Fenomena Pasung dan Dukungan Keluarga terhadap Pasien Gangguan Jiwa Pasca Pasung


Indonesian free of pasung for mental disorders is a priority program to be achieved by the government in 2019. Currently the effort of free of pasung for mental illness has been well implemented. A new problems arise after the treatment period is over and patients must return to family and community. Families do not want patients to return to then, ignored, relapse or become psychotic homeless. This study aims to obtain a description of pasung phenomenon and family support for patients after having pasung. This research used qualitative phenomenology design, the number of participants for 9 people was chosen by purposive sampling, data collection was done by indepth interview, the data were analyzed by thematic analysis. The result of the research showed two big themes that are; pasung phenomenon and family supports after the patient having pasung. The pasung phenomenon includes; reasons, decisions, methods, exemptions and the effects of deprivation. Family support includes; support assessment, instrumental, informational and emotional support. Family support is needed for patients to achieve healing and prevent recurrence. The lack of knowledge about the way patients care for post pasung mental disorders cause the family support provided to patients is not optimal. Misrepresentation of family and community opinions on psychiatric patients affects the proper treatment of psychiatric patients

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