1,340 research outputs found

    Nonstationary driven oscillations of a magnetic cavity

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    The problem of transition to the steady state of driven oscillations in a magnetic cavity in a cold resistive plasma is addressed. The foot point driving polarized in the inhomogeneous direction is considered, and it is assumed that the cavity length in the direction of the equilibrium magnetic field is much larger than the cavity width in the inhomogeneous direction. The latter assumption enables one to neglect the variation of the magnetic pressure in the inhomogeneous direction, which strongly simplifies the analysis. The explicit solution describing the nonstationary behavior of the magnetic pressure and the velocity is obtained. This solution is used to study the properties of the transition to the steady state of oscillation. The main conclusion is that, in general, there are two different characteristic transitional times. The first time is inversely proportional to the decrement of the global mode. It characterizes the transition to the steady state of the global motion, which is the coherent oscillation of the cavity in the inhomogeneous direction. The second time is the largest of the two times, the first transitional time and the phase-mixing time, which is proportional to the magnetic Reynolds number in 1/3 power. It characterizes the transition to the steady state of the local motion, which is oscillations at the local Alfvén frequencies, and the saturation of the energy damping rate. An example from solar physics shows that, in applications, the second transitional time can be much larger than the first one

    Slow solitary waves in multi-layered magnetic structures

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    The propagation of slow sausage surface waves in a multi-layered magnetic configuration is considered. The magnetic configuration consists of a central magnetic slab sandwiched between two identical magnetic slabs (with equilibrium quantities different from those in the central slab) which in turn are embedded between two identical semi-infinite regions. The dispersion equation is obtained in the linear approximation. The nonlinear governing equation describing waves with a characteristic wavelength along the central slab much larger than the slab thickness is derived. Solitary wave solutions to this equation are obtained in the case where these solutions deviate only slightly from the algebraic soliton of the Benjamin-Ono equation

    Simple time domain analysis of natural balancing in flying capacitor stacked multicell converters

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    Stack Multicell Converters (SMC) is a class of converters derived from a classic Flying Capacitor Converter (FCC). The paper presents simple closed-form analysis of average capacitor natural voltage balancing dynamics in several basic SMC with different load types

    Simple time domain analysis of natural balancing in flying capacitor stacked multicell converters

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    Stack Multicell Converters (SMC) is a class of converters derived from a classic Flying Capacitor Converter (FCC). The paper presents simple closed-form analysis of average capacitor natural voltage balancing dynamics in several basic SMC with different load types

    The structure of the hydrodynamic plasma flow near the heliopause stagnation point

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    The plasma flow in the vicinity of the heliopause stagnation point in the presence of the H atom flow is studied. The plasma at both sides of the heliopause is considered to be a single fluid. The back reaction of the plasma flow on the H atom flow is neglected, and the density, temperature and velocity of the H atom flow are taken to be constant. The solution describing the plasma flow is obtained in the form of power series expansions with respect to the radial distance from the symmetry axis. The main conclusion made on the basis of the obtained solution is that the heliopause is not the surface of discontinuity anymore. Rather, it is the surface separating the flows of the solar wind and interstellar medium with all plasma parameters continuous at this surface

    Optimization of single-phase multilevel inverter voltage quality using time domain problem formulation

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    The multilevel inverter optimal voltage quality problem is formulated in time domain in order to account for all switching harmonics. The numerical solutions establish theoretical voltage quality lower bounds for a singlephase multilevel inverter achieved for staircase modulation for entire voltage dynamic range and different voltage levels count

    Optimization of single-phase multilevel inverter voltage quality using time domain problem formulation

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    The multilevel inverter optimal voltage quality problem is formulated in time domain in order to account for all switching harmonics. The numerical solutions establish theoretical voltage quality lower bounds for a singlephase multilevel inverter achieved for staircase modulation for entire voltage dynamic range and different voltage levels count

    Unusual glitch behaviours of two young pulsars

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    In this paper we report unusual glitches in two young pulsars, PSR J1825-0935 (B1822-09) and PSR J1835-1106. For PSR J1825-0935, a slow glitch characterised by a temporary decrease in the slowdown rate occurred between 2000 December 31 to 2001 December 6. This event resulted in a permanent increase in frequency with fractional size Δν/ν31.2(2)×109\Delta\nu/\nu\sim31.2(2)\times10^{-9}, however little effect remained in slowdown rate. The glitch in PSR J1835-1106 occurred abruptly in November 2001 (MJD 52220\pm3) with Δν/ν14.6(4)×109\Delta\nu/\nu\sim14.6(4)\times10^{-9} and little or no change in the slow-down rate. A significant change in ν¨\ddot\nu apparently occurred at the glitch with ν¨\ddot\nu having opposite sign for the pre- and post-glitch data.Comment: Latex format, six files, 5 pages with 4 figues. accepted for MNRA

    Indirect coupling between spins in semiconductor quantum dots

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    The optically induced indirect exchange interaction between spins in two quantum dots is investigated theoretically. We present a microscopic formulation of the interaction between the localized spin and the itinerant carriers including the effects of correlation, using a set of canonical transformations. Correlation effects are found to be of comparable magnitude as the direct exchange. We give quantitative results for realistic quantum dot geometries and find the largest couplings for one dimensional systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Linking the X-ray timing and spectral properties of the glitching AXP 1RXS J170849-400910

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    Previous studies of the X-ray flux and spectral properties of 1RXS J170849-400910 showed hints of a possible correlation with the spin glitches that occurred in 1999 and 2001. However, due to the sparseness of spectral measurements and the paucity of detected glitches no firm conclusion could be drawn. We retrieved and analysed archival XTE pointings of 1RXS J170849-400910 covering the time interval between January 2003 and June 2006 and carried out a detailed timing analysis by means of phase fitting techniques. We detected two relatively large glitches Delta nu / nu of 1.2 and 2.1 10^-6 occurred in January and June 2005. Interestingly, the occurrence times of these glitches are in agreement with the predictions made in our previous studies. This finding strongly suggests a connection between the flux, spectral and timing properties of 1RXS J170849-400910.Comment: Submitted to A&A, 4 pages; results presented at the INT meeting "The Neutron Star Crust and Surface: Observations and Models" on June 27; referee comments adde