12 research outputs found

    Some Recent Improvements in the Galvanic Techniques

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    Our latest experimental results verify some previous tentative conclusions that mental and physical fatigue cause an increase in O\u27s resistance which is fairly uniform but presents still some anomalous cases. Blood pressure almost uniformly increases. We have also perfected the device which photographs the deflections obtained from the Hathaway apparatus

    Some Visual Puns

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    Puns are usually thought of in connection with auditory stimuli in the form of words with a double meaning. It is possible to transfer this phenomenon of double meaning to the visual field. The process may be studied in various transitional forms (1) in the illusion of reversible perspective; (2) in the addition of objects not definitely outlined, and (3) in the alternation of figure and background. These studies are of interest in the light of recent discussions of the psychology of meaning and because of investigations emanating from Gestalttheorie, or the psychology of form. Various figures were devised and tested out with a view to making a comparative study of their effectiveness in eliciting this double meaning, and of the order in which these meanings came without verbal suggestion from the experimenter. (Illustrated with stereopticon slides.

    A Schematic Classification of General Psychology

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    The elementary student is usually bewildered by the presentation of technical names which are used to describe the various branches of elementary psychology. Very often he cannot easily distinguish between differences in points of view, methods of approach and fields of activity. In a previously published article an attempt has been made to clarify the situation on the subject of method. The same thing has here been attempted for the subdivisions of psychology

    What We Don\u27t Know about Emotions

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    A summary of the work that has been done in the scientific study of the emotions, and a survey of the problems to be attacked and of the methods that may be used in their study

    The Psychology of a Psychologist

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    In the last analysis, psychology is to be defined in terms of the professional activities of a psychologist. As in the case of other sciences, psychology may also be delimited in terms of the things it deals with. All sciences, however, have become so broad in their scope that they overlap, and the classification as regards their particular fields and their devotees can only be approximately circumscribed. To leave experience or its historical equivalent, mental process and function, out of the picture would be to resign from the commission originally given to psychology. For this reason the writer cannot agree with Boring in his recent effort to translate mind into body, nor with any attempt to restrict description to explicit and implicit response. Nor is it worthwhile to argue the question of causal relationship in terms of agency

    Some Aspects of the Problem of Fatigue

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    In general fatigue is introspectively describable in terms of kinaesthetic relaxation and low attentive ebb of ideas with an affective aspect of indifference, sometimes bordering on mild pleasantness. Galvanic responses taken by both the Hathaway apparatus and a highly sensitive D\u27Arsonval galvanometer show marked individual differences with a general tendency toward lower bodily resistance under fatigue. Two types of fatigue are distinguished: cognitive fatigue and bodily or physical fatigue. Under some experimental conditions both types may be combined. The galvanometric response varies with each type. Muscular fatigue, due probably to continued residual twitchings and tremblings, tends to show increased response, while cognitive fatigue usually shows diminished response. The technique and results are given in detail

    The Uses and Abuses of the Questionary Method

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    The author aims to survey briefly the origin and history of this method in psychology and to review critically recent resolutions and laboratory attitudes adopted in connection with the method

    Experiences during learning to smoke.

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