938 research outputs found

    Prospect Theory Goes to War: Loss-Aversion and the Duration of Military Combat

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    This paper contributes to the empirical foundation of prospect theory in real-life international relations by testing two of its major implications in the field of military conflict. Using duration analysis for a data set of twentieth century battles, it is shown how the experience of losses contributes positively to the preparedness to continue fighting, up to a point where casualties clearly outweigh any direct utility drawn from ordinary expected-utility theory. Moreover, the empirical results also indicate that the relative position compared to the opponent's is clearly less important for the decision whether to stop a battle or not than the change of one's own position compared to the beginning of the fight

    International Interventionism 1970-1989: A Count Data Approach

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    Due to progress in statistical methods and improved data processing capabilities, count data modelling has become increasingly popular in the social sciences. In empirical international relations and international conflict research, however, the use of event count models has been largely restricted to the application of the simple Poisson approach so far. This article outlines the methodological weaknesses of the model and presents some improvements which are applied to the problem of international interventionism. The cross-sectional data set used covers the behaviour of states during the period from 1970 to 1989, and thus avoids some theoretical problems of the standard long-term dyadic approach. The main result of the analysis is the empirical irrelevance of idealist conceptions claiming pacifying effects of democratization or fostering of economic prosperity

    Crime, Unemployment, and Xenophobia? An Ecological Analysis of Right-Wing Election Results in Hamburg, 1986−2005

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    This paper investigates the consequences of immigration, crime and socio-economic depriviation for the performance of right-wing extremist and populist parties in the German city state of Hamburg between 1986 and 2005. The ecological determinants of voting for right-wing parties on the district level are compared to those for mainstream and other protest parties. Parallels and differences in spatial characteristics between right-wing extremist and populist parties' performance are identified. Our empirical results tend to confirm the general contextual sociological theory of right-wing radicalization by general social deprivation and immigration. Nevertheless they indicate that one has to be very cautious when interpreting the unemployment/crime - right-winger nexus. Moreover, crime does not seem to have a strong significant effect on right-wing populist parties' election successes despite its importance for their programmes and campaigns.elections, political extremism, labor market policy, welfare policy, immigration

    A toolbox for personalized medicine of methotrexate therapy in arthritis

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    A toolbox for personalized medicine of methotrexate therapy in arthritis

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    The Principles of Acting According to Stella Adler

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    A Toolbox for Personalized Medicine of Methotrexate Therapy in Arthritis

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    __Abstract__ Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease. It is characterized by swelling and pain of the joints, uncontrolled proliferation of synovial tissue and multisystem co-morbidities like cardiovascular disease and thyroid disease. RA mainly affects the joints of the extremities like hands, feet, knees, wrist and elbows. Joint damage can occur early in the disease course when the disease is not treated effectively. More than 21% of United states adults (46.4 million persons) were found to have self-reported physician diagnosed arthritis. The specific diagnose of RA has a prevalence of 1%. The prevalence of RA among women is approximately double that in men. There is still no cure for RA, despite the fact that treatment strategy has changed considerably over the years. Early initiation of therapy is effective in prevention of joint damage and results in milder medication regimens while maintaining disease remission. Early in the disease, inflammation is less self-perpetuating and easier to suppress, therefore it is important to start treatment as early as possible in order to optimize outcome, minimize medical costs, improve quality o

    A Study on Awareness of Rural Population towards Financial Services (W.R.T Banking Services)

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    In present days there is a lot of development in rural areas in form of Infrastructures, sanitary, Education, health and financial service like banking services. Due to development schemes, introduced by Government of India and other financial institutions helps to improve Financial Inclusion in rural areas. Financial inclusion helps the rural population to adopt innovate financial services in Banking and insurance sectors. As in this research “The “Study on Awareness of Rural Population towards Financial services” is conducted in rural areas to analyse the awareness about financial services, Factors influencing rural population, Issues encountered in receiving financial services(Banking), satisfaction of rural customers towards financial services. It is conducted by collecting quantitative data from rural population. Data is completely related to financial services of banking sector. Data is collected for research in both methods i.e.: primary data and secondary data. Samples are collected from Population through Primary data. Primary data is collected from samples of population in the form of well- structured Questionnaire. Secondary Data is collected from Reference Books, Articles, Published research papers, etc. Sample is collected by using Random sampling method. Sample size is of 50 members which are selected from rural villagers. Analysis and interpretation of data collected is done with the help of Tables & Pie Diagrams. Statistical methods and techniques like Percentage, etc are used to analyse the data


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    Milk is a good media for development of pathogenic bacteria that easily contaminated from environment. One species of bacteria widely studied is Escherichia coli. These bacteria are normally grow in the digestive tract. but in certain circumstances may be pathogens that cause gastrointestinal diseases both humans and animals with clinical symptoms of diarrhea. Escherichia coli infection performed an act of treatment with antibiotics, and the use antibiotics making a problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. The aim of this research was determine Escherichia coli contamination in milk and its antibiotic resistance pattern to -lactam antibiotics. Milk samples were taken from milk cans belong to the farmers at Kaliwaron dairy’s farm in Surabaya. 10 samples of milk can there were 5 positive samples contained Escherichia coli tested for 4 antibiotics that had been planted in the EMBA media and was confirmed by Indol test. These isolates were identified as Escherichia coli tested for antibiotic Ampicillin, Cefpodoxime, Aztreonam and Cefepime resistance by diffuse disc nietl-od. The isolates of Escherichia coli from Kaliwaron dairy were resistance to Ampicillin, Cefpodoxime, and Aztreonam
