18 research outputs found

    Assessment of trace metal alterations in the blood, cerebrospinal fluid and tissue samples of patients with malignant brain tumors

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    The pathogenesis of malignant brain tumors (MBTs) should be better understood due to the evident association between prolonged exposure to metals and increased risk of MBTs. The present research aimed to find trace metals that could contribute to the pathogenesis of MBTs. Essential trace elements (Mn, Co, Zn, Cu, Se) and relevant toxic metals (Al, Ni, As, Sr, Cd, Ce, Pt, Pb, U) in the serum, cell fraction (CF), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and cancerous tissue (CT) samples of MBT patients were analyzed. The results were compared with sex- and age-matched control groups. For the first time, this research showed that elemental profiles of serum, CF, CSF and CT samples in MBT patients were significantly altered compared to the appropriate controls, as well as that higher contents of trace elements (particularly Mn, Se, and Pb) could be involved in the pathogenesis of MBTs. However, the most noticeable change found was the elevated U content, indicating its considerable role as a major cerebral discriminator of the presence/absence of MBTs. The U/Se ratio could be considered as an appropriate blood marker in diagnostic MBT evaluation. The reported results could contribute to better understanding of the poorly understood pathogenesis of MBTs. Furthermore, the reported results could highlight a molecular basis for the pathophysiological changes caused by the hazardous effects of trace metals on brain homeostasis

    The influence of physical activity during pregnancy on the delivery outcome and mental health of healthy women

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    Физичка активност (ФА) дефинисана је као било која телесна активност, односно покрет, одређеног дела тела или целог тела, а који производи скелетни мишић и који захтева утрошак енергије. ФА је општепознати фактор превенције појаве различитих стања, најпре незаразних хроничних болести. Осим што је превентивни фактор, вежбање пружа бројне бенефите у свакодневном животу здравог појединца, а доказано је безбедно и за немоћне старије особе. ФА је неопходна за нормалан раст и развој девојчица у адолесцентном добу. Умерена, редовна ФА позитивно утиче на фертилитет жене у репродуктивном периоду. Труднице могу имати бенефите од ФА у сличној мери као и општа популација жена, уз одређене лимите везане за препоруке и водиче о врсти и дужини одређених вежби спровођених на недељном нивоу. Бенефити ФА током трудноће су бројни и односе се на здравље труднице, како физичко, тако и ментално, на сам исход порођаја, постпартални период, али и на здравље фетуса. Циљеви: Анализа психометријских карактеристика инструмента мерења – Упитника о физичкој активности током трудноће, након двосмерног превођења и културолошке адаптације на српски језик; испитивање утицаја бављења физичком активношћу здравих трудница на дужину трајања порођаја вагиналним путем и учесталост комликација; испитавање повезаности бављења физичком активношћу трудница с њиховим социодемографским карактеристикама и животним навикама и испитивање утицаја бављења физичком активношћу здравих трудница на појаву постапарталне депресије. Материјал и методе: Истраживање је спровођено као студија пресека на Гинеколошко- акушерској клиници „Народни фронт“ у Београду од октобра 2020. до октобра 2021. године. Циљну популацију у овом истраживању чиниле су здраве жене које су се породиле вагиналним путем у наведеном периоду, старости између 18 и 40 година, с једноплодним трудноћама у трајању између 37+0 и 42+0 недеље гестације, без компликација током трудноће, без ранијих коморбидитета, у трећем триместру трудноће, и које су течно говориле српски језик. За потребе овог истраживања креиран је посебно дизајниран упитник, а ради прикупљања општих социодемографских и анамнестичких података. ФА у току трудноће испитивана je помоћу српске верзије Упитника о физичкој активности током трудноће (УФАТ − СРБ), а након валидације и културолошке адаптације оригиналне верзије Упитника. Процена постојања симптома постпарталне депресије извршена је употребом Единбуршке постнатална скале депресије (ЕПСД). Резултати: Валидиран и културолошки адаптиран УФАТ − СРБ представља одговарајући мерни инструмент за процену ФА трудница у нашој популацији. ФА била је више заступљена код старијих испитаница, оних које су живеле у брачној заједници и оних запослених. Испитанице старије од 30 година значајно чешће су упражњавале ФА у домену „Домаћинство/Нега“ него млађе испитанице. Испитанице које су биле у брачној заједници имале су значајно више скорове ФА слабог интензитета од испитаница које су живеле саме. Запослене испитанице имале су статистички заначајно више скорове ФА слабог интензитета у односу на незапослене. Од испитиваних навика једино је конзумирање алкохола утицало на бављење ФА испитаница. Уочена је значајна повезаност између укупног скора, ФА умереног интензитета и поткатегорије „Посао“ УФАТ − СРБ и конзумирања алкохола. Вишеротке су у поређењу с првороткама значајно чешће биле старије, гојазније и значајно ређе хоспитализоване током трудноће. Такође, вишеротке су значајно чешће биле физички активне у трудноћи, на шта указују значајно виши скорови УФАТ − СРБ Упитника...Physical activity (PA) is defined as any body activity or movement of a specific part of the body or the whole body that is produced by skeletal muscle and requires energy expenditure. PA is one of the commonly known prevention factors for the occurrence of various conditions, primarily non-communicable chronic diseases. In addition to being a preventive factor, exercise has numerous benefits in the daily life of a healthy individual and has also been shown to be safe for frail older adults. PA is necessary for the normal growth and development of adolescent girls. Moderate, regular PA has a positive effect on a woman's fertility during the reproductive period. Pregnant women may benefit from PA to a similar extent as the general female population, with some limitations in terms of recommendations and guidance on the type and length of specific exercises performed on a weekly basis. The benefits of PA during pregnancy are numerous and relate to the health of the mother, both physical and mental, the outcome of childbirth, the postpartum period, and the health of the fetus. Aims: Analysis of the psychometric characteristics of the measuring instrument, the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire, after two-way translation and cultural adaptation into the Serbian language; examination of the influence of PA in healthy pregnant women on the duration of vaginal delivery and the frequency of complications; examination of the connection between PA in pregnant women and their sociodemographic characteristics and lifestyle habits; and examination of the impact of PA in healthy pregnant women on the occurrence of postpartum depression. Material and methods: The research was conducted as a cross-sectional study at the gynecologicalobstetrical clinic "Narodni Front" in Belgrade in the period from October 2020 to October 2021. The study group in this research consisted of healthy women who gave birth vaginally in the aforementioned period, aged between 18 and 40 years of age, with singleton pregnancies lasting between 37+0 and 42+0 weeks of gestation, without complications during pregnancy, without previously existing comorbidities, in the third trimester of pregnancy, and who spoke Serbian fluently. A specially designed questionnaire was created for the purposes of this research and for the purpose of collecting general sociodemographic and anamnestic data. PA during pregnancy was examined using the Serbian version of the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire (PPAQ−SRB), after validation and cultural adaptation of the original version of the questionnaire. Assessment of the presence of postpartum depression symptoms was performed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Results: The validated and culturally adapted PPAQ−SRB is a suitable measuring instrument for assessing the PA of pregnant women in our population. PA was more prevalent in older respondents, those who lived in a married union, and those who were employed. Respondents older than 30 years exercised significantly more often in the domain "Household/care" compared to younger respondents. Subjects who were married had significantly higher scores of PA of low intensity compared to subjects who lived alone. Employed subjects had statistically significantly higher PA scores for low intensity compared to unemployed subjects. Of the examined habits, only alcohol consumption had an effect on the subjects' PA. A significant association was observed between the total score, PA of moderate intensity, and the "Work" subcategory of the PPAQ−SRB and alcohol consumption. Compared to primiparous women, multiparous women were significantly more likely to be older, more obese, and significantly less likely to be hospitalized during pregnancy. Also, multiparous women were significantly more likely to be physically active during pregnancy, as indicated by significantly higher scores on the PPAQ−SRB questionnaire..

    Human biomonitoring of essential, nonessential, rare earth, and noble elements in placental tissues

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    Exposure to certain metals has been recognized as a risk factor for numerous complications in vulnerable population groups, particularly pregnant women. This investigation evaluated the levels of essential (Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Se, Mo) and nonessential trace metals with recognized toxicity (Be, Al, Ti, V, Ni, Ga, As, Rb, Sr, Cd, Sb, Ba, Tl, Hg, Pb, Bi, Th, U), together with rare earth elements (Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Lu), and noble metals (Ru, Rh, Pd, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Ag) in the placental tissues of healthy pregnant women (n = 105). The selection of participants was undertaken with special reference to specific confounding factors that could influence the trace element profiles. Among trace elements, Zn was the most abundant and Lu was the least abundant. Cd and Os placental levels show a tendency to increase with women's age. Compared with literature data, high levels of Ni were found. This is the first study that provides the composition levels of essential and toxic trace elements, rare earth elements, and noble metals in human placental tissues. Also, for the first time, normal (reference) ranges for 50 (ultra)trace elements in placental tissues are proposed. Reference ranges are especially important in biomonitoring studies, which nowadays give increasing importance to the analysis of solid tissues instead of body fluids. Overall, the information provided in this study can serve as a starting point for further clinical trials and/or prediction of potential risks to pregnancy.Supplementary material: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4806

    Evaluation of Maternal Exposure to Multiple Trace Elements and Their Detection in Umbilical Cord Blood

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    Due to the recognized harmful effects of some trace elements on fetal development after long-term exposures, it is first important to address their basic/physiological levels before monitoring toxicological effects and clinical outcomes on prenatal and postnatal health. This research aimed to define, for the first time, reference values for multiple (ultra) trace elements in umbilical cord blood (UCB) plasma samples of a notable number of healthy pregnant women (n = 125). All samples were collected during 2020–2021 and all participants were from Belgrade and two regions (Šumadija and Podunavlje). Following trace elements were enrolled in this study: essential (Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Se, Mo), toxic (Be, Al, Ni, As, Rb, Sr, Ag, Cd, Sb, Ba, Tl, Pb, Th, U), rare earth (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm), and noble metals (Ru, Rh, Pd, Re, Ir, Os, Pt). UCB plasma samples were diluted with suitable solvents and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The analytical technique used was validated by the standard addition method and using certified reference materials. Zn was found in the highest amount and Tm in the least amount. Be, Co, Ag, Sb, La, and Ce exhibited statistically significant differences in the four age groups (20 to 41 years), whereas Ag and Ce showed a tendency to increase with age. Furthermore, our participants had notably higher As, Ni, and Co, levels and lower Zn levels compared to other populations. This is the first study that, in addition to analyzing essential and toxic trace elements, also provided an analysis of noble and rare earth elements in UCB plasma samples. Presented results can be used as a starting point or database for further studies, in terms of predicting the pregnancy outcome and postnatal development

    The first insight into the trace element status of human adrenal gland accompanied by elemental alterations in adrenal adenomas

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    Background The baseline status of trace metals in adrenal tissue is unresolved, while the elemental profile for any adrenal pathology has not been examined so far. This study aimed to determine the baseline status of important toxic (Ni, As, Cd, Pb, Th, U) and essential trace elements (Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Se) in healthy adrenal tissues (HATs) as well as to examine whether there are alterations in the elemental composition of adenomatous adrenal tissues (AATs). Furthermore, this study aimed to find potential trace metals that could play a role in the pathogenesis of adrenal adenoma (AA). Methods The study included 45 patients diagnosed with AA. Impacts of relevant parameters such as gender, age, smoking habits and nodular sizes were considered. All samples were subjected to microwave digestion and the trace elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results This is the first study that provided an insight into the elemental status of HATs. It was also shown that AATs had altered trace metal contents. Compared to HATs, the most significant findings were related to the high content of essential (Cu, Mn, Se, Zn) and Pb as a non-essential metal. Although gender, age and smoking habits had a modest effect on metal profiles, the most significant alterations were related to the nodular diameter above 4 cm, indicating that the growth of benign tumor could influence changes in elemental composition. Conclusion For the first time the baseline contents of essential and toxic trace metals in HATs were determined. The results of this study may highlight the role of toxic and essential trace metals in AAs and could provide new insights into the molecular basis of pathophysiological changes caused by the hazardous effects of trace metals on adrenal structure and function