gondwana. The resulting high topographic relief of Nuna and Gondwana orogens must have resulted in an enhanced erosional supply from the continents to oceans. The step changes in the development of organismal complexity from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, and eventually metazoans, appear to be temporally correlated to instances where collisional mountain-building sustained an elevated nutrient supply from the continents to oceans. The nutrient surge associated with the rise of the Gondwana mountains likely provided the necessary impetus for the Neoproterozoic ecological expansion of eukaryotes and the eventual radiation of metazoans. A similar link between the enhanced nutrient supply from Nuna mountains and the radiation of early eukaryotes is plausible, although its mechanistic underpinnings remain unclear. The termination of Nuna orogeny and its transition to Rodinia without significant breakup and subsequent collisional orogenesis corresponds to the long lull in Earth's redox and biological evolution in its middle age