141 research outputs found

    Pojava i određivanje Thermoanaerobacterium i Thermoanaerobacter u konzerviranoj hrani u limenkama

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    In order to determine the reason for loss of vacuum in canned food, obligately anaerobic, spore forming thermophilic organisms were isolated from shelf-stable canned food containing vegetables, noodles and potatoes as main ingredients. Thermophilic bacteria from 44 canned food samples that had been stored under anaerobic conditions at 37 °C for at least 7 days were isolated. In addition, organic fertilizer used for the cultivation of some of the foods’ ingredients was examined and anaerobic, thermophilic bacteria could also be isolated from this source. Identification of bacterial strains was carried out by partial and complete 16S-rRNA-gene sequencing. Some of the obtained gene sequences showed a high level of similarity to existing 16S-rRNA gene sequences towards strains of the genera Thermoanaerobacter, Thermoanaerobium and Thermoanaerobacterium respectively, which have not yet been reported to be of importance as food spoilers. In the course of identification of these thermophilic bacteria we developed genera specific PCR-based approaches for detecting isolates belonging to the genera Thermoanaeroacterium and Thermoanaerobacter. Direct capturing of free DNA from contaminated samples using oligonucleotides coupled with paramagentic beads allowed the reduction of the detection time to six hours with a lower limit of 104 cells/mL.Da bi se odredio uzrok nestanka vakuuma u limenkama konzervirane hrane, obligatni anaerobi, termofilni organizmi koji stvaraju spore, izolirani su iz hrane u limenkama s glavnim sastojcima: povrće, rezanci i krumpir. Izolirane su termofilne bakterije iz 44 uzorka limenki uskladiĆĄtenih pod anaerobnim uvjetima pri 37 °C barem 7 dana. Osim toga, ispitana su organska gnojiva upotrijebljena za uzgoj navedenog povrća pa su i iz tog izvora izolirane anaerobne termofilne bakterije. Identifikacija bakterijskih sojeva provedena je djelomičnim i potpunim sekvencioniranjem 16S-rRNA gena. Neke od dobivenih genskih sekvencija pokazale su visoki stupanj sličnosti s postojećim sekvencijama 16S-rRNA gena sojeva rodova Thermoanaerobacter, Thermoanaerobium i Thermoanaerobacterium. Do sada joĆĄ nije bila ustanovljena vaĆŸnost tih sojeva kao onečiơćavača hrane. Tijekom identifikacije navedenih termofilnih bakterija autori su razvili genetički specifičan pristup utemeljen na PCR za određivanje izolata koji pripadaju rodovima Thermoanaerobacterium i Thermoanaerobacter. Izravno vezanje slobodne DNA iz onečiơćenih uzoraka, koristeći oligonukleotide povezane s paramagnetskim zrncima omogućilo je smanjenje vremena detekcije na 6 sati s donjom granicom od 104 stanica/mL

    SxsA, a novel surface protein mediating cell aggregation and adhesive biofilm formation of Staphylococcus xylosus

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    Biofilm formation of staphylococci has been an emerging field of research for many years. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms are still not fully understood and vary widely between species and strains. The aim of this study was to identify new effectors impacting biofilm formation of two Staphylococcus xylosus strains. We identified a novel surface protein conferring cell aggregation, adherence to abiotic surfaces, and biofilm formation. The S. xylosus surface protein A (SxsA) is a large protein occurring in variable sizes. It lacks sequence similarity to other staphylococcal surface proteins but shows similar structural domain organization and functional features. Upon deletion of sxsA, adherence of S. xylosus strain TMW 2.1523 to abiotic surfaces was completely abolished and significantly reduced in TMW 2.1023. Macro- and microscopic aggregation assays further showed that TMW 2.1523 sxsA mutants exhibit reduced cell aggregation compared with the wildtype. Comparative genomic analysis revealed that sxsA is part of the core genome of S. xylosus, Staphylococcus paraxylosus, and Staphylococcus nepalensis and additionally encoded in a small group of Staphylococcus cohnii and Staphylococcus saprophyticus strains. This study provides insights into protein-mediated biofilm formation of S. xylosus and identifies a new cell wall-associated protein influencing cell aggregation and biofilm formation.Peer Reviewe

    High pressure thermal inactivation of Clostridium botulinum type E endospores – kinetic modeling and mechanistic insights

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    Cold-tolerant, neurotoxigenic, endospore forming Clostridium (C.) botulinum type E belongs to the non-proteolytic physiological C. botulinum group II, is primarily associated with aquatic environments, and presents a safety risk for seafood. High pressure thermal (HPT) processing exploiting the synergistic effect of pressure and temperature can be used to inactivate bacterial endospores. We investigated the inactivation of C. botulinum type E spores by (near) isothermal HPT treatments at 300–1200 MPa at 30–75°C for 1 s to 10 min. The occurrence of heat and lysozyme susceptible spore fractions after such treatments was determined. The experimental data were modeled to obtain kinetic parameters and represented graphically by isoeffect lines. In contrast to findings for spores of other species and within the range of treatment parameters applied, zones of spore stabilization (lower inactivation than heat treatments alone), large heat susceptible (HPT-induced germinated) or lysozyme-dependently germinable (damaged coat layer) spore fractions were not detected. Inactivation followed first order kinetics. Dipicolinic acid release kinetics allowed for insights into possible inactivation mechanisms suggesting a (poorly effective) physiologic-like (similar to nutrient-induced) germination at ≀450 MPa/≀45°C and non-physiological germination at >500 MPa/>60–70°C. Results of this study support the existence of some commonalities in the HPT inactivation mechanism of C. botulinum type E spores and Bacillus spores although both organisms have significantly different HPT resistance properties. The information presented here contributes to closing the gap in knowledge regarding the HPT inactivation of spore formers relevant to food safety and may help industrial implementation of HPT processing. The markedly lower HPT resistance of C. botulinum type E spores compared with the resistance of spores from other C. botulinum types could allow for the implementation of milder processes without endangering food safety

    Effect of High Pressure and Heat on Bacterial Toxins

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    Even though the inactivation of microorganisms by high pressure treatment is a subject of intense investigations, the effect of high pressure on bacterial toxins has not been studied so far. In this study, the influence of combined pressure/temperature treatment (0.1 to 800 MPa and 5 to 121 °C) on bacterial enterotoxins was determined. Therefore, heat-stable enterotoxin (STa) of cholera toxin (CT) from Vibrio cholerae, staphylococcal enterotoxins A-E, haemolysin BL (HBL) from Bacillus cereus, and Escherichia coli (STa) were subjected to different treatment schemes. Structural alterations were monitored in enzyme immunoassays (EIAs). Cytotoxicity of the pressure treated supernatant of toxigenic B. cereus DSM 4384 was investigated with Vero cells. High pressure of 200 to 800 MPa at 5 °C leads to a slight increase of the reactivity of the STa of E. coli. However, reactivity decreased at 800 MPa and 80 °C to (66±21) % after 30 min and to (44±0.3) % after 128 min. At ambient pressure no decrease in EIA reactivity could be observed after 128 min. Pressurization (0.1 to 800 MPa) of heat stable monomeric staphylococcal toxins at 5 and 20 °C showed no effect. A combined heat (80 °C) and pressure (0.1 to 800 MPa) treatment lead to a decrease in the immuno-reactivity to 20 % of its maximum. For cholera toxin a significant loss in latex agglutination was observable only at 80 °C and 800 MPa for holding times higher than 20 min. Interestingly, the immuno-reactivity of B. cereus HBL toxin increased with the increase of pressure (182 % at 800 MPa, 30 °C), and high pressure showed only minor effects on cytotoxicity to Vero cells. Our results indicate that pressurization can increase inactivation observed by heat treatment, and combined treatments may be effective at lower temperatures and/or shorter incubation time

    Proteomic Analysis of Lactobacillus nagelii in the Presence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Isolated From Water Kefir and Comparison With Lactobacillus hordei

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    Water kefir is a slightly alcoholic and traditionally fermented beverage, which is prepared from sucrose, water, kefir grains, and dried or fresh fruits (e.g., figs). Lactobacillus (L.) nagelii, L. hordei, and Saccharomyces (S.) cerevisiae are predominant and stable lactic acid bacteria and yeasts, respectively, isolated from water kefir consortia. The growth of L. nagelii and L. hordei are improved in the presence of S. cerevisiae. In this work we demonstrate that quantitative comparative proteomics enables the investigation of interactions between LAB and yeast to predict real-time metabolic exchange in water kefir. It revealed 73 differentially expressed (DE) in L. nagelii TMW 1.1827 in the presence of S. cerevisiae. The presence of the yeast induced changes in the changes in the carbohydrate metabolism of L. nagelii and affected reactions involved in NAD+/NADH homeostasis. Furthermore, the DE enzymes involved in amino acid biosynthesis or catabolism predict that S. cerevisiae releases glutamine, histidine, methionine, and arginine, which are subsequently used by L. nagelii to ensure its survival in the water kefir consortium. In co-culture with S. cerevisiae, L. nagelii profits from riboflavin, most likely secreted by the yeast. The reaction of L. nagelii to the presence of S. cerevisiae differs from that one of the previously studied L. hordei, which displays 233 differentially expressed proteins, changes in citrate metabolism and an antidromic strategy for NAD+/NADH homeostasis. So far, aggregation promotion factors, i.e., formation of a specific glucan and bifunctional enzymes were only detected in L. hordei

    Genomic analysis reveals Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis as stable element in traditional sourdoughs

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    Sourdough has played a significant role in human nutrition and culture for thousands of years and is still of eminent importance for human diet and the bakery industry. Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis is the predominant key bacterium in traditionally fermented sourdoughs

    Yeast species affects feeding and fitness of Drosophila suzukii adults

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    Yeasts play an important role in the life cycle and biology of the insect pest Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura), commonly known as the spotted wing drosophila (SWD). Adult and larvae of this species are known to feed and benefit from yeast in their diet. In addition, yeasts were found to be attractive to SWD and were repeatedly found to be associated with SWD. Among those, Hanseniaspora uvarum is the most commonly mentioned. The present study explores the chemical composition and the effects of three H. uvarum strains and five yeast species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida sp., Issatchenkia terricola, Metschnikowia pulcherrima and Saccharomycopsis vini) in the diet of SWD adults. The different yeast species used in this study influenced mortality, fecundity and ingestion by SWD females. Hanseniaspora uvarum and S. vini were preferably ingested and increased fecundity of SWD females. The intra- and extracellular concentrations of compounds, such as amino acids, carbohydrates, sugar alcohols and organic acids, produced or consumed by yeasts differed among the species. Knowledge of the interaction of different yeast species with SWD and specific differences in the profile of compounds of yeast can help to improve the development of control strategies against the insect pest by promoting the ingestion of attract-and-kill formulations based on the combinations of yeasts and an appropriate insecticide

    Persistence of a yeast-based (Hanseniaspora uvarum) attract-and-kill formulation against Drosophila suzukii on grape leaves

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    The production of phagostimulant and attractive volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by yeasts can be exploited to improve the efficacy of attract-and-kill formulations against the spotted wing drosophila (SWD). This study evaluated the persistence over one week of a yeast-based formulation under greenhouse conditions. Potted grape plants were treated with: (i) potato dextrose broth (PDB), (ii) PDB containing spinosad (PDB + S), and (iii) H. uvarum fermentation broth grown on PDB containing spinosad (H. u. + S). Laboratory trials were performed to determine the survival and the oviposition rate of SWD after exposure to treated leaves. Ion-exchange chromatography was performed to measure carbohydrates, sugar alcohols, and organic acids on leaf surfaces, while amino acids were assessed through liquid chromatography–mass-spectrometry. Additionally, the VOCs released by plants treated with H.uvarum were collected via closed-loop-stripping analysis and compared to those emitted by untreated leaves. A higher mortality was observed for adult SWDs in contact with H. uvarum containing spinosad compared to PDB containing spinosad. Generally, a decrease in the amounts of non-volatile compounds was observed over time, though numerous nutrients were still present one week after treatment. The application of the yeast-based formulation induced the emission of VOCs by the treated leaves. The concentration of 2-phenylethanol, one of the main VOCs emitted by yeasts, decreased over time. These findings describe the presence of potential phagostimulants and compounds attractive to SWD in a yeast-based attract-and-kill formulation and demonstrate the efficacy of the formulation over one wee
