157 research outputs found

    A Review of Problems and Challenges of Library Professionals in Developing Countries including Pakistan

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    Introduction “A librarian is a person who looks after the storage and retrieval of information. In a workplace, the librarian is usually a professional who is trained and educated to deal with information in a wide variety of formats and settings” (WordiQ, 2010). Librarian helps users to navigate into the voyage of internet and evaluate information efficiently. Librarian offers a helping hand for users to find out the required piece of information and to use it for personal and professional purposes (BLS, 2011). Due to the advent of Internet, World Wide Web and proliferation of online catalogue, the role of librarian has been changed. Now he is more efficient and has new roles as intermediary, facilitator, end-user trainer/educator, web organizer & designer, researcher, interface designer, knowledge manager/professional and sifter of information resources (Rao & Babu, 2001). Librarian should be knowledgeable in a variety of information sources and follow the new trends and advancements in computers, media and publishing (Careeroverview, 2011). Research Objectives 1. To review the problems faced by librarians in new digital era. 2. To identify the major challenges for librarians to work smoothly in cyber environment. 3. To furnish recommendations to overcome the problems and to tackle the challenges. Methodology The study is based on comprehensive review of related literature & informal semi-structured interviews which were conducted by the second author during some international conferences, with library professionals & scholars from developing countries i.e., Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Malaysia, Nepal, and Pakistan with the purpose to explore their perceptions, opinions and observation regarding the problems & challenges confronted by the librarians due to changing information landscape. Available material on the Internet was also explored. Studies Conducted to Investigate the Problems/Challenges Confronted by Librarians in Developing Countries in Changing Information Landscape New tools of information technology have absolutely changed the role & responsibilities of librarians. A number of studies have been conducted to explore the problems faced by librarians. Given section reviews the studies conducted at International level in general and particularly in developing countries to investigate the problems confronted by the librarians. Ademodi & Adepoju (2009) investigated the computer skill among librarians in academic libraries on Ondo and Ekiti State in Nigeria. It was found the shortage of computers and computer skills among professionals. The study recommended that more attention and funds should be provided for training and procurement of ICT infrastructure in Nigerian University libraries. For computerization purpose, library administration should solicit funds and assistant from foreign agencies and foundations who are interested for the cause. Adomi & Anie (2006) in their research on computer literacy skills of professionals in Nigerarian University libraries concluded that most of the professionals do not posses high level of computer skill and their use of computer and technology is still maturing. They recommended that library management and leaders should organize and offer in-house computer training programmes for librarians and enough computers should be provided in this regard. Trushina (2004) discussed the issues related to the internet as well as the correlation of professional codes and their implementation in library practice. He stated that libraries depend on ethical principles more than any other institution because library services are essentially human-oriented. He stressed that librarians must follow the intellectual freedom principle and they have a moral responsibility to the patrons. Hashim & Mokhtar (n.d) studied the trends and issues in preparing new era librarians and information professionals. They reported that the following trends are essential for new era librarians’ i. e. a vision towards information and knowledge rich society, globalization of information, integrated and widespread ICT applications, growth of electronic/internet resources, role of digital/electronic/virtual library, access role replace custodial role, strategic alliances, partnership and collaborations, librarians need new management knowledge and skills, specialized knowledge & skills in library and information management, trend to develop digital contents to facilitate access. It was concluded that new era librarian will become a guardian of digital information and digital librarians with newly acquired skills can play a meaningful and leading role in the networked information society of the millennium. Sreenivasulu (2000) studied the role of a digital librarian in the management of digital information systems. He stressed that the multimedia nature of the next generation of digital libraries requires the digital librarians (DL) to be essentially a type of specialist librarian who has to manage and organize the digital library, handle the specialized tasks of massive digitization, storage, access, digital knowledge mining, digital reference services, electronic information services, search co-ordination, and manage the archive and its access. He should be well-versed in markup languages, cataloguing, metadata, multimedia indexing and database technology, user interface design, programming, and Web technology. Johnson (2007) viewed library and information science education in developing countries. He concluded that LIS programs in developing countries continue to suffer from lack of financial support by governments. Wallis (2005) found that information literacy is vital skill set for citizens of information societies. They suggested that the librarian must support learning at all levels. They are needed to pass skill set of technological and media literacies to citizens at all levels of society for economic, social and personal empowerment. Rahman, Khatun & Islam (2008) reviewed the library education in Bangladesh. The study found that majority of institutions in Bangladesh do not have well-equipped computer labs or sufficient numbers of computers for students. A sufficient number of classification and cataloguing tools (DDC, LC, Sears list of subject headings for practical were not present. Many institutions either have no library or inadequate collection of textbooks. Professional’s status was also found very low, low pay scale and limited opportunities for promotion. In Sri Lanka, Wijayaratne (n.d) probed the challenges encountered by the librarians of developing world in providing library services to support open and distance learning. It was concluded that the attitude of the government towards libraries in Sri Lanka has been changed during the last few years and the government has made several approaches to develop the libraries particularly University libraries. Government also identified the capacity of distance education to accommodate the huge number of A/L completers who cannot gain admission to learn. It was found very important for the OUSL to boost the process of achieving its development goals to upgrade the quality and maintain the standards of distance education in Sri Lanka. In Nepal, Siwakoti (2008) found that there was no government agency to control, monitor and evaluate the school libraries activities. There was lack of awareness programs, budgetary constraints, inadequate space, inadequate library materials, lack of trained and skilled manpower and lack of appropriate government policy and lack of information literacy. In Malaysia Lee, Brown, Mekis & Singh (2003) investigated that there was lack of full-time teacher librarians and selected teachers are asked to take charge of the school resource center as one of their administrative duties. There was no uniform current syllabus for the training of teacher librarians. The biggest problem which was found is that in Malaysian teacher librarians are facing professional isolation. In Iran Gavgani, Shokraneh & Shiramin (2011) concluded that librarians do not have traditional skills and sufficient background knowledge to meet the changing needs of their customers. They need to be empowered by new skills and information before going to empower their patrons. So there must not be a gap between librarian’s professional/technological knowledge and their societies informational need that to be answered by librarians. Need for changing the syllabus of medical library and information science education in Iran was also felt. In India Jestin & Parameswari (2002) explored the challenges for library professionals in the new millennium. It found that library professionals in India were subjected to various challenges. The introduction of computers and new technology was a challenge to all librarians. It was conclude that librarians should be ready to participate in the process of generating and distributing information and knowledge for quality of life and education for all. Librarians must unite to withstand the revolutions that will occur in the information and communication fields. Similarly, Dasgupta (2009) searched out that in India there is non-existent of norms and standards for the education of librarians. Problems for Indian librarians discovered in his study were emergence of new LIS schools, insufficient faculty strength, lack of accreditation bodies, lack of proper library facilities, inadequate physical facilities, little attention for selection criteria, and lack of apprenticeship programs. Study suggested that the Government of India should play a leading role in promoting LIS education in India, by creating more job opportunities for LIS professionals and removing disparity in pay scales among LIS professionals. Ali & Bakshi (n.d) explored that LIS profession is facing many challenges such as lack of finance, inadequate infrastructure, lack of knowledge and training, lack of high quality teaching staff, lack of permanent faculty for distant programs, lack of admission policy and evaluation, absence of accreditation body and supporting policy at national level, lack of global perspective and lack of library visits. It was suggested that admission test should be conducted before admission in LIS and practical hours should be increased. Attendance should be made compulsory and syllabus should be up-dated. Availability of high caliber staff should be ensured. Mobile based learning programmes should be adopted for distance learning. For the purpose of imparting practical training, there should be complete infrastructure. It was concluded that to support learning and teaching ICT should be used because e-learning would be the future of education. Like other developing countries, studies conducted in Pakistan do not show the healthy picture of LIS profession. In Pakistan, even all libraries are not fully automated. Internet service for users is being provided in University libraries but in public and college libraries the provision of Internet service is not encouraging. Haider (2003) found that the present library scenario in Pakistan is not so impressive and is suffering from inadequate funds and lack of bibliographic resources in the country. It was suggested that in order to meet new challenges, library schools are needed to improve the quality of their teaching staff and revise the curricula as well. The amount of research by library professionals into their own discipline is simply inadequate. Mohammad Asghar (1992) listed some main problems as the lack of opportunities for proper training, appropriate guidance, availability and access to information sources, financial assistance and sponsorship, encouragement, publication or dissemination of research findings, and personal interest and initiative. As Khalid, Hafiz (1997) states, the library staff is an area of weakness in Pakistan; there are several causes of this problem in Pakistan such as the faulty system of selection, lack of training, poor librarian’s status, etc. It was pointed out by Ministry of Education in National Education Policy, 1998; p.113 that: College libraries, which are the largest group of libraries in the country, have also been facing the problem of poor services, outdated collection of reading materials, financial constraints and inadequate professional staff

    An Argument on Collection Development and Collection Management

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    This study is an attempt to examine the concepts of collection development and collection management through extensive literature review. Though these phrases are being used interchangeable but there is hardly any consensus on which term is more comprehensive. Are these terms the same or different? Some authors see them synonyms and other the expansion and extension of one another. The evolutionary studies of collection development and collection management show that these two are overlapping terms in nature, however, the two areas together are difficult to define. This study is an effort to present an argument on these terms in a bifurcated way based on literature review

    Factors Affecting Digital Skills of University Librarians for Developing & Managing Digital Libraries: An Assessment in Pakistan

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the digital skills of librarians working in university libraries. This study measures their digital skills to create and manage the digital library and the factors affecting their digital skills. The study also provides practical solutions to overcome those factors. This study used a mixed-method research design that is based on qualitative and quantitative research. In the first phase, an in-depth review of related literature was conducted to identify the research problem and formulate research objectives. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed through SPSS software. An interview guide was developed to collect qualitative data from 50 key experts. A thematic approach was used to analyze data. The current status of digital skills of librarians working in university libraries of Pakistan is not encouraging to develop and manage a digital library. Results showed that library schools in Pakistan are not offering practice-based training to their graduates to develop their digital skills. There is a dire need to offer practice-based training and short courses for librarians working in university libraries of Pakistan to improve their digital skills. Experts recommended in-house training programs and hiring master trainers to improve the digital skills of librarians. The results of this research are limited to librarians working in university libraries of Pakistan. This study has practical implications for librarians, library schools, library administration, and university libraries to develop digital skills of librarians and combat the factors/issues that are affecting their digital skills. This study has not only identified the key factors/issues that are affecting the digital skills of librarians but also provides practical solutions on how to overcome those factors

    Multilateral Export Control Regimes State-of-Affairs and Prospects

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    This article endeavours to analyse the existing effectiveness of multilateral export control regimes (MECRs). The states like India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea are not party to these regimes but had managed to attain their nuclear weapons capabilities by exploiting the weak links of MECRs. Conceptually, this sets the stage for an interesting debate to overcome some of the loopholes in MECRs, and to demonstrate that effective and realistic cooperation can go a long way in yielding constructive outcomes. To fill the cracks in the MECRs, it is essential to consider the non-NPT nuclear weapon states' issue with a view to construct reliable and effective MECRs. The MTCR membership criteria, Indo-US nuclear deal and India-specific waiver by the NSG states have raised some pertinent and challenging questions concerning the credibility and effectiveness of NPT and other MECRs. The paper argues that India and Pakistan both should be accorded an equal chance to join the MECRs - as both are declared de jure NWS. Their independent status is distinct from the NPT's January 1, 1967, cut-off date principle to qualify for a de jure NWS position, ipso facto is not applicable on them

    A Case Study of Tariq Road Underpass, Karachi: Environmental Analysis

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    The construction projects are rising in Pakistan to overcome the flow of traffic on the main road of big cities. Karachi is the metropolitan city of Pakistan facing uncontrolled growth and urbanization, which leads to an increase in the demand for urban transport facilities. The study focuses on the assessment of the environmental impacts of the Tariq Road underpass construction site. The data was collected with the help of community consultation using analytical methods. It includes public chat, site visits, interviews, questioners, and the samples collection of environmental components. The results show that the most common hazards were related to excavation, working practice variation, and personal protective equipment (PPEs). Faulty and unmaintained machinery with the lack of proper barrier producingnoise and air pollution

    Van Der Knaap Disease in a 3-year-old Male Child: A Case Report

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    Van der Knaap disease or megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts is a leukodystrophy with autosomal-recessive inheritance caused by mutation in the gene MLC1 which is localized on chromosome 22q. It is characterized by macrocephaly, motor developmental delay, seizures, spasticity, ataxia, and mild mental deterioration. On neuroimaging, involvement of cerebral white matter along with subcortical cysts in frontal and temporal lobes are hallmarks of the disease. There is no definite treatment of this disease. We report a case of Van Der Knaap disease in a 3-year-old male child who presented with seizures and delayed developmental milestones

    Relationship between Volatility of Economics Variables and Economics Growth

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    Economic growth of an economy is defined as the steady state path through which the productivity of an economy is improved and increases the levels of national output and income. The government consumption expenditures and investment play a key role in the process of investigating the macroeconomic performance of an economy and determinants of economic growth. The countries which grow quickly, invest a substantial fraction of their GDP for consumption expenditures as well for the sources which encourage private investment. The objective of this study to calculate the volatility in economics growth in Pakistan. The annual time series data are used from 1975 to 2014 from WDI, Economics survey of Pakistan and Hand Book of Statistics. GARCH model has been used to measure volatility of all variables. The empirical results of the study confirmed that the volatility of the different variables (volatility of inflation, volatility of interest rate, volatility of political instability, volatility of GDP, and volatility of foreign direct investment) significant affect the government consumption expenditures and private investment in the economy of Pakistan. The study analyzed data by using the autoregressive distributive lag model which is mainly used in time series data Econometrics to estimate the non-stationary models with mix order of integration. The estimated results of the study evaluated that volatility of the inflation lead to uncertainty which is also suggested by the Able (1980) and negatively affect the economy consumption expenditures as well as private investment in the economy of Pakistan. Because uncertainty directly affects the cost of capital as well as reduce private investor confidence
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