8 research outputs found

    Incorporating Problem-based Learning in an Undergraduate Allied Health Prerequisite Anatomy and Physiology Course

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    Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) is one of the final biology prerequisites undergraduate students enroll in before progressing in nursing and allied health degree programs. Using design-based research methods to examine our backward design approach, we defined learning objectives for an advanced A&P lab course, created aligned assessments, and are implementing new activities iteratively over four semesters. We are evaluating student learning outcomes using a previously validated homeostasis concept inventory. Our preliminary results suggest that students experience persisting misconceptions about homeostasis despite instruction, but in future semesters, we aim to support student learning of physiology topics through problem-based learning

    A model of toxic neuropathy in Drosophila reveals a role for MORN4 in promoting axonal degeneration

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    Axonal degeneration is a molecular self-destruction cascade initiated following traumatic, toxic, and metabolic insults. Its mechanism underlies a number of disorders including hereditary and diabetic neuropathies and the neurotoxic side effects of chemotherapy drugs. Molecules that promote axonal degeneration could represent potential targets for therapy. To identify such molecules, we designed a screening platform based on intoxication of Drosophila larvae with paclitaxel (taxol), a chemotherapeutic agent that causes neuropathy in cancer patients. In Drosophila, taxol treatment causes swelling, fragmentation, and loss of axons in larval peripheral nerves. This axonal loss is not due to apoptosis of neurons. Taxol-induced axonal degeneration in Drosophila shares molecular execution mechanisms with vertebrates, including inhibition by both NMNAT (nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase) expression and loss of wallenda/DLK (dual leucine zipper kinase). In a pilot RNAi-based screen we found that knockdown of retinophilin (rtp), which encodes a MORN (membrane occupation and recognition nexus) repeat-containing protein, protects axons from degeneration in the presence of taxol. Loss-of-function mutants of rtp replicate this axonal protection. Knockdown of rtp also delays axonal degeneration in severed olfactory axons. We demonstrate that the mouse ortholog of rtp, MORN4, promotes axonal degeneration in mouse sensory axons following axotomy, illustrating conservation of function. Hence, this new model can identify evolutionarily conserved genes that promote axonal degeneration, and so could identify candidate therapeutic targets for a wide-range of axonopathies

    A Multi-Site Analysis of the Prevalence of Food Insecurity in the United States, before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic profoundly affected food systems including food security. Understanding how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted food security is important to provide support and identify long-term impacts and needs. Objective: The National Food Access and COVID research Team (NFACT) was formed to assess food security over different US study sites throughout the pandemic, using common instruments and measurements. This study presents results from 18 study sites across 15 states and nationally over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A validated survey instrument was developed and implemented in whole or part through an online survey of adults across the sites throughout the first year of the pandemic, representing 22 separate surveys. Sampling methods for each study site were convenience, representative, or high-risk targeted. Food security was measured using the USDA 6-item module. Food security prevalence was analyzed using ANOVA by sampling method to assess statistically significant differences. Results: Respondents (n = 27,168) indicate higher prevalence of food insecurity (low or very low food security) since the COVID-19 pandemic, compared with before the pandemic. In nearly all study sites, there is a higher prevalence of food insecurity among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), households with children, and those with job disruptions. The findings demonstrate lingering food insecurity, with high prevalence over time in sites with repeat cross-sectional surveys. There are no statistically significant differences between convenience and representative surveys, but a statistically higher prevalence of food insecurity among high-risk compared with convenience surveys. Conclusions: This comprehensive study demonstrates a higher prevalence of food insecurity in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. These impacts were prevalent for certain demographic groups, and most pronounced for surveys targeting high-risk populations. Results especially document the continued high levels of food insecurity, as well as the variability in estimates due to the survey implementation method

    2020 Assessment Mini-grant recipients Lightning Talks

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    A full description of all talks can be found at https://www.unco.edu/center-enhancement-teaching-learning/events/symposium-schedule.aspx ASL interpreter was on-screen for all presentation

    Making sense of uncertainty: why uncertainty is part of science

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    Scientific uncertainty is prominent in research that has big implications for our society: could the Arctic be ice-free in summer by 2080? Will a new cancer drug be worth its side effects? Is this strain of ‘flu going to be a dangerous epidemic? Uncertainty is normal currency in scientific research. Research goes on because we don’t know everything. Researchers then have to estimate how much of the picture is known and how confident we can all be that their findings tell us what’s happening or what’s going to happen. This is uncertainty

    Building Analytic Capacity and Statistical Literacy Among Title IV-E MSW Students

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    Building and sustaining effective child welfare practice requires an infrastructure of social work professionals trained to use data to identify target populations, connect interventions to outcomes, adapt practice to varying contexts and dynamic populations, and assess their own effectiveness. Increasingly, public agencies are implementing models of self-assessment in which administrative data are used to guide and continuously evaluate the implementation of programs and policies. The research curriculum described in the article was developed to provide Title IV-E and other students interested in public child welfare systems with hands-on opportunities to become experienced and “statistically literate” users of aggregated public child welfare data from California’s administrative child welfare system, attending to the often missing link between data/research and practice improvement

    Alignment among environmental programs in higher education: What Food-Energy-Water Nexus concepts are covered in introductory courses?

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    Interdisciplinary environmental and sustainability (IES) programs are different from other fields because they focus on a complex integration of humanities, social, and natural sciences concepts centered on the interactions of coupled human and natural systems. The interdisciplinary nature of IES programs does not lend itself to traditional discipline-specific concept inventory frameworks for critically evaluating preconceptions and learning. We discuss the results of the first phase of a research project to develop a next generation concept inventory for evaluating interdisciplinary concepts important for introductory IES courses. Using the Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus (the intersections/interdependencies of food, energy, and water sectors) as our focus, we conducted a content analysis of eight representative college-level introductory environmental course syllabi and course materials (e.g., textbooks, journal articles, print media) to identify common interdisciplinary FEW Nexus concepts taught in introductory IES courses. Results demonstrate that all IES introductory course materials reference the FEW Nexus. Food, energy, and/or water resources as individual elements of the FEW Nexus are frequently described, but connections between these resource systems are included less often. Biology, energy systems, waste and pollution in the natural environment, agriculture, earth sciences and geology, climate change, behavioral social sciences, and economics concepts are most associated with FEW concepts, hinting at commonalities across IES topics that anchor systems thinking. Despite differences in IES programs, there appears to be some alignment between core concepts being taught at the FEW Nexus in introductory courses.</p