21,998 research outputs found

    Motivation of R and D enterpreneurs - Determinants of company success

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    Human performance related to motivations of achievement, power, and company affiliations for determining leadership qualitie

    EPR experiment and 2-photon interferometry: Report of a 2-photon interference experiment

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    After a very brief review of the historical Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR) experiments, a new two-photon interference type EPR experiment is reported. A two-photon state was generated by optical parametric down conversion. Pairs of light quanta with degenerate frequency but divergent directions of propagation were sent to two independent Michelson interferometers. First and second order interference effectors were studied. Different than other reports, we observed that the second order interference visibility vanished when the optical path difference of the interferometers were much less than the coherence length of the pumping laser beam. However, we also observed that the second order interference behaved differently depending on whether the interferometers were set at equal or different optical path differences

    Shock-Wave Heating Model for Chondrule Formation: Prevention of Isotopic Fractionation

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    Chondrules are considered to have much information on dust particles and processes in the solar nebula. It is naturally expected that protoplanetary disks observed in present star forming regions have similar dust particles and processes, so study of chondrule formation may provide us great information on the formation of the planetary systems. Evaporation during chondrule melting may have resulted in depletion of volatile elements in chondrules. However, no evidence for a large degree of heavy-isotope enrichment has been reported in chondrules. In order to meet this observed constraint, the rapid heating rate at temperatures below the silicate solidus is required to suppress the isotopic fractionation. We have developed a new shock-wave heating model taking into account the radiative transfer of the dust thermal continuum emission and the line emission of gas molecules and calculated the thermal history of chondrules. We have found that optically-thin shock waves for the thermal continuum emission from dust particles can meet the rapid heating constraint, because the dust thermal emission does not keep the dust particles high temperature for a long time in the pre-shock region and dust particles are abruptly heated by the gas drag heating in the post-shock region. We have also derived the upper limit of optical depth of the pre-shock region using the radiative diffusion approximation, above which the rapid heating constraint is not satisfied. It is about 1 - 10.Comment: 58 pages, including 5 tables and 15 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Comment on ``Dispersion-Independent High-Visibility Quantum Interference ... "

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    We show in this Comment that the interpretation of experimental data as well as the theory presented in Atat\"ure et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 618 (2000)] are incorrect and discuss why such a scheme cannot be used to "recover" high-visibility quantum interference.Comment: Comment on Atat\"ure et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 618 (2000)], 2nd revision, To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. April, (2001

    Stationary Points of Scalar Fields Coupled to Gravity

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    We investigate the dynamics of gravity coupled to a scalar field using a non-canonical form of the kinetic term. It is shown that its singular point represents an attractor for classical solutions and the stationary value of the field may occur distant from the minimum of the potential. In this paper properties of universes with such stationary states are considered. We reveal that such state can be responsible for modern dark energy density.Comment: H. Kroger, invited talk, FFP6, Udine (2004), revised version with corrected author lis

    A really simple approximation of smallest grammar

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    In this paper we present a really simple linear-time algorithm constructing a context-free grammar of size O(g log (N/g)) for the input string, where N is the size of the input string and g the size of the optimal grammar generating this string. The algorithm works for arbitrary size alphabets, but the running time is linear assuming that the alphabet Sigma of the input string can be identified with numbers from 1,ldots, N^c for some constant c. Algorithms with such an approximation guarantee and running time are known, however all of them were non-trivial and their analyses were involved. The here presented algorithm computes the LZ77 factorisation and transforms it in phases to a grammar. In each phase it maintains an LZ77-like factorisation of the word with at most l factors as well as additional O(l) letters, where l was the size of the original LZ77 factorisation. In one phase in a greedy way (by a left-to-right sweep and a help of the factorisation) we choose a set of pairs of consecutive letters to be replaced with new symbols, i.e. nonterminals of the constructed grammar. We choose at least 2/3 of the letters in the word and there are O(l) many different pairs among them. Hence there are O(log N) phases, each of them introduces O(l) nonterminals to a grammar. A more precise analysis yields a bound O(l log(N/l)). As l \leq g, this yields the desired bound O(g log(N/g)).Comment: Accepted for CPM 201

    Spitzer reveals what's behind Orion's Bar

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope observations of 11 regions SE of the Bright Bar in the Orion Nebula, along a radial from the exciting star theta1OriC, extending from 2.6 to 12.1'. Our Cycle 5 programme obtained deep spectra with matching IRS short-high (SH) and long-high (LH) aperture grid patterns. Most previous IR missions observed only the inner few arcmin. Orion is the benchmark for studies of the ISM particularly for elemental abundances. Spitzer observations provide a unique perspective on the Ne and S abundances by virtue of observing the dominant ionization states of Ne (Ne+, Ne++) and S (S++, S3+) in Orion and H II regions in general. The Ne/H abundance ratio is especially well determined, with a value of (1.01+/-0.08)E-4. We obtained corresponding new ground-based spectra at CTIO. These optical data are used to estimate the electron temperature, electron density, optical extinction, and the S+/S++ ratio at each of our Spitzer positions. That permits an adjustment for the total gas-phase S abundance because no S+ line is observed by Spitzer. The gas-phase S/H abundance ratio is (7.68+/-0.30)E-6. The Ne/S abundance ratio may be determined even when the weaker hydrogen line, H(7-6) here, is not measured. The mean value, adjusted for the optical S+/S++ ratio, is Ne/S = 13.0+/-0.6. We derive the electron density versus distance from theta1OriC for [S III] and [S II]. Both distributions are for the most part decreasing with increasing distance. A dramatic find is the presence of high-ionization Ne++ all the way to the outer optical boundary ~12' from theta1OriC. This IR result is robust, whereas the optical evidence from observations of high-ionization species (e.g. O++) at the outer optical boundary suffers uncertainty because of scattering of emission from the much brighter inner Huygens Region.Comment: 60 pages, 16 figures, 10 tables. MNRAS accepte

    Separation of lymphocytes by electrophoresis under terrestrial conditions and at zero gravity, phase 3

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    Electrophoretic mobilities (EPM) of peripheral lymphocytes were studied from normal subjects, chronic hemodialysis patients and kidney transplant recipients. A technique to separate B lymphocytes and null cells from non-T lymphocyte preparation was developed. The experiments were designed to determine which subpopulation of the non-T lymphocytes is primarily affected and shows a decreased EPM in chronic hemodialysis patients and kidney transplant recipients

    Gravitational Wave Bursts from Collisions of Primordial Black Holes in Clusters

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    The rate of gravitational wave bursts from the mergers of massive primordial black holes in clusters is calculated. Such clusters of black holes can be formed through phase transitions in the early Universe. The central black holes in clusters can serve as the seeds of supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei. The expected burst detection rate by the LISA gravitational wave detector is estimated.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
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