81 research outputs found

    International Banking and Finance

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    International Banking and Finance

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    Florida Taxation of Edge Act Corporations and Foreign Bank Agencies

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    The author examines the effects of Florida\u27s documentary stamp, franchise and intangible personal property taxes upon international banking activity in Florida. Though he asserts that the state legislature fully intended to promote Florida as a center of international banking and commerce, the author contends that these taxes are actually an impediment to such development. He vigorously argues that the taxes should be revised in order to fulfill the legislature\u27s objectives


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    Current «policies of knowledge» in the European Union : mapping and critically assessing «quality» in a «measurable» Europe of knowledge

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    This paper investigates the content and the different «dimensions» of «quality» in the current «policies of knowledge» of the European Union as they are specified by the renewed Lisbon Strategy and in the frame of the construction of a «measurable Europe of Knowledge». The study analyses critically the policy discourses and policy practices of the European Union from 1994 to 2010 using both primary (e.g. official documents) and secondary (e.g. scholarly articles, studies and research) sources. It consists of four sections: The first section refers to the current constructions of quality discourse in the European context (e.g. globalization, knowledge economies and GATS, new public management, new governance, etc.). In the second section, we examine the integration of «quality» in the EU’s discourses and policies (Treaties, Action Programs as well as in the general, vocational and higher education initiatives). The third section reviews the quality discourse in the context of the late EU’s policy processes (Lisbon, Bologna and Copenhagen). In the final section we put forward a critical reading of the «audit/ quality» nexus based on a «policy by numbers» technocratic-managerial rationale aiming at the construction of a measurable «Europe of knowledge».Este artículo investiga el contenido y las diferentes «dimensiones» de «calidad» en las actuales «políticas de conocimiento» de la Unión Europea, del modo en que están especificadas por la renovada «Estrategia de Lisboa» y en el marco de la construcción de una «Europa del Conocimiento Medible ». El estudio analiza en profundidad los discursos políticos y las prácticas políticas de la Unión Europea desde 1994 hasta 2010, utilizando a la vez fuentes primarias (por ejemplo, documentos oficiales) y secundarias (por ejemplo, artículos, estudios e investigación académicos). Consta de cuatro secciones: La primera sección se refiere a las actuales construcciones del discurso sobre la calidad en el contexto Europeo (por ejemplo, globalización, economía del conocimiento, la nueva gestión pública, nuevos gobiernos, etc.). en la segunda sección, examinamos la integración de la «calidad» en los discursos y políticas de la UE (Tratados, Programas de Acción así como las iniciativas generales, vocacionales de la educación superior). La tercera sección revisa el discurso de la «calidad» en el contexto de los actuales procesos políticos de la UE (Lisboa, Bolonia, Copenhague). En la última sección, presentamos una lectura crítica del nexo «auditoría/calidad», basado en una «política de los números», de objetivo tecnocrático-gerencial de la construcción de una «Europa del conocimiento» medible

    Dissociable effects of age and Parkinson’s disease on instruction-based learning

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    The cognitive deficits associated with Parkinson’s disease vary across individuals and change across time, with implications for prognosis and treatment. Key outstanding challenges are to define the distinct behavioural characteristics of this disorder and develop diagnostic paradigms that can assess these sensitively in individuals. In a previous study, we measured different aspects of attentional control in Parkinson’s disease using an established fMRI switching paradigm. We observed no deficits for the aspects of attention the task was designed to examine; instead those with Parkinson’s disease learnt the operational requirements of the task more slowly. We hypothesized that a subset of people with early-to-mid stage Parkinson’s might be impaired when encoding rules for performing new tasks. Here, we directly test this hypothesis and investigate whether deficits in instruction-based learning represent a characteristic of Parkinson’s Disease. Seventeen participants with Parkinson’s disease (8 male; mean age: 61.2 years), 18 older adults (8 male; mean age: 61.3 years) and 20 younger adults (10 males; mean age: 26.7 years) undertook a simple instruction-based learning paradigm in the MRI scanner. They sorted sequences of coloured shapes according to binary discrimination rules that were updated at two-minute intervals. Unlike common reinforcement learning tasks, the rules were unambiguous, being explicitly presented; consequently, there was no requirement to monitor feedback or estimate contingencies. Despite its simplicity, a third of the Parkinson’s group, but only one older adult, showed marked increases in errors, 4 SD greater than the worst performing young adult. The pattern of errors was consistent, reflecting a tendency to misbind discrimination rules. The misbinding behaviour was coupled with reduced frontal, parietal and anterior caudate activity when rules were being encoded, but not when attention was initially oriented to the instruction slides or when discrimination trials were performed. Concomitantly, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy showed reduced gamma-Aminobutyric acid levels within the mid-dorsolateral prefrontal cortices of individuals who made misbinding errors. These results demonstrate, for the first time, that a subset of early-to-mid stage people with Parkinson’s show substantial deficits when binding new task rules in working memory. Given the ubiquity of instruction-based learning, these deficits are likely to impede daily living. They will also confound clinical assessment of other cognitive processes. Future work should determine the value of instruction-based learning as a sensitive early marker of cognitive decline and as a measure of responsiveness to therapy in Parkinson's disease

    Relationship between neuromelanin and dopamine terminals within the Parkinson's nigrostriatal system.

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    Parkinson's disease is characterized by the progressive loss of pigmented dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and associated striatal deafferentation. Neuromelanin content is thought to reflect the loss of pigmented neurons, but available data characterizing its relationship with striatal dopaminergic integrity are not comprehensive or consistent, and predominantly involve heterogeneous samples. In this cross-sectional study, we used neuromelanin-sensitive MRI and the highly specific dopamine transporter PET radioligand, 11C-PE2I, to assess the association between neuromelanin-containing cell levels in the substantia nigra pars compacta and nigrostriatal terminal density in vivo, in 30 patients with bilateral Parkinson's disease. Fifteen healthy control subjects also underwent neuromelanin-sensitive imaging. We used a novel approach taking into account the anatomical and functional subdivision of substantia nigra into dorsal and ventral tiers and striatal nuclei into pre- and post-commissural subregions, in accordance with previous animal and post-mortem studies, and consider the clinically asymmetric disease presentation. In vivo, Parkinson's disease subjects displayed reduced neuromelanin levels in the ventral (-30 ± 28%) and dorsal tiers (-21 ± 24%) as compared to the control group [F(1,43) = 11.95, P = 0.001]. Within the Parkinson's disease group, nigral pigmentation was lower in the ventral tier as compared to the dorsal tier [F(1,29) = 36.19, P < 0.001] and lower in the clinically-defined most affected side [F(1,29) = 4.85, P = 0.036]. Similarly, lower dopamine transporter density was observed in the ventral tier [F(1,29) = 76.39, P < 0.001] and clinically-defined most affected side [F(1,29) = 4.21, P = 0.049]. Despite similar patterns, regression analysis showed no significant association between nigral pigmentation and nigral dopamine transporter density. However, for the clinically-defined most affected side, significant relationships were observed between pigmentation of the ventral nigral tier with striatal dopamine transporter binding in pre-commissural and post-commissural striatal subregions known to receive nigrostriatal projections from this tier, while the dorsal tier correlated with striatal projection sites in the pre-commissural striatum (P < 0.05, Benjamini-Hochberg corrected). In contrast, there were no statistically significant relationships between these two measures in the clinically-defined least affected side. These findings provide important insights into the topography of nigrostriatal neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease, indicating that the characteristics of disease progression may fundamentally differ across hemispheres and support post-mortem data showing asynchrony in the loss of neuromelanin-containing versus tyrosine hydroxylase positive nigral cells.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) [FP7-242003], from the Medical Research Council (MRC) [MR/P025870/1] and from Parkinson’s UK [J-1204]. Infrastructure support for this research was provided by the NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and NIHR Imperial CRF at Imperial College healthcare NHS trust. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the funder, the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health. This work was also supported financially by a PhD studentship awarded to N.P.L-K from Parkinson’s UK

    Longitudinal functional connectivity changes related to dopaminergic decline in Parkinson's disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have demonstrated that basal ganglia functional connectivity is altered in Parkinson's disease (PD) as compared to healthy controls. However, such functional connectivity alterations have not been related to the dopaminergic deficits that occurs in PD over time. OBJECTIVES: To examine whether functional connectivity impairments are correlated with dopaminergic deficits across basal ganglia subdivisions in patients with PD both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. METHODS: We assessed resting-state functional connectivity of basal ganglia subdivisions and dopamine transporter density using 11C-PE2I PET in thirty-four PD patients at baseline. Of these, twenty PD patients were rescanned after 19.9 ± 3.8 months. A seed-based approach was used to analyze resting-state fMRI data. 11C-PE2I binding potential (BPND) was calculated for each participant. PD patients were assessed for disease severity. RESULTS: At baseline, PD patients with greater dopaminergic deficits, as measured with 11C-PE2I PET, showed larger decreases in posterior putamen functional connectivity with the midbrain and pallidum. Reduced functional connectivity of the posterior putamen with the thalamus, midbrain, supplementary motor area and sensorimotor cortex over time were significantly associated with changes in DAT density over the same period. Furthermore, increased motor disability was associated with lower intraregional functional connectivity of the posterior putamen. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that basal ganglia functional connectivity is related to integrity of dopaminergic system in patients with PD. Application of resting-state fMRI in a large cohort and longitudinal scanning may be a powerful tool for assessing underlying PD pathology and its progression

    Longitudinal functional connectivity changes related to dopaminergic decline in Parkinson’s disease

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    Background: Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have demonstrated that basal ganglia functional connectivity is altered in Parkinson’s disease (PD) as compared to healthy controls. However, such functional connectivity alterations have not been related to the dopaminergic deficits that occurs in PD over time. Objectives: To examine whether functional connectivity impairments are correlated with dopaminergic deficits across basal ganglia subdivisions in patients with PD both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Methods: We assessed resting-state functional connectivity of basal ganglia subdivisions and dopamine transporter density using 11C-PE2I PET in thirty-four PD patients at baseline. Of these, twenty PD patients were rescanned after 19.9 ± 3.8 months. A seed-based approach was used to analyze resting-state fMRI data. 11CPE2I binding potential (BPND) was calculated for each participant. PD patients were assessed for disease severity. Results: At baseline, PD patients with greater dopaminergic deficits, as measured with 11C-PE2I PET, showed larger decreases in posterior putamen functional connectivity with the midbrain and pallidum. Reduced functional connectivity of the posterior putamen with the thalamus, midbrain, supplementary motor area and sensorimotor cortex over time were significantly associated with changes in DAT density over the same period. Furthermore, increased motor disability was associated with lower intraregional functional connectivity of the posterior putamen. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that basal ganglia functional connectivity is related to integrity of dopaminergic system in patients with PD. Application of resting-state fMRI in a large cohort and longitudinal scanning may be a powerful tool for assessing underlying PD pathology and its progression