25 research outputs found

    Experience Experimental Research Socially Significant Concepts in Modern Russian Language Consciousness (Concept DEMOCRACY)

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    An experimental research of the reception features of socially significant concepts in the linguistic consciousness of modern native speakers of the Russian language is described on the example of the concept DEMOCRACY. The results of a comparative analysis of the semantic content of this concept based on the materials of dictionaries and the results of a chain associative experiment are presented. It is shown that on the basis of lexicographic interpretations of the word democracy as a basic representative of the concept of the same name, eight significant cognitive features of the concept can be identified. The procedure for verifying the identified cognitive features through a chain experiment made it possible to detect significant conceptual and connotative-evaluative innovations in the semantic content of the DEMOCRACY concept in comparison with the results of the analysis of lexicographic sources. Reflexes of the negative-evaluative perception of this concept were found in the linguistic consciousness of the speakers of the modern Russian language, associated with ideas about the imaginary nature, the illusory nature of this concept for the Russian world, the manipulative nature of its discursive implementation, etc. It is concluded that the negative-evaluative reception of this concept in the modern Russian linguistic consciousness is associated with its inorganic nature, with psychological and cultural alienation in relation to the traditionally Russian models of linguistic conceptualization of the world

    Communicative texts' modelling of engineering profiles as a methodological problem

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    The article presents methodological materials for teaching professional foreign language (Russian), which stimulate foreign students’ communicative competence in the sphere of educational and professional communication. The structure of texts in terms of their communicative purpose is analyzed and the subject of speech in the β€œfabric” of the text based on the example of texts in β€œGeneral Electrical Engineering” is discussed. The proposed approach introduces international students to the particularities and traditions of the presentation of scientific and technical information adopted by Russian engineering schools as one factor in the development of language culture

    The concept of "Tea" in the language picture of the world (based on Chinese and Russian languages)

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    This article presents a study of the β€œtea” concept and its representation in the language picture of the world based on the Russian and Chinese languages and identification of linguistic-cognitive and linguistic-cultural specification of its comprehension by Russian and Chinese people. The following issues were examined in the article: the cultural and historical background of the formation of the β€œtea” concept, the frequency of occurrence of the β€œtea” token and also the representation of the β€œtea” concept in both linguistic worlds. The results were as follows: the language representation of the β€œtea” concept was described and compared, and the similarities and differences in the content of the concept were revealed. The language representation of the β€œtea” concept in the Chinese and Russian languages was taken as the material of the study

    Deformation and Damage Accumulation in a Ceramic Composite under Dynamic Loading

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    Methods of computer modelling were used to investigate the processes of deformation and microdamage formation in ceramic composite materials under intense dynamic loading. It was shown that there was no damage caused by dynamic compression in the vicinity of phase borders of a nanostructured aluminum oxide matrix and reinforcing particles of tetragonal zirconium dioxide. Also, the local origination of microdamages occurs only in the zones close to micropores

    Situational Communication in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language to Beginner Learners

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    The paper presents the results of a study that explores the real teaching experience designing different kinds of speech situations during lessons of Russian as a Foreign Language for beginner learners. The study was carried out at National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University in the 2014-2015 academic year. The primary concern was to discover the most productive set of expressions and speaking turns for situational communication. The outcome is an algorithm of designing speech situations and a typology of speech situations. The paper may be of interest to practising teachers of Russian as a foreign language, students from teacher training colleges and to anyone who is interested in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language

    The role of research work in the training of master students studying at technical university

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    Contemporary society needs initiative and independent specialists capable of improving their professional skills continually. These specialists are notable for high sensibility, curiosity, readiness for rapid updating of knowledge and a wide range of skills. Thus, the main purpose of higher education is the development of new educational content ensuring relevance and competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. In this article, the authors investigate the research work of technical university students studying at Master's programs in the context of innovative changes in modern education. Research work is the process of shaping the future specialist by individual cognitive activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge, solving theoretical and practical problems, self-education and self-realization. The authors prove that research work is one of the mechanisms for the integration of higher professional education into a modern innovative society

    Problem-based teaching in engineering education

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    The aerospace industry requires highly educated, motivated engineers capable of working with increasingly complex processes and equipment, rapidly-changing requirements, and the need to constantly improve production efficiency. Colleges and universities throughout the world strive to provide training to young professionals for jobs in high-tech industries and to provide not only core technical knowledge, but also training on how to approach problems creatively and to generate novel solutions to problems. Problem-based learning (PBL) contributes to solving this problem. This paper reviews the literature on PBL, studies its benefits and drawbacks, and presents the positive results achieved by its implementation in the training of engineering students at Tomsk Polytechnic University

    An analysis of illocutionary acts in business letters (a case atudy of some companies in Cilegon

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    The research is aimed to analysis the kinds of sentences illocutionary act in Business Letter from P.T HELINDO MAJU MANDIRI and P.T MITSUBISHI CHEMICHAL INDONESIA in Cilegon-Banten. The writer uses of John Searle Austin theory to analysis the Business Letters. In the research the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method and content analysis technique in which data are collected from the Letter of Business by relating of the kinds of Illocutionary act. This research is to find out the reason of communication activity which is always started from the speaker that wants to explain his or her purpose to hearer. For this purpose the speaker uses illocutionary act, as an illocutionary act is an act performed in doing something. In this case, the writer focuses on ten Business Letters. As conclusion, the writer founds five of illocutionary act that can reveal the theme. Such as: Representative, Directive, Commisisve, Expressive, and Declarative

    RUST 321 / RUST 322: Introduction to the Russian Language

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