2,674 research outputs found

    A static cost analysis for a higher-order language

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    We develop a static complexity analysis for a higher-order functional language with structural list recursion. The complexity of an expression is a pair consisting of a cost and a potential. The former is defined to be the size of the expression's evaluation derivation in a standard big-step operational semantics. The latter is a measure of the "future" cost of using the value of that expression. A translation function tr maps target expressions to complexities. Our main result is the following Soundness Theorem: If t is a term in the target language, then the cost component of tr(t) is an upper bound on the cost of evaluating t. The proof of the Soundness Theorem is formalized in Coq, providing certified upper bounds on the cost of any expression in the target language.Comment: Final versio

    Ternary cluster decay within the liquid drop model

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    Longitudinal ternary and binary fission barriers of 36^{36}Ar, 56^{56}Ni and 252^{252}Cf nuclei have been determined within a rotational liquid drop model taking into account the nuclear proximity energy. For the light nuclei the heights of the ternary fission barriers become competitive with the binary ones at high angular momenta since the maximum lies at an outer position and has a much higher moment of inertia.Comment: Talk presented at the 9th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (CLUSTERS'07

    Compact star clusters of the LMC HII region N11C

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    Based on imaging and spectroscopy obtained at the ESO NTT telescope and using an efficient image analysis algorithm, we study the core of the LMC OB association LH13, particularly the two compact stellar clusters Sk-6641 and HNT in the HII, region N11C. We resolve Sk-6641 into 15 components and for the first time the HNT cluster into 70 stars, and derive photometry for the members. Moreover, from medium resolution spectroscopy we determine the spectral types for sixteen stars in N11C. We compare the color-magnitude diagrams of the clusters with that of the field stars and discuss the cluster ages. With an age of ~100 Myr, the HNT cluster appears significantly older than the very young (< 5 Myr) Sk-6641 starburst. We suggest that most of the `field' O-stars in the core of N11C have actually been ejected from Sk-6641 through dynamical interactions in the compact cluster. The properties of the Sk-6641 and HNT clusters suggest that we are viewing different star formation regions lying at different distances along the same line of sight.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Invloed van cadmiumconcentraties in minerale of plantaardige grondstoffen op deze gehaltes in bloed en nieren van vleesvarkens

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    De mogelijke cadmiumbelasting in varkens kan worden verklaard door de bijdrage van de plaatselijke landbouw, maar ook door het gebruik van minerale grondstoffen die niet lokaal worden geproduceerd. Het doel van deze studie is een vergelijking tussen de effecten van plantaardige of minerale grondstoffen met een Cd-gehalte dicht onder de toegestane norm op de concentratie in de nieren van vleesvarkens. Het Cd-gehalte in bloed geeft de recente blootstelling van de varkens weer, terwijl het Cd-gehalte in de nieren de cumulatieve blootstelling weergeeft. Het bloedgehalte en de uiteindelijke nierconcentratie van Cd zijn niet verschillend voor varkens die door de minerale fractie of de plantaardige fractie van een mengvoer blootgesteld zijn aan een verhoogd Cd-gehalte

    FUSE observations of G226-29: First detection of the H_2 quasi-molecular satellite at 1150A

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    We present new FUV observations of the pulsating DA white dwarf G226-29 obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE). This ZZ Ceti star is the brightest one of its class and the coolest white dwarf observed by FUSE. We report the first detection of the broad quasi-molecular collision-induced satellite of Ly-beta at 1150 A, an absorption feature that is due to transitions which take place during close collisions of hydrogen atoms. The physical interpretation of this feature is based on recent progress of the line broadening theory of the far wing of Ly-beta. This predicted feature had never been observed before, even in laboratory spectra.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters; 6 pages, 3 figure

    Alpha-decay lifetimes semiempirical relationship including shell effects

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    A new version of the semiempirical formula based on fission approach of alpha decay is derived, by using the optimum values of the fitting parameters determined for even-even nuclei, combined with hindrance factors for even-odd, odd-even, and odd-odd nuclides. The deviations from experimental data for two regions of nuclear chart (493 alpha emitters with Z=52-118 and 142 transuranium nuclei including superheavies (Z=92-118), respectively) are compared with those obtained by using the universal curve and the Viola-Seaborg semiempirical relationship.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, revtex

    The Generalized Liquid Drop Model Alpha-Decay Formula: Predictability Analysis and Super-Heavy Element Alpha Half-Lives

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    The predictive accuracy of the generalized liquid drop model (GLDM) formula for alpha decay half-lives has been investigated in a detailed manner and a variant of the formula with improved coefficients is proposed. The method employs the experimental alpha half-lives of the well-known alpha standards (REFERENCE) to obtain the coefficients of the analytical formula using the experimental Qalpha values (the DSR-E formula), as well as the finite range droplet model (FRDM) derived Qalpha values (the FRDMFRDM formula). The predictive accuracy of these formulae were checked against the experimental alpha half-lives of an independent set of nuclei (TEST) that span approximately the same Z,A region as the standards and possess reliable alpha spectroscopic data, and were found to yield good results for the DSR-E formula but not for the FRDM-FRDM formula. The two formulae were used to obtain the alpha half-lives of super-heavy (SHE) and heavy nuclides where the relative accuracy was found to markedly improve for the FRDM-FRDM, which corroborates the appropriateness of the FRDM masses and the GLDM prescription for high Z,A nuclides. Further improvement resulted, especially for the FRDM-FRDM formula, after a simple linear optimization over the calculated and experimental half-lives of TEST was used to re-calculate the half-lives of the SHE and heavy nuclides. The advantage of this optimization was that it required no recalculation of the coefficients of the basic DSR-E or FRDM-FRDM formulae. The halflives for 324 medium-mass to super-heavy alpha decaying nuclides, calculated using these formulae and the comparison with experimental half-lives, are presented.Comment: 61 pages, 6 figures, PDF file, to appear in Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Table

    Droplet and cluster formation in freely falling granular streams

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    Particle beams are important tools for probing atomic and molecular interactions. Here we demonstrate that particle beams also offer a unique opportunity to investigate interactions in macroscopic systems, such as granular media. Motivated by recent experiments on streams of grains that exhibit liquid-like breakup into droplets, we use molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the evolution of a dense stream of macroscopic spheres accelerating out of an opening at the bottom of a reservoir. We show how nanoscale details associated with energy dissipation during collisions modify the stream's macroscopic behavior. We find that inelastic collisions collimate the stream, while the presence of short-range attractive interactions drives structure formation. Parameterizing the collision dynamics by the coefficient of restitution (i.e., the ratio of relative velocities before and after impact) and the strength of the cohesive interaction, we map out a spectrum of behaviors that ranges from gas-like jets in which all grains drift apart to liquid-like streams that break into large droplets containing hundreds of grains. We also find a new, intermediate regime in which small aggregates form by capture from the gas phase, similar to what can be observed in molecular beams. Our results show that nearly all aspects of stream behavior are closely related to the velocity gradient associated with vertical free fall. Led by this observation, we propose a simple energy balance model to explain the droplet formation process. The qualitative as well as many quantitative features of the simulations and the model compare well with available experimental data and provide a first quantitative measure of the role of attractions in freely cooling granular streams

    Addressing the Enduring Primary Care Physician Shortage in The United States: The Direct and Indirect Effects of Gender on the Medical Specialty Decision-Making Process

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    Background: There has been an enduring primary care (PC) physician shortage in the United States (U.S.) for decades, which is projected to worsen. With women entering PC at significantly higher rates than men, the aim of this study was to explore various pathways through which gender may affect the medical specialty decision-making process. Methods: Using data from the National Survey of Attitudes and Choices in Medical Education and Training (ACMET) II on a sample of 492 medical residents, this study employed structural equation modeling (SEM) to explore how gender shaped residents’ preferences for future practice and their perceptions of PC, and how their experiences with faculty affected the medical specialty decision-making process. Results: As expected, women were significantly more likely than men to report choosing PC. This study also found that there were several indirect pathways through which gender affects specialty choice, including through negative perceptions about PC and the time spent with PC faculty in medical school. Conclusion: Given the multiple pathways through which gender affects the medical specialty decision-making process, this study highlights a need for gender-specific interventions when addressing the enduring PC physician shortage in the U.S. Specifically, the results of this study suggest that increasing the time that male medical students spend in PC through structural changes in medical education might mitigate negative perceptions about PC and encourage males to enter PC at higher rates. Future research should assess the effectiveness of such gender-specific interventions
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