389 research outputs found

    Design of Parametrically Forced Patterns and Quasipatterns

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    The Faraday wave experiment is a classic example of a system driven by parametric forcing, and it produces a wide range of complex patterns, including superlattice patterns and quasipatterns. Nonlinear three-wave interactions between driven and weakly damped modes play a key role in determining which patterns are favored. We use this idea to design single and multifrequency forcing functions that produce examples of superlattice patterns and quasipatterns in a new model PDE with parametric forcing. We make quantitative comparisons between the predicted patterns and the solutions of the PDE. Unexpectedly, the agreement is good only for parameter values very close to onset. The reason that the range of validity is limited is that the theory requires strong damping of all modes apart from the driven pattern-forming modes. This is in conflict with the requirement for weak damping if three-wave coupling is to influence pattern selection effectively. We distinguish the two different ways that three-wave interactions can be used to stabilize quasipatterns, and we present examples of 12-, 14-, and 20-fold approximate quasipatterns. We identify which computational domains provide the most accurate approximations to 12-fold quasipatterns and systematically investigate the Fourier spectra of the most accurate approximations

    Pattern formation in large domains

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    Pattern formation is a phenomenon that arises in a wide variety of physical, chemical and biological situations. A great deal of theoretical progress has been made in understanding the universal aspects of pattern formation in terms of amplitudes of the modes that make up the pattern. Much of the theory has sound mathematical justification, but experiments and numerical simulations over the last decade have revealed complex two-dimensional patterns that do not have a satisfactory theoretical explanation. This paper focuses on quasi-patterns, where the appearance of small divisors causes the standard theoretical method to fail, and ends with a discussion of other outstanding problems in the theory of two-dimensional pattern formation in large domains

    Secondary instabilities of hexagons: a bifurcation analysis of experimentally observed Faraday wave patterns

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    We examine three experimental observations of Faraday waves generated by two-frequency forcing, in which a primary hexagonal pattern becomes unstable to three different superlattice patterns. We use the symmetry-based approach developed by Tse et al. to analyse the bifurcations involved in creating the three new patterns. Each of the three examples reveals a different situation that can arise in the theoretical analysis.Comment: 14 pages LaTeX, Birkhauser style, 5 figures, submitted to the proceedings of the conference on Bifurcations, Symmetry and Patterns, held in Porto, June 200

    Spatial period-multiplying instabilities of hexagonal Faraday waves

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    A recent Faraday wave experiment with two-frequency forcing reports two types of `superlattice' patterns that display periodic spatial structures having two separate scales. These patterns both arise as secondary states once the primary hexagonal pattern becomes unstable. In one of these patterns (so-called `superlattice-II') the original hexagonal symmetry is broken in a subharmonic instability to form a striped pattern with a spatial scale increased by a factor of 2sqrt{3} from the original scale of the hexagons. In contrast, the time-averaged pattern is periodic on a hexagonal lattice with an intermediate spatial scale (sqrt{3} larger than the original scale) and apparently has 60 degree rotation symmetry. We present a symmetry-based approach to the analysis of this bifurcation. Taking as our starting point only the observed instantaneous symmetry of the superlattice-II pattern presented in and the subharmonic nature of the secondary instability, we show (a) that the superlattice-II pattern can bifurcate stably from standing hexagons; (b) that the pattern has a spatio-temporal symmetry not reported in [1]; and (c) that this spatio-temporal symmetry accounts for the intermediate spatial scale and hexagonal periodicity of the time-averaged pattern, but not for the apparent 60 degree rotation symmetry. The approach is based on general techniques that are readily applied to other secondary instabilities of symmetric patterns, and does not rely on the primary pattern having small amplitude

    Phase resetting effects for robust cycles between chaotic sets

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    In the presence of symmetries or invariant subspaces, attractors in dynamical systems can become very complicated owing to the interaction with the invariant subspaces. This gives rise to a number of new phenomena including that of robust attractors showing chaotic itinerancy. At the simplest level this is an attracting heteroclinic cycle between equilibria, but cycles between more general invariant sets are also possible. This paper introduces and discusses an instructive example of an ODE where one can observe and analyse robust cycling behaviour. By design, we can show that there is a robust cycle between invariant sets that may be chaotic saddles (whose internal dynamics correspond to a Rossler system), and/or saddle equilibria. For this model, we distinguish between cycling that include phase resetting connections (where there is only one connecting trajectory) and more general non-phase resetting cases where there may be an infinite number (even a continuum) of connections. In the non-phase resetting case there is a question of connection selection: which connections are observed for typical attracted trajectories? We discuss the instability of this cycling to resonances of Lyapunov exponents and relate this to a conjecture that phase resetting cycles typically lead to stable periodic orbits at instability whereas more general cases may give rise to `stuck on' cycling. Finally, we discuss how the presence of positive Lyapunov exponents of the chaotic saddle mean that we need to be very careful in interpreting numerical simulations where the return times become long; this can critically influence the simulation of phase-resetting and connection selection

    Resonance bifurcations of robust heteroclinic networks

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    Robust heteroclinic cycles are known to change stability in resonance bifurcations, which occur when an algebraic condition on the eigenvalues of the system is satisfied and which typically result in the creation or destruction of a long-period periodic orbit. Resonance bifurcations for heteroclinic networks are more complicated because different subcycles in the network can undergo resonance at different parameter values, but have, until now, not been systematically studied. In this article we present the first investigation of resonance bifurcations in heteroclinic networks. Specifically, we study two heteroclinic networks in R4\R^4 and consider the dynamics that occurs as various subcycles in each network change stability. The two cases are distinguished by whether or not one of the equilibria in the network has real or complex contracting eigenvalues. We construct two-dimensional Poincare return maps and use these to investigate the dynamics of trajectories near the network. At least one equilibrium solution in each network has a two-dimensional unstable manifold, and we use the technique developed in [18] to keep track of all trajectories within these manifolds. In the case with real eigenvalues, we show that the asymptotically stable network loses stability first when one of two distinguished cycles in the network goes through resonance and two or six periodic orbits appear. In the complex case, we show that an infinite number of stable and unstable periodic orbits are created at resonance, and these may coexist with a chaotic attractor. There is a further resonance, for which the eigenvalue combination is a property of the entire network, after which the periodic orbits which originated from the individual resonances may interact. We illustrate some of our results with a numerical example.Comment: 46 pages, 20 figures. Supplementary material (two animated gifs) can be found on http://www.maths.leeds.ac.uk/~alastair/papers/KPR_res_net_abs.htm

    Numerical simulations of sunspots

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    The origin, structure and evolution of sunspots are investigated using a numerical model. The compressible MHD equations are solved with physical parameter values that approximate the top layer of the solar convection zone. A three dimensional (3D) numerical code is used to solve the set of equations in cylindrical geometry, with the numerical domain in the form of a wedge. The linear evolution of the 3D solution is studied by perturbing an axisymmetric solution in the azimuthal direction. Steady and oscillating linear modes are obtained

    Analysis of the shearing instability in nonlinear convection and magnetoconvection

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    Numerical experiments on two-dimensional convection with or without a vertical magnetic field reveal a bewildering variety of periodic and aperiodic oscillations. Steady rolls can develop a shearing instability, in which rolls turning over in one direction grow at the expense of rolls turning over in the other, resulting in a net shear across the layer. As the temperature difference across the fluid is increased, two-dimensional pulsating waves occur, in which the direction of shear alternates. We analyse the nonlinear dynamics of this behaviour by first constructing appropriate low-order sets of ordinary differential equations, which show the same behaviour, and then analysing the global bifurcations that lead to these oscillations by constructing one-dimensional return maps. We compare the behaviour of the partial differential equations, the models and the maps in systematic two-parameter studies of both the magnetic and the non-magnetic cases, emphasising how the symmetries of periodic solutions change as a result of global bifurcations. Much of the interesting behaviour is associated with a discontinuous change in the leading direction of a fixed point at a global bifurcation; this change occurs when the magnetic field is introduced

    Stability of cycling behaviour near a heteroclinic network model of Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock

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    The well-known game of Rock--Paper--Scissors can be used as a simple model of competition between three species. When modelled in continuous time using differential equations, the resulting system contains a heteroclinic cycle between the three equilibrium solutions representing the existence of only a single species. The game can be extended in a symmetric fashion by the addition of two further strategies (`Lizard' and `Spock'): now each strategy is dominant over two of the remaining four strategies, and is dominated by the remaining two. The differential equation model contains a set of coupled heteroclinic cycles forming a heteroclinic network. In this paper we carefully consider the dynamics near this heteroclinic network. We are able to identify regions of parameter space in which arbitrarily long periodic sequences of visits are made to the neighbourhoods of the equilibria, which form a complicated pattern in parameter space.Comment: Submitted to Nonlinearit
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