711 research outputs found

    A case study of SME web application development effectiveness via agile methods

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    Abstract: The development of Web applications is an important focus of the modern information enabled organization – whether the Web application development is in-house, outsourced, or purchased as ‘commercial-off-the-shelf’ (COTS) software. Traditionally Web application development has been delivered via the dominant waterfall system. The waterfall system relies upon well-defined governance structures, linear phases, gating, and extensive reporting and sign-off documentation. An increasing number of development stakeholders criticise the waterfall system for web application development. The criticisms include a disproportionate focus on governance and process at the direct expense of flexibility and, most importantly, reduced productivity. One consequence of these criticisms is the increasing adoption of Web application development via agile-system methods. This agile-system approach centres upon smaller design teams, fewer development phases, and shorter development time tables

    Macroscopic control parameter for avalanche models for bursty transport

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    Similarity analysis is used to identify the control parameter RA for the subset of avalanching systems that can exhibit self-organized criticality (SOC). This parameter expresses the ratio of driving to dissipation. The transition to SOC, when the number of excited degrees of freedom is maximal, is found to occur when RA-->0. This is in the opposite sense to (Kolmogorov) turbulence, thus identifying a deep distinction between turbulence and SOC and suggesting an observable property that could distinguish them. A corollary of this similarity analysis is that SOC phenomenology, that is, power law scaling of avalanches, can persist for finite RA with the same RA-->0 exponent if the system supports a sufficiently large range of lengthscales, necessary for SOC to be a candidate for physical (RA finite) systems

    Proposal to inform European institutions regarding the regulation of conscientious objection to abortion.

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    The aim of this paper is to define a set of proposals to inform European institutions in the regulation of Conscientious Objection to abortion. The board of the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care (ESC) was informed on the elements that should in the opinion of the authors be included in a future regulation of Conscientious Objection to abortion in Europe. These elements are outlined in this paper and the debate about them could form the basis for recommendations to the international scientific community and the European institutions. As current measures governing the principle of conscientious objection result in negative consequences regarding women's access to sexual and reproductive health services, they should be changed. Healthcare services should adopt measures to guarantee that a woman's right to voluntary abortion is not limited by the practitioner's stance on the principle of conscientious objection. In the countries where conscientious objection is allowed, the regulation must clearly delineate the extent of the duties and the exemptions of professionals based on the principles of established social consensus. The recommendations included in this document specify measures on the rights of women, the rights and duties of the practitioner, the role of institutions and the role of professional associations

    Auditing the data confidentiality of wireless local area networks

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    Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) provide many significant advantages to the contemporary business enterprise. WLANs also provide considerable security challenges for network administrators and users. Data confidentiality breaches (ie, unauthorized access to data) are the major security vulnerability within WLANs. To date, the major IT security standards from the International Standards Organisation (the ISO/IEC 17799) and the National Institute of Science and Technology (the Special Publication or SP suite) have only a superficial coverage of WLAN security controls and compliance certification strategies. The clear responsibility for WLAN managers is to provide network users with best practice security strategies to mitigate the real risk of unauthorized data access. The clear responsibility for IT auditors is to ensure that best practice security practices are in place and that operational compliance is consistently achieved. This paper describes a newly researched software auditing artifact for the evaluation of the data confidentiality levels of WLAN transmissions – and therefore by extension for the evaluation of existing security controls to mitigate the risk of WLAN confidentiality breaches. The paper describes how the software auditing artifact has been evolved via a design science research methodology, and pivots upon the real time passive sampling of data packets as they are transmitted between mobile users and mobile transmission access points. The paper describes how the software auditing artifact uses these sampled data packets to produce a very detailed evaluation of the levels of data confidentiality in effect across the WLAN. This detailed evaluation includes specific identification (for network managers) of the types of software services operating across the WLAN that are not supported with the appropriate data confidentiality controls. The paper concludes by presenting an analysis of the results achieved during beta testing of the auditing artifact within a university production WLAN environment

    Differences in digital health literacy and future anxiety between health care and other university students in England during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    Background: This study investigates university students' digital health literacy and web-based information-seeking behaviours during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in England. It compares undergraduate and postgraduate students in non-health related subjects with health care students, many of whom were preparing for, or working in, frontline roles. The survey was conducted as part of a wider study by the COVID-HL research consortium. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among n=691 university students aged ≥18 years from 25 universities across England using an adapted digital survey developed by COVID-HL. Data were collected regarding sociodemographic characteristics and specific measures drawn from the Future Anxiety Scale and the Digital Health Literacy Instrument (DHLI). These had been adapted for use in an English setting and to the specific context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Other data collected included students’ anxiety or worries about the future using the Dark Future Scale as well as behaviours in online information-seeking. Data were analysed using correlations to test for relationships between constructs and also between group comparisons to test for differences between students studying health and non-health related subjects. Results: Across digital health literacy dimensions, there was no significant difference between students studying health-related subjects and other students. Health care students did report greater difficulties in relation to how to behave online. They also relied less on public body sources for information about the pandemic. A significant difference was found between the two student populations in relation to their anxiety about the future with health care students reporting fewer fears about the future. Conclusions: Although digital health literacy is well developed in university students, a significant proportion of students still face difficulties with evaluating online information which may frustrate public health efforts. This could be addressed by ensuring health students’ curriculum in particular encompasses digital health literac

    The filamentation instability driven by warm electron beams: Statistics and electric field generation

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    The filamentation instability of counterpropagating symmetric beams of electrons is examined with 1D and 2D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, which are oriented orthogonally to the beam velocity vector. The beams are uniform, warm and their relative speed is mildly relativistic. The dynamics of the filaments is examined in 2D and it is confirmed that their characteristic size increases linearly in time. Currents orthogonal to the beam velocity vector are driven through the magnetic and electric fields in the simulation plane. The fields are tied to the filament boundaries and the scale size of the flow-aligned and the perpendicular currents are thus equal. It is confirmed that the electrostatic and the magnetic forces are equally important, when the filamentation instability saturates in 1D. Their balance is apparently the saturation mechanism of the filamentation instability for our initial conditions. The electric force is relatively weaker but not negligible in the 2D simulation, where the electron temperature is set higher to reduce the computational cost. The magnetic pressure gradient is the principal source of the electrostatic field, when and after the instability saturates in the 1D simulation and in the 2D simulation.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted by the Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (Special Issue EPS 2009

    The role of mass and environment in the build up of the quenched galaxy population since cosmic noon

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    We conduct the first study of how the relative quenching probability of galaxies depends on environment over the redshift range 0.5<z<30.5 < z < 3, using data from the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey. By constructing the stellar mass functions for quiescent and post-starburst (PSB) galaxies in high, medium and low density environments to z=3z = 3, we find an excess of quenched galaxies in dense environments out to at least z∼2z \sim 2. Using the growth rate in the number of quenched galaxies, combined with the star-forming galaxy mass function, we calculate the probability that a given star-forming galaxy is quenched per unit time. We find a significantly higher quenching rate in dense environments (at a given stellar mass) at all redshifts. Massive galaxies (M∗>1010.7_* > 10^{10.7} M⊙_{\odot}) are on average 1.7 ±\pm 0.2 times more likely to quench per Gyr in the densest third of environments compared to the sparsest third. Finally, we compare the quiescent galaxy growth rate to the rate at which galaxies pass through a PSB phase. Assuming a visibility timescale of 500 Myr, we find that the PSB route can explain ∼\sim 50\% of the growth in the quiescent population at high stellar mass (M∗>1010.7_* > 10^{10.7} M⊙_{\odot}) in the redshift range 0.5<z<30.5 < z < 3, and potentially all of the growth at lower stellar masses.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA
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