64 research outputs found

    Predicting gully occurrence at watershed scale: Comparing topographic indices and multivariate statistical models

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    In this study, the ability of five topographic indices to predict the gully trajectories observed in two adjacent watersheds located in Sicily (Italy) was evaluated. Two of these indices, named MSPI and MTWI, as far as we know, have never been employed to this aim. They were obtained by multiplying the stream power index (SPI) and the topographic wetness index (TWI), respectively, by the convergence index (CI). The predictive ability of the topographic indices was measured by using both cut-off independent (AUC: area under the receiver operating characteristic curve) and dependent statistics (Cohen's kappa index Îș, sensitivity, specificity). These statistics were calculated also for 100 MARS (multivariate adaptive regression splines) and 100 LR (logistic regression) model runs, which used as predictors the topographic variables (i.e. contributing area, slope steepness, plan curvature and convergence index) combined into the five indices. Performance statistics of both topographic indices and statistical models were calculated using 100 random samples of 2 m grid cells, which were extracted only from flow concentration lines. This was done in order to focus the validation process on where gully erosion is more likely to occur. MSPI achieved the best predictive skill (AUC > 0.93; Îș > 0.71) among the topographic indices and exhibited similar and better accuracy than local (i.e. trained and validated in the same watershed) and transferred (i.e. trained in one watershed and tested in the other one) LR models, respectively. On the other hand, MSPI performed similarly to transferred MARS runs (AUC > 0.92; Îș > 0.71) but slightly worse than local MARS runs (AUC > 0.95; Îș > 0.77). Based on the results of this experiment, it can be inferred that (i) including CI helps in detecting hollow areas where gullies are more likely to occur and (ii) MPSI can be a valid alternative to a data driven approach for mapping gully erosion susceptibility in areas where a gully inventory is not available, which is necessary to calibrate statistical models

    Analysis of the Rockfall Phenomena Contributing to the Evolution of a Pocket Beach Area Using Traditional and Remotely Acquired Data (Lo Zingaro Nature Reserve, Southern Italy)

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    The coastal domain of central western Sicily is characterized by the presence of rocky coasts, which mainly consist of pocket beaches situated between bedrock headlands that constitute ecological niches of great touristic and economic value. In this peculiar morphodynamic system, the sedimentary contributions are mainly derived from the rockfall that affects the back of nearby cliffs or the sediment supply of small streams that flow into it. In this study, we investigated the geomorphological processes and related landforms that contribute to the evolution of a pocket beach area located in a coastal sector of NW Sicily Island. The cliffs in this are affected by several rockfalls, and deposits from these rockfalls also add to the rate of sedimentary contribution. The analysis was conducted through the application of traditional approaches and contemporary methods that have previously been used to forecast the collection of input data in the field, often under difficult conditions due to the accessibility of the sites, and which have been supported by UAV surveys. Through the analysis of the digital models of terrain and orthophotos, geometrical and multitemporal analyses of landforms were carried out. A dedicated software was utilized for the detection of rockfall runout zones and block trajectories and for defining the automatic extraction of rock mass discontinuities. The data were compared with those derived from traditional geomechanical surveys. The availability of the existing and acquired remote sensing data proved essential for this study for both defining the reference geological model and for performing the site-specific analysis of rockfall

    Combining multi-typologies landslide susceptibility maps: a case study for the Visso area (central Italy)

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    The research proposes a simple but geomorphologically adequate method to produce a combined landslide susceptibility map. In fact, in a logic of real use, offering type-specific landslide susceptibility maps to land use planners and administration could be not a successful solution. On the other hand, the simple grouping of more types of landslides could be misleading for model calibration considering that the relationships between slope failures and geo-environmental predictors should be conveyed by the abundance of each type of landslide resulting not specific and diagnostic for each typology. In this test, after having produced independent models for flow, slide and complex landslide by exploiting MARS (Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines) and a set of type-specific geo-environmental variables, a combined landslide susceptibility map was obtained by combining the scores of the three source maps. The combined map was finally validated with a new unknown archive, showing very good performances

    Rockfall hazards of Mount Pellegrino area (Sicily, Southern Italy)

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    A map derived by rockfall analysis at Mount Pellegrino is presented herein. The study area is affected by several phenomena of rockfall which caused numerous damage and a strong social and economic impact. Official reports and maps that give a general assessment of rockfall hazard are available in this respect, however, it would be advisable to provide a more specific cartographic support useful for land management and planning. The drafting of new maps showing the rockfall runout areas is an additional tool that may be used in conjunction with the existing maps as a means of risk mitigation and reduction. On the basis of geological, geomorphological, and geomechanical analysis and exploiting the information relating to a landslides inventory obtained by using both analytical and empirical methods, two different rockfall propagation areas were reconstructed. The final thematic map permit to appreciate the differences and similarities between the obtained runout areas

    Hydrogeological behaviour and geochemical features of waters in evaporite-bearing low-permeability successions: A case study in Southern Sicily, Italy

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    Knowledge about the hydrogeological behaviour of heterogeneous low-permeability media is an important tool when designing anthropogenic works (e.g., landfills) that could potentially have negative impacts on the environment and on people’s health. The knowledge about the biogeochemical processes in these media could prevent “false positives” when studying groundwater quality and possible contamination caused by anthropogenic activities. In this research, we firstly refined knowledge about the groundwater flow field at a representative site where the groundwater flows within an evaporite-bearing low-permeability succession. Hydraulic measurements and tritium analyses demonstrated the coexistence of relatively brief to very prolonged groundwater pathways. The groundwater is recharged by local precipitation, as demonstrated by stable isotopes investigations. However, relatively deep groundwater is clearly linked to very high tritium content rainwater precipitated during the 1950s and 1960s. The deuterium content of some groundwater samples showed unusual values, explained by the interactions between the groundwater and certain gases (H2S and CH4), the presences of which are linked to sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic archaea detected within the saturated medium through biomolecular investigations in the shallow organic reach clayey deposits. In a wider, methodological context, the present study demonstrates that interdisciplinary approaches provide better knowledge about the behaviour of heterogeneous low-permeability media and the meaning of each data type

    Predicting Earthquake-Induced Landslides by Using a Stochastic Modeling Approach: A Case Study of the 2001 El Salvador Coseismic Landslides

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    In January and February 2001, El Salvador was hit by two strong earthquakes that triggered thousands of landslides, causing 1259 fatalities and extensive damage. The analysis of aerial and SPOT-4 satellite images allowed us to map 6491 coseismic landslides, mainly debris slides and flows that occurred in volcanic epiclastites and pyroclastites. Four different multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) models were produced using different predictors and landslide inventories which contain slope failures triggered by an extreme rainfall event in 2009 and those induced by the earthquakes of 2001. In a predictive analysis, three validation scenarios were employed: the first and the second included 25% and 95% of the landslides, respectively, while the third was based on a k-fold spatial cross-validation. The results of our analysis revealed that: (i) the MARS algorithm provides reliable predictions of coseismic landslides; (ii) a better ability to predict coseismic slope failures was observed when including susceptibility to rainfall-triggered landslides as an independent variable; (iii) the best accuracy is achieved by models trained with both preparatory and trigger variables; (iv) an incomplete inventory of coseismic slope failures built just after the earthquake event can be used to identify potential locations of yet unreported landslides

    A multi-scale regional landslide susceptibility assessment approach: the SUFRA_SICILIA (SUscettibilit\ue0 da FRAna in Sicilia) project

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    The SUFRA project is based on a three level susceptibility mapping. According to the availability of more detailed data, the three scale for susceptibility mapping are increased respect to the ones suggested by the TIER group to 1:100,000, 1:50,000 and 1:25,000/1:10,000. The mapping levels exploit climatic, soil use (CORINE2009) and seismic informative layers, differentiating in the details of the core data (geology and topography), in the quality and resolution of the landslide inventory and in the modelling approach (Tab. 1). SUFRA_100 is based on a heuristic approach which is applied by processing a geologic layer (produced by ARTA integrating pre-CARG 1:100,000 geologic maps); the DEM exploited are IGMI 250m and the mapping units are 1km side square cells. Models are validated with respect to the PAI LIPs (Landslide Identification Points) which are reclassified adopting a simplified scheme. Output cuts of SUFRA100 will be referred to administrative boundaries (provinces). SUFRA50 is based on statistical analysis of new CARG geologic maps and 20m (ITA2000) - 2m (ATA2007) DEM. The mapping units are 500m and 50m cells, hydrographic and hydro-morphometric units. The landslide inventory is the IFFI2012_LIPs (first level) which is the result of the conversion in IFFI format of the PAI archive, which will be supported by remote landslide mapping (exploiting the ATA2007 aerial photos), according to the IFFI first level approach. Validation of the models will be performed exploiting both random spatial partition and temporal partition methods. Output cuts of SUFRA50 will be based on physiographic (basin) and administrative (municipalities) boundaries. SUFRA10/25 is based on statistical analysis of new CARG geologic maps (remotely and field adapted) and 2m (ATA2007) DEM. The mapping units are the slope units (SLUs) which are derived by further partitioning the hydro-morphometric units so to obtain closed morphodynamic units. The landslide inventories is the IFFI2012 which is the results of a field supported (on focus) landslide remote systematic mapping, according to the IFFI full level approach. Examples of SUFRA_100, SUFRA_50 and SUFRA_10 are presented for some representative key sector of Sicily. First results attest for the feasibility and goodness of the proposed protocol. The SUFRA program aims at enabling the regional governmental administration to cope with landslide prevision, which is the required operational concept in land management and planning. PAI has been a great advance with respect to the \u201cpre-SARNO\u201d conditions, but it is very exposed to fail: it is a blind approach for new activations; it is critically dependent on the quality of the landslide inventories; it cannot project the susceptibility outside the landslide area

    Myofibromatosis: imaging characteristics

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    Background : Infantile myofibromatosis is the most common fibrous tumor of infancy. It can involve the skin, muscle, bone, and viscera. This uncommon entity is subdivided into solitary and multicentric forms, with or without visceral involvement. Objective : To describe the imaging characteristics of extracranial myofibromatosis. Materials and methods : Six infants, aged 1 day–1 week, were evaluated by imaging. All six patients had evaluation of one of the masses by US; four patients had CT evaluation of at least one of the masses; and five patients had evaluation by MRI. Results : The US appearance of the myofibromas included a mass with a purely anechoic center with a thick wall, a mass with a partially anechoic center, and a mass without anechoic components. On enhanced CT, the masses had lower or similar attenuation compared to adjacent muscle, with some masses exhibiting peripheral enhancement. The MR appearance consisted of low signal on T1-weighted imaging. On T2-weighted imaging, two had low signal of the center and the other three had high signal. All masses showed peripheral enhancement after gadolinium administration. Conclusions : Myofibromas have variable appearance on US, with a mass with an anechoic center being the most common feature. On CT, the mass can exhibit peripheral enhancement, calcifications, and erosion of adjacent bone. The MR appearance consisted of low signal on T1-weighted imaging and high or low signal of the center on T2-weighted imaging. All masses showed peripheral enhancement after gadolinium administration.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46718/1/247_2004_Article_1357.pd

    Optimal slope units partitioning in landslide susceptibility mapping

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    In landslide susceptibility modeling, the selection of the mapping units is a very relevant topic both in terms of geomorphological adequacy and suitability of the models and final maps. In this paper, a test to integrate pixels and slope units is presented. MARS (Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines) modeling was applied to assess landslide susceptibility based on a 12 predictors and a 1608 cases database. A pixel-based model was prepared and the scores zoned into 10 different types of slope units, obtained by differently combining two half-basin (HB) and four landform classification (LCL) coverages. The predictive performance of the 10 models were then compared to select the best performing one, whose prediction image was finally modified to consider also the propagation stage. The results attest integrating HB with LCL as more performing than using simple HB classification, with a very limited loss in predictive performance with respect to the pixel-based model

    Monitoring of erosion on two calanchi fronts - Northern Sicily (Italy)

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    In the present research, two neighbouring calanchi fronts have been monitored by means of repeated readings on erosion pins, that were carried out between November 2006 and October 2008. During the monitoring period, a gauge station has been recording rainfalls, allowing us to compute the Rainfall-Runoff Erosivity Factor of the USLE model. The research highlighted: i) a general correspondence between rainfalls temporal trends and surface variation rhythms; ii) alternating erosion and deposition phases result in a retreat of the "calanchi" fronts
