9 research outputs found

    Completely automated measurement facility (PAVICOM) for track-detector data processing

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    Abstract A review of technical capabilities and investigations performed using the completely automated measuring facility (PAVICOM) is presented. This very efficient facility for track-detector data processing in the field of nuclear and highenergy particle physics has been constructed in the Lebedev physical institute. PAVICOM is widely used in Russia for treatment of experimental data from track detectors (emulsion and solid-state trackers) in high-and low-energy physics, cosmic ray physics, etc. PAVICOM provides an essential improvement of the efficiency of experimental studies. In contrast to semi-automated microscopes widely used until now, PAVICOM is capable of performing completely automated measurements of charged particle tracks in nuclear emulsions and track detectors without employing hard visual work. In this case, track images are recorded by CCD cameras and then are digitized and converted into files. Thus, experimental data processing is accelerated by approximately a thousand times. Completely automated facilities similar to PAVICOM came into operation in scientific centers of Japan, Italy, some other countries, and in CERN. In Russia, PAVICOM is the only facility of such a type. Its capabilities are so wide that it serves not only the needs of investigations being performed at the LPI but is also used by other Russian laboratories and institutes. Thus, PAVICOM actually plays the role of a multipurpose user center. r 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V