9 research outputs found

    Corporate Social Responsibility: Community Empowerment as a Part of Conservation and Management Program in Sangiran World Heritage Site

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    This article writes about how to give solution to corporate for applying community development program especially in program area, competency impact from the program for the company and also help the government to solve cost problem for maintaining the historical site for keeping archaeological site as national identity and world heritage of human history. This article, also writes about method and way out or solution to increase people prosperity through the changing of people cultural value that have already absorbed in their behavior by using community need. This is a result of the research in Sangiran the archaeological site where is founded some bones of ancient artifacts such as Pithecanthropus erectus, Homo erectus, the Java man. It used social mapping and ethnographic approach for collecting data through the community

    The Internal Audit Unit Role as One of Good Corporate Governance Application Function at PT Timah (Persero) Tbk

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    Internal audit unit is a profession that helps improve good corporate governance. At this time the good corporate governance evolved into a key component for improving good corporate governance. Good corporate governance is not a concept but a thorough misunderstanding. This study aimed to determine the role of internal audit unit as one of the functions of the application of good corporate governance. Object of this study is the role of the internal audit unit as a function of the implementation of good corporate governance (GCG). This research has been conducted in PT Timah (Persero) Tbk, a company engaged in the mining of tin, the company in Jalan Sudirman No 51 Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. Methods of research conducted by the author are: field research is the collection of primary data by direct observation, and library research that secondary data collection by finding and studying materials from the literature or library / archive

    Market Expansion to Myanmar: Entry Strategy Formulation for PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia

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    Globalization in the telecommunications industry has been growing rapidly and drastically overcome geographical barriers between the domestic and International markets. Telecommunications company needs to survive and achieve growth encourages them to compete not only in the domestic market but also in overseas markets. To enter foreign markets, companies must choose the most suitable strategy which influenced by the condition of the company, the company's home country conditions, the following conditions of the destination country industry. PT.Telkom Indonesia itself has begun to enter foreign markets since 2006. In recent years, along with the shift towards openness in Myanmar in the political and economic systems, PT.Telkom Indonesia is planning to expand the market to Myanmar. This final project will focus on assessing Myanmar country and telecommunication industry attractiveness, suitability of Myanmar to the objective of PT.Telkom and formulate appropriate entry mode to enter Myanmar for PT.Telkom target market expansion. The assessment process will use several theoretical framework, Porter Diamond framework to analyze advantage of doing business in Myanmar, Porter's Five Forces framework to analyze the competitiveness of the telecommunications industry and Franklin.R.Root models to formulate an appropriate entry mode. This theoretical framework will guide the collection and analysis of empirical data. The method of research using qualitative methods. Primary data collect using the instrument via an email interview with management of PT. Telkom. Secondary data using material from group discussion forum with Indonesian Ambassador to Myanmar, published articles in the internet, company annual reports, government report, books, and other related research. Based on the results of the qualitative analysis, authors concluded that Myanmar as a country and the telecommunications industry is favourable and attractive market. Appropriate mode to entering the market for PT. Telkom Indonesia is a sequential approach the first step is to open a branch office as “listening port” and then move towards capital investments either on its own or jointly with local companies (regulation consideration). To penetrate Myanmar market, author recommends PT.Telkom to offer cellular product with broadband capability in a selected area. As a controlling mechanism, PT.Telkom shall combine parenting system as a combination of planning control and financial contro

    Proposed Approach to Develop Corporate Social Responsibility Activities at KSO Pertamina Depot Cikampek

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    Corporate race to do Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) not only as marketing tools but also because Indonesian government has regulate it. In return, of corporate CSR, social legitimacy is established. CSR also can create corporate imaging in society; it will be good for company reputation in business world and can attract investors or other company who is willing to have partnerships. Pertamina Depot Cikampek is Pertamina depots manage by Pertamina Patra Niaga using Joint Operation (KSO) systems as a partner. Depot management has done some CSR programs, however community judges Depot management doing unsatisfying CSR program. Relation between Depot management with community and local administration are not go well. Research is done by doing observation, interviews and secondary data gathered from local administrations. From gathered data, it was found that communication between communities with the Depot is not running properly due to lack of a system to perform engagement. In addition, Depot management did not have planning for long term and sustain CSR program. Implementation begins from doing stakeholders analysis and mapping by doing stakeholders engagement. At the same time, CSR division should be establish and recruit its officers. After management can figure out community needs, they can start planning and preparation for CSR program. Lastly, implementation of program can be conducted

    Sekolah Pintar Berbasis Teknologi Informasi pada Madrasah Aliyah Muslimin Indonesia Center Samarinda

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    Sekolah pintar merupakan inovasi institusi pendidikan untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran berbasis teknologi Informasi dalam upaya menghadapi tantangan era digital. Kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi pada Madrasah Aliyah Muslimin Indonesia Center(MIC) Samarinda bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan dan pemahaman kepada siswa tentang pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk menghadapi transformasi perkembangan proses pembelajaran saat ini. Memberikan pemahaman kepada guru dalam menggunakan berbagai platform seperti penggunaan media komputer, perangkat mobile, perangkat lunak, dan aplikasi pendukung kegiatan pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi. Siswa dan guru dapat menambah keterampilan teknis seperti penggunaan internet sehat, pengolahan data, etika penggunaan teknologi, keamanan informasi dan media pendukung pembelajaran lainnya. Beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh guru maupun siswa adalah kurangnya pemahaman dalam menggunakan media dan platform yang mendukung proses pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi pada Madrasah Aliyah Muslimin Islamic Center(MIC) Samarinda. Dalam menghadapi permasalahan tersebut kami akan melakukan kegiatan workshop dalam bentuk pelatihan kepada guru dan siswa dalam upaya mengintegrasikan pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dengan kurikulum sekolah, serta pendekatan yang  seimbang antara penggunaan teknologi informasi dan metode pembelajaran secara tradisional