12 research outputs found

    Fenomena Pasung dan Dukungan Keluarga terhadap Pasien Gangguan Jiwa Pasca Pasung

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    Indonesian free of pasung for mental disorders is a priority program to be achieved by the government in 2019. Currently the effort of free of pasung for mental illness has been well implemented. A new problems arise after the treatment period is over and patients must return to family and community. Families do not want patients to return to then, ignored, relapse or become psychotic homeless. This study aims to obtain a description of pasung phenomenon and family support for patients after having pasung. This research used qualitative phenomenology design, the number of participants for 9 people was chosen by purposive sampling, data collection was done by indepth interview, the data were analyzed by thematic analysis. The result of the research showed two big themes that are; pasung phenomenon and family supports after the patient having pasung. The pasung phenomenon includes; reasons, decisions, methods, exemptions and the effects of deprivation. Family support includes; support assessment, instrumental, informational and emotional support. Family support is needed for patients to achieve healing and prevent recurrence. The lack of knowledge about the way patients care for post pasung mental disorders cause the family support provided to patients is not optimal. Misrepresentation of family and community opinions on psychiatric patients affects the proper treatment of psychiatric patients


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    Spirituality is one of the most influential dimensions in adolescent development. Adolescent with good spiritual sees life with optimism, clean mind and soul. Environment will affect the spiritual development of adolescents. This research aimed to understanding the adolescent spirituality living around ex-localization. This research used qualitative research design of phenomenology with in-depth interview with semi structured interview and observation. Participants were junior high school teenagers, Moslems living around ex-localization, Kota Surabaya, choose by purpossive sampling. The data analysis in this study using thematic analysis with nine steps Collaizzi. result of this research got 18 theme that is adolescent perception, adolescent behavior, adolescent relationship with parents, interaction of adolescent with society, interaction of adolescent with opposite sex, adolescent knowledge, adolescent relationship with self, autonomy, feeling during worship, SWT, the purpose of human creation, religious analysis, Allah's incomprehension, the timeliness of worship, obstacles, life goals, hopes, spiritual experiences, ways of dealing with problems, lifestyles, self-image. Adolescents who live in an ex-localization will interact with peers and the surrounding community in the neighborhood. These reciprocal relationships affect the spiritual values in teenagers. The existence of the control of parents can control the interaction process that occurs between adolescents with the surrounding community who live in ex-localization so that formed the spiritual character of adolescents

    Recovery Self Efficacy, Coping Strategy, Adversity Quotient and Resilience among Iintensive Care Unit Nurses in Indonesia

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    Introduction: Stress experienced by most critical care nurses can be caused not optimal nursing care. This study aimed to identify the correlation between recovery self-efficacy, coping strategy, adversity quotient and resilience among critical care nurse in three public hospitals in Surabaya, Indonesia. Method: This study was cross-sectional study carried out on 91 critical care nurses. Data were collected using questionnaires. Descriptive statistic and Spearman’s Correlation were used to analyze the data. Result: Totals of 91 nurses were involved in the study. Spearman’s correlation analysis showed that recovery self-efficacy (r=0.644, P<0.000) and adversity quotients (r=-0.217, P<0.039) were associated with resilience of critical care nurses whereas coping strategy (r= 0.036, P=0.734) was not correlated to resilience of critical care nurse. Conclusion: Resilience among critical care nurses was correlated with recovery self-efficacy and adversity quotients. Thus, enhancing their capacity in terms of recovery self-efficacy and adversity quotients may improve the resilience of critical care Nurse

    The Effect of Logotherapy to Diabetes Mellitus Client’s Meaning of Life

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that caused meaning of life disturbance. Logotherapy is an intervention that could affect people life perspective. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of logotherapy implementation to the meaning of life in diabetes mellitus client. This study used quasy-experimental pretest-post-test with control group. The dependent variable was meaning of life, and the independent variable was the implementation of logotherapy. Sample in this study was 30 respondents, were taken by using consecutive sampling. The meaning of life were taken by using Purpose in Life Test (PIL Test) then analyzed by using Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test and Mann Witney U statistic test, a= ÂŁ0.05. The result showed logotherapy had significant effect on meaning of life in the treatment group (p=0,001). Statistical test Mann Whitney U Test showed that there was a difference meaning of life in control group and the treatment group after implementation of logotherapy. It could be concluded that the implementation of logotherapy has an effect to increasing the meaning of life in diabetes mellitus client. Further study was recommended to developing deeper study that related to logotherapy in diabetes mellitus client


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    Introduction: Free sex among adolescents is increasing. In adolescence occur physical changes that influence the development of sex life. Great curiosity can lead to the occurrence of sexual deviance. It will be worst if not given the proper information to avoid free sex. The purpose of this study was to explain the effect of make a match learning method in the prevention of free sex in junior high school students. Method: This study used quasi experimental with two group pre-post test design. The population were 7th grader in SMP Negeri 2 Kebomas Gresik and the sample were 66 students for two classes. The sample were taken by simple random sampling. Make a match learning method as independent variable and prevention of free sex as dependent variable. Data were collected used questionnaire, and analyzed used Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney with significant level ≤0,05. Results: The result were knowledge (p=0,000) and attitude (p=0,000) for intervention group. It means that there was a significant change in the level of knowledge and attitude of students. While in control group, knowledge (p=0,004) and attitude (p=1,000). It means that there was a change of knowledge but no change in the attitude of students. Discussion: The result showed that make a match learning method is effective to increase knowledge and attitude to prevent free sex. This research recommended to be applied to adolescents to improve their knowledge and attitude about prevention of free se

    Kesehatan Jiwa Pendekatan Holistik dalam Asuhan Keperawatan

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    Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, atas berkat rahmad taufi q dan hidayahnya penulis mampu menyelesaikan buku “Kesehatan Jiwa; Pendekatan Holistik dalam Asuhan Keperawatan” ini dengan baik. Buku ini diselesaikan untuk memperkaya rujukan masyarakat dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan kesehatan jiwa. Ternyata masalah kesehatan jiwa bukan hanya masalah pasien, tenaga kesehatan di rumah sakit jiwa tetapi keluarga, kelompok, masyarakat bahkan masing-masing individu. Gangguan jiwa tidak hanya berbentuk gangguan jiwa berat (kelompok psikosis) tetapi juga masalah psiko-sosial, dan ternyata kontribusinya terhadap penyakit fi sik sangat tinggi. Kesehatan jiwa sangat diperlukan bagi hajat hidup orang banyak khususnya untuk keberlangsungan hidup bermasyarakat. Jiwa adalah unsur manusia yang bersifat non materi, tetapi fungsi dan manifestasinya sangat terkait pada materi. Oleh karena itu, kita dapat mempelajari dan mengembangkan kesehatan jiwa melalui fungsinya dan membuktikan kesehatan jiwa melalui manifestasinya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kesehatan jiwa adalah kondisi dimana seorang individu dapat berkembang secara fi sik, mental, spiritual, dan sosial sehingga individu tersebut menyadari kemampuan sendiri, dapat mengatasi tekanan, dapat bekerja secara produktif, dan mampu memberikan kontribusi untuk komunitasnya. Kenyataanya, hasil riset kesehatan dasar Kementerian Kesehatan RI tahun 2013 menunjukkan 0,17% penduduk Indonesia mengalami gangguan jiwa berat, 14,3% nya pernah dipasung. Selain itu 6% penduduk Indonesia mengalami gangguan mental emosional yang mengakibatkan kualitas hidup terganggu, kualitas kerja terganggu dan produktift as terganggu. Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya peningkatan kesehatan jiwa secara komprehensif oleh semua tenaga kesehatan dengan seluruh stake holder. Upaya Kesehatan Jiwa adalah setiap kegiatan untuk mewujudkan derajat kesehatan jiwa yang optimal bagi setiap individu, keluarga, dan masyarakat dengan pendekatan promotif, preventif, kuratif, dan rehabilitatif yang diselenggarakan secara menyeluruh, terpadu, dan berkesinambungan oleh Pemerintah, Pemerintah Daerah, dan/atau Masyarakat. Kenyataannya angka terjadinya gangguan jiwa tidak pernah turun, angka kekambuhan masih tetap terjadi. Upaya lepas pasung telah dilaksanakan, namun saat ini muncul masalah baru, yaitu; kesiapan keluarga menerima pasien pasca pasung. Pasung bagi pasien gangguan jiwa telah dilepaskan, diberikan pengobatan dan perawatan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan jiwa. Ketika pasien sudah dinyatakan membaik, boleh dilanjutkan dengan latihan dan perawatan di rumah, keluarga yang tidak siap menerima kasien kembali. Ini adalah masalah besar bagi upaya pelatihan dan pemulihan bagi pasien gangguan jiwa. Dengan demikian, penanganan masalah gangguan jiwa bukan hanya masalah pasien, dokter, psikiater, perawat, psikolog, tenaga kesehatan lain, tetapi juga masalah keluarga, kelompok dan masyarakat. Penanganan masalah kesehatan jiwa bukan hanya urusan fi sik, tetapi juga urusan psikologis, sosial, spiritual dan kultutral. Keterlibatan pemerintah pusat (Kementerian Kesehatan, Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Kementerian Sosial), Pemerintah; Daerah Gubernur, Bupati, Wali Kota sampai di tingkat RT sangat diperlukan dalam mengkawal kebiajakan penanganan masalah gangguan jiwa di wilayah. Prinsipnya, upaya kesehatan jiwa adalah setiap kegiatan untuk mewujudkan derajat kesehatan jiwa yang optimal bagi setiap individu, keluarga, dan masyarakat dengan pendekatan promotif, preventif, kuratif, dan rehabilitatif yang diselenggarakan secara menyeluruh, terpadu, dan berkesinambungan oleh Pemerintah, Pemerintah Daerah, dan atau masyarakat (UU 18/2014 tentang Kesehatan Jiwa). Atas dasar kompleksnya upaya membangaun kesehatan jiwa dan penanganan gangguan jiwa, maka penulis mencoba membahas kesehatan jiwa; pendekatan holistik dalam asuhan keperawatan. Buku ini terdiri dari lima bagian yang difokuskan pada 13 bab, membahas tentang konsep dasar keperawatan kesehatan jiwa, konsep holistik dalam keperawatan kesehatan jiwa, sumber daya manusia dalam pelayanan kesehatan jiwa, fasilitas dalam pelayanan kesehatan jiwa, serta peran serta masyarakat dalam upaya meningkatkan kesehatan jiwa. Materi ini merupakan hasil penelitian Hibah Kompetensi Pengembangan Model Holistik dalam Merawat Pasien Gangguan Jiwa, yang telah diterima Direktorat Riset Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM) Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia (Kemenristek Dikti) selama tiga tahun berturut-turut, ditambah dengan kajian teoritis, telaah lapangan, fokus group diskusi, konsultasi pakar, dan pengamatan tim penulis selama mengajar dan membimbing klinik di fasilitas pelayanan keperawatan kesehatan jiwa. Harapan kami, semoga buku ini dapat meningkatkan kompetensi para penulis, bermanfaat bagi masyarakat umum dalam meningkatkan kesehatan jiwa, suatu upaya dan pengananan kasus yang tidak sederhana. Surabaya, 2019. Penulis


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    Pendahuluan: Hidup dengan penyakit kronis seperti diabetes mellitus tipe 2 akan membuat pasien mengalami perubahan atau ketidakseimbangan antara biologis, psikologis, sosial dan spiritual. Salah satu aspek psikologi pada pasien dengan Diabetes mellitus tipe 2 adalah kesejahteraan psikologis (PWB). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi deskripsi PWB pada pasien tipe 2 Diabetes mellitus dalam enam aspek PWB dan PWB memfasilitasi dan faktor penghambat pada pasien DM tipe 2. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek penelitian adalah 7 peserta yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara terstruktur dan observasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis tematik. Hasil dan Analisis Penelitian ini dihasilkan 14 tema. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pasien DM tipe 2 mengalami proses transisi dari kondisi sehat dalam kondisi sakit. Proses transisi dimulai dengan respon kehilangan siklik yang mempengaruhi tipe 2 DM pasien untuk kontrol diri dan membuat hak pengambilan keputusan untuk perawatan diri. Pengendalian diri akan membuat tipe 2 pasien DM mampu beradaptasi dan terlibat dengan pengalaman baru yang menjadi kebiasaan baru untuk tipe 2 pasien DM dan akan memfasilitasi tipe 2 pasien DM dalam beradaptasi dengan lingkungan internal dan eksternal dan membuat pasien DM tipe 2 memiliki harapan positif dalam hidup mereka. Diskusi: Penelitian ini diharapkan bermanfaat bagi staf kesehatan profesional untuk membuat penilaian tentang PWB di DM tipe 2 pasien, perawat diharapkan dapat membantu pasien dalam transisi dengan kondisi DM tipe 2

    Relationship Between Caregivers’ Burden of Schizophrenia Patient with Their Quality of Life in Indonesia

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    This study aims to identify the relationship between caregiver burden of patients with schizophrenia and caregiver quality of life (QOL). A cross sectional study involving 222 caregivers patients with schizophrenia was conveniently recruited from the psychiatric clinic of a mental health hospital in Malang Indonesia. Caregiver Burden Inventory Scale and Schizophrenia Caregiver QOL was used to assess the level of burden and QOL among the caregivers respectively. Descriptive statistics was used to determine caregivers’ socio-demographic characteristic and the level of caregivers’ burden and QOL. Spearman Rho correlation test was conducted to determine the relationship of caregiver burden and caregiver QOL. About 59.6% of schizophrenia caregivers experienced moderate to severe level of burden. The results showed that there was a significant, strong and negative relationship between the caregiver burden and QOL (r = - 0.434, p\0.001). Most of the participants reported emotional burden and moderate QOL especially psychological and physical QOL, well-being, relationships with friends, and material burden. The findings indicated the higher the caregiver burden, the lower the QOL experienced by family caregivers of individuals with schizophrenia. It is necessary to improve the mental health nursing services for schizophrenia caregivers by providing mental health counseling, and developing support groups for them

    Kesejahteraan Psikologis pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di Puskesmas Mulyorejo Utara Surabaya

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    Introduction: Living with chronic diseases such as Diabetes mellitus type 2 will make patients experience change or imbalance include biological, psychological, social and spiritual. One of psychology aspects in patients with Diabetesmellitus type 2 is psychological well being (PWB). The purpose of this research was to explore the description of PWB inpatients of type 2 Diabetes mellitus in six aspects of PWB and PWB facilitate and inhibitor factors in type 2 DM patients. Methods: This research used qualitative design research with case studies approach. The subject of research was seven participants who met the inclusion criteria. Data collection was done by structured interview and observation. Data analysis was done by thematic analysis. Results: This study generated 14 themes. The result showed that the process of type 2 DM patients subjected to the process of transition from a healthy condition into ill condition. The transition process started with cyclic lose response which influence type 2 DM patient to self control and make a right decision-making to self care. Selfcontrol would make type 2 DM patients able to adapt and engage with new experiences that become a new habit for type 2 DM patients and will facilitate type 2 DM patients in adapting to the internal and external environment and make type 2 DM patients have a positive hope in their life. Discussion: finding in this study would hopefully be beneficial for professional health staff to make assessment about PWB in type 2 DM patients, nurse hopefully can assist patients in transition with the condition of type 2 DM

    Family members' perspective Of family Resilience's Risk factors in taking care of schizophrenia patients

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    Objectives:The study was conducted to illustrate the risk factors of family resilience when taking care ofpatients with schizophrenia.Methods:The research used qualitative design with an interpretive phenomenology approach, with in-depth interviews. The subjects were 15 family members who cared for patients with schizophrenia at theMenur Mental Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. The samples were obtained by purposive sampling tech-nique. The data was collected by interview and usingfield notes, then analyzed by Collaizi technique.Results: This research produced two themes, they were care burden and stigma. Care burdens felt byfamilies were confusion about the illness, emotional, physical, time,financial and social burdens, whichleads to decrease in family quality of life. Families also experienced stigma called labeling, stereotyping,separation and discrimination. Stigmas meant that families faced psychological, social and intrapersonalconsequences. This decreased the family quality of life and functionality of the family, and there wereopportunities for negative results to family resilience. Health workers, especially psychiatric nurses,should review care burdens and stigma to develop nursing interventions so families are able to achieveresilience.Conclusions:This research explained how care burden and stigma are risk factors that must be managedby families to survive, rise up, and become better in caring for patients with schizophrenia. Nurses have acentral role in assessing the level of care burdens and stigma in order to help families achieve resilience.Further research may focus on family-based nursing interventions to lower care burden, and community-based interventions to reduce stigma.©2018 Chinese Nursing Association. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access articleunder the CC BY-NC-ND licens