261 research outputs found

    HIVpositive people\u27s perspectives on Canadian criminal law and non-disclosure

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    The largest survey to date of people living with HIV regarding attitudes toward criminalization of HIV non-disclosure, this study investigates: sources of legal information available to HIV-positive people; perceptions of how criminal prosecutions and media coverage affect understanding of rights and responsibilities of self and others; and where HIV-positive people themselves stand on the role the criminal justice system should play. While mainstream media constructions of criminal iconography do affect PHA views, those who have higher levels of formal education, are active in the dating scene, and have been living longer with HIV hold less punitive views than those who do not. While the overall pattern of agreement on where to draw the line in criminal prosecution holds regardless of demographic characteristics, there is some statistically significant variation in degree of punitiveness according to sexual orientation and gender as well

    Strategies Employed by Community-Based Service Providers to Address HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Challenges: A Qualitative Study

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    Background: HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders and other causes of neurocognitive challenges experienced by people living with HIV (PLWH) persist as public health concerns in developed countries. Consequently, PLWH who experience neurocognitive challenges increasingly require social support and mental health services from community-based providers in the HIV sector. Methods: Thirty-three providers from 22 AIDS service organizations across Ontario, Canada, were interviewed to determine the strategies they used to support PLWH experiencing neurocognitive difficulties. Thematic analysis was conducted to determine key themes from the interview data. Results: Three types of strategies were identified: (a) intrapersonal, (b) interpersonal, and (c) organizational. Intrapersonal strategies involved learning and staying informed about causes of neurocognitive challenges. Interpersonal strategies included providing practical assistance, information, counseling, and/or referrals to PLWH. Organizational strategies included creating dedicated support groups for PLWH experiencing neurocognitive challenges, partnering with other organizations with services not available within their own organization, and advocating for greater access to services with expertise and experience working with PLWH. Conclusion: Through concerted efforts in the future, it is likely that empirically investigating, developing, and customizing these strategies specifically to address HIV-associated neurocognitive challenges will yield improved social support and mental health outcomes for PLWH

    Regional Differences in Rates of HIV-1 Viral Load Monitoring in Canada: Insights and Implications for Antiretroviral Care in High Income Countries

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    Background: Viral load (VL) monitoring is an essential component of the care of HIV positive individuals. Rates ofVL monitoring have been shown to vary by HIV risk factor and clinical characteristics. The objective of this studywas to determine whether there are differences among regions in Canada in the rates of VL testing of HIV-positiveindividuals on combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), where the testing is available without financial barriersunder the coverage of provincial health insurance programs.Methods: The Canadian Observational Cohort (CANOC) is a collaboration of nine Canadian cohorts of HIV-positiveindividuals who initiated cART after January 1, 2000. The study included participants with at least one year offollow-up. Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) regression models were used to determine the effect ofgeographic region on (1) the occurrence of an interval of 9 months or more between two consecutive recordedVL tests and (2) the number of days between VL tests, after adjusting for demographic and clinical covariates.Overall and regional annual rates of VL testing were also reported.Results: 3,648 individuals were included in the analysis with a median follow-up of 42.9 months and a median of15 VL tests. In multivariable GEE logistic regression models, gaps in VL testing >9 months were more likely inQuebec (Odds Ratio (OR) = 1.72, p < 0.0001) and Ontario (OR = 1.78, p < 0.0001) than in British Columbia andamong injection drug users (OR = 1.68, p < 0.0001) and were less likely among older individuals (OR = 0.77 per10 years, p < 0.0001), among men having sex with men (OR = 0.62, p < 0.0001), within the first year of cART(OR = 0.15, p < 0.0001), among individuals on cART at the time of the blood draw (OR = 0.34, p < 0.0001) andamong individuals with VL < 50 copies/ml at the previous visit (OR = 0.56, p < .0001).Conclusions: Significant variation in rates of VL testing and the probability of a significant gap in testing wererelated to geographic region, HIV risk factor, age, year of cART initiation, type of cART regimen, being in the firstyear of cART, AIDS-defining illness and whether or not the previous VL was below the limit of detection

    The comorbidity of depression and neurocognitive disorder in persons with HIV infection: call for investigation and treatment

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    Depression and neurocognitive disorder continue to be the major neuropsychiatric disorders affecting persons with HIV (PWH). The prevalence of major depressive disorder is two to fourfold higher among PWH than the general population (∼6.7%). Prevalence estimates of neurocognitive disorder among PWH range from 25 to over 47% – depending upon the definition used (which is currently evolving), the size of the test battery employed, and the demographic and HIV disease characteristics of the participants included, such as age range and sex distribution. Both major depressive disorder and neurocognitive disorder also result in substantial morbidity and premature mortality. However, though anticipated to be relatively common, the comorbidity of these two disorders in PWH has not been formally studied. This is partly due to the clinical overlap of the neurocognitive symptoms of these two disorders. Both also share neurobehavioral aspects — particularly apathy — as well as an increased risk for non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy. Shared pathophysiological mechanisms potentially explain these intersecting phenotypes, including neuroinflammatory, vascular, and microbiomic, as well as neuroendocrine/neurotransmitter dynamic mechanisms. Treatment of either disorder affects the other with respect to symptom reduction as well as medication toxicity. We present a unified model for the comorbidity based upon deficits in dopaminergic transmission that occur in both major depressive disorder and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. Specific treatments for the comorbidity that decrease neuroinflammation and/or restore associated deficits in dopaminergic transmission may be indicated and merit study

    Is Any Job Better than No Job? Labor Market Experiences and Depressive Symptoms in People Living with HIV

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the psychosocial work environment and labor market experiences (including unemployment) on mental health among adults living with HIV. We used data provided by 538 participants at clinical and community sites across Ontario, Canada. Generalized estimating equation models showed that employment was associated with lower depressive symptoms. For employed participants, adverse psychosocial work conditions, specifically job insecurity, psychological demands, and decision authority were associated with depressive symptoms. For the entire sample, the number of adverse psychosocial work conditions was associated with higher depressive symptoms while participants working in poor quality jobs reported similar levels of depressive symptoms than those who were unemployed or not in the labor force. This study showed that poor quality employment (as assessed by having a high number of adverse psychosocial work exposures) was associated with a similar level of depressive symptoms as unemployment, suggesting that “bad jobs” may not offer the same mental health benefits as “good jobs.” Policies to improve employment outcomes should take the quality of employment into account to maximize mental health benefits as better employment may lead to better mental health

    Compactification, topology change and surgery theory

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    We study the process of compactification as a topology change. It is shown how the mediating spacetime topology, or cobordism, may be simplified through surgery. Within the causal Lorentzian approach to quantum gravity, it is shown that any topology change in dimensions 5\geq 5 may be achieved via a causally continuous cobordism. This extends the known result for 4 dimensions. Therefore, there is no selection rule for compactification at the level of causal continuity. Theorems from surgery theory and handle theory are seen to be very relevant for understanding topology change in higher dimensions. Compactification via parallelisable cobordisms is particularly amenable to study with these tools.Comment: 1+19 pages. LaTeX. 9 associated eps files. Discussion of disconnected case adde

    Barriers to Addressing HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND): Community-Based Service Provider Perspectives

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    HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND) is an emergent public health issue in developed countries. Consequently, people living with HIV who experience HAND will increasingly require support from community-based HIV service providers. The objective of our qualitative study was to identify barriers service providers face in addressing HAND among people living with HIV. Thirty-three providers from 22 AIDS service organizations across Ontario, Canada, were interviewed. Using thematic analysis, three types of barriers were identified: (a) personal/professional, (b) service access, and (c) systemic. This paper draws attention to HAND-related obstacles that service providers encounter in their work and presents options to overcome them