5,589 research outputs found

    Variational integrators for degenerate Lagrangians, with application to point vortices

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    We develop discrete mechanics and variational integrators for a class of degenerate Lagrangian systems, and apply these integrators to a system of point vortices. Excellent numerical behavior is observed. A longer term goal is to use these integration methods in the context of control of mechanical systems, such as coordinated groups of underwater vehicles. In fact, numerical evidence given in related problems, such as those in [2] shows that in the presence of external forces, these methods give superior predictions of energy behavior

    A comparison of hay conservation systems

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    The high cost an dshortage of farm labour in the Esperance District is posing serious problems for farmers using traditional hay conservation systems. Author Ted Rowley, then an advisor with the Esperance District office of the Department of Agriculture surveyed a number of farms to study the economics of varoius alternatives. This article is a summary of his report presented to a 1976 Fodder Conservation Workshop

    Wind erosion and sand blasting

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    Wind erosion and sand blasting of crops and pastures have been frequent hazards to many south coast sandplain farms ever since land clearing started there. In 1980 and 1981 the problems were particularly severe, resulting in widespread crop and pasture losses. Pastures are at risk as the amount of available dry feed declines in late summer, autumn and early winter, but cultivated paddocks with emerging crops usually suffer the most serious economic and physical effects. Wind-caused problems have serious implications for agriculture on these sandplain areas. Apart from the serious annual production losses, four or five consecutive years of serious wind erosion could devastate many sandplain farms beyond economic recovery. However, management to avoid wind erosion is feasible, as has been demonstrated in the well-publicised dust bowl areas in North America in the 1930s. Whereas the dust bowl problem occurred on finer soils, where loss of fertility over a medium to long period was the major problem, Western Australia\u27s south coast problems apply mostly to sandy soils, where damage from moving sand is of more immediate concern, but in the long term the loss of fertility could add a serious dimension to the problem. Part of the solution to the North American problem was to improve soil moisture retention, using contour cultivation, retaining stubbles and have developing rotations. The solutions best suited to Western Australia\u27s south coast are complex and involve the total management of the farm

    Repeatable method of thermal stress fracture test of brittle materials

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    Method heats specimens slowly and with sufficient control so that the critical temperature gradient in the specimens cannot occur before temperature equilibrium is reached

    Operation Of The Leica SP8 Multiphoton Confocal System Using Single Or Multiple Fluorochromes

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    The goal of this thesis is to systematically examine each decision made in obtaining images on the Leica SP8 Multiphoton Confocal Microscope and discuss the basic operating parameters in order to generate publication quality images. The capabilities of the LAS X software are discussed along with an in depth discussion of each icon in order, beginning with the Configuration icon, moving then to Acquire, and a brief overview of the possible imaging processing functions within the Process icon. At the conclusion of this thesis, the reader should feel comfortable with the operation of a confocal system and understand the tradeoffs that occur between obtaining high quality images, specimen damage, and the time it takes to collect the image. Although this paper discusses the operation of the Leica SP8 Multiphoton Confocal Microscope specifically, the principles of confocal microscopy hold true regardless of the system hardware or software used

    Identifying Motivations to Encourage Women to Adopt Positive Financial Behaviors

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    Seventeen women between the ages of 25 and 54 who self-identified as having made a positive financial change within the past two years were interviewed in four focus groups. Participants were asked to identify their motivations for financial behavior change. The analysis of this research data indicated the participants in this study progressed through the stages of change in Prochaska\u27s Transtheoretical Model while making personal financial changes. Factors such as emotion, family influence, and life transition helped many women move from earlier stages (Precontemplation, Contemplation) to later stages (Preparation, Action) of change. Although participants utilized a wide variety of first steps of change (e.g., reduced spending, increased savings, and so forth), motivations for those changes fell into two categories: goal-centered change and crisis-centered change. As expected, the participants in this study experienced internal and external setbacks while attempting to make permanent changes. Nearly all participants made use of at least one form of support during their change including educational, social, and professional support. Also, participants divulged their strategies for successful change. Optimism and using financial tricks (e.g., limiting access to credit cards or savings, using automated savings plans) were the two most commonly used strategies. Implications for policy and practice include tailoring marketing messages toward women experiencing life transitions and incorporating concepts from Prochaska\u27s Transtheoretical Model into the development of financial education programs

    Administrative Inaction and Judicial Review: The Rebuttable Presumption of Unreviewability

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    A computer software system for integration and analysis of grid-based remote sensing data with other natural resource data. Remote Sensing Project

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    A computer-based information system is described designed to assist in the integration of commonly available spatial data for regional planning and resource analysis. The Resource Analysis Program (RAP) provides a variety of analytical and mapping phases for single factor or multi-factor analyses. The unique analytical and graphic capabilities of RAP are demonstrated with a study conducted in Windsor Township, Eaton County, Michigan. Soil, land cover/use, topographic and geological maps were used as a data base to develope an eleven map portfolio. The major themes of the portfolio are land cover/use, non-point water pollution, waste disposal, and ground water recharge

    Surface drilling technologies for Mars

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    Rock drilling and coring conceptual designs for the surface activities associated with a manned Mars mission are proposed. Straightforward extensions of equipment and procedures used on Earth are envisioned for the sample coring and shallow high explosive shot holes needed for tunneling and seismic surveying. A novel rocket exhaust jet piercing method is proposed for very rapid drilling of shot holes required for explosive excavation of emergency radiation shelters. Summaries of estimated equipment masses and power requirements are provided, and the indicated rotary coring rigs are scaled from terrestrial equipment and use compressed CO2 from the Martian atmosphere for core bit cooling and cuttings removal. A mass of 120 kg and power of 3 kW(e) are estimated for a 10 m depth capability. A 100 m depth capacity core rig requires about 1150 kg and 32 km(e). The rocket exhaust jet equipment devised for shallow (3m) explosive emplacement shot holes requires no surface power beyond an electrical ignition system, and might have a 15 kg mass
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