2 research outputs found

    Economic Analysis Comparison between Solar Photovoltaic and Diesel Generator for Water Pumping System in an Indonesia Rural Karsts Area

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    Photovoltaic and diesel generator are two types of small generator often used in remote areas in Indonesia. One of remote area in Indonesia that has ever used both systems in water pumping system is Purwodadi Village, Tepus district located at karsts area of Gunungkidul. The economical comparison between both technologies will be analyzed using lifecycle cost calculation and HOMER simulation. The analysis shows that using photovoltaic for water pumping system only spend 3/4 times of diesel generator cost. On the other hand, HOMER analysis shows that the cost of energy value for photovoltaic usage is 0.312 /kWh,andcostofenergyvaluefordieselgeneratoris0.390/kWh, and cost of energy value for diesel generator is 0.390 /kWh. Keywords: diesel generator; homer; photovoltaic; water pumpin

    Analisis Biaya Hidup Aset pada Infrastruktur Pengangkatan Air Baku di Daerah Karst

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    ABSTRAKKawasan karst Gunungsewu yang terbentang dari Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Wonogiri hingga Pacitan memiliki banyak lembah kering dan mengalami kelangkaan air permukaan. Kekeringan melanda saat musim kemarau datang, sedangkan pada saat musim penghujan, umumnya air ditampung di penampungan air hujan (PAH) sederhana. Adanya program Pengangkatan Air Tenaga Surya (PATS) di beberapa lokasi di Kawasan karst Gunungsewu telah berhasil membantu warga dalam mengurangi masalah kekeringan. Penelitian ini menganalisis biaya hidup aset infrastruktur pengangkatan air baku menggunakan energi terbarukan (PATS) dan Pengangkatan Air Tenaga Diesel (PATD) di daerah karst. Lokasi yang dipilih adalah di Dusun Banyumeneng, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul yang mulai beroperasi tahun 2016. Analisis biaya hidup aset meliputi biaya awal, biaya perawatan dan perbaikan, biaya penggantian komponen dan biaya penghapusan. Hasil analisis nilai kini aset menunjukkan bahwa nilai pada akhir umur layan PATS Banyumeneng sebesar (+)Rp66.240.298,00 untuk penggunaan energi surya, dan (-)Rp30.997.539,00 untuk penggunaan energi diesel. Nilai positif pada hasil analisis biaya hidup aset PATS menunjukkan bahwa infrastruktur PATS Banyumeneng menguntungkan secara ekonomi untuk dibangun dan beroperasi menggunakan tenaga surya.Kata kunci: biaya hidup aset, pengangkatan air tenaga surya, pengangkatan air tenaga diesel, nilai kini asset, karst Gunungsewu ABSTRACTThe Gunungsewu karst area which stretches from Gunung Kidul Regency, Wonogiri to Pacitan has many dry valleys and experiences a scarcity of surface water. Drought occurs when the dry season comes, while during the rainy season, water is generally stored in simple rainwater storage (PAH). The existence of a Solar Water Pumping System (PATS) in several locations in the Gunungsewu karst area has succeeded in helping residents in reducing drought problems. This study analyzes the life cycle cost of water supply infrastructure using renewable energy technology (PATS) and diesel technology (PATD) in the karst area. The chosen location was in Banyumeneng Hamlet, Gunung Kidul Regency which began operations in 2016. Analysis of life cycle cost includes initial costs, maintenance and repair costs, replacement costs and salvage value. Present value of assets show that the value at the end of the service life of PATS Banyumeneng is (+)Rp66,240,298.00 for the use of solar energy, and (-)Rp 30,997,539.00 for the use of diesel energy. The positive value on the results of the PATS life cycle cost analysis shows that the PATS Banyumeneng infrastructure is economically profitable to build and operate.Keywords: life cycle cost, solar water pumping system, diesel powered water pumping system, present value of asset, Gunungsewu karst are