31 research outputs found

    The future of assessment in higher education

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    El reto pendiente de la evaluación en educación superior, aunque también en otros niveles, sigue siendo su vinculación efectiva con el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. A través de la evaluación se puede y debe conseguir un aprendizaje estratégico del estudiantado. Esta aportación surge a partir del intento de dar respuesta al interrogante sobre cuál sería el futuro de la evaluación en la educación superior, presentándose la misma bajo la forma de un texto elaborado de forma colaborativa entre todos los autores que la firman. Se ofrece así una reflexión conjunta de diversos autores de diferentes contextos y regiones sobre tres aspectos esenciales. En primer lugar, se resalta la necesidad de reflexión y un cambio en la evaluación basado en las tendencias actuales que están demostrando su oportunidad y validez. Un segundo aspecto se centra en el valor de la tecnología en los cambios que se están produciendo en la evaluación, pero siempre que se adapte a sus principios y, por lo tanto, no implique una vuelta al siglo pasado bajo el dominio de modelos hoy ampliamente superados. Interrelacionar evaluación y aprendizaje junto a la utilización de tecnologías que mejoran la evaluación implica, finalmente, rediseñar las prácticas evaluativas incorporando propuestas desde los ámbitos de la justicia social y la evaluación sostenible, el diseño de tareas de evaluación auténticas, propiciar retroalimentación de los procesos y fomentar la participación del estudiantado. En definitiva, colaborar en la formación del juicio evaluativo de los estudiantes para conseguir ciudadanos libres, socialmente responsables y justos.The pending challenge of assessment in higher education, although also at other educational levels, continues to be its effective link with student learning. Students' strategic learning could and should be achieved by the assessment. This paper arises from the attempt to answer the question about what would be the future of assessment in higher education and it is presented under the form of a collaborative text that was elaborated by all the authors who sign it. This contribution offers a joint reflection by various authors from different contexts and regions on three essential aspects. First, the need for reflection and a change in assessment based on current trends that are demonstrating their timeliness and validity is highlighted. A second issue focuses on the value of technology for the changes that are taking place on assessment, but as long as it adapts to its principles and, therefore, does not imply a return to the last century under the dominance of models today widely overcome. Together with the use of technology-enhanced assessment, the interrelationship between assessment and learning implies to redesign assessment practices, to incorporate proposals from the fields of social justice and sustainable assessment, the design of authentic assessment tasks, to promote feedback and encourage students’ participation. In brief, to collaborate to develop the students' evaluative judgment in order to achieve free, socially responsible and fair citizens

    Human Glutaredoxin 3 Forms [2Fe-2S]-Bridged Complexes with Human BolA2

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    Human glutaredoxin 3 (Glrx3) is an essential [2Fe-2S]-binding protein with ill-defined roles in immune cell response, embryogenesis, cancer cell growth, and regulation of cardiac hypertrophy. Similar to other members of the CGFS monothiol glutaredoxin (Grx) family, human Glrx3 forms homodimers bridged by two [2Fe-2S] clusters that are ligated by the conserved CGFS motifs and glutathione (GSH). We recently demonstrated that the yeast homologues of human Glrx3 and the yeast BolA-like protein Fra2 form [2Fe-2S]-bridged heterodimers that play a key role in signaling intracellular iron availability. Herein we provide biophysical and biochemical evidence that the two tandem Grx-like domains in human Glrx3 form similar [2Fe-2S]-bridged complexes with human BolA2. UV-visible absorption and CD, resonance Raman, and EPR spectroscopic analyses of recombinant [2Fe-2S] Glrx3 homodimers and [2Fe-2S] Glrx3-BolA2 complexes indicate that the Fe-S coordination environments in these complexes are virtually identical to the analogous complexes in yeast. Furthermore, we demonstrate that apo BolA2 binds to each Grx domain in the [2Fe-2S] Glrx3 homodimer forming a [2Fe-2S] BolA2-Glrx3 heterotrimer. Taken together, these results suggest that the unusual [2Fe-2S]-bridging Grx-BolA interaction is conserved in higher eukaryotes and may play a role in signaling cellular iron status in humans