629 research outputs found

    Complex network analysis and nonlinear dynamics

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    This chapter aims at reviewing complex network and nonlinear dynamical models and methods that were either developed for or applied to socioeconomic issues, and pertinent to the theme of New Economic Geography. After an introduction to the foundations of the field of complex networks, the present summary introduces some applications of complex networks to economics, finance, epidemic spreading of innovations, and regional trade and developments. The chapter also reviews results involving applications of complex networks to other relevant socioeconomic issue

    Hurst exponent of very long birth time series in XX century Romania. Social and religious aspects

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    The Hurst exponent of very long birth time series in Romania has been extracted from official daily records, i.e. over 97 years between 1905 and 2001 included. The series result from distinguishing between families located in urban (U) or rural (R) areas, and belonging (Ox) or not (NOx) to the orthodox religion. Four time series combining both criteria, (U,R) and (Ox, NOx), are also examined. A statistical information is given on these sub-populations measuring their XX-th century state as a snapshot. However, the main goal is to investigate whether the "daily" production of babies is purely noisy or is fluctuating according to some non trivial fractional Brownian motion, - in the four types of populations, characterized by either their habitat or their religious attitude, yet living within the same political regime. One of the goals was also to find whether combined criteria implied a different behavior. Moreover, we wish to observe whether some seasonal periodicity exists. The detrended fluctuation analysis technique is used for finding the fractal correlation dimension of such (9) signals. It has been first necessary, due to two periodic tendencies, to define the range regime in which the Hurst exponent is meaningfully defined. It results that the birth of babies in all cases is a very strongly persistent signal. It is found that the signal fractal correlation dimension is weaker (i) for NOx than for Ox, and (ii) or U with respect to R. Moreover, it is observed that the combination of U or R with NOx or OX enhances the UNOx, UOx, and ROx fluctuations, but smoothens the RNOx signal, thereby suggesting a stronger conditioning on religiosity rituals or rules.Comment: 19 pages, 37 references, 6 figures, 2 tables, to be published in Physica

    Complex networks analysis in socioeconomic models

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    This chapter aims at reviewing complex networks models and methods that were either developed for or applied to socioeconomic issues, and pertinent to the theme of New Economic Geography. After an introduction to the foundations of the field of complex networks, the present summary adds insights on the statistical mechanical approach, and on the most relevant computational aspects for the treatment of these systems. As the most frequently used model for interacting agent-based systems, a brief description of the statistical mechanics of the classical Ising model on regular lattices, together with recent extensions of the same model on small-world Watts-Strogatz and scale-free Albert-Barabasi complex networks is included. Other sections of the chapter are devoted to applications of complex networks to economics, finance, spreading of innovations, and regional trade and developments. The chapter also reviews results involving applications of complex networks to other relevant socioeconomic issues, including results for opinion and citation networks. Finally, some avenues for future research are introduced before summarizing the main conclusions of the chapter.Comment: 39 pages, 185 references, (not final version of) a chapter prepared for Complexity and Geographical Economics - Topics and Tools, P. Commendatore, S.S. Kayam and I. Kubin Eds. (Springer, to be published

    Synchrotron XRD study of residual stress in a shot peened Al/SiCp composite

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    In the present study, residual strain profiles in shot peened specimens of 2124-T4 aluminium alloy matrix composite reinforced with 17vol% particulate silicon carbide (SiCp) were measured by means of synchrotron-based diffraction using monochromatic, high energy X-ray beams. The stress state was considered in relation with the microstructural and morphological modifications induced in the material by shot peening. Strain-induced changes in the lattice parameters were deduced from diffraction measurements made by two detectors mounted in the horizontal and vertical diffraction planes, providing information on lattice strains in two nearly mutually perpendicular in-plane directions. On the basis of these data, residual strain and stress profiles through the specimen thickness were reconstructed for both phases (silicon carbide and aluminium alloy). Microstructural characterization was performed by means of optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and particle distribution and hardness modification were identified. The effect of shot peening on the reinforcement and matrix stress states was evaluated. The findings are discussed in the context of process optimization for fatigue resistance improvement in aluminium alloy-based MMCs

    Effect of religious rules on time of conception in Romania from 1905 to 2001

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    study question: Does the interdiction of sexual intercourse during Nativity and Lent fasting periods have any effect on when babies are conceived in Romania, in the 20th century? summary answer: Based on date of birth records from the 20th century, Lent had a greater effect than the Nativity fast on conception within the Eastern Orthodox (ORTHD) population. what is known already: Seasonality of births (and therefore of conception) is affected by geographical factors (latitude, weather, day-length). Other demographic, economic and socio-cultural characteristics (education, ethnicity, religion) have been proved to have an influence on conception. study design, size, duration: The analyzed data consists of registered daily birth records for a long time series (35 429 points ¼ 365 (days/year) × 97 years + 24 leap years), with 24 947 061 births in Romania over the period 1905–2001. The data were obtained from the 1992 and 2002 censuses. participants/materials, setting, methods: Based on the reported birth date of each person, the estimated date of conception is computed using a standard gestation period of 280 days. The population was grouped into two categories (ORTHD and Non-Orthodox (NORTHD)) based on religious affiliation. Data analysis is performed in the same manner for both groups. Preliminary data analyses regarding seasonal variations in conception are considered first. Econometric models are applied and tested. The dependent variable in these models is the calculated date of conception, while the independent variables are: (i) religious affiliation; (ii) dates of Nativity and Lent fasts (the latter varies slightly from year to year); (iii) rural versus urban residence; (iv) length of day-light; (v) non-working days and (vi) trend. The models are tested for validity using analysis of variance while the regression coefficients are tested by the Student t-test. main results and the role of chance: All models are statistically valid (P , 0.01); all regression coefficients for the ORTHD group are valid (P , 0.01, except for rurality between 1990 and 2001, with P , 0.05). The data analysis indicates smaller standard error bars on the parameters for the ORTHD group as compared with the NORTHD group. The conclusion is that religious affiliation is an important factor in date of conception. limitations, reasons for caution: The data do not refer to all births during the analyzed period, but only to those persons still alive at the 1992 and 2002 censuses. The date of conception was estimated assuming 280 days for gestation, which is a medically accepted time interval but will undoubtedly vary. However, the primary independent variables (Lent and Nativity fast at 48 and 40 days, respectively) are long enough to overlap the uncertainty in the conception date following the sexual intercourse event.We also must assume that the religious affiliation of the parents is well defined, based on the information given by their offspring at census time, and is the same for both parents. wider implications of the findings: Our findings are consistent with other studies, which show differences between religious groups on date of conception, although we reach different conclusions regarding the influence of weather on fertility in Romania

    Quantitative and qualitative analysis of editor behavior through potentially coercive citations

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    © 2017 by the authors. How much is the h-index of an editor of a well-ranked journal improved due to citations which occur after his/her appointment? Scientific recognition within academia is widely measured nowadays by the number of citations or h-index. Our dataset is based on a sample of four editors from a well-ranked journal (impact factor, IF, greater than 2). The target group consists of two editors who seem to benefit by their position through an increased citation number (and subsequently h-index) within the journal. The total amount of citations for the target group is greater than 600. The control group is formed by another set of two editors from the same journal whose relations between their positions and their citation records remain neutral. The total amount of citations for the control group is more than 1200. The timespan for which the citations' pattern has been studied is 1975-2015. Previous coercive citations for a journal's benefit (an increase of its IF) has been indicated. To the best of our knowledge, this is a pioneering work on coercive citations for personal (editors') benefit. Editorial teams should be aware about this type of potentially unethical behavior and act accordingly

    Single Miller Class III recession treatment in the anterior maxilla

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    Introduction: Miller’s Class III gingival recession represents a challenging condition with a low predictability in order to obtain successful outcomes. The purpose of this case report is to document the management of an isolated Class III gingival recession (Rec) with Coronally Advanced Flap in combination with Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft. Presentation of the case: A 45 years-old female with a 2 mm Rec associated with interproximal attachment loss at the upper left canine requested a dental cosmetic treatment for this area. A bilaminar technique was performed in order to solve the aesthetic impairment. Results at short (1 year) and long term (10 years) are reported. Discussion: At 1-year follow up a complete root coverage with no interproximal attachment loss was observed, with an increased amount of keratinized tissue width and thickness. Optimal aesthetic outcome was accomplished with complete patient satisfaction. However, at 10-year follow-up 1mm Rec on mesio-buccal and buccal sites associated to a non-carious cervical lesion (NCCL) were noticed, associated with a bruxism pattern in combination with a relapse of traumatic brushing technique and vigorous use of interdental brushes. At this time, reinstruction to the appropriate domiciliary oral hygiene procedures and a composite restoration were performed in order to solve the clinical condition. Conclusion: At 1-year follow-up Rec associated to attachment loss and NCCL can be successfully managed by means of bilaminar technique and conservative restorations. However, a careful assessment of prognostic factors must be considered in order to achieve successful treatment outcomes in the long-term

    Caratterizzazione microstrutturale e prove di resilienza su giunti Friction Stir Welding e Linear Friction Welding di compositi a matrice metallica

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    In questo studio sono stati caratterizzati giunti Friction Stir Welding e Linear Friction Welding su compositi a matrice in lega di alluminio e rinforzo particellare ceramico. Il processo FSW è stato applicato a due compositi ottenuti con processo fusorio, quindi estrusi e trattati termicamente T6: AA6061/20%vol.Al2O3p e AA7005/10%vol.Al2O3p. I giunti LFW sono stati invece realizzati su un composito con matrice in lega di alluminio e rinforzo particellare in carburo di silicio, ottenuto mediante metallurgia delle polveri, quindi forgiato e trattato termicamente T4: AA2124/25%vol.SiCp. Sono stati esaminati gli effetti della saldatura sullecaratteristiche microstrutturali dei giunti, avvalendosi di tecniche di microscopia ottica con analisi di immagine e di microscopia elettronica in scansione (SEM) con microsonda a dispersione di energia (EDS). Sono state quindi condotte prove di resilienza con pendolo strumentato Charpy. Lo studio dei meccanismi di danneggiamento è stato effettuato mediante analisi al SEM delle superfici di frattura. Entrambi i processi di saldatura hanno portato a giunti sostanzialmente esenti da difetti. La microstruttura dei cordoni è risultata dipendente sia dalle caratteristiche microstrutturali iniziali dei compositi considerati, sia dalla tipologia di processo di saldatura. Nel caso dei compositi AA6061/20%Al2O3p e AA7005/10%Al2O3p saldati FSW si è osservato un sostanziale incremento di resilienza, rispetto al materiale base, in conseguenza dell’affinamento dei grani della matrice, della riduzione della dimensione media delle particelle di rinforzo e della loro spigolosità, indotte dal processo di saldatura. Il composito AA2124/25%SiCp saldato LFW ha presentato valori di resilienza confrontabili con quelli del materiale base, in conseguenza, soprattutto, dei limitati effetti della saldatura su dimensione e distribuzione delle particelle di rinforzo
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