2,329 research outputs found

    Growth control of oxygen stoichiometry in homoepitaxial SrTiO3 films by pulsed laser epitaxy in high vacuum

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    In many transition metal oxides (TMOs), oxygen stoichiometry is one of the most critical parameters that plays a key role in determining the structural, physical, optical, and electrochemical properties of the material. However, controlling the growth to obtain high quality single crystal films having the right oxygen stoichiometry, especially in a high vacuum environment, has been viewed as a challenge. In this work, we show that through proper control of the plume kinetic energy, stoichiometric crystalline films can be synthesized without generating oxygen defects, even in high vacuum. We use a model homoepitaxial system of SrTiO3 (STO) thin films on single crystal STO substrates. Physical property measurements indicate that oxygen vacancy generation in high vacuum is strongly influenced by the energetics of the laser plume, and it can be controlled by proper laser beam delivery. Therefore, our finding not only provides essential insight into oxygen stoichiometry control in high vacuum for understanding the fundamental properties of STO-based thin films and heterostructures, but expands the utility of pulsed laser epitaxy of other materials as well

    Sequential Adaptive Detection for In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

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    We develop new efficient online algorithms for detecting transient sparse signals in TEM video sequences, by adopting the recently developed framework for sequential detection jointly with online convex optimization [1]. We cast the problem as detecting an unknown sparse mean shift of Gaussian observations, and develop adaptive CUSUM and adaptive SSRS procedures, which are based on likelihood ratio statistics with post-change mean vector being online maximum likelihood estimators with â„“1\ell_1. We demonstrate the meritorious performance of our algorithms for TEM imaging using real data

    Superconducting magnesium diboride films with Tc \approx 24K grown by pulsed laser deposition with in-situ anneal

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    Thin superconducting films of magnesium diboride (MgB2) with Tc \approx 24K were prepared on various oxide substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) followed by an in-situ anneal. A systematic study of the influence of various in-situ annealing parameters shows an optimum temperature of about 600C in a background of 0.7 atm. of Ar/4%H2 for layers consisting of a mixture of magnesium and boron. Contrary to ex-situ approaches (e.g. reacting boron films with magnesium vapor at 900C), these films are processed below the decomposition temperature of MgB2. This may prove enabling in the formation of multilayers, junctions, and epitaxial films in future work. Issues related to the improvement of these films and to the possible in-situ growth of MgB2 at elevated temperature are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Developing conceptual hydrogeological model for Potsdam sandstones in southwestern Quebec, Canada

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    A hydrogeological study was conducted in Potsdam sandstones on the international border between Canada (Quebec) and the USA (New York). Two sandstone formations, arkose and conglomerate (base) and well-cemented quartz arenite (upper), underlie the study area and form the major regional aquifer unit. Glacial till, littoral sand and gravel, and marine silt and clay discontinuously overlie the aquifer. In both sandstone formations, sub-horizontal bedding planes are ubiquitous and display significant hydraulic conductivities that are orders of magnitude more permeable than the intact rock matrix. Aquifer tests demonstrate that the two formations have similar bulk hydrologic properties, with average hydraulic conductivities ranging from 2×10−5 to 4×10−5 m/s. However, due to their different lithologic and structural characteristics, these two sandstones impose rather different controls on groundwater flow patterns in the study area. Flow is sustained through two types of fracture networks: sub-horizontal, laterally extensive fractures in the basal sandstone, where hydraulic connectivity is very good horizontally but very poor vertically and each of the water-bearing bedding planes can be considered as a separate planar two-dimensional aquifer unit; and the more fractured and vertically jointed system found in the upper sandstone that promotes a more dispersed, three-dimensional movement of groundwater. Une étude hydrogéologique a été entreprise dans les grès de Potsdam, sur la frontière entre le Canada (Québec) et les Etats-Unis (New York). Sous le secteur d’étude, deux formations gréseuses, les arkoses et conglomérats (base) et les arénites quartzeuses cimentées (sommet), forment une unité aquifère majeure à l’échelle régionale. Les moraines glaciaires, les sables et graviers littoraux, et les argiles et silts marins recouvrent l’aquifère de manière discontinue. Dans les deux formations gréseuses, les litages sub-horizontaux sont omniprésents, et présentent des conductivités hydrauliques significatives, supérieures de plusieurs ordres de grandeur à celles de la matrice rocheuse intacte. Les pompages d’essai démontrent que les deux formations ont des propriétés hydrologiques apparentes comparables, avec notamment des conductivités hydrauliques comprises entre 2×10−5 et 4× 10−5 m/s. Cependant, du fait de leurs lithologies et de leurs caractéristiques structurales contrastées, ces deux formations gréseuses imposent des contrôles différents sur les écoulements souterrains dans le secteur d’étude. L’écoulement est soutenu par deux types de réseaux de fractures : des fractures latéralement extensives subhorizontales dans les grès de base, où la connectivité hydraulique est très bonne horizontalement mais médiocre verticalement, et où chacun des plans aquifères peut être considéré comme une unité aquifère isolée plane bidimensionnelle, et un système fissuré verticalement et plus fracturé situé dans les grès supérieurs, qui favorise des écoulements souterrains tridimensionnels et plus dispers

    An improved continuous compositional-spread technique based on pulsed-laser deposition and applicable to large substrate areas

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    A new method for continuous compositional-spread (CCS) thin-film fabrication based on pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) is introduced. This approach is based on a translation of the substrate heater and the synchronized firing of the excimer laser, with the deposition occurring through a slit-shaped aperture. Alloying is achieved during film growth (possible at elevated temperature) by the repeated sequential deposition of sub-monolayer amounts. Our approach overcomes serious shortcomings in previous in-situ implementations of CCS based on sputtering or PLD, in particular the variations of thickness across the compositional spread and the differing deposition energetics as function of position. While moving-shutter techniques are appropriate for PLD-approaches yielding complete spreads on small substrates (i.e. small as compared to distances over which the deposition parameters in PLD vary, typically about 1 cm), our method can be used to fabricate samples that are large enough for individual compositions to be analyzed by conventional techniques, including temperature-dependent measurements of resistivity and dielectric and magnetic and properties (i.e. SQUID magnetometry). Initial results are shown for spreads of (Sr,Ca)RuO3_3.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Rev. Sci. Instru

    Enrollment Decision-Making by Students in Forestry and Related Natural Resource Degree Programmes Globally

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    A survey of 396 undergraduate and graduate students from 51 countries on 5 continents currently enrolled in Forestry or Related Natural Resource (FRNR) degree programmes was conducted of attendees to the International Union of Forest Research Organizations\u27 (IUFRO) conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, 2014. These perspectives come from some of the most active students in their respective fields. We explored the motivating reasons for enrolling in their current FRNR programme, and conversely why they may have been hesitant to do so. Results indicate that enjoyment of nature was the most important factor on average driving the decision to enroll, closely followed by job satisfaction, concern for the environment, enjoyment of outdoor recreation, being outdoors, and an interest in subject material. Hesitancy factors included earning potential, availability of funding/scholarships, and politically contentious issues. A number of significant differences were found across demographic categories. Of particular note was the greater hesitancy on the part of women and people of color to enroll in FRNR degree programmes compared to their white male counterparts. We discuss the limitations of our study arising from its international scope and imbalance of responses among countries and regions. HIGHLIGHTS Forestry and Related Natural Resources (FRNR) students from 51 countries report that enjoyment of nature was the most important factor driving their decision to enroll. Decision factors that caused hesitation included earning potential, availability of funding, and political issues. Importance factors differed significantly between genders, race/ethnicity, academic standing, world region, and social background (i.e. urban vs rural). Women and people of color from multiple world regions had a greater hesitancy to enroll in an FRNR programme than their white male counterparts. Implications for recruitment and retention include the need for continual diversity and inclusion efforts and a balance between personal preferences and employability

    The impact of phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity on results of genome wide association studies of complex diseases

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    Phenotypic misclassification (between cases) has been shown to reduce the power to detect association in genetic studies. However, it is conceivable that complex traits are heterogeneous with respect to individual genetic susceptibility and disease pathophysiology, and that the effect of heterogeneity has a larger magnitude than the effect of phenotyping errors. Although an intuitively clear concept, the effect of heterogeneity on genetic studies of common diseases has received little attention. Here we investigate the impact of phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity on the statistical power of genome wide association studies (GWAS). We first performed a study of simulated genotypic and phenotypic data. Next, we analyzed the Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium (WTCCC) data for diabetes mellitus (DM) type 1 (T1D) and type 2 (T2D), using varying proportions of each type of diabetes in order to examine the impact of heterogeneity on the strength and statistical significance of association previously found in the WTCCC data. In both simulated and real data, heterogeneity (presence of "non-cases") reduced the statistical power to detect genetic association and greatly decreased the estimates of risk attributed to genetic variation. This finding was also supported by the analysis of loci validated in subsequent large-scale meta-analyses. For example, heterogeneity of 50% increases the required sample size by approximately three times. These results suggest that accurate phenotype delineation may be more important for detecting true genetic associations than increase in sample size

    Growth Control of Oxygen Stoichiometry in Homoepitaxial SrTiO\u3csub\u3e3\u3c/sub\u3e Films by Pulsed Laser Epitaxy in High Vacuum

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    In many transition metal oxides, oxygen stoichiometry is one of the most critical parameters that plays a key role in determining the structural, physical, optical, and electrochemical properties of the material. However, controlling the growth to obtain high quality single crystal films having the right oxygen stoichiometry, especially in a high vacuum environment, has been viewed as a challenge. In this work, we show that, through proper control of the plume kinetic energy, stoichiometric crystalline films can be synthesized without generating oxygen defects even in high vacuum. We use a model homoepitaxial system of SrTiO3 (STO) thin films on single crystal STO substrates. Physical property measurements indicate that oxygen vacancy generation in high vacuum is strongly influenced by the energetics of the laser plume, and it can be controlled by proper laser beam delivery. Therefore, our finding not only provides essential insight into oxygen stoichiometry control in high vacuum for understanding the fundamental properties of STO-based thin films and heterostructures, but expands the utility of pulsed laser epitaxy of other materials as well

    Heroes or Villains? Recasting Middle Management Roles, Processes, and Behaviours

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    Middle management ranks are once again being questioned by scholars and practitioners alike. This introduction to the special issue represents a timely reference point for consolidating, reviving, and guiding the next wave of researchers seeking to engage this debate. We review the foundations and recent advances in middle management research and develop an organizing framework in terms of middle management's organizational roles, coordination processes, and agentic behaviours. We also identify how new ways of organizing, technology, and middle manager needs are changing to shape each of these themes. The collection of works we synthesize in this introduction offer theoretical advances and empirical evidence on how these changes affect middle management roles, processes, and behaviours. We conclude by mapping out promising research avenues for future research in middle management
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