55 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Produksi Dan Pengembangan Kakao ( Theobroma Cacao L. ) Di Indonesia

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    Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara pengekspor biji kakao terpenting di dunia. Tahun 2010 Indonesia menduduki posisi sebagai pengekspor biji kakao terbesar ketiga dunia dengan produksi biji kering 550.000 ton. Pada tahun tersebut dari luas 1.651.539 ha areal kakao, sekitar 1.555.596 ha atau 94% adalah kakao rakyat. Hal ini mengindikasikan peran penting kakao baik sebagai sumber lapangan kerja maupun pendapatan bagi petani. Di samping itu, areal dan produksi kakao Indonesia meningkat pesat pada dekade terakhir, dengan laju 5,99% per tahun. Namun demikian, seiring dengan semakin luasnya daerah pengembangan kakao, akhir-akhir ini produksi dan produktivitas kakao di Indonesia terus mengalami penurunan yang sangat berarti. Selain tingkat produktivitas yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan potensi klon atau bahan tanam yang ada, aspek mutu juga mengalami penurunan. Menurunnya mutu dan daya hasil tersebut dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor antara lain serangan organisme pengganggu tanaman seperti infeksi penyakit dan serangan hama penggerek buah kakao (PBK), bahan tanam kakao yang diusahakan, penanganan pasca panen, dan sistem USAhatani. Teknologi yang tersedia untuk mendukung peningkatan produksi dan pengembangan kakao antara lain bahan tanaman unggul, informasi kesesuaian lahan, teknologi perbanyakan bahan tanaman, teknologi pengendalian hama dan penyakit utama, teknologi sambung samping dan sambung pucuk, teknologi pengolahan hasil dan teknologi pengembangan industri kakao. Bahan tanaman unggul memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam USAhatani kakao di Indonesia. Saat ini telah dihasilkan beberapa klon unggul kakao dengan produktivitas di atas 2 ton/ha/th, beberapa di antaranya juga mempunyai sifat tahan terhadap hama dan penyakit utama kakao. Pengendalian hama dan penyakit tersebut, saat ini telah diimplementasikan model pengendalian secara terpadu yang melibatkan komponen bahan tanam unggul resisten terhadap hama dan penyakit, teknologi budidaya serta kriteria lahan yang sesuai untuk tanaman kakao. Produktivitas dan mutu hasil kakao sangat ditentukan oleh kualitas bahan tanam. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan mutu hasil kakao dapat dilakukan dengan teknik klonalisasi dengan cara sambung samping. Teknik sambung samping telah terbukti mampu memperbaiki produktivitas dan mutu kakao rakyat. Teknologi sambung samping telah diadopsi oleh para petani pekebun khususnya untuk merehabilitasi tanaman tua dan tanaman kurang produktif. Selain itu, teknologi pengolahan hasil dan pengembangan industri hilir juga telah banyak tersedia antara lain teknologi fermentasi, teknologi pengolahan limbah, dan teknologi diversifikasi produk. Agar USAhatani kakao dapat berkembang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, ke depan diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan pengembangan penanganan hasil dan produk kakao di Indonesia. Improvement and Development Production of Cocoa in IndonesiaABTRACT Indonesia is known as important exporting country of the world's cocoa beans. In 2010 Indonesia is the third largest world exporter of cocoa beans with production estimated 550,000 tons of dry beans. From1,651,596 ha in Indonesia, approximately 1,555,539 ha or 94% is managed by smallholders. This indicates an important role of cocoa both as a source of employment and income for farmers. In addition, the acreage and production of cocoa Indonesia increased rapidly in the last decade, a rate of 5,99% per year. Cocoa crop is non-oil export commodity which is very important in the estate sub-sector. Aside from being a source of state divisa, cocoa trees in Indonesia is a source of income and employment to estate farmers. Along with the vast development of new cocoa areas in Indonesia, the recent production and productivity of cocoa in Indonesia continues to a significant decline. In addition to a smaller level of productivity compared to the clone or plant material potency, the quality aspect also decreased. The decline in the quality and yield are influenced by many factors, among others, the attacks of infectious diseases and pests such as cocoa fruit borer Conophomorpha cramerella, plant materials, post harvest and farming systems. Technology available to support increased production and development of cocoa among other superior cacao plant materials, information, suitability of land for cocoa, the technology of plant propagation materials, technology major pest and disease control, side-grafting technology and continued shoots, processing technology and technological development of the cocoa industry. Superior cocoa plant material plays a very important role in cocoa farms in Indonesia. At present it has produced some excellent cocoa clones with productivity above 2 tons/ha/yr, some of which also have properties resistant to pests and major diseases of cocoa. To control pests and diseases have now implemented an integrated control model that involves components of superior planting materials that are resistant to pests and diseases, cultivation technology, and the criteria for suitable land for cocoa plants. Productivity and quality of cocoa is largely determined by the quality of planting material. One effort to improve cocoa productivity and quality results can be done with the clonalisasion technique by side-grafting. Side-grafting technique has been shown to improve cocoa productivity and quality of the people. Side-grafting technology has adopted by farmers to rehabilitate crop planters, especially older and less productive plants. Besides processing technology and the development of downstream industries have also been widely available among other fermentation technology, processing technology and waste product diversification technology. In order cocoa farming can be developed in the future, the next necessary efforts is to improve product development and processing of cocoa

    Physical Quality and Flavor of Arabica Coffee Beans Fermented by Probiotic Microbes From Civet Digestive System

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    Civet coffee is produced through microbial digestion inside the civet's tenue intestinal and caecum. Therefore, fermented coffee using probiotic microbes isolated from the civet digestive organs presumably will produce coffee with a distinctive flavor and aroma, which is similar to civet coffee. The research aimed to determine the effect of the fermentation period on physical quality of beans and flavor profile of probiotics Arabica coffee. The research was conducted at Belanga and Belantih Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, laboratory of Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) Bali, laboratory of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute Jember, and laboratory of Indonesian Center for Agricultural Postharvest Research and Development Bogor, from June to December 2013. Fermentation was carried out in 2 phases: (1) fermentation using probiotic microbes isolated from civet's intestum tenue, (II) fermentation using probiotic microbes isolated from civet's caecum. The treatments were arranged as follows: P1 = fermentation at phases I and II, each for 4 days, P2 = fermentation at phases I and II, each for 5 days, P3 = fermentation at phases I and II, each for 6 days, P4 = fermentation at phases I and II, each for 7 days. The result showed that probiotics Arabica coffee has a reasonably good physical quality and met the requirements of SNI 01-2907-2008. The best flavor was obtained in 2 fermentation phases, each for 6 and 7 days with a total score of 81.44 and 80.91, respectively, which then classified as specialty coffee. The qualities shown are better compared to original Arabica civet coffee


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    ABSTRAKKlon kakao unggul berdaya hasil dan bermutu hasil tinggi sertaresisten terhadap penyakit utama perlu dikembangkan melalui pemuliaantanaman dan tersedianya informasi tentang parameter genetik diharapkandapat membantu memecahkan masalah tersebut. Pendugaan parametergenetik dapat dilakukan dengan analisis persilang dialel. Penelitianbertujuan untuk menduga parameter genetik ketahanan tanaman kakaoterhadap infeksi P. palmivora, menggunakan analisis persilangan setengahdialel. Bahan tanaman terdiri atas lima klon kakao (ICCRI 3, TSH 858,DR 1, ICS 13 dan Sca 6) yang tergolong rentan hingga tahan terhadapinfeksi P. palmivora yang digunakan sebagai tetua dan 10 galur hibrida F1hasil persilangan antar lima klon. Penelitian dilaksanakan di KebunPercobaan Kaliwining Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia,Jember, Jawa Timur dari tahun 2008 hingga 2009. Untuk setiap kombinasipersilangan dievaluasi 20 bibit dan diulang tiga kali. Untuk mengetahuirespon bibit hibrida F1 terhadap infeksi P. palmivora, daunnya diinokulasidengan inokulum zoospora dan disungkup dengan plastik untuk menjagakelembapannya (>90%). Pengamatan luas bercak akibat infeksi P.palmivora dilakukan enam hari setelah inokulasi dan digunakan untukmenghitung intensitas penyakit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwakakao klon DR 1, ICS 13, dan ICCRI 3 mempunyai DGU yang palingtinggi dibandingkan dengan tetua lainnya. Selanjutnya, persilangan antarklon kakao DR 1 x ICS 13, dan TSH 858 x Sca 6 mempunyai DGKtertinggi sehingga kombinasi persilangan ini berpeluang untuk menjadipenghasil hibrida baru yang resisten terhadap P. palmivora. Kombinasipersilangan yang menunjukkan nilai heterosis tertinggi adalah DR1 x ICS13, DR1 x Sca 6, dan ICS 13 x Sca 6.Kata kunci: Heterosis, hibrida F1, DGU, DGK, intensitas penyakitABSTRACTEstimation of Heterosis and Combining Ability forResistance Against Black Pod Disease (Phytophthorapalmivora) in Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.)High yielding and disease resistance of cacao clone needs to bedeveloped through breeding program. Availability of genetic parametersfor various agronomic importance characters in cacao would be veryuseful and beneficial for cacao breeding activities. Estimation of variousgenetic parameters could be done by analyzing F1 arrays generated fromsemi-diallele crosses among a number of parents. The objectives of thisresearch were to estimate genetic parameters for resistance against P.palmivora infection in cacao using F1 arrays generated from semi-diallelecrosses among five cacao clones. Five cacao clones (DR 1, TSH 858, ICS13, ICCRI 3, and Sca 6), representing an arrays of clones with increasedresistance against P. palmivora infection, were used as parents to generate10 F1 hybrid arrays. This research was conducted at KaliwiningExperimental Station, Indonesian Coffee and Cacao Research Institute,Jember, Indonesia, during the period of 2008 to 2009. At most 20seedlings were evaluated for each F1 hybrid and the evaluation wasreplicated three times. To evaluate the response of the seedlings against P.palmivora infection, their leaves were inoculated with zoospore of P.palmivora. Relative humidity around inoculated leaves was maintained at>90% by wrapping them with plastic bag. The sizes of leaf necroseresponse due to P. palmivora infection were observed during six days afterinoculation and the disease intensity was calculated based on this recordedsymptoms. Results of the experiments indicated that cacao clones (DR 1,ICS 13, and ICCRI 3) were the highest in general combining ability(GCA) for resistance character than the other two clones. Moreover, F1hybrid originated from crosses between DR 1 x ICS 13, and TSH 858 xSca 6 were the highest in specific combining ability (SCA) for resistancecharacter. Therefore, this combination crosses might be used to developenew hybrid combinations resistance against P. palmivora infection.Combination crosses showing highest heterotic value for resistance againstP. palmivora infection were DR 1 x ICS 13, DR1 x Sca 6, and ICS 13 xSca 6.Key words : Heterotic effects, F1 hybrid array, GCA, SCA, diseaseintensit

    Keefektifan Paket Teknologi Pengendalian Penggerek Buah Kakao (PBK) Di Provinsi Bali

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    Hama penggerek buah kakao (PBK) (Conopomorpha cramerella Snell.) merupakan hama utama yang menyerang hampir seluruhperkebunan kakao di Indonesia, termasuk Bali. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan paket teknologi yang efektif untukmengendalikan PBK. Penelitian dilakukan pada areal kakao di kelompok Subak Abian Puncaksari, Kabupaten Tabanan, Provinsi Balidari tahun 2006 sampai 2009. Paket teknologi pengendalian PBK yang diuji ialah: P0 (teknologi petani), P1 (panen sering +penyarungan buah muda + pemangkasan), P2 (panen sering + pemangkasan + Beauveria bassiana), dan P3 (panen sering +pemangkasan + penyarungan buah muda + Beauveria basiana) dengan 5 ulangan. Setiap paket diintroduksikan kepada masing-masing 5petani pada lahan 0,5 ha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa paket teknologi P1 dan P3 merupakan paket teknologi pengendalianPBK yang efektif menurunkan tingkat dan intensitas serangan PBK dan menekan kehilangan hasil sampai 0%.Kata Kunci: Kakao, Conopomorpha cramerella (Snell.), pengendalianThe cocoa pod borer (CPB) caused by Conopomorpha cramerella (Snell.) is one of major pests having attacked almost all cocoa plantations inIndonesian, including Bali. The aim of this research was to find out of CPB control technology in Tabanan Regency, the province of Bali. The studywas conducted at the group of Subak Abian Puncaksari, province of Bali during 2006 until 2009. The CPB control technology packages tested are P0(farmer\u27s technologies), P1 (frequent harvesting + pods sleeving + pruning), P2 (frequent harvesting + pruning + Beauveria bassiana), P3 (frequentharvesting + pruning + pods sleeving + B. bassiana. Each package was applied to cocoa plantations of 5 farmers having of 0.5 ha each. The resultsindicated that P1 and P3 packages can reduce the rate and intensity of CPB attack and reduce losses 0 percent

    Chitinase and Peroxidase Activities, Stomatal Density and Resistance of CocoaAgainst Black Pod Disease

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    Research based on morphology which is related to structural resistance such as stomata density and chemical resistance involving chitinase and peroxidase enzymes needs to be conducted. Hereafter, cacao resistant mechanism against Phytophthora palmivora can be realized. Research took place in June 2008 till February 2009 in Plant Disease Laboratory and Experiment Station of Kaliwining, Indonesian Coffee and Cacao Research Institute, Jember, East Java. Research on chitinase and perxidase analysis took place in Inter University Center Laboratory of Bogor Agriculture University (IPB). Based on stomata observation of 10 clones, the stomata density in pod and leaf did not give high correlation to the resistance. Resistant cacao clone did not always low stomata density compared to susceptible ones. Cacao clone which was susceptible did not always have high stomata density in pod and leaf. The number of stomata did not give significant difference between resistant clones and susceptible ones. The activities of chitinase and peroxidase enzymes upon tested clones indicated that there was chitinase role in the resistance of cacao against the infection by P. palmivora fungi. The increase of chitinase activity fungus in resistant clones generally intensified consistently, and similiar with peroxidase enzyme
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