4 research outputs found
Persepsi Risiko Bencana Pada Mahasiswa di Kota Padang Ditinjau dari Pengalaman dan Variabel Demografis
Padang merupakan salah satu kota dengan ancaman bencana gempabumi dan tsunami. Kondisi tersebut dapat mempengaruhi persepsi risiko bencana penduduknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi risiko bencana gempabumi dan tsunami pada mahasiswa ditinjau dari pengalaman menghadapi bencana dan variabel demografis (gender, angkatan, rumpun pendidikan, dan jarak tempat tinggal). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek terdiri dari 213 mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Padang dari 8 fakultas yang berbeda yang dipilih dengan teknik cluster sampling. Skala yang digunakan adalah skala persepsi risiko bencana yang disusun berdasarkan model semantik diferensial. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa: (1) subjek memiliki tingkat persepsi risiko bencana yang tinggi; (2) tidak ada perbedaan persepsi risiko antara subjek yang pernah mengalami bencana dan belum pernah; (3) ada perbedaan persepsi risiko ditinjau dari variabel demografis meliputi gender, angkatan, dan rumpun pendidikan, sedangkan jarak tempat tinggal tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan. Implikasi untuk memahami temuan dari penelitian ini didiskusikan dalam pembahasan
Keparahan Penyakit Gigi dan Mulut Santri Mukim Umur 10 – 12 tahun di Pondok Pesantren Roudhotul Muta’alimin Muta’alimat di Pasuruan
Background : The Untreated dental caries could effects infection of pulpa and
abnormalities of surrounding soft tissue. According to the RISKEDAS 2007 the
prevalence of dental caries was 23.2% to 25.9% in 2013, despite the fact that the
dental and oral care gradually increased from 29.7% to 31.1%. Most of the
students of Islamic Boarding School which is also known as Mukim, have a lack
of health awareness because of lack of supervisions from adults so that they face
high risk to experience oral diseases. The rarity of brushing teeth, causing a
buildup of plaque that causes dental caries. Most of Mukim are 10-12 year-old.
Generally, they have a high caries risk, because at this age, they usually eat a lot
of unhealthy snacks and drinks. Therefore DMFT index used to measure dental
caries, while the index of PUFA to measure the severity of dental and oral
diseases which is caused by untreated caries. Purpose: The main aim of this
studyis to know the severity of dental and oral diseases based on PUFA index and
the DMF-Tindex on students aged 10-12 years in Islamic Boarding School.
Method: The research is use descriptive method and total sampling. The study
was conducted at Roudhotul Muta'allimin Muta'allimat Islamic Boarding
Schoolin Pasuruan. The data was obtained by clinical examination based on
DMFT index and PUFA index through screening directly into the oral cavity. The
data will be described with the factors that cause caries both internally and
externally. Results: According to the data which isobtained from clinical
examination to the students, the average DMF-Tindex in this study amounted to
4.7 indicating that caries occurs on most of the respondents based on the
assessment criteria scores DMF-T. The PUFA index obtained with an average
value 2,4 from the total number of untreated teeth with caries that causes severity
of dental and oral diseases. Conclusion: This research shows that the index value
of PUFA on students aged 10-12 years in RoudhotulMuta'alliminMuta'allimat
Islamic Boarding Schoolis as many as 129 with an average of 2,4. The value
obtained by D (decay) DMF-T from who have untreated caries that causes the
severity of dental and oral diseases.
Key word: Keywords: Severity of dental and oral diseases, DMFT index,
PUFA inde
Transisi New Normal: Bagaimana Masyarakat Rural dapat Bertahan?
The Indonesian government has declared a new order to live side by side with COVID-19, through the idea of a "new normal". An interesting study to see how the Indonesian people respond to this new normal policy, especially in rural communities. So far, most discussions about the new normal have only been in the context of urban society. This study aims to identify the resilience of rural communities in facing the new normal situation. The method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected using in-depth interview techniques with key actors. The research was conducted in Pulo Pitu Marihat Village, Ujung Padang District, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province. This area was a red zone location when the pandemic took place, and most of the population worked in the informal sector which tended to be economically and socially vulnerable. The results show that people's ability to survive in the face of changes in the new normal transition period is influenced by individual resilience, social capital, natural resource environment, and social institutions