177 research outputs found

    Dysfunction of Modern Russian Institutes of State Awards in the Sphere of Education and Science

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the main dysfunctions of the Russian premium institutes in the field of education and science, and to find out its leveling instruments, by examining the experience of foreign countries; to identify the basic requirements for the novitiate for state awards to employees of education and science in modern Russia in comparison with foreign countries. Methods. Neo institutional approach is used by the author. Methods involve comparative analysis, cross-national analysis, and classification. The original solution of tasks associated with the use of a single system-approach to the sociological study of state awards in the sphere of education and science, is extrapolated from institutional economics. Results. The basic approaches to the determination of the nature and functions of awards institutions in the field of education and science are considered; its relationship with other social, economic and political trends of contemporary politics in Russia is noted. The basic conditions of non-material motivation of workers of scientifically-educational area in modern Russia in comparison with other countries, including the post-Soviet territory states are defined. Both officially established rules and other requirements to candidates on reception of the state honourable distinctions, observed with the Soviet period are considered. The study identifies the main factors that influence the perception of the role of changes in modern society awards, offers solutions to the identified problems. Scientific novelty. The critical analysis of working rules of the Russian legislation regulating an order (procedures) of rewarding has allowed to reveal major disadvantages of the Russian institute of the state awards: opacity of estimated judgements considering the work of the applicant for the award; absence of accurate hierarchy of the state awards and quantity indicators at measurement of merits and results of activity; value of awards loss in the opinion of a society and separate citizens, etc. Ways of the solution of the revealed problems are offered. In particular, the author points out that it is necessary to create an incentive system intended not only for remote prospect (for example, upon reaching a pension age), but also for the current labour period; material remuneration should be a sufficient impulse for professionals and based on a recognition of achievements, first of all, by colleagues (of the same profession), not unauthorized people. It is necessary to work out quantity indicators for an estimation of activity of educators and academics. Introduction of the structured requirements to this activity is to make objective process of representation to the state awards and will generate professional work standards. Moreover, it is necessary to lower qualifications on presence of the certain experience and to remove some other restrictions for the state recognition. Practical significance. According to the author’s analysis, the reduction of dysfunctions of the Russian premium institutes will allow to return retention feature in the sphere of education and sciences of the most valuable personnel; to involve «a fresh creative power» in the given field of work; to create reference points of professional growth for working teachers and scientists; to generate the potential workers concepts of high social value and the importance of professional work in an educational sphere and science Цели статьи – анализ основных дисфункций наградных институтов России в сфере образования и науки и поиск инструментов их нивелирования, в том числе на основе опыта зарубежных стран. Методика и методы. Автор использовал адаптированный из экономики неоинституциональный подход к решению рассматриваемой проблемы, методы сравнительного и кросс-национального анализа и классификации. Результаты. Представлены итоги социологического изучения системы государственных наград в сфере образования и науки. Определены основные условия нематериального поощрения работников научно-образовательной области в современной России в сравнении с другими странами, в том числе с государствами постсоветского пространства. Рассмотрены как официально установленные правила, так и иные требования к кандидатам на получение государственных знаков отличия, соблюдающиеся с советского периода. Перечислены функции наградных институтов и основные факторы, влияющие на восприятие наград в современном обществе. Научная новизна. Критический анализ действующих норм отечественного законодательства, регулирующих порядок (процедуры) награждения позволил выявить основные недостатки отечественного института государственных наград: размытость оценочных суждений при рассмотрении деяний претендента на награду, отсутствие четкой иерархии государственных наград и количественных показателей при измерении заслуг и результатов деятельности, утрату ценности наград в глазах общества и отдельных граждан и др. Предложены пути решения выявленных проблем. В частности, автор считает, что необходимо создание системы стимулов, рассчитанных не только на отдаленную перспективу (например, по достижении пенсионного возраста), но и на текущий трудовой период; причем вознаграждения должны быть достаточным импульсом для профессионалов и основываться на признании достижений в первую очередь коллегами (внутри самой профессии), а не посторонними. Нужна разработка количественных показателей для оценки деятельности работников образования и науки. Введение структурированных требований к деятельности сделает объективным процесс представления к государственным наградам и сформирует эталоны профессиональной деятельности. Следует снизить цензы по наличию определенного стажа и снять некоторые другие ограничения для государственных поощрений. Практическая значимость. Устранение дисфункций российских наградных институтов позволит вернуть им функцию удержания в сфере образования и науки наиболее ценных кадров, привлечь в данную область деятельности свежие творческие силы, создать ориентиры профессионального роста для работающих педагогов и ученых, сформировать в сознании потенциальных работников представления о высокой социальной ценности и значимости профессиональной деятельности в сфере образования и науки

    Content of mediators of innate immunity in the tears of patients with vascular and neurodegenerative manifestations of diabetic retinopathy

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    According to the results of recent studies, diabetic retinopathy can be considered not only as a vascular disease, but also as a neurodegenerative process. Study of the composition of the tear fluid is used to assess the state of local immunity in the development of eye diseases. However, studies examining the effect of tear composition in diabetic retinopathy are few. The aim of the study is to determine the levels of IL-1β, IL-10, TGF-β3, MMP-7, TIMP-2, protein S100b, BDNF and NGF in the tear fluid ofpatients with vascular and neurodegenerative manifestations of diabetic retinopathy. The study included 80 patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes which were divided into 2 groups: the 1st group included 40 patients who had no clinical signs of diabetic retinopathy on the fundus; the 2nd group included 40 patients with initial signs of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. All those included in the study were examined on an optical coherent tomograph RTVue-100 (USA); the volume of focal losses of retinal ganglion cells (FLV) was determined. An increase in FLV above the normative base of the device was regarded as an OCT-sign of retinal neurodegeneration. According to the results of OCT, the participants of the first and second groups were additionally divided into 4 subgroups: 1A — patients without vascular changes in the fundus and without OCT signs of retinal neurodegeneration (n = 12); 1B — patients without vascular changes in the fundus and with the presence of OCT signs of retinal neurodegeneration (n = 28); 2A — patients with initial non-proliferative DR and without OCT signs of retinal neurodegeneration (n = 10); and 2B — patients with initial non-proliferative DR and with OCT signs of retinal neurodegeneration (n = 30). The levels of IL-1β, IL-10, TGF-β3, MMP-7, TIMP-2, protein S100 b, BDNF, and NGF in tear fluid were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Levels of IL-1β and IL-10 in tear fluid in all subgroups were comparable to controls throughout the study. TGF-β3 content in the tear fluid of patients in the group with initial signs of non-proliferative DR (group 2) was significantly (p = 0.001) lower compared with control and group 2. However, there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) between subgroups A and B within groups. The concentration of MMP-7 in the tear fluid in all subgroups was significantly lower than in the control (p < 0.05). However, in the subgroups with OCT signs of retinal neurodegeneration (1B and 2B), the deficiency of this metalloproteinase was more pronounced (p = 0.0001). The levels of the neuropeptides under study NGF, BDNF and S100 B in tear fluid did not differ from controls in all subgroups

    Знеболювання в ендоскопічній хірургії органів грудної порожнини

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    Anesthesia in the endoscopic thoracic surgeryЗнеболювання в ендоскопічній хірургії органів грудної порожнин

    Lending system for agricultural enterprises: Prospects for development and transformation

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    The article examines the current situation of using lending, leasing and factoring instruments for agricultural producers in modern Russia. The authors note that the current lending and leasing system requires transformation to take into account the conditions for the activities of agricultural enterprises, taking into account seasonality and the delayed effect of obtaining results. A transformation system for leasing is also proposed to make the instrument more flexible through the introduction of commercial instruments and the abandonment of exclusively government regulation of the activity in question. The authors note the effectiveness of the transformation of the proposed methods of lending, leasing and factoring by increasing demand and reducing the risk of repayment for both enterprises and participants in the banking sector

    Protective Cr Coatings with ZrO2/Cr Multilayers for Zirconium Fuel Claddings

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    This article described the protective properties of Cr coatings with a barrier layer composed of ZrO2/Cr multilayers deposited onto E110 zirconium alloy. The coatings with a ZrO2/Cr multilayer thickness of 100, 250, and 750 nm and single-layer (1.5 µm) ZrO2 barrier were obtained by multi-cathode magnetron sputtering in Ar + O2 atmosphere. Then, cracking resistance and oxidation behavior were studied under conditions of thermal cycling (1000 °C) in air and high-temperature oxidation at 1200-1400 °C in a water steam. The role of the ZrO2/Cr multilayers and multilayer thickness on cracking resistance of the experimental coatings and oxidation resistance of the coated E110 alloy was discussed. It was shown that the coatings with more quantity of the ZrO2/Cr multilayers have higher cracking resistance, but such types of samples have a large amount of coating spallation under thermal cycling. The high-temperature steam oxidation (1200-1400 °C) demonstrated that interfaces of the ZrO2/Cr multilayers can act as a source of cavities formed by the Kirkendall mechanism that results in accelerating Cr-Zr interdiffusion for Cr-coated E110 alloy

    Mental health in South African adolescents living with HIV: correlates of internalising and externalising symptoms

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    Although declining in all other age groups, AIDS-related deaths among adolescents are increasing. In the context of HIV, mental health problems are associated with negative health outcomes, including non-adherence to life-saving ART. For effective programming it is essential to identify factors associated with psychological outcomes in this population. Adopting a socioecological perspective, we aimed to identify correlates of internalising and externalising symptoms in a large, representative sample of South African adolescents living with HIV. HIV-positive adolescents (n = 1060), who received care in public health facilities in South Africa’s Eastern Cape, completed measures of internalising and externalising symptoms. Hypothesised correlates included HIV and health-related factors (physical health, mode of infection, medication side effects, disclosure, stigma), health-service related factors (negative interactions with clinic staff, clinic support group), interpersonal factors (abuse, bullying victimisation, social support), parenting-related factors (orphanhood, positive parenting, parental monitoring, parent communication), as well as individual and demographic-related factors (self-efficacy, age, gender, urban/rural location, poverty). Correlates operating across a variety of contexts were identified. Bullying victimisation, self-efficacy, and positive parenting may be particularly salient intervention targets as they were associated with better outcomes on most or all mental health measures, can be addressed without directly targeting adolescents living with HIV (reducing the chances of accidental exposure and stigma), and are associated with better adolescent mental health in South Africa more generally.IS