3 research outputs found

    Analisis Resiko Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Air Ketel Uap Dari Imbibisi Air Kondensat PG. Pesantren Baru Dengan Menggunakan Metode FMEA Dan FTA

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    PG. Pesantren Baru is one of the industrial companies that produce sugar for the needs of people in Kediri City and national. The purpose of this research is to know the factors that inhibit the rate of supply of dew water (condensate water) to the boiler and how it is handled using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) methods. The scope and limitation of problems on this research is only done on boiler stations and more leads to dew water supply (condensate water) on the boiler machine Yoshimine II. The data used in this research is the primary data and secondary data from the company. With data collection techniques include observation, interviews and library studies. From the research results obtained 5 constraints that have been identified by the FMEA method. From 5 constraints gained 2 top events that have occurred during the operation process in the area of water flow imbibisi at the grind station PG. Pesantren Baru in 2018-2019. The first ranking is on the constraints of the pump to distribute the water Imbibisi to the APK tank suffered damage with RPN at 18. The second ranking is on the obstacles of the water crust many are attached to the wall pipe evaporation body with RPN at 8.PG. Pesantren Baru merupakan salah satu perusahaan industri yang memproduksi gula untuk kebutuhan masyarakat Kota Kediri maupun nasional.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang menghambat laju suplai air embun (air kondensat) ke ketel uap beserta cara penanganannya dengan menggunakan metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) dan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). Adapun ruang lingkup dan batasan masalah pada penelitian ini hanya dilakukan pada stasiun boiler dan lebih mengarah ke suplai air embun (air kondensat) pada mesin boiler Yoshimine II.Dari hasil penelitian didapat hasil 5 kendala-kendala yang sudah teridentifikasi dengan metode FMEA, yaitu pipa di dalam tanki badan penguapan bocor dengan nilai RPN 6, kerak nira menempel di dinding pipa badan penguapan dengan nilai RPN 8, pompa pada badan penguapan rusak nilai RPN 18, air tanki apk mengalami overcapacity dengan nilai RPN 4, sambungan pipa menuju tanki apk mengalami kerenggangan dengan nilai RPN 4. 2 nilai RPNtertinggi dari hasil 5 kendala-kendaladigunakan sebagai 2 top event dalam menganalisa FMEA. Hasil dari FTA menunjukkan 4 basic event, yaitu as penggerak tidak center, bearing rusak, rentang waktu perawatan lama, pemakaian terlalu over

    Strategi Bisnis Garam menggunakan SWOT-BMC

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    PT. Garam as a state-owned company needs to overcome the problem of quality inconsistencies and technological constraints in improving company performance and profits, as well as taking advantage of business development opportunities in the salt industry. The purpose of this study is to design a suitable business strategy for PT. Garam by optimizing supply chains, production processes, and selecting quality salt resources. The methods used in this study are BMC, SWOT, and QSPM to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the company and formulate the right business strategy for PT. Garam. Based on the resulting strategy match matrix, PT. Garam can consider three ST strategies to optimize strength in facing threats. PT Garam can conduct research to create production technology that does not depend on weather conditions, thus allowing the salt production process to be more stable and efficient. PT Garam can conduct research to create appropriate technology, which can improve overall production quality and efficiency. PT Garam can build brand equity of its products as a marketing strategy to increase competitiveness and customer trust. By adopting these strategies, PT Garam can achieve the goal of improving production efficiency and business growth in the salt marke


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    Manual material handling activities one of them is soy porridge filtration. Important research was conducted to provide interventions reviewed from aspects of NBM, biomechanics, NIOSH and fuzzy biomechanics to NBM as the purpose of this study. This research method takes a saturated sample of 24 respondents, observation and documentation regarding working posture, dissemination and withdrawal of NBM closed questionnaires, assessing biomechanics from the aspect of Fcompression with Fshear, and evaluating activities with NIOSH and integration of fuzzy Mamdani initiated fuzzification, inference, and defuzzification. The study showed that Fcompression 1117.05 N < 3400 N; Fshear of 613.4 N > 500 N were declared to be at risk. The dominant LI value may be at risk of 66.7% for 16 people. Traditional NBM complaints are very painful range 75%-100% at the waist (96%), hips (75%), buttocks (83%), right hands (79%), left thighs and right thighs (75%), left knee (92%), and right knee (100%). Traditional proof of biomechanics following fuzzy biomechanics against NBM, by 93.3%. This activity still has risks, both from traditional biomechanics, NIOSH, NBM, and fuzzy biomechanics to NBM. Therefore, appropriate intervention is needed from the aspect of facilities and work environment in the futur