32 research outputs found

    Peran Penyuluhan dalam Pemberdayaan Petani Kelapa Sawit Pola Swadaya di Kecamatan Pangkalan Kuras Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    The purpose of this research are: (1) To identify the role of extension on independent small holder farmers of oil palm; (2) To know empowerment level of the farmers; (3) To analyze the aims of extension; (4) To analyze influence the role's of extension toward empowerment and influence empowerment toward the aims of extension. This research was conducted at Betung Village and Batang Kulim Village in Pangkalan Kuras Sub District Pelalawan District. Research's respondent was determined by purposive sampling methods with number of respondent were 120. The consideration to choose the location is the location that has active extension activities and has farmer group. Validity, reliability, outliers, normality and multicolinearity analysis has been done on the measuring instruments. To answer the first, second, and third purpose of this research using likert's scale summated rating (SLR). To answer the fourth research purpose was using structural equation modeling (SEM) with the AMOS program. The result shows (1) The role of extension has shown quite on independent small holder farmers activity; (2) The empowerment level of farmers on the categorize quite with the extension activities as seen from empowerment human resource, productive economy, and the farmers institutional; (3) The aims of extension has quite as seen from better farming, better business and better living; (4) the role of extension has proven directly influence significantly toward level of farmer's empowerment and the level of farmer's empowerment has proven directly influence significantly toward reach of the role extension aims

    Kekuatan Otot Tungkai dan Kelincahan terhadap Kecepatan Dribbling Sepakbola di Sman 1 Tebas

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    Whether there is a relationship problem penelititan leg muscle strength,and agility to speed dribbling relationship. The purpose of the study to determinewhether there is a relationship penelititan leg muscle strength, and agility to speeddribbling relationship. The method is a method of correlation. Footballextracurricular student population in SMA 1 Slash totaling 18 people, with asaturation sampling technique that is taking the entire population of 18 people.Data were analyzed using product moment correlation and multiple correlationanalysis. The results of the analysis of the relationship of the leg muscle strengthgained speed dribbling rhitung 0835 > rtabel for 0389 means there is arelationship hypothesis leg muscle strength against speed dribbling accepted.Relationship rhitung dribbling speed agility to 0.625 > 0.389 rtabel hypothesismeans there is a relationship dribbling speed agility to be accepted . Relationshipof leg muscle strength and agility to speed dribbling rhitung 0.777 > 0.389 rtabelhypothesis means there is a relationship of leg muscle strength and agility to thespeed of the ball mengiring accepted

    Status Penguasaan Tanah Timbul (Aanslibbing) di Kecamatan Rengat Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    As a new plain, a naturally emerging land is a plain with the potential and economic values to be utilized. Up to now, the explicit regulation on the control over the naturally emerging land has not yet found in the Indonesian Agrarian Law. The purpose of this study was to examine more about the control over the naturally emerging land according to the customs of local communities, the status of the control over the naturally emerging land, and the steps taken to acquire the right to land related to the control over the naturally emerging land in Rengat Subdistrict, Indragiri Hulu District.This empirical (sociological) juridical study looked at the aspect of legal application in the society or the communities' behavior generated due to the interaction conducted based on the existing norm system. The data obtained were qualitatively analyzed to provide a clear description on the answer to the problems studied. To draw a conclusion, the result of this data analysis was process through deductive method. Keywords: Naturally Emerging Land, Land ControlABSTRACT As a new plain, a naturally emerging land is a plain with the potential and economic values to be utilized. Up to now, the explicit regulation on the control over the naturally emerging land has not yet found in the Indonesian Agrarian Law. The purpose of this study was to examine more about the control over the naturally emerging land according to the customs of local communities, the status of the control over the naturally emerging land, and the steps taken to acquire the right to land related to the control over the naturally emerging land in Rengat Subdistrict, Indragiri Hulu District.This empirical (sociological) juridical study looked at the aspect of legal application in the society or the communities' behavior generated due to the interaction conducted based on the existing norm system. The data obtained were qualitatively analyzed to provide a clear description on the answer to the problems studied. To draw a conclusion, the result of this data analysis was process through deductive method

    The Symbolic Meaning of the Tjong Yong Hian Gallery Building

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    In 1898, Tjong Yong Hian was appointed as the Mayor der Chinezeen, the highest representative of the Chinese community in Medan City. To commemorate all of Tjong Yong Hian’s legacy, there was a gallery building inaugurated at Kejaksaan Street, Central Petisah, Medan Petisah Sub-district, Medan City, North Sumatra, on October 29, 2011. This place is nunique in its architectural symbols and Chinese ornaments. This paper uses Charles Sanders Peirce’s semiotic analysis model known as the ’three-part-triadic’ model. The data analysis technique was carried out in (1) Representamen, (2) Objects, and (3) Interpretants stages. The ornaments in buildings have particular meanings and purposes. These ornaments are seen on entrance gates, walls, doors, windows, roofs, and other places based on the Chinese people’s beliefs, giving meaning to the building and its people. Keywords: Tjong Yong Hian, architecture, symbolic, galleries, Chin

    Penerapan Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Number Head Together (Nht) dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial

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    Application of Cooperative Learning Model Type Number Head Together (NHT) in the Social Sciences Learning (Action Research in the Classroom VI SDN 14 South Matan Hilir Ketapang). This study aimed to describe the impact of the application of cooperative learning model of type number head together (NHT) to student learning outcomes. The method used is descriptive method of research is a form of classroom action research (Classroon Action Research). Based on the results of the research are increasing the ability of teachers in designing learning by 0.66. There is an increase in the ability of teachers to implement learning by 0.93. There is an increase in student learning outcomes at 82.40 (completed). An increase of 28.80 points