6,433 research outputs found

    Chemistry of the CO dimer at low temperatures

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    Researchers conducted a series of experiments on the chlorine-catalyzed photodecomposition of O sub 3 both in the gas and in inert solvents such as CF sub 4 and CO sub 2 in the temperature range about 190 to 225 K. The liquid medium was chosen in order to minimize possible surface loss of long-lived ClO dimer, and to aid in the stabilization of transient excited intermediates. The mechanism of dimer formation was as follows: (1) Cl sub 2 + hv yields Cl + Cl; (2) Cl + O sub 3 yields ClO + O sub 2; (3) ClO + ClO yields Cl sub 2 O sub 2. The experiments were done in cooled low temperature cells, with irradiation from an Osram high pressure mercury arc, filtered to remove radiation below 325 nm. Spectral analysis was by means of a Cary Model 2200 UV spectrometer. The principal objectives were: (1) to determine the lifetime of the dimer as a function of temperature; (2) to observe spectral changes in the mixtures which could be attributed to dimer or related products; and (3) to observe chemical or photochemical reactions of the dimer

    National Autism Indicators Report: Vocational Rehabilitation 2016

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    Employment is about more than simply earning a paycheck - it influences quality of life, independence, and wellness. Historically, employment outcomes for adults with autism are poor. The U.S. Vocational Rehabilitation system (VR) is designed to provide support to states for implementation of services to assist people with disabilities to prepare for, find, and keep employment. VR data allow us to examine some outcomes for those with autism compared to their peers.To make a difference, research must reach those who need it. The National Autism Indicators Report series presents our research findings in a clearly communicated, open-access, online format to speed the delivery of information to decision-makers while maintaining very high standards of scientific credibility

    National Autism Indicators Report: Transition into Young Adulthood

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    There is very little research published concerning how people with autism do in the adult portion of their lifespans. We analyzed data from "The National Longitudinal Transition Study-2" and "The Survey of Pathways to Diagnosis and Services" to examine the service needs and life outcomes of adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum. This report describes the prevalence of a wide variety of indicators related to transition planning, services access, unmet needs, employment, postsecondary education, living arrangements, social participation, and safety and risk

    Trionic and quartetting phases in one-dimensional multicomponent ultracold fermions

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    We investigate the possible formation of a molecular condensate, which might be, for instance, the analogue of the alpha condensate of nuclear physics, in the context of multicomponent cold atoms fermionic systems. A simple paradigmatic model of N-component fermions with contact interactions loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice is studied by means of low-energy and numerical approaches. For attractive interaction, a quasi-long-range molecular superfluid phase, formed from bound-states made of N fermions, emerges at low density. We show that trionic and quartetting phases, respectively for N=3,4, extend in a large domain of the phase diagram and are robust against small symmetry-breaking perturbations.Comment: Contribution to the SOTANCP 2008 worksho

    Force distribution in a scalar model for non-cohesive granular material

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    We study a scalar lattice model for inter-grain forces in static, non-cohesive, granular materials, obtaining two primary results. (i) The applied stress as a function of overall strain shows a power law dependence with a nontrivial exponent, which moreover varies with system geometry. (ii) Probability distributions for forces on individual grains appear Gaussian at all stages of compression, showing no evidence of exponential tails. With regard to both results, we identify correlations responsible for deviations from previously suggested theories.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, Submitted to PR

    Scattering by a toroidal coil

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    In this paper we consider the Schr\"odinger operator in R3{\mathbb R}^3 with a long-range magnetic potential associated to a magnetic field supported inside a torus T{\mathbb{T}}. Using the scheme of smooth perturbations we construct stationary modified wave operators and the corresponding scattering matrix S(λ)S(\lambda). We prove that the essential spectrum of S(λ)S(\lambda) is an interval of the unit circle depending only on the magnetic flux ϕ\phi across the section of T\mathbb{T}. Additionally we show that, in contrast to the Aharonov-Bohm potential in R2{\mathbb{R}}^2, the total scattering cross-section is always finite. We also conjecture that the case treated here is a typical example in dimension 3.Comment: LaTeX2e 17 pages, 1 figur

    Projection-based measurement and identification

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    A recently developed Projection-based Digital Image Correlation (P-DVC) method is here extended to 4D (space and time) displacement field measurement and mechanical identification based on a single radiograph per loading step instead of volumes as in standard DVC methods. Two levels of data reductions are exploited, namely, reduction of the data acquisition (and time) by a factor of 1000 and reduction of the solution space by exploiting model reduction techniques. The analysis of a complete tensile elastoplastic test composed of 127 loading steps performed in 6 minutes is presented. The 4D displacement field as well as the elastoplastic constitutive law are identified. Keywords: Image-based identification, Model reduction, Fast 4D identification, In-situ tomography measurements. INTRODUCTION Identification and validation of increasingly complex mechanical models is a major concern in experimental solid mechanics. The recent developments of computed tomography coupled with in-situ tests provide extremely rich and non-destructive analyses [1]. In the latter cases, the sample was imaged inside a tomograph, either with interrupted mechanical load or with a continuously evolving loading and on-the-fly acquisitions (as ultra-fast X-ray synchrotron tomography, namely, 20 Hz full scan acquisition for the study of crack propagation [2]). Visualization of fast transformations, crack openings, or unsteady behavior become accessible. Combined with full-field measurements, in-situ tests offer a quantitative basis for identifying a broad range of mechanical behavior.Comment: SEM 2019, Jun 2019, Reno, United State

    Zeeman effect in superconducting two-leg ladders: irrational magnetization plateaus and exceeding the Pauli limit

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    The effect of a parallel magnetic field on superconducting two-leg ladders is investigated numerically. The magnetization curve displays an irrational plateau at a magnetization equal to the hole density. Remarkably, its stability is fundamentally connected to the existence of a well-known magnetic resonant mode. Once the zero-field spin gap is suppressed by the field, pairs acquire a finite momentum characteristic of a Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase. In addition, S^z=0 triplet superconducting correlations coexist with singlet ones above the irrational plateau. This provides a simple mechanism in which the Pauli limit is exceeded as suggested by recent experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Diamagnetism of doped two-leg ladders and probing the nature of their commensurate phases

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    We study the magnetic orbital effect of a doped two-leg ladder in the presence of a magnetic field component perpendicular to the ladder plane. Combining both low-energy approach (bosonization) and numerical simulations (density-matrix renormalization group) on the strong coupling limit (t-J model), a rich phase diagram is established as a function of hole doping and magnetic flux. Above a critical flux, the spin gap is destroyed and a Luttinger liquid phase is stabilized. Above a second critical flux, a reentrance of the spin gap at high magnetic flux is found. Interestingly, the phase transitions are associated with a change of sign of the orbital susceptibility. Focusing on the small magnetic field regime, the spin-gapped superconducting phase is robust but immediately acquires algebraic transverse (i.e. along rungs) current correlations which are commensurate with the 4k_F density correlations. In addition, we have computed the zero-field orbital susceptibility for a large range of doping and interactions ratio J/t : we found strong anomalies at low J/t only in the vicinity of the commensurate fillings corresponding to delta = 1/4 and 1/2. Furthermore, the behavior of the orbital susceptibility reveals that the nature of these insulating phases is different: while for delta = 1/4 a 4k_F charge density wave is confirmed, the delta = 1/2 phase is shown to be a bond order wave.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure

    Displaying desire and distinction in housing

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    The article discusses the significance of cultural capital for the understanding of the field of housing in contemporary Britain. It explores the relationship between housing and the position of individuals in social space mapped out by means of a multiple correspondence analysis. It considers the material aspects of housing and the changing contexts that are linked to the creation and display of desire for social position and distinction expressed in talk about home decoration as personal expression and individuals' ideas of a `dream house'. It is based on an empirical investigation of taste and lifestyle using nationally representative survey data and qualitative interviews. The article shows both that personal resources and the imagination of home are linked to levels of cultural capital, and that rich methods of investigation are required to grasp the significance of these normally invisible assets to broaden the academic understanding of the field of housing in contemporary culture
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