7 research outputs found

    IX Edycja Ogólnopolskiego Konkursu „Liga Menedżerów Biznesu”

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    Mobbing i jego konsekwencje w organizacji

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    Świadomość ekologiczna studentów kierunku zarządzanie Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznego w Siedlcach

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    Ecology is very important in life. Unfortunately, the community rarely cares about the environment. It is vitally important to know that one of the objectives of shaping future generations is respect for the environment. First of all, people should start with themselves and follow roles of environment protection. Positive interaction between the environment and man is the way to a better life of each organism in the world, because destroying the environment. Unfortunately, at present the majority of the public only theoretically knows what respect for the environment is, and practical environmental activities are barely visibleEkologia w życiu odgrywa istotną rolę. Niestety społeczność dba o środowisko w stopniu minimalnym. Niezmiernie ważne jest, by jednym z celów kształtowania świadomości przyszłych pokoleń było respektowanie środowiska. Przede wszystkim należy jednak zacząć od siebie i w swoim postępowaniu kierować się ekologią. Pozytywne oddziaływanie pomiędzy środowiskiem naturalnym a człowiekiem jest drogą do lepszego bytu każdego organizmu na świecie, ponieważ niszcząc chociażby środowisko zwierząt w gruncie rzeczy dążymy do niszczenia swojego środowiska. Niestety obecnie większość społeczeństwa wie jedynie teoretycznie co znaczy szacunek dla otoczenia, natomiast praktyczne działania proekologiczne są mało widoczn

    Planowanie i kształtowanie stanu zatrudnienia

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    There is no company which could exist without people. Those employed by a company are to create an organization. Hence, gaining adequate staff is a condition of effective functioning of the company. The aim of this article is to approach the essence of workforce planning, recruitment and selection of candidatesŻadne przedsiębiorstwo nie może istnieć bez ludzi. To, jacy ludzie będą tworzyć organizację zależy od tego, jakich pracowników zatrudni firma. Dlatego pozyskanie odpowiedniego personelu staje się warunkiem efektywnego funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie istoty i znaczenia planowania zatrudnienia oraz rekrutacji i selekcji kandydatów do prac

    Endomyocardial disease as the first manifestation of hypereosinophilic syndrome

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    A case of hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) initially manifesting as endomyocardial disease in a 21-year-old man is presented. The diagnosis of HES was made according to the Chusid’s criteria. Myeloproliferative disorders were excluded and corticosteroid therapy with prednisone at a dose of 1 mg/kg/d was started immediately. After 30 days of continuous corticotherapy the patient recovered completely. His blood eosinophil count decreased from 8740 cells/µL (48.7%) to 30 cells/µL (0.3%). Then, prednisone was discontinued gradually. During 18-month follow-up the patient was free from cardiovascular symptoms and his complete blood count was normal. We also present the current state of knowledge on the cardiovascular complications of hypereosinophilic syndrome

    Physiological Effect of Gentle Stroking in Lambs

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    The aim of the study was to determine changes in physiological indicators in lambs subjected to gentle stroking. The study included 40 three-week-old lambs (20 females of the synthetic prolific-meat (BCP) line and 20 females of the Świniarka (SW) breed). The animals were assigned to two control groups (n = 20) and two experimental groups (n = 20). Lambs from the experimental groups received treatment. Analyses consisted of determining the following parameters: heart rate (HR), saturation (S) and biochemical analysis. In the groups of sheep subjected to gentle massage, the analyses revealed a significant increase in the levels of cortisol, CAT, GST, GPx, among others, and a significant decrease in the levels of total protein, SOD, TAC, uric acid and Na+. At the same time, indicators of reduced stress levels were revealed, i.e., a significant increase in glycogen levels and a significant decrease in glucose and HR values. These results suggest that the introduction of gentle touch can induce positive states in lambs, and that the stress response may be transient and adaptive. Nevertheless, it is important to note that these interactions can be a source of stress, even if the behavioral response does not necessarily indicate stress

    Choroba endomiokardialna jako pierwsza manifestacja zespołu hipereozynofilowego

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    A case of hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) initially manifesting as endomyocardial disease in a 21-year-old man is presented. The diagnosis of HES was made according to the Chusid’s criteria. Myeloproliferative disorders were excluded and corticosteroid therapy with prednisone at a dose of 1 mg/kg/d was started immediately. After 30 days of continuous corticotherapy the patient recovered completely. His blood eosinophil count decreased from 8740 cells/μL (48.7%) to 30 cells/μL (0.3%). Then, prednisone was discontinued gradually. During 18-month follow-up the patient was free from cardiovascular symptoms and his complete blood count was normal. We also present the current state of knowledge on the cardiovascular complications of hypereosinophilic syndrome