7 research outputs found

    Transfer of gene conferring herbicide bialaphos resistance into buckwheat plants

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    Bar gene conferring resistance to herbicide bialaphos (phmphinothricin) was cloned from Streptomyces hygroscopicus. Bar gene under 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus was introduced in binary pBin19 vector and constructed plasmid was transferred into Agrcbacterium tumefaciens strain. Conditions of genetic transformation of cultivated buckwlwat and interspecific hybrid Fagopirum esculentum X F. tataricum were worked out. Buckwheat explants were inoculated by the strain with a plasmid carrying bar gene nearby NPTII gene. Molecular analysis of 8 regenereted plants that were selected for kanamycin resistance was performed. 5 plants gave positive signal by dol- and Southern hybridization using as a probe DNA fragment with bar gene that is an evidence of integration of bar gene into plant genome. Transformed plants grow and rooted at Basta concentrations in the medium, that totally inhibited nontransformed plants.Із Streptomyces hygroscopicus клонували bar-ген, який визначає стійкість до гербіціду біалафосу (фосфінотрицину). Ген під контролем 35S-промотора вірусу мозаїки цвітної капусти було введено у бінарний вектор рВin19 для трансформації рослин. Одержану рекомбінантну плазміду перенесено до шта­му 3850 Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Підібрано умови трансформації культурної гоечхи і міжвидового гібрида Fagopyrum esculentum х F. tatarium. Експланти гречки інокулювали агробактеріальним штамом, у якому bar-ген знаходиться на Тi плазміді поруч з NPTII геном. Здійснено молекулярно-біо­логічний аналіз восьми регенерантів, які пройшли канаміщновий відбір. П'ять рослин дали позитивну радіоавтогра­фічну відповідь при дот- і Саузерн-гібридизації з міченим зондом, який несе bar-ген, що свідчить про інтеграцію цього гена в геном рослин. Трансформовані рослини росли і утворю­вали коріння при концентрації гербіциди басти в середовищі, яке повністю пригнічувало нетрансформовані рослини,Из Streptomyces hygroscopicus клонировали bar-ген, определяю­щий устойчивость н гербициду биалафосу (фосфинотрицину). Ген под контролем 35S-промотора вируса мозаики цветной капусты был введен в бинарный вектор рВіп!9 для трансфор-мании растений. Полученная рекомбинантная плазмида перенесена в штамм 3850 Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Подобраны условия трансформации культурной гречихи и межвидового гибрида Fagopyrum esculentum X F. taiaricum. Экспланты гречи­хи инокулировали агробактериальным штаммом, в котором bar-ген находился на Тi плазмиде рядом с геном NPTII Проведен молекулярно-биологический анализ восьми регенераншов, прошедших канамициновый отбор. Пять растений дали положительный радиоавтографический ответ при дот- и Саузерн-гибридизации с меченым зондом, несущим bar-ген, что свидетельствует об интеграции этого гена в геном растений. Трансформированные растения росли и образовывали корни при концентрации гербицида басты в среде, полностью ингибирующей не трансформированные растения


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    Efficacy and safety of long acting 29 agonist formoterol (foradil aerolizer) was investigated in comparative study. 30 pediatric patients (6–16 years old) with bronchial asthma were treated with formoterol. 100 ?g of salbutamol by metered9dose inhaler was administered to control group of children (n = 30). The bronchodilating effect of formoterol was comparable to that of short acting 29 agonist salbutamol. Maximal bronchodilating action was registered in 2–4 hours after inhalation and lasted out more then 12 hours. For moterol aerolizer can be easily applicated and allows to carry out doctor's recommendations and to increase the effectiveness of treatment. Formoterol aerolizer allows making greatly less mistakes in inhalation technique then salbutamol in metered dose inhaler. Authors made a conclusion that for moterol can be used as a rescue treatment in children with bronchial asthma upwards 5 years old treated with appropriate basis regimens.Key words: children, bronchial asthma, formoterol, aerolizer.</em

    Multidirectional cross-species painting illuminates the history of karyotypic evolution in Perissodactyla

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    The order Perissodactyla, the group of odd-toed ungulates, includes three extant families: Equidae, Tapiridae, and Rhinocerotidae. The extremely rapid karyotypic diversification in perissodactyls has so far prevented the establishment of genome-wide homology maps between these three families by traditional cytogenetic approaches. Here we report the first genome-wide comparative chromosome maps of African rhinoceroses, four tapir species, four equine species, and humans. These maps were established by multidirectional chromosome painting, with paint probes derived from flow-sorted chromosomes of Equus grevyi, Tapirus indicus, and Ceratotherium simum as well as painting probes from horse and human. The Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus), Baird's tapir (T. bairdii), mountain tapir (T. pinchaque), lowland tapir (T. terrestris), and onager (E. hemionus onager), were studied by cross-species chromosome painting for the first time. Our results, when integrated with previously published comparative chromosome maps of the other perissodactyl species, have enabled the reconstruction of perissodactyl, ceratomorph, and equid ancestral karyotypes, and the identification of the defining evolutionary chromosomal rearrangements along each lineage. Our results allow a more reliable estimate of the mode and tempo of evolutionary chromosomal rearrangements, revealing a striking switch between the slowly evolving ceratomorphs and extremely rapidly evolving equids. © 2008 Springer.Articl

    Chaperones and Their Role in Telomerase Ribonucleoprotein Biogenesis and Telomere Maintenance

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    The telomere-telomerase system and mental processes in aging, norm and pathology (Literature review)

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