151 research outputs found

    Multiphase turbulent interstellar medium: some recent results from radio astronomy

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    The radio frequency 1.4 GHz transition of the atomic hydrogen is one of the important tracers of the diffuse neutral interstellar medium. Radio astronomical observations of this transition, using either a single dish telescope or an array interferometer, reveal different properties of the interstellar medium. Such observations are particularly useful to study the multiphase nature and turbulence in the interstellar gas. Observations with multiple radio telescopes have recently been used to study these two closely related aspects in greater detail. Using various observational techniques, the density and the velocity fluctuations in the Galactic interstellar medium was found to have a Kolmogorov-like power law power spectra. The observed power law scaling of the turbulent velocity dispersion with the length scale can be used to derive the true temperature distribution of the medium. Observations from a large ongoing atomic hydrogen absorption line survey have also been used to study the distribution of gas at different temperature. The thermal steady state model predicts that the multiphase neutral gas will exist in cold and warm phase with temperature below 200 K and above 5000 K respectively. However, these observations clearly show the presence of a large fraction of gas in the intermediate unstable phase. These results raise serious doubt about the validity of the standard model, and highlight the necessity of alternative theoretical models. Interestingly, numerical simulations suggest that some of the observational results can be explained consistently by including the effects of turbulence in the models of the multiphase medium. This review article presents a brief outline of some of the basic ideas of radio astronomical observations and data analysis, summarizes the results from recent observations, and discusses possible implications of the results.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Invited review accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. The definitive version will be available at http://insaindia.org/journals/proceedings.ph

    Turbulent power spectrum in warm and cold neutral medium using the Galactic HI 21 cm emission

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    Small-scale fluctuations of different tracers of the interstellar the medium can be used to study the nature of turbulence in astrophysical scales. Of these, the `continuum' emission traces the fluctuations integrated along the line of sight whereas, the spectral line tracers give the information along different velocity channels as well. Recently, Miville-Desch\^enes et al. (2016) have measured the intensity fluctuation power spectrum of the continuum dust emission, and found a power law behaviour with a power law index of 2.9±0.1-2.9 \pm 0.1 for a region of our Galaxy. Here, we study the same region using high-velocity resolution 21-cm emission from the diffuse neutral medium, and estimate the power spectrum at different spectral channels. The measured 21-cm power spectrum also follows a power law, however, we see a significant variation in the power law index with velocity. The value of the power-law index estimated from the integrated map for different components are quite different which is indicative of the different nature of turbulence depending on temperature, density and ionization fraction. We also measure the power spectra after smoothing the 21 cm emission to velocity resolution ranging from 1.031.03 to 13.39 km s113.39~{\rm km~s^{-1}}, but the power spectrum remains unchanged within the error bar. This indicates that the observed fluctuations are dominantly due to density fluctuations, and we can only constrain the power-law index of velocity structure function of 0.0±1.10.0 \pm 1.1 which is consistent with the predicted Kolmogorov turbulence (γ=2/3)(\gamma=2/3) and also with a shock-dominated medium (γ=1.0)(\gamma=1.0).Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. The definitive version will be available at http://mnrasl.oxfordjournals.org

    Simultaneously Learning Speaker's Direction and Head Orientation from Binaural Recordings

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    Estimation of a speaker's direction and head orientation with binaural recordings can be a critical piece of information in many real-world applications with emerging `earable' devices, including smart headphones and AR/VR headsets. However, it requires predicting the mutual head orientations of both the speaker and the listener, which is challenging in practice. This paper presents a system for jointly predicting speaker-listener head orientations by leveraging inherent human voice directivity and listener's head-related transfer function (HRTF) as perceived by the ear-mounted microphones on the listener. We propose a convolution neural network model that, given binaural speech recording, can predict the orientation of both speaker and listener with respect to the line joining the two. The system builds on the core observation that the recordings from the left and right ears are differentially affected by the voice directivity as well as the HRTF. We also incorporate the fact that voice is more directional at higher frequencies compared to lower frequencies

    Estimating kinetic temperature from H I 21 cm absorption studies: correction for the turbulence broadening

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    Neutral hydrogen 21 cm transition is a useful tracer of the neutral interstellar medium. However, inferring physical condition from the observed 21 cm absorption and/or emission spectra is often not straightforward. One complication in estimating the temperature of the atomic gas is that the line width may have significant contribution from non-thermal broadening. We propose a formalism here to separate the thermal and non-thermal broadening using a self-consistent model of turbulence broadening of the HI 21 cm absorption components. Applying this novel method, we have estimated the spin and the kinetic temperature of diffuse Galactic neutral hydrogen, and found that a large fraction of gas has temperature in the unstable range. The turbulence is found to be subsonic or transonic in nature, and the clouds seem to have a bimodal size distribution. Assuming that the turbulence is magnetohydrodynamic in nature, the estimated magnetic field strength is of {\mu}G order, and is found to be uncorrelated with the HI number density.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures. Accepted(16-Nov-2018) for publication in MNRA

    Walkcompass: Finding Walking Direction Leveraging Smartphone\u27s Inertial Sensors

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    Determining moving direction with smartphone\u27s inertial sensors is a well known problem in the field of location service. Compass alone cannot solve this problem because smartphone\u27s compass cannot achieve high accuracy. Moreover GPS is not suitable in indoor scenario. Another well known approach is dead-reckoning but dead-reckoning needs to know phones initial orientation and over time it keeps accumulating errors and after some time the estimation becomes to noisy to use. To overcome these limitations, we propose a solution called WalkCompass which is specially designed for pedestrians keeping in mind the variation of force during normal human walk. Therefore the algorithm is inherently free from any error generated by the orientation of the phone. However, the performance of the system does not depend on the holding style or location of the phone in the body. The algorithm can work very fast to determine the direction of movement in real time and because of its low complexity the complete system can be implemented on a smartphone. WalkCompass does not need any bootstrapping and can produce results with the granularity of each step of a walk