18 research outputs found

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Larynx Arising in Multifocal Pharyngolaryngeal Oncocytic Papillary Cystadenoma:A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    We report on a rare case of a laryngeal carcinoma arising in a multifocal pharyngolaryngeal oncocytic papillary cystadenoma (OPC). The disease of a 63-year-old man is well documented by computed and positron emission tomography, histology, and electron microscopy. We could show that an OPC can even develop in the pharynx. The coexistence of both tumors makes this a challenging diagnosis for pathologists. Treated by surgery and radiotherapy, both lesions dissolved. Based on the literature available, we discuss the theory that the laryngeal carcinoma might be the result of a true metaplasia facilitated by chronic irritation and recommend a regular follow-up for OPC too. As in benign oncocytic lesions, we could show that the detection of numerous mitochondria is a diagnostic indicator for malignant variants as well

    Playing and Listening to Tailor-Made Notched Music: Cortical Plasticity Induced by Unimodal and Multimodal Training in Tinnitus Patients

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    Background. The generation and maintenance of tinnitus are assumed to be based on maladaptive functional cortical reorganization. Listening to modified music, which contains no energy in the range of the individual tinnitus frequency, can inhibit the corresponding neuronal activity in the auditory cortex. Music making has been shown to be a powerful stimulator for brain plasticity, inducing changes in multiple sensory systems. Using magnetoencephalographic (MEG) and behavioral measurements we evaluated the cortical plasticity effects of two months of (a) active listening to (unisensory) versus (b) learning to play (multisensory) tailor-made notched music in nonmusician tinnitus patients. Taking into account the fact that uni- and multisensory trainings induce different patterns of cortical plasticity we hypothesized that these two protocols will have different affects. Results. Only the active listening (unisensory) group showed significant reduction of tinnitus related activity of the middle temporal cortex and an increase in the activity of a tinnitus-coping related posterior parietal area. Conclusions. These findings indicate that active listening to tailor-made notched music induces greater neuroplastic changes in the maladaptively reorganized cortical network of tinnitus patients while additional integration of other sensory modalities during training reduces these neuroplastic effects

    Enhancing Inhibition-Induced Plasticity in Tinnitus – Spectral Energy Contrasts in Tailor-Made Notched Music Matter

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    Chronic tinnitus seems to be caused by reduced inhibition among frequency selective neurons in the auditory cortex. One possibility to reduce tinnitus perception is to induce inhibition onto over-activated neurons representing the tinnitus frequency via tailor-made notched music (TMNM). Since lateral inhibition is modifiable by spectral energy contrasts, the question arises if the effects of inhibition-induced plasticity can be enhanced by introducing increased spectral energy contrasts (ISEC) in TMNM. Eighteen participants suffering from chronic tonal tinnitus, pseudo randomly assigned to either a classical TMNM or an ISEC-TMNM group, listened to notched music for three hours on three consecutive days. The music was filtered for both groups by introducing a notch filter centered at the individual tinnitus frequency. For the ISEC-TMNM group a frequency bandwidth of 3/8 octaves on each side of the notch was amplified, additionally, by about 20 dB. Before and after each music exposure, participants rated their subjectively perceived tinnitus loudness on a visual analog scale. During the magnetoencephalographic recordings, participants were stimulated with either a reference tone of 500 Hz or a test tone with a carrier frequency representing the individual tinnitus pitch. Perceived tinnitus loudness was significantly reduced after TMNM exposure, though TMNM type did not influence the loudness ratings. Tinnitus related neural activity in the N1m time window and in the so called tinnitus network comprising temporal, parietal and frontal regions was reduced after TMNM exposure. The ISEC-TMNM group revealed even enhanced inhibition-induced plasticity in a temporal and a frontal cortical area. Overall, inhibition of tinnitus related neural activity could be strengthened in people affected with tinnitus by increasing spectral energy contrast in TMNM, confirming the concepts of inhibition-induced plasticity via TMNM and spectral energy contrasts

    Structured literature review of patient-reported outcome (PRO) instruments in adult tonsillectomy or tonsillotomy

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    BACKGROUND: Instruments that measure the patient-reported outcome and quality of life are essential to assess the treatment success of any medical intervention. This review represents valid and reliable outcome assessment instruments for tonsillectomy (TE) and tonsillotomy (TO) in adult patients as TE/TO still belong to one of the most common performed surgical procedures. METHODS: A systematic review of the literature in the MEDLINE, PubMed, Web of Science and Cochrane Library was conducted. Studies describing reliable and valid patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) in adults with regard to the perioperative as well as postoperative follow-up after TE/TO were examined. Thus, studies without PROMs or PROMs only relating to children as well as studies in non-English/non-German language or without any detailed information were excluded. RESULTS: Four thousand four hundred forty studies were identified. Thirteen reliable and valid patient–reported outcome assessment instruments presenting the perioperative and postoperative outcome were analysed. Four generic questionnaires are included that are used to measure the outcome after TE/TO in adults. Four disease-specific questionnaires relating to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and sleep disordered breathing (SDB) as well as two TE/TO specific questionnaires are validated for adults. With regard to the perioperative outcome including parameters like pain, nausea, vomiting, satisfaction three assessment instruments are analysed. CONCLUSION: This review describes the currently available, reliable and valid generic and disease-specific instruments assessing the perioperative as well as postoperative outcome to evaluate the treatment success after TE/TO in adult patients. Therefore, this study improves the selection of the appropriate patient–reported outcome assessment instrument to assess the quality of life in adults undergoing TE/TO

    Adaption and validation of the nasal obstruction symptom evaluation scale in German language (D-NOSE)

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    BACKGROUND: Questionnaires have proven their worth in detecting changes in quality of life after medical interventions.The Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation scale (NOSE) is a reliable and valid tool to identify restrictions of quality of life in patients with nasal problems. The aim of this prospective study was the validation of the German version of the NOSE scale (D-NOSE). METHODS: Adaption of the NOSE in German language was performed by forward and backward translation process.Patients undergoing functional septorhinoplasty were asked to complete the D-NOSE preoperatively, one, three or twelve months after surgery. Healthy volunteers served as controls. Reliability, validity and responsiveness of the D-NOSE were determined. RESULTS: The D-NOSE showed a good internal consistency as well as good inter-item, item-total correlation and a satisfactory test-retest reliability. The convincing validity of the adapted NOSE scale was approved by good construct validity and an excellent discriminant validity. Furthermore, a high sensitivity to identify clinical changes due to an intervention indicates a good responsiveness of the D-NOSE. CONCLUSIONS: The adapted German version of the NOSE questionnaire (D-NOSE) is an appropriate and validated tool to assess the influence of nasal obstruction in quality of life in German speaking patients

    Potential of the Novel PTA Score to Identify Patients with Peritonsillar Inflammation Profiting from Medical Treatment

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    Peritonsillar inflammation is a common characteristic of both peritonsillar abscess (PTA) and peritonsillitis (PC). The aim of the present study was to apply the PTA score as an objective criterion to identify patients with peritonsillar inflammation (PI) who might profit from medical treatment. Hence, the recently developed PTA score was applied retrospectively on patients suffering from acute tonsillitis, peritonsillitis, and peritonsillar abscess. Analysis of the clinical data, the follow-up, and the initial PTA score was performed. Patients with peritonsillar inflammation show significant higher PTA score values compared to patients with acute tonsillitis without peritonsillar inflammation and healthy controls. Patients with a PTA score ≤ 2 profited from medical treatment consisting of antibiotics in 92.3% of the cases. In 89.2% of the patients with a PTA score > 2, pus was detected during abscess relief. Patients with peritonsillar inflammation who profited from medical treatment had significantly reduced PTA score values and a reduced duration of hospitalization compared to the patients with abscess relief. Thus, the PTA score has the potential as an objective criterion to identify patients with peritonsillar inflammation profiting from medical treatment. Hence, application of the PTA score helps to determine an optimal, individualized treatment approach and might reduce utilization of medical resources.</p

    Increased Levels of S100A8/A9 in Patients with Peritonsillar Abscess: A New Promising Diagnostic Marker to Differentiate between Peritonsillar Abscess and Peritonsillitis

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    Peritonsillar abscess (PTA) is a very frequent reason for urgent outpatient consultation and otolaryngological hospital admission. Early, correct diagnosis and therapy of peritonsillar abscess are important to prevent possible life-threatening complications. Based on physical examinations, a reliable differentiation between peritonsillar cellulitis and peritonsillar abscess is restricted. A heterodimeric complex called calprotectin consists of the S100 proteins A8 and A9 (S100A8/A9) and is predominantly expressed not only in monocytes and neutrophils but also in epithelial cells. Due to its release by activated phagocytes at local sites of inflammation, we assumed S100A8/A9 to be a potential biomarker for peritonsillar abscess. We examined serum and saliva of patients with peritonsillitis, acute tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess, and healthy controls and found significantly increased levels of S100A8/A9 in patients with PTA. Furthermore, we could identify halitosis, trismus, uvula edema, and unilateral swelling of the arched palate to be characteristic symptoms for PTA. Using a combination of these characteristic symptoms and S100A8/A9 levels, we developed a PTA score as an objective and appropriate tool to differentiate between peritonsillitis and peritonsillar abscess with a sensitivity of 92% and specificity of 93%

    IL-8 and IFN-γ as Preoperative Predictors of the Outcome of Tonsillectomy

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    Objectives: Tonsillectomy (TE) and tonsillotomy (TO) due to recurrent episodes of acute tonsillitis (RAT) belong to the most frequent surgical procedures. However, an adequate objective marker predicting the outcome of TE/TO preoperatively is missing. Methods: Patients with RAT who underwent TE/TO (n = 31) were included in this pilot study. A panel of cytokines and chemokines in serum and saliva were determined preoperatively. Health-related quality of life was assessed pre- and postoperatively by the Tonsillectomy Outcome Inventory-14. Results: Health-related quality of life improved significantly after surgery. Increased serum levels of interleukin-8 (IL-8) and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) are associated with a less successful outcome. No correlation between the number of acute tonsillitis episodes and the health-related quality of life after TE or TO could be observed. Conclusions: Tonsillectomy and TO improve health-related quality of life independently from the number of past acute tonsillitis episodes. Interleukin-8 and IFN-γ in serum may serve as promising markers, predicting the benefit of TE or TO for patients preoperatively

    Study Protocol: Münster Tinnitus randomized controlled Clinical Trial-2013 based on tailor-made notched music treatment (TMNMT)

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    Background: Tinnitus is a result of hyper-activity/hyper-synchrony of auditory neurons coding the tinnitus frequency, which has developed to synchronous mass activity owing the lack of inhibition. We assume that removal of exactly these frequency components from an auditory stimulus will cause the brain to reorganize around tonotopic regions coding the tinnitus frequency. Based on this assumption a novel treatment for tonal tinnitus - tailor-made notched music training (TMNMT) (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:1207–1210, 2010; Ann N Y Acad Sci 1252:253–258, 2012; Frontiers Syst Neurosci 6:50, 2012) has been introduced and will be tested in this clinical trial on a large number of tinnitus patients. Methods and design: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) in parallel group design will be performed in a double-blinded manner. The choice of the intervention we are going to apply is based on two “proof of concept” studies in humans (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:1207–1210, 2010; Ann N Y Acad Sci 1252:253–258, 2012; Frontiers Syst Neurosci 6:50, 2012; PloS One 6(9):e24685, 2011) and on a recent animal study (Front Syst Neurosci 7:21, 2013). The RCT includes 100 participants with chronic, tonal tinnitus who listened to tailor-made notched music (TMNM) for two hours a day for three months. The effect of TMNMT is assessed by the tinnitus handicap questionnaire and visual analogue scales (VAS) measuring perceived tinnitus loudness, distress and handicap. Discussion: This is the first randomized controlled trial applying TMNMT on a larger number of patients with tonal tinnitus. Our data will verify more securely and reliably the effectiveness of this kind of completely non-invasive and low-cost treatment approach on tonal tinnitus

    Impact of radiation dose on local control and survival in extramedullary head and neck plasmacytoma

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with plasma-cell neoplasia usually suffer from systemic disease, although a minority ( 45 Gy) versus low-dose regimens (≤ 45 Gy) was 87% versus 67%, respectively (P = 0.2). The median survival with high-dose RT group was significantly longer (P = 0.02). In subgroups analysis, primary EMP patients treated with high-dose RT had a non-significant higher ORR (100% vs. 80%, respectively; P = 0.3,) longer duration of LC (P = 0.3) with a longer survival (P = 0.05) than patients in low-dose group. No significant difference has been detected in secondary EMP patients treated with high-dose RT regarding ORR (60% vs. 62%, respectively; P = 1), and survival (P = 0.4). CONCLUSION: RT is an efficacious treatment modality in the treatment of EMP. A radiation dose ≤45 Gy confer acomparable CR rate to high-dose regimens and appears to be an effective treatment for controlling local EMP progression. Radiation dose-escalation may be beneficial for particular subgroups of patients