41 research outputs found

    Korelaciona povezanost telesne mase srpske bele koze prema tipu jarenja i proizvodnim osobinama

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    Main breeding objective in improvement of goat production is realization of increase of number of animals and production and creation of constant highly productive goat breeding on private farms of individual producers. For economically efficient goat production, size and number of goats in the herd are of great importance. Considering that goats of greater body mass should realize higher production, body mass of head can serve as one of the parameters in selection. Objective of this research was to determine optimal body masses of heads in population of Serbian White goat, in hilly-mountainous region of Stara Planina Mountain, in semiintensive rearing system (pasture-stable) and in relation to realized production. Based on results of research it can be concluded that optimal body mass of investigated heads in population of Serbian White goat in regard to observed parameters of production is between 40-47 kg.Osnovni odgajivački cilj u poboljÅ”anju kozarske proizvodnje je povećanje broja životinja i povećanje proizvodnje, odnosno stvaranje stalnog visokoproduktivnog kozarstva na farmama individualnih odgajivača. Za ekonomičnu kozarsku proizvodnju od velike važnosti je veličina grla i brojnost koza u stadu. Polazeći od činjenice da koze sa većom telesnom masom treba da ostvare i veću proizvodnju, to masa tela grla može da posluži i kao jedan od parametara u selekciji. Cilj ovih istraživanja je da se utvrde optimalne telesne mase grla u populaciji srpske bele koze, u brdskoplaninskom području Stare Planine, u poluintenzivnom sistemu gajenja (paÅ”no-stajski) i u odnosu na ostvarenu proizvodnju. Na osnovu rezultata sprovedenih istraživanja može se zaključiti da je optimalna telesna masa ispitivanih grla u populaciji srpske bele koze u odnosu na posmatrane parametre proizvodnje između 40-47 kg

    Heritability and genetic correlation of production and reproduction traits of Simmental cows

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    Improvement of production capacity of cattle in terms of increasing the production of milk, milk fat and number of calves, greatly depends on phenotype and genotype variability, heritability and correlation between desirable traits, as well as on the production level of the cattle population. Heritability, as a value expressing and measuring average additive gene effect, is one of the major characteristic of quantitative traits from the point of view of creating genetically high-value cattle populations. Knowledge of the heritability is necessary in the estimation of the beeeding value of cattle and has significant impact on the selection of breeding method. Genetic correlations are very important in indirect selection where changes in one trait are induced through selection of other traits between which a genetic correlation exists. Genetic correlations can be determined in all cases where heritability coefficient can be calculated. This research included 3.461 first calving Simmental cows under control, with lactation concluded within one year. All first-calvers were reared on individual farms in the territory of Republic of Serbia. In this study, heritability and genetic correlations between the the following milk and fertility traits were investigated: duration of lactation (days)- DL, milk yield in standard lactation (kg)- MY, milk fat content in standard lactation (%)- MFC, milk fat yield in standard lactation (kg)- MFY, yield of 4% FCM in standard lactation (kg)- 4%FCM, age at first calving (days)- AC and duration of service period (days)- DSP.Key words: Heritability, genetic correlations, milk yield, fertility, Simmental breed

    Primena održivih sistema za proizvodnju mleka na malim farmama

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    In this paper current situation is analyzed and sustainable systems introduced in production of milk on small farms. Old production systems used on farms were the reason why milk production wasn't profitable activity and therefore livestock production in mountainous regions had complete collapse and pastures remained almost entirely deserted. In population of Pirot Pramenka sheep and local Simmental population of cattle, our analysis of breed productivity shows that effects in milk production are bad. Application of sustainable systems of milk production would increase the milk yield and revive dairy livestock production. After application of new systems regarding of breeding and farm management, milk yield in sheep cows was increased in average by 12%.U ovom radu se analizira postojeća situacija i uvode održivi sistemi u proizvodnju mleka na malim farmama. Stari proizvodni sistemi koji se koriste na farmama su razlog zaÅ”to proizvodnja mleka nije bila profitabilna aktivnost, Å”to je dovelo do kolapsa stočarske proizvodnje u planinskim oblastima I skoro napuÅ”tenih paÅ”njaka. U populaciji pirotske pramenke i lokalne simentalske populacije goveda, naÅ”a analiza produktivnosti pokazuje da rezultati u proizvodnji mleka nisu bili dobri. Primena održivih sistema u proizvodnji mleka bi povećala prinos mleka i oživela proizvodnju u stočarstvu. Nakon primene novih sistema odgoja i upravljanja, prinos mleka kod ovaca i krava je povećan u proseku za 12%

    Mogućnosti stočarstva Srbije - perspektiva i budućnost

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    The paper describes the state of the livestock production in the Republic of Serbia including preliminary results from the 2012 census: according to preliminary data, 908.990 heads of cattle, 3.403.288 pigs, 1.729.278 sheep and 235.576 goats are reared in Serbia. Structural and institutional measures, and measures of credit support should be the main instruments for achieving the goals of progress in animal husbandry. Activities in the breeding-selection work should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of international organizations (ICAR, INTERBULL, EAAP). One of the most important outcome of these activities should result in a level of over 80% of the total population of cattle, pigs, sheep and other species of domestic farm animals in Serbia included in the control of production performance (presently between 25 and 30%). Genetic improvement of cattle, sheep and pigs (milk, meat) is very complex. More efficient use of reproductive technologies (AI - artificial insemination and embryo transfer ET, etc.), also of methods for evaluation of breeding value of farm animals through new methods of evaluation of breeding value of cows and breeding bulls will contribute to faster genetic improvement of production traits of these species of domestic animals. New knowledge in mapping and gene transfer, marker assisted selection, in vitro embryo development, embryo cloning, sexing, etc., are improving rapidly, with new technologies being developed permanently. Breeding/improvement of cattle, sheep and pigs in through breeding - selection work should facilitate further improvement of fertility traits, growth rate, feed efficiency, carcass quality (higher percentage of muscle tissue in the body), the quality of milk and meat, resistance to disease and stress, etc.Početkom 2013. godine dobijeni su preliminarni rezultati popisa poljoprivrede u Republici Srbiji, obavljenog 2012. godine. Ukupan broj goveda je 908.990, svinja 3.403.288, ovaca 1.729.278 i koza 235.576 grla.. Povećanje konkurentnosti stočarstva Srbije se može ostvariti kreiranjem uslova za tržiÅ”no okruženje i putem investicija, kako u znanje, tako i u opremu. Zbog toga strukturne i institucionalne mere, kao i mere kreditne podrÅ”ke treba da budu glavni instrumenti za ostvarenje ovog cilja. Aktivnosti u odgajivačko-selekcijskom radu treba da se sprovode u skladu sa preporukama međunarodnih organizacija (ICAR, INTERBULL, EAAP i druga). Jedan od najvažnijih rezultata ovog rada treba da prouzrokuje nivo od preko 80% ukupne populacije goveda, svinja, ovaca i ostalih vrsta domaćih životinja u Srbiji bude obuhvaćeno kontrolom proizvodnih svojstava (sada između 25 i 30%). Status i ciljevi oplemenjivanja goveda u Srbiji. Genetsko unapređenje goveda (mleko,meso) je vrlo kompleksno. Efikasnije koriŔćenje reproduktivnih tehnologija (VO-veÅ”tačko osemenjavanje i ET-embriotransfer i dr.) i koriŔćenje metoda za procenu odgajivačke vrednosti domaćih životinja preko novih metoda ocene priplodnih vrednosti bikova i krava će doprineti bržem genetskom unapređenju mlečnosti krava. Nova saznanja u mapiranju i transferu gena, selekciji preko markera, in vitro razvoju embriona, seksiranju i kloniranju embriona i dr. Odgajivački ciljevi-simentalska rasa, prosečna proizvodnja mleka u standardnoj laktaciji preko 6 000 kg; HolÅ”tajn frizijska rasa u standardnoj laktaciji preko 8 000 kg. Melezi iz ukrÅ”tanja domaćih krava nižih proizvodnih sposobnosti i bikova tovnih rasa, francuskih, italijanskih, engleskih. Odgajivački ciljevi ovakvog oplemenjivačkog rada i koriŔćenje heterozis efekta je stvaranje takvih genotipova koji će omogućiti zavrÅ”nu telesnu masu meleza F1, junadi od preko 550 kg, prosečni dnevni prirast u tovu preko 1500 g, randman toplih polutki preko 60%, sadržaj miÅ”ića u trupu od preko 65%. Status i ciljevi oplemenjivanja ovaca u Srbiji. Oplemenjivanje u cilju povećanja proizvodnje mesa treba da omogući dobijanje jagnjadi sa većim dnevnim prirastom (preko 300 g), veće zavrÅ”ne mase tela sa 90 dana uzrasta (preko 28 kg), kao i većeg randmana trupa, viÅ”e od 58%). Problem prelaska na policikličnost i oplodnju ovaca u toku cele godine obavio bi se na dva načina: genetički, koriŔćenjem ukrÅ”tanja rasa koje manifestuju estrus izvan normalne sezone (dorzet horn, il de france i romanovska) primenom metoda stimulacije, tj. indukcijom i sinhronizacijom estrusa.Tako bi se stvorili uslovi za primenu intenzivnog sistema jagnjenja dva jagnjenja u jednoj godini odnosno tri jagnjenja u dve godine. Sistem jagnjenja, sistem ukrÅ”tanja, selekcija i linijsko odgajivanje, zatim skraćenje post partum intervala i povećanje indeksa jagnjenja, kao i broja jagnjadi pri rođenju, rano zalučenje jagnjadi, koriŔćenje metode veÅ”tačkog osemenjavanja, automatskih maÅ”ina za dojenje, odgajivanje jagnjadi uspeÅ”nom zamenom za mleko i tov jagnjedi od 30 - 45 kg sa 90 do 120 dana. Status i ciljevi oplemenjivanja svinja u Srbiji. Oplemenjivanje svinja u cilju unapređenja mesnatosti preko odgajivačko-selekciojskog rada treba da omogući dalje poboljÅ”anje osobina plodnosti, brzine porasta, iskoriŔćavanja hrane, kvaliteta trupa (veći procenat miÅ”ićnog tkiva u trupu), kvaliteta mesa i otpornosti svinja na bolesti i stres. Odgajivačko-selekcijskim radom neophodno je: povećati genetski potencijal postojećih mesnatih rasa i meleza svinja, raditi na stvaranju linija unutar čistih rasa primenom divergentne selekcije, kako bi se kasnije njihovim ukrÅ”tanjem ispoljivo veći heterozis efekat. Cilj selekcije treba da bude povećanje miÅ”ićnog tkiva u najvrednijim delovima trupa: but, plećka i kare. Odgajivački program u naÅ”oj zemlji predviđa ukrÅ”tanje landrasa (Å”vedski, holandski,) i velikog jorkÅ”ira radi proizvodnje nazimica F1 generacije. One se posle toga ukrÅ”taju sa nerastovima treće rase (terminalna rasa nerastova: hempÅ”ir, durok, pietren, nemački i belgijski landras) ili nerastovima F1 generacije. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31053

    Body Composition and Functional Abilities in Terms of the Quality of Professional Ballerinas

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    The objective of this research was to determine the variability of the sample of professional ballerinas in the space of characteristics of their body composition and some functional characteristics according to the requirements of their roles in ballet. The sample of examinees was comprised of 30 professional ballerinas, members of the Croatian National Theatre Ballet (15 soloists and 15 members of the corps de ballet). The data showed that the soloists were characterized by a significantly larger knee diameter, significantly lower thickness of skin folds on the trunk and the lower fat body mass percentage, as well as by greater grip strength. Aerobic capacity was only moderately more developed than in fit people who participated in physical exercising because of recreational reasons, and there were no differences between soloists and the members of the corps

    Uticaj bioaktivnog dodatka Biorila na rezultate jagnjadi u tovu

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    Investigations were carried out in order to determine whether the addition of bioactive substances 'Bioril' on different percentages in concentrate (0.3% and 0.6%), has an impact on weight gain and feed conversion in lambs. For the experiment were used lambs of Mis sheep breed, which at the beginning of the experiment were 50 days of age. The experiment lasted 42 days, so it is over when all lambs had 92 days of age. The experiment included 60 lambs (30 male and 30 female) were divided into three groups-20 lambs per group (control group I and II and III experimental groups ).The results shows that the greatest gains made lambs of group III. The difference between body weight of group I and II was 1.62 kg and was statistically significant (P (lt) 0.01). The difference between body weight of I and III group was 1.87 kg and was also statistically significant (P (lt) 0.01). The difference between the body weight of II and III groups was 0.25 kg and was not statistically significant (P>0.05). We find that lambs of all groups consumed per kg of gain more concentrated than hay. The difference in feed conversion between groups is not significant (P>0.05), but lambs of groups III and II consumed per unit of gain approximately 5g/kg and 10g/kg less concentrate than lambs of group I. Most hay consumed by lambs of group I. The difference in hay consumption between groups I and II is 20 g/kg. Lambs in group III consumed 30 g/kg which was less hay than group I and less 10 g/kg than lambs of group II. The most energy per kg of gain was consumed by lambs of group III, whereas lambs in II group consumed the least energy.Istraživanja su sprovedena kako bi se utvrdilo da li dodavanje bioaktivne supstance 'Bioril' u različitim procentima u koncentratu (0,3% i 0,6%), ima uticaj na prirast i konverziju hrane u jagnjadi. Za eksperiment su koriŔćena jagnjad od ovaca rase Mis, koja su na početku eksperimenta bila 50 dana starosti. Eksperiment je trajao 42 dana, tako da je zavrÅ”en kada su jagnjad imala 92 dana starosti. U eksperiment je uključeno 60 jagnjadi (30 muÅ”kog i 30 ženskog pola). Jagnjad su podeljena u tri grupe-20 jagnjadi po grupi (kontrolna grupa I i II i III eksperimentalne grupe). Rezultati pokazuju da su ostvareni najveći dnevni prirasti kod jagnjadi II eksperimentalne grupe. Razlika između telesne mase grupe I i II je 1.62 kg i bila je statistički značajna (P (lt) 0,01). Razlika između telesne mase I i III grupe je bila 1,87 kg i takođe je bila statistički značajna (P (lt) 0,01). Razlika između telesne mase II i III grupe je bila 0,25 kg i nije bila statistički značajna (P>0,05). Smatramo da je jagnjad svih grupa konzumirala po kg prirasta viÅ”e koncentrata nego sena. Razlika u konverziji hrane između grupa nije značajna (P>0,05), ali jagnjad grupe III i II troÅ”i po jedinici prirasta oko 5g/kg i 10g/kg manje koncentrata nego jagnjad grupe I. ViÅ”e sena troÅ”e jagnjad iz I grupe. Razlika u potroÅ”nji sena između grupa I i II je 20g /kg. NajviÅ”e energije po kg prirasta troÅ”i jagnjad iz III grupe, dok jagnjad iz II grupe troÅ”i najmanje energije

    Sadržaj kalcijuma, fosfora i magnezijuma u krvnom serumu ovaca po godiŔnjem dobu i fizioloŔkom stanju

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    The large number of sheep, especially the ones that spend the majority of time on pastures, is been fed with the meals, which do not contain all the necessary mineral substances. The level of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium on natural pastures is too low in relation to the needs of sheep. Therefore, the irregularity in the feeding of sheep occurs because of the absence of the other food sources. These irregularities are in the range from the acute mineral deficit or illness to the mild temporary forms, which could hardly diagnose, but they affect the level of production. The content of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the blood serum of sheep, as one of the indicators of the supplementation of sheep with these substances, has given in this paper. The average level of calcium in the blood serum of the control group of sheep was 2.61 mmol/l, phosphorus 1.04mmol/l and magnesium 1.31 mmol/l of serum. In the blood serum of the tested group, the average contents of calcium was 2.33 mmol/l, phosphorus 0.92 mmol/l and magnesium 1.37 mmol/l.Veliki broj ovaca, naročito onih koji dobar deo vremena provode na paÅ”i, hrani se obrocima koji ne sadrže sve potrebne mineralne materije. Nivo kalcijuma, fosfora i magnezijuma na prirodnim paÅ”njacima je suviÅ”e nizak u odnosu na potrebe ovaca. Tako se nepravilnost u ishrani javlja kod ovaca u odsutnosti drugih izvora hrane. Ove nepravilnosti kreću se od akutnog mineralnog deficita ili bolesti, pa do blagih prelaznih formi koje se teÅ”ko dijagnosticiraju, ali se odražavaju na nivo proizvodnje. U radu je dat sadržaj kalcijuma, fosfora i magnezijuma u krvnom serumu ovaca, kao jednog od indikatora obezbeđenosti ovaca ovim materijama. Prosečan sadržaj kalcijuma u krvnom serumu kontrolne grupe ovaca iznosio je 2,61 mmol/l, fosfora 1,04 mmol/l i magnezijuma 1,31 mmol/l seruma. Kod ogledne gupe prosečan sadržaj kalcijuma bio je 2,33 mmol/l, fosfora 0,92 mmol/ i magnezijuma 1,37 mmol/l seruma

    The importance of buffalo in milk production and buffalo population in Serbia

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    This research paper gives an analysis on the size of world's domestic buffalo populations, their milk production and the size of buffalo population in Serbia. Population of domestic buffalo in the world is constantly increasing so that in 2013 there were 199 783 549 individuals, out of which in India in the same year they raised 57.77% of buffalo world population, in Pakistan 18.87%, and in China 11.64%. The share of total world production of buffalo milk in total world milk production in 2012 was 12.92 % or 97 417 135 t out of which 67.76% was produced in India. In Serbia buffalo is raised in the regions of RaŔka (about 1000 individuals) and Kosovo. Populations of buffalo in central Serbia show a tendency of decreasing in size what was the reason to start a programme of in situ conservation 10 years ago. On the sample of buffalo population encompassed by the programme of conservation the body measures were analysed indicating that the population of buffalo is quite unequalised and that average values obtained for exterior measures are similar to the results obtained by the authors of earlier period for the population of buffalo in the area of former Yugoslavia

    Longest Common Extensions in Trees

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    The longest common extension (LCE) of two indices in a string is the length of the longest identical substrings starting at these two indices. The LCE problem asks to preprocess a string into a compact data structure that supports fast LCE queries. In this paper we generalize the LCE problem to trees and suggest a few applications of LCE in trees to tries and XML databases. Given a labeled and rooted tree TT of size nn, the goal is to preprocess TT into a compact data structure that support the following LCE queries between subpaths and subtrees in TT. Let v1v_1, v2v_2, w1w_1, and w2w_2 be nodes of TT such that w1w_1 and w2w_2 are descendants of v1v_1 and v2v_2 respectively. \begin{itemize} \item \LCEPP(v_1, w_1, v_2, w_2): (path-path \LCE) return the longest common prefix of the paths v1ā‡w1v_1 \leadsto w_1 and v2ā‡w2v_2 \leadsto w_2. \item \LCEPT(v_1, w_1, v_2): (path-tree \LCE) return maximal path-path LCE of the path v1ā‡w1v_1 \leadsto w_1 and any path from v2v_2 to a descendant leaf. \item \LCETT(v_1, v_2): (tree-tree \LCE) return a maximal path-path LCE of any pair of paths from v1v_1 and v2v_2 to descendant leaves. \end{itemize} We present the first non-trivial bounds for supporting these queries. For \LCEPP queries, we present a linear-space solution with O(logā”āˆ—n)O(\log^{*} n) query time. For \LCEPT queries, we present a linear-space solution with O((logā”logā”n)2)O((\log\log n)^{2}) query time, and complement this with a lower bound showing that any path-tree LCE structure of size O(n \polylog(n)) must necessarily use Ī©(logā”logā”n)\Omega(\log\log n) time to answer queries. For \LCETT queries, we present a time-space trade-off, that given any parameter Ļ„\tau, 1ā‰¤Ļ„ā‰¤n1 \leq \tau \leq n, leads to an O(nĻ„)O(n\tau) space and O(n/Ļ„)O(n/\tau) query-time solution. This is complemented with a reduction to the the set intersection problem implying that a fast linear space solution is not likely to exist