1,638 research outputs found

    Equilibrium tori orbiting Reissner-Nordstr\"om naked singularities

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    In general relativity, the asymptotically flat space-time of a charged, spherically symmetric (non-rotating) body is described by the Reissner-Nordstr\"om metric. This metric corresponds to a naked singularity when the absolute value of charge, QQ, exceeds the mass, MM. For all Reissner-Nordstr\"om naked singularities, there exists a zero gravity sphere where a test particle can remain at rest. Outside that sphere gravity is attractive, inside it gravity is repulsive. For values of Q/M>9/8Q/M>\sqrt{9/8} the angular frequency of circular test-particle orbits has a maximum at radius r=(4/3)Q2/Mr=(4/3)\,Q^2/M. We construct polytropic tori with uniform values of specific angular momentum in the naked singularity regime of the Reissner-Nordstr\"om metric, (Q/M>1)(Q/M>1).Comment: Published in the Proceedings of RAGtime 23-35, Z. Stuchl\'ik, G. T\"or\"ok, V. Karas and D. Lan\v{c}ov\'a, editors, Silesian University in Opava, 2023, pp. 151-16

    Furnace Temperature Control & Calibration of Thermocouple Using Digital Temperature Controller

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    In industrial applications it is quite essential to maintain and control the temperature of furnaces at certain predetermined Value for the sake of proper functioning of the system. Failing which may lead to loss of huge amount of capital. So this project basically deals with the temperature control of the furnace for which a digital temperature controller has been used which is actually a PID controller. Thermo – emf  generated by the thermocouple acts as an input to the PID controller & the temperature of the furnace is maintained according to the pre-set value by increasing or decreasing the amount of electrical input given to the heater of the furnace. Keywords: PID, controller, furnace, heater, em

    Conservative limits on the electric charge of Sgr A* in the Reissner-Nordstrom metric

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    In General Relativity, the gravitational field of an electrically charged, non-rotating, spherically symmetric body is described by the Reissner-Nordstrom (RN) metric. In the naked-singularity regime, a general property of this metric is the existence of a radius, known as the zero-gravity radius, where a test particle would remain at rest. As a consequence of repulsive gravity there is no circular orbit inside this radius. A part of any quasi-stable structure must necessarily lie outside of it. Assuming the compact source Sgr A* at the galactic center may be a naked singularity in RN metric, we provide constraints on the electric charge-to-mass ratio Q/M based on different observations. The compari12 son between the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations and the space-time zero-gravity radius provides the most conservative limit on the charge of Sgr A* to be Q/M < 2.32. Therefore, a charged naked singularity respecting this charge-to-mass constraint is indeed consistent with the current EHT observations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    An exploration of firm level competitiveness through choices in Manufacturing Strategy: The case of Indian four wheeler passenger vehicle companies

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    In today&rsquo;s fast changing uncertain business environment several factors influence competitiveness of a manufacturing firm. There are several competing priorities such as cost, quality, delivery, flexibility and innovation on the basis of which firms compete with each other. Together with these competing priorities, technology plays a significant role in manufacturing competitiveness that ultimately leads to firm competitiveness. This paper explores different perspective of manufacturing strategy, different competing criteria of competitiveness and the role of innovation in manufacturing strategy for achieving competitiveness. Using the cases from Indian four wheeler passenger vehicle companies, the paper presents the use of innovation in gaining competitive positioning within Indian four wheeler passenger vehicle industries. By using case study and systematic review as a methodology this study outlines the role of manufacturing strategy and role of various forms of innovation in achieving competitiveness. The findings have important lessons for firms in their efforts towards innovation. It is seen from the various examples discussed in the study that there is a growing conviction that innovative practices ultimately contribute to the success of firms. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp

    Significance of Correct Diagnosis of Odontogenic Extraoral Sinus: A Report Of Two Cases

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    Cutaneous draining sinus tracts of odontogenic origin often are a diagnostic challenge. A delay in correctly diagnosing these types of lesions can result in unnecessary antibiotic therapy and surgical treatment. This case report presents the clinical course of two cases with extra-oral sinus tract formation, from diagnosis and treatment to short-term follow-up and evaluation. These facial lesions were initially misdiagnosed as lesions of non-odontogenic origin. Later on an odontogenic cause was identified and endodontic intervention resulted in resolution of the problem, confirming the initial misdiagnosis

    Liver function profile in thalassemic children receiving multiple blood transfusions

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    Background: Hepatic dysfunction is a frequent manifestation in thalassemic patients receiving multiple blood transfusions (BTs) as a part of treatment. Objective: The objective of the study was to study the liver function profile in thalassemic children and its correlation with the age of initiation of transfusion therapy. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was done among 32 thalassemic patients in the age group of 1–18 years visiting a tertiary care hospital regularly for BTs at the Department of Pediatrics at the tertiary hospital of North India. Liver function tests (LFTs) were done in all thalassemic patients included total bilirubin, liver enzymes (serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase [SGOT], serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase [SGPT], and alkaline phosphatase [ALP]), total protein, serum albumin, serum ferritin, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), and anti-hepatitis C virus. The age of initiation of BT was also recorded. Derangement in LFTs and correlation between the age of initiation of transfusion therapy and derangement of liver function were studied. Results: Out of 32 patients, only 7 (21.87%) had normal LFT values. A total of 17 (53.12%) had increased SGOT, 15 (46.87%) had increased SGPT, and 25 (78.12%) had increased bilirubin levels. Total protein and serum albumin were below normal in 5 (15.65%) and 3 (9.3%) patients, respectively. ALP was increased in 24 (75%) patients. Majority of the patients (43.75%) had serum ferritin between 2000 and 2999 ng/ml. Only two patients had significantly deranged LFTs. No patient was positive for HBsAg. However, we did not find a significant correlation between age of initiation of transfusion therapy and derangement of liver enzymes in these patients. Conclusion: If thalassemic patients are given properly tested blood and regular chelation therapy, liver function remains normal. Immunization against hepatitis B and testing of blood bags is recommended. It is also recommended that LFT should be done regularly at 3 months interval to detect any abnormality