10 research outputs found
Daya Kecambah Benih Rotan Jernang (Daemonorops draco Blume) dengan Perlakuan Perendaman Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Atonik
Good germination of rattan jernang (Daemonorops draco Blume) seeds will increase germination power, germination rate, and germination value. However, there are still obstacles to germination, because the jernang rattan seeds have a dormancy period. Soaking in Atonic Growth Regulatory Substances (ZPT) is one method that can be used to break thedormancy period of seeds. This study aims to determine the dose and soaking time on the germination value of jernang rattan seeds (D. draco Blume). The study used four treatments and 3 groups/replications. The treatment in this study was the dose of ZPT Atonik, namely 50 CC/Liter, 80 CC/liter, 120 CC/liter, 150 CC/liter. Grouped by immersion time, 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours. The results showed that the best germination percentage of German rattan (D.draco Blume) seeds were treated with ZPT Atonik dose of 120 cc/liter and soaked for 48 hours with a percentage of 100%. The best seed germination rate was at 150CC/liter treatment and 24 hours of soaking time, which was 50%/day. The highest germination value was found in seeds treated with ZPT 120CC/liter and soaking for 48 hours with an average of 0.0036%/ day. The conclusion of this study is that the ZPT Atonik dose of 120 CC/liter and 48 hours of soaking time has an effect on the percentage of germination power and germination value, while the ZPT dose of 150 CC/liter with 24 hours of soaking time increases the germination rateGood germination of rattan jernang (Daemonorops draco Blume) seeds will increase germination power, germination rate, and germination value. However, there are still obstacles to germination, because the jernang rattan seeds have a dormancy period. Soaking in Atonic Growth Regulatory Substances (ZPT) is one method that can be used to break thedormancy period of seeds. This study aims to determine the dose and soaking time on the germination value of jernang rattan seeds (D. draco Blume). The study used four treatments and 3 groups/replications. The treatment in this study was the dose of ZPT Atonik, namely 50 CC/Liter, 80 CC/liter, 120 CC/liter, 150 CC/liter. Grouped by immersion time, 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours. The results showed that the best germination percentage of German rattan (D.draco Blume) seeds were treated with ZPT Atonik dose of 120 cc/liter and soaked for 48 hours with a percentage of 100%. The best seed germination rate was at 150CC/liter treatment and 24 hours of soaking time, which was 50%/day. The highest germination value was found in seeds treated with ZPT 120CC/liter and soaking for 48 hours with an average of 0.0036%/ day. The conclusion of this study is that the ZPT Atonik dose of 120 CC/liter and 48 hours of soaking time has an effect on the percentage of germination power and germination value, while the ZPT dose of 150 CC/liter with 24 hours of soaking time increases the germination rat
Effect of Drainage Channels on Vegetation Diversity of Tropical Peatswamp Forest of Sebangau National Park, Indonesia
Peat swamp forests are playing important role in climate change by carbon storage, biodiversity conservation, and crucial local livelihoods. The construction of drainage channels in Sebangau National Park, Indonesia negatively affects the Peatland ecosystem and degrades the vegetation diversity. This research aims to study the composition and vegetation diversity of secondary peat swamp forests in Sebangau National Park (SNP), especially around large and small drainage channels. For the observation of vegetation composition and diversity, each observation block consisted of 3 transects that were 300 m apart from each other, and perpendicular to the channel. For observations on small drainage channel blocks, transects are made to continue the previous transect at a distance of 500 m from the end of the large drainage channel. On each transect, 5 plots of vegetation were made using the plot line method with a distance of 50 m between each plot. A total of 15 plots of 30mx30m size were prepared for each drainage channel category. Observations were made on the growth rate of seedlings in a 2m x 2m plot, poles in a 5m x 5m plot, saplings in a 10m x 10m plot, and trees in a 20m x 20m plot. The results of the study showed that Shorea spp., Combretocarpus rotundatus, Cratoxylum arborencens, and Calophyllum sp. are the dominant plant species of the study area. Overall 92 species were reported from the Large Drainage Channel block and 86 species from the Small Drainage Channel block. Further, the Species Diversity ranged between 1.43 - 1.57 while Species Richness ranged from 16.80 – 23.03, and the Evenness Index ranged from 0.83 – 0.92 at all levels of vegetation growth. Results of the study can be concluded that the channel dimensions do not have any effect on species number, diversity index, species richness, and species evenness at all levels of vegetation growth. The Similarity Index of species at seedlings, saplings, and poles is more than 50%, while at the tree level it was reported less than 50%
Tumbuhan purun dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat di desa Tumbang Nusa untuk pembuatan tikar topi bakul dan bisa di buat sedotan dari purun pengganti sodotan plastik yang ramah lingkungan. Hanya saja pembuatannya masih secara tradisional dan masih belum mampu membuat modifikasi untuk menciptakan produk produk yang beraneka ragam motif. Mitra hanya memproduksi anyaman purun dan masih dalam desain yang sederhana dan belum memiliki ketrampilan yang memadai untuk menampilkan kreasi dan modifikasiserta hasil kerajinan ke dalam bentuk yang lebih menarik dan sesuai dengan trend perkembangan model-model yang diminati pasar. Hal ini berdampak pada rendahnya daya saing hasil kerajinan ini. Permasalahan prioritas yang perlu segera ditangani adalah bagaimana meningkatkan keterampilan para pengrajin untuk menghasilkan produk kerajinan yang lebih variatif, menarik, dan berkualitas, sehingga daya saing produk di pasaran menjadi lebih meningkat. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian Program Dosen Pendamping Pemberdayaan Masyarakat memberikan pengetahuan dan motivasi kepada perajin anyaman purun untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas mereka dan dapat menampilkan aneka produk yang mempunyai nilai jual yang tinggi dibandingkan tanpa diberi modifikasi, Terciptanya produk kerajinan purun yang lebih variatif, menarik, berkualitas, serta memiliki daya saing yang tinggi di pasaran, sehingga dapat mingkatkan penghasilan bagi perajin anyaman purun di desa Tumbang Nusa Kecamatan Jabiren Raya Kabupaten Pulang Pisau.Tumbuhan purun dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat di desa Tumbang Nusa untuk pembuatan tikar topi bakul dan bisa di buat sedotan dari purun pengganti sodotan plastik yang ramah lingkungan. Hanya saja pembuatannya masih secara tradisional dan masih belum mampu membuat modifikasi untuk menciptakan produk produk yang beraneka ragam motif.
Mitra hanya memproduksi anyaman purun dan masih dalam desain yang sederhana dan belum memiliki ketrampilan yang memadai untuk menampilkan kreasi dan modifikasiserta hasil kerajinan ke dalam bentuk yang lebih menarik dan sesuai dengan trend perkembangan model-model yang diminati pasar. Hal ini berdampak pada rendahnya daya saing hasil kerajinan ini. Permasalahan prioritas yang perlu segera ditangani adalah bagaimana meningkatkan keterampilan para pengrajin untuk menghasilkan produk kerajinan yang lebih variatif, menarik, dan berkualitas, sehingga daya saing produk di pasaran menjadi lebih meningkat.
Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian Program Dosen Pendamping Pemberdayaan Masyarakat memberikan pengetahuan dan motivasi kepada perajin anyaman purun untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas mereka dan dapat menampilkan aneka produk yang mempunyai nilai jual yang tinggi dibandingkan tanpa diberi modifikasi, Terciptanya produk kerajinan purun yang lebih variatif, menarik, berkualitas, serta memiliki daya saing yang tinggi di pasaran, sehingga dapat mingkatkan penghasilan bagi perajin anyaman purun di desa Tumbang Nusa Kecamatan Jabiren Raya Kabupaten Pulang Pisau
Makrofauna Tanah di Bawah Pohon Jelutung Rawa (Dyera polyphylla Miq) Di Kebun Benih Semai (KBS) Universitas Palangka Raya
Decomposition of organic matter in the soil is closely related to the presence of soil macrofauna. The better the process of organic matter decomposition, the better the physical and chemical properties of the soil, which, of course, will support soil fertility in a land area. This research aims to determine the presence of soil macrofauna under Jelutung Rawa trees (Dyera polyphylla Miq) in the peatland of the Seedling Garden (KBS) at Palangka Raya University. The research method was conducted by sampling soil macrofauna through Hand sorting method at 25 observation points and Pittfall Trap method at 20 observation points. The observed and identified soil macrofauna were examined in the laboratory using identification guidelines and literature on macrofauna types. The data were analyzed using the Shannon-Wiener species diversity index formula, the Margalef species richness index, the Pielou evenness index, and the calculation of species presence frequency. The research findings revealed 24 species, 23 genera, 20 families, 7 classes, and 3 phyla of soil macrofauna, with a total of 3,579 individuals. The values of the species diversity index (H'), species richness index (Dmg), evenness index (E), and the frequency of soil macrofauna presence (F) at KBS, Palangka Raya University were as follows: H' = 2.303325269 (moderate category), Dmg = 2.810760521 (moderate category), E = 0.724759677 (fairly even category), and frequency of presence, F = 80% - 100%.Decomposition of organic matter in the soil is closely related to the presence of soil macrofauna. The better the process of organic matter decomposition, the better the physical and chemical properties of the soil, which, of course, will support soil fertility in a land area. This research aims to determine the presence of soil macrofauna under Jelutung Rawa trees (Dyera polyphylla Miq) in the peatland of the Seedling Garden (KBS) at Palangka Raya University. The research method was conducted by sampling soil macrofauna through Hand sorting method at 25 observation points and Pittfall Trap method at 20 observation points. The observed and identified soil macrofauna were examined in the laboratory using identification guidelines and literature on macrofauna types. The data were analyzed using the Shannon-Wiener species diversity index formula, the Margalef species richness index, the Pielou evenness index, and the calculation of species presence frequency. The research findings revealed 24 species, 23 genera, 20 families, 7 classes, and 3 phyla of soil macrofauna, with a total of 3,579 individuals. The values of the species diversity index (H'), species richness index (Dmg), evenness index (E), and the frequency of soil macrofauna presence (F) at KBS, Palangka Raya University were as follows: H' = 2.303325269 (moderate category), Dmg = 2.810760521 (moderate category), E = 0.724759677 (fairly even category), and frequency of presence, F = 80% - 100%
Potensi Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jelutung Rawa di Kecamatan Jabiren Raya Kabupaten Pulang Pisau : Potential Growth of Swamp Jelutung Plants in Jabiren Raya District, Pulang Pisau Regency
The cultivation of swamp jelutong plants on peat swamp land has been widely practiced by communities in Central Kalimantan Province. However, jelutong cultivation efforts are prone to failure due to various factors such as land fires and other factors. The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Forestry in 2003-2005 carried out the Forest and Land Rehabilitation Movement, which involved planting unproductive land in state forest areas and community forests with local species such as jelutong, pulai, balangeran and other species. After almost 20 years of planting Jelutung, information related to the growth and sap potential of Jelutung swamp is not yet available. The purpose of the study was to analyze the potential growth of diameter and height of jelutong plants. This research was conducted for 3 months from October-December 2023. The location of the research was specifically carried out in Jabiren Raya Sub-district (Jelutung plantation of Mr. Margo) and (Jelutung plantation in Jabiren) Pulang Pisau District. The method used to study the dynamics of jelutong plant growth and sap potential was purposive sampling, by selecting and determining jelutong plants based on the age class of jelutong plants with a sampling intensity of ± 5% of the area, the measurement results were analyzed through correlation regression tests in the form of tables and graphs. The results of research conducted in 2 locations show the results of measurements of diameter and height growth of jelutong plants.Budidaya tanaman jelutung rawa pada lahan rawa gambut telah banyak dilakukan oleh masyarakat di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Namun upaya budidaya jelutung rentan mengalami kegagalan karena berbagai hal seperti kebakaran lahan dan faktor lainnya. Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Departemen Kehutanan tahun 2003-2005 telah melakukan Gerakan Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan yaitu kegiatan penanaman di kawasan hutan negara maupun di hutan masyarakat yang lahannya tidak produktif dengan jenis jenis lokal seperti jelutung, pulai, balangeran dan jenis lainnya. Setelah hampir 20 tahun penanaman Jelutung tersebut, informasi terkait dengan pertumbuhan dan potensi getah Jelutung rawa belum tersedia. Tujuan penelitian untuk analisis potensi pertumbuhan diameter dan tinggi tanaman jelutung. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 3 bulan dari Oktober-Desember 2023. Lokasi penelitian secara khusus telah dilakukan di Kecamatan Jabiren Raya (Kebun Jelutung bapak Margo) dan (Kebun jelutung di Jabiren) Kabupaten Pulang Pisau. Metode yang digunakan untuk mempelajari dinamika pertumbuhan tanaman jelutung dan potensi getah dilakukan secara purposive sampling yaitu dengan cara memilih dan menentukan tanaman jelutung berdasarkan kelas umur tanaman jelutung dengan intensitas sampling ±5% dari luas areal, hasil pengukuran di analisis melalui uji regresi korelasi dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di 2 lokasi menunjukkan hasil pengukuran pertumbuhan diameter dan tinggi dari berbagai Tingkat umur yang bervariasi. Rerata pertumbuhan diameter dan tinggi pohon pada umur 20 tahun (41,72 cm; 14,20 m) lebih besar dari umur 19 tahun (25,19 cm; 10,70m) sedangkan hasil pengukuran Rerata tinggi umur 18 tahun (14,86 m) lebih besar dibandingkan umur 19 dan 20 tahun, hal ini berkaitan dengan jarak tanam dan kondisi tempat tumbuh yang sangat mendukung untuk pertumbuhan pohon menjadi lebih baik
Potensi Biomassa dan Karbon Vegetasi Hutan Rawa Gambut di Petak Ukur Permanen Hutan Pendidikan Hampangen Universitas Palanka Raya Kalimantan Tengah: Potency of Biomass and Carbon Vegetation of Peat Swamp Forest in The Permanent Sample Plot The Hampangen Educational Forest, Palangka Raya University, Central Kalimantan
The purpose of this study (a) determine the composition and structure of vegetation based on the growth rate (tree, pole, sapling, seedling) in each Permanent Sample Plot (PSP); (b) to calculate the potency of biomass and carbon in vegetation trees level, poles and sapling on each PSP. The results showed that the number of vegetation species found in PSP-1 as many as 47 species with 28 family and PSP-2 of 33 species with 24 family. The vegetation of species that dominate based on the level of growth (tree, pole, sapling, seedling) in the PSP-1 consists of : Gerunggang (Cratoxylum arborescens (Vahl) Blume) and Jambu-jambu (Syzigium sp). In PSP-2 of vegetation species that dominance Tumih (Combretocarpus rotundatus (Miq.) Danser) and Jambu-jambu (Syzigium sp). The structure of the vegetation horizontally in the PSP-1 and PSP-2 dominated the vegetation of the small diameter and structure of the vegetation vertical in the dominance of vegetation including the stratum D. The average value the species diversity indexs vegetation tree level, pole, sapling and seedling in PSP-1 at 2.09 included in the category of “medium” and in PSP-2 of 1.83 which is included in the category of “low”. The potency vegetation biomass total in PSP-1 and PSP-2 respectively 152.69 tons/ha and 122.93 tons/ha as well as the potency carbon vegetation total in PSP-1 and PSP-2 respectively 71.76 tons/ha and 57.78 tons/ha
Peat Swamp Forest; Management and Development of Indigenous Species to Support Economic Local People at Periphery Foret (Case Study in Central Borneo, Indonesia)
Jelutong Kapur and Sanaman are indigenous species at peat swamp forest. These plants have a great economic value. Besides the benefits from wood and sap, leaves can be used for medicinal purposes. The study aimed at obtaining the information related to the potential, distribution and increment diameter. This information was expected to be taken into consideration in the management and development of Jelutong. The study was conducted for 12 months in 12 observation plots, each plot measuring 100x100 m. The data were analyzed descriptively, while the growth patterns were shown graphically. The results showed that there were 100 Jelutong Kapur trees with a range 0–17 trees/plot, an average 8 trees/hectare. It was higher than Jelutong Sanaman, where there were 65 trees with a range of 0–13 trees/plot, an average 5 trees/hectare. However, jelutong Kapur had a diameter range 10.58–35.08 cm, the average increment diameter is 0.69 cm/year, the highest in the diameter class 10–15.9 cm and 22–26.9 cm which is 0.68 cm/year. It is lower than Jelutong Sanaman the diameter of which ranges within 12.61–37.13 cm, the average increment diameter is 0.77 cm/year, the highest increment in the class diameter of 10–15.9 cm is 0.85 cm/year. The highest and lowest number of trees is the same both in the diameter class 16–21.9 cm and 10–15.9 cm. The base area of Jelutong Kapur was 0.41789 m2/hectare, while in the case of Jelutong Sanaman it was 0.30422 m2/hectare. In both of them the 16–21.9 cm diameter class, is dominant, i.e. constitutes 40%. Both species may potentially support the economy for the local people, especially at forest periphery
This research aims to evaluate the diversity of climbing trees for rattan in agroforestry system. The result of this research is expected to be applied as the standard to improve the management in rattan agroforestry. The research was conducted from June to December 2011 in three different villages: Kalemei, Hiran and Liting in Katingan regency, Central Kalimantan. The data were collected via purposive sampling in two different types of land cover i.e rubber agroforestry (RA) and secondary forest (SF), each of system had 6 plots and 18 sub-plots of experiment. The evaluation of species diversity was performed by measuring species richness, Importance Value Index, and Diversity Index. Statistic model was constructed by employing the approach in multivariate analysis and cluster analysis. The results indicated that SF had higher species diversity (3.02 – 3.45). The diversity level of RA was higher in Hiran village (3.96), than in the other two villages (<3.0). Habitat similarity was characterised by the similar composition and structure of vegetation of both SF and RA in Hiran and Kalemei, but not in Liting. The potential of supporting trees for rattan in RA is rather high as shown by high species density and the presence of trees with high wood density (0.75-0.9g cm-3) to extremely high (>0.9g cm-3) as it found in SF
Finding Strategies for Peatland Rehabilitation; Agroforestry Systems on Various Types of Peat Depth in Three Villages in Central Kalimantan
Peatland rehabilitation is an urgent need in order to minimize the effects of peat degradation and to support climate change mitigation. However, the rehabilitation of degraded peatlands still faces many obstacles. This study aimed to study the agroforestry system on peatlands applied by traditional communities as an effort to discover a peatland rehabilitation strategy. This research was conducted in the Pilang, Tanjung Taruna, and Kalampangan villages from February to August 2019. The data in this study were obtained through field observations, interviews with the community, and Focus Group Discussion. The data was then synthesized using descriptive statistics. The results of data analysis showed that in the study area, six types of agroforestry systems were found. Communities develop different agroforestry systems at various types of peat depths. Farmers develop vegetable and fruit-based agroforestry on shallow peat, rubber-based agroforestry, annual crops and fruit on medium peat, fruit and rubber forestry plants on deep peat. Most farmers planted endemic species including Rubber (Havea braziliensis), Galam (Melaleuca leucadendra) and Gerunggang (Cratoxylum arborescens). The results of this study can be adopted as a peatland rehabilitation strategy since they are in accordance with the socio-culture of the local community and capable to accommodate economic and conservation interests