610 research outputs found

    Membrane evaporator/sublimator investigation

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    Data are presented on a new evaporator/sublimator concept using a hollow fiber membrane unit with a high permeability to liquid water. The aim of the program was to obtain a more reliable, lightweight and simpler Extra Vehicular Life Support System (EVLSS) cooling concept than is currently being used

    Observability of atomic line features in strong magnetic fields

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    The physical properties of atoms in superstrong magnetic fields, characteristic of neutron stars, and the possibility of detecting magnetically strongly shifted atomic lines in the spectra of magnetized X-ray pulsars are discussed. It is suggested that it is recommendable to look for magnetically strongly shifted Fe 26 Lyman lines in rotating neutron stars of not too high luminosity using spectrometers working in the energy range 10 - 20 keV, with sensitivities to minus 4 power photons per sq cm and second, and resolution E/delta E approx. 10-100

    Membrane humidity control investigation

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    The basic performance data on a hollow fiber membrane unit that removes water from a breathing gas loop by diffusion is presented. Using available permeability data for cellulose acetate, a preliminary design was made of a dehumidifier unit that would meet the problem statement

    Electron corrected Lorentz forces in solids and molecules in magnetic field

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    We describe the effective Lorentz forces on the ions of a generic insulating system in an magnetic field, in the context of Born-Oppenheimer ab-initio molecular dynamics. The force on each ion includes an important contribution of electronic origin, which depends explicitly on the velocity of all other ions. It is formulated in terms of a Berry curvature, in a form directly suitable for future first principles classical dynamics simulations based {\it e.g.,} on density functional methods. As a preliminary analytical demonstration we present the dynamics of an H2_2 molecule in a field of intermediate strength, approximately describing the electrons through Slater's variational wavefunction.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Electronic screening and damping in magnetars

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    We calculate the screening of the ion-ion potential due to electrons in the presence of a large background magnetic field, at densities of relevance to neutron star crusts. Using the standard approach to incorporate electron screening through the one-loop polarization function, we show that the magnetic field produces important corrections both at short and long distances. In extreme fields, realized in highly magnetized neutron stars called magnetars, electrons occupy only the lowest Landau levels in the relatively low density region of the crust. Here our results show that the screening length for Coulomb interactions between ions can be smaller than the inter-ion spacing. More interestingly, we find that the screening is anisotropic and the screened potential between two static charges exhibits long range Friedel oscillations parallel to the magnetic field. This long-range oscillatory behavior is likely to affect the lattice structure of ions, and can possibly create rod-like structures in the magnetar crusts. We also calculate the imaginary part of the electron polarization function which determines the spectrum of electron-hole excitations and plays a role in damping lattice phonon excitations. We demonstrate that even for modest magnetic fields this damping is highly anisotropic and will likely lead to anisotropic phonon heat transport in the outer neutron star crust.Comment: 14 pages, 5 Figure

    Membrane water deaerator investigation

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    The purpose of the membrane water deaerator program was to develop data on a breadboard hollow fiber membrane unit that removes both dissolved and evolved gas from a water transfer system in order to: (1) assure a hard fill of the EVLSS expendable water tank; (2) prevent flow blockage by gas bubbles in circulating systems; and (3) prevent pump cavitation

    Irrigated sugar beet production on Maui

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    Magnetically Catalyzed Fusion

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    We calculate the reaction cross-sections for the fusion of hydrogen and deuterium in strong magnetic fields as are believed to exist in the atmospheres of neutron stars. We find that in the presence of a strong magnetic field (B \gsim 10^{12}G), the reaction rates are many orders of magnitude higher than in the unmagnetized case. The fusion of both protons and deuterons are important over a neutron star's lifetime for ultrastrong magnetic fields (B1016B \sim 10^{16}G). The enhancement may have dramatic effects on thermonuclear runaways and bursts on the surfaces of neutron stars.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Spectroscopic Constraints on the Surface Magnetic Field of the Accreting Neutron Star EXO 0748-676

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    Gravitationally redshifted absorption lines of Fe XXVI, Fe XXV, and O VIII were inferred recently in the X-ray spectrum of the bursting neutron star EXO 0748-676. We place an upper limit on the stellar magnetic field based on the iron lines. The oxygen absorption feature shows a multiple component profile that is consistent with Zeeman splitting in a magnetic field of ~(1-2)x10^9 gauss, and for which the corresponding Zeeman components of the iron lines are expected to be blended together. In other systems, a field strength >5x10^{10} gauss could induce a blueshift of the line centroids that would counteract gravitational redshift and complicate the derivation of constraints on the equation of state of the neutron star.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let