56 research outputs found

    Constraints to the Success of Women Small Scale Entrepreneurs in Kenya. A Case of Microfinance Institution Borrowers in Rongai District of Nakuru County, Kenya

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    The study aimed at determining the constraints to the success of women small scale entrepreneurs in Kenya with specific reference to micro finance Institution borrowers in Rongai District, Nakuru County, Kenya. Purposive sampling was used to determine five markets. The survey achieved the targeted sample size of 90 interviewees. Stratified sampling followed by simple random sampling was used to select the sample. A regression model was used and the findings revealed that the success level of women small scale entrepreneurs was sensitive to all the factors investigated. However, some determinants were more influential than others. The most significant variable was the level of education followed by well as business training. Keywords: Women Small Scale Entrepreneurs, Microfinance Institutions, constraints to the success leve

    Impact of African Traditional Termite Control Methods on Conservation of Biodiversity: A Review

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    Termites cause a wide array of damages to plantations, trees and manmade structures. Both industrial and food crops as well as forest trees are attacked by termite. Reports on economic losses caused by termite infestations have been made worldwide. Consequently, need to eliminate and control termites have risen especially by farmers and property owners as a measure to secure their produce and property respectively. Poverty prevalence in Africa limits accessibility to chemical control methods which are expensive and requires expertise to use hence unaffordable. In response, African communities have devised and applied traditional methods in order to eliminate and or control termites in farmlands and homes. However, these methods have not been scientifically proven and the extent of their efficiency is still questionable. On the other hand, there is a feeling that these methods are environmentally friendly and safer for biodiversity conservation as compared to the conventional methods of termite control.  In order to curb loss of biodiversity experienced globally sustainable methods of termite control should be employed. Usually this loss is accelerated by continuous clearing of natural vegetation to accommodate the ever growing population particularly in Africa.  Depending on the methods used biodiversity can either be conserved or lost in the process. This review therefore explores the traditional uses of termites in Africa, elaborate on the common traditional methods used to control them.  It also details the advantages of these methods over conventional methods on biodiversity and environmental conservation. Key words: Termites, Biodiversity, Africa, Traditiona

    Determination of Major Ion Concentration and Ionic Strength of Saline Water: A Case Study of Lakes; Nakuru, Bogoria-Kenya and Nata Saltpan Sanctuary –Botswana

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    Lakes Nakuru, Bogoria and Nata salt pan are of great ecological and economic importance. They are home to one of the world’s renowned bird sanctuaries with over 400 bird species, lesser flamingoes and breeding ground for a host of water birds including pelicans and flamingoes. These aquatic ecosystems are however; threatened by environmental pollution mainly due to anthropogenic activities in the catchment basins. The current study therefore, sought to determine the concentration of individual ions of saline waters and ionic strength in Lake Nakuru, Lake Bogoria (Kenya) and Nata Saltpan Sanctuary (Botswana) so as to form the baseline information for periodic monitoring and remediation of such aquatic saline systems amid the environmental pollution. Identification of individual dissolved ions can also be used as an indicator of the source of pollution. Samples were collected during the dry season by stratified sampling technique using Van Dorn Sampler. Water temperatures were generally high and consistent with the ambient air temperatures and pH values were 10.55±0.09, 10.15±0.18 and 9.97±0.33 for Nakuru, Bogoria and Nata saltpan respectively. Mean conductivity of values of 47.77±0.78, 62.50±0.37 and 12.79±0.33 were recorded for Lakes Nakuru, Bogoria and Nata saltpans respectively. Cation concentration were dominated by Na+ followed by K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ and significant amount of trace anions in Lake Nakuru, Bogoria and Nata saltpan. Ionic strength for lakes Nakuru, Bogoria and Nata saltpan waters was 0.166, 0.195 and 0.059 M respectively. The findings of the study showed high level of ions in lakes Nakuru and Bogoria compared to Nata Saltpan. This was attributed to high agricultural and industrial activities in the catchment area. Key Words: Salinity, Conductivity, Ionic strength, Pollution, Water

    The Role of Knowledge Management towards the Achievement of Vision 2030: a Survey of Secondary School Drop Outs in Rongai District of Nakuru County, Kenya

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    Knowledge management  is the name of a concept in which an enterprise consciously and comprehensively gathers, organizes, shares, and analyzes its knowledge in terms of resources, documents, and  people skills. Knowledge management involves data mining and some method of operation to push information to users. A knowledge management plan involves a survey of corporate goals and a close examination of the tools, both traditional and technical that is required for addressing the needs of the company. The challenge of selecting a knowledge management system is to purchase or build software that fits the context of the overall plan and encourages employees to use the system and share information. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of knowledge management of secondary school dropouts in achieving vision 2030.The data obtained was presented using tables and graphs. Descriptive statistics were used, including percentages, ratios and frequencies. Data was presented using tables and graphs. University admission did not appear to be directly influenced by factors affecting completion and drop out. The trend of university admission therefore needs to be investigated further during future research. It can also be concluded from research undertaken that majority of new admissions is as a result of students dropping from other schools (represented by 21%), followed by low fees requirement of day secondary schools and proximity to schools. The study recommends that there is need for stakeholders in the educational sector to develop strong guidelines for collecting and coding data to ensure the data are accurate as possible and an incentive be created for schools to find out what happens to their students. Key Words: knowledge management, dropouts, vision 2030, Rongai, Nakuru County, Keny

    New Oldowan locality Sare-Abururu (ca. 1.7 Ma) provides evidence of diverse hominin behaviors on the Homa Peninsula, Kenya

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    The Homa Peninsula, in southwestern Kenya, continues to yield insights into Oldowan hominin landscape behaviors. The Late Pliocene locality of Nyayanga (∼3–2.6 Ma) preserves some of the oldest Oldowan tools. At the Early Pleistocene locality of Kanjera South (∼2 Ma) toolmakers procured a diversity of raw materials from over 10 km away and strategically reduced them in a grassland-dominated ecosystem. Here, we report findings from Sare-Abururu, a younger (∼1.7 Ma) Oldowan locality approximately 12 km southeast of Kanjera South and 18 km east of Nyayanga. Sare-Abururu has yielded 1754 artifacts in relatively undisturbed low-energy silts and sands. Stable isotopic analysis of pedogenic carbonates suggests that hominin activities were carried out in a grassland-dominated setting with similar vegetation structure as documented at Kanjera South. The composition of a nearby paleo-conglomerate indicates that high-quality stone raw materials were locally abundant. Toolmakers at Sare-Abururu produced angular fragments from quartz pebbles, representing a considerable contrast to the strategies used to reduce high quality raw materials at Kanjera South. Although lithic reduction at Sare-Abururu was technologically simple, toolmakers proficiently produced cutting edges, made few mistakes and exhibited a mastery of platform management, demonstrating that expedient technical strategies do not necessarily indicate a lack of skill or suitable raw materials. Lithic procurement and reduction patterns on the Homa Peninsula appear to reflect variation in local resource contexts rather than large-scale evolutionary changes in mobility, energy budget, or toolmaker cognition

    Sustained release formulation of an anti-tuberculosis drug based on para-amino salicylic acid-zinc layered hydroxide nanocomposite

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB), is caused by the bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its a threat to humans since centuries. Depending on the type of TB, its treatment can last for 6-24 months which is a major cause for patients non-compliance and treatment failure. Many adverse effects are associated with the currently available TB medicines, and there has been no new anti-tuberculosis drug on the market for more than 50 year, as the drug development is very lengthy and budget consuming process.Development of the biocompatible nano drug delivery systems with the ability to minimize the side effects of the drugs, protection of the drug from enzymatic degradation. And most importantly the drug delivery systems which can deliver the drug at target site would increase the therapeutic efficacy. Nanovehicles with their tendency to release the drug in a sustained manner would result in the bioavalibilty of the drugs in the body for a longer period of time and this would reduce the dosing frequency in drug administration. The biocompatible nanovehicles with the properties like sustained release of drug of the target site, protection of the drug from physio-chemical degradation, reduction in dosing frequency, and prolong bioavailability of drug in the body would result in the shortening of the treatment duration. All of these factors would improve the patient compliance with chemotherapy of TB.Result: An anti-tuberculosis drug, 4-amino salicylic acid (4-ASA) was successfully intercalated into the interlamellae of zinc layered hydroxide (ZLH) via direct reaction with zinc oxide suspension. The X-ray diffraction patterns and FTIR analyses indicate that the molecule was successfully intercalated into the ZLH interlayer space with an average basal spacing of 24 Å. Furthermore, TGA and DTG results show that the drug 4-ASA is stabilized in the interlayers by electrostatic interaction. The release of 4-ASA from the nanocomposite was found to be in a sustained manner. The nanocomposite treated with normal 3T3 cells shows it reduces cell viability in a dose- and time-dependent manner.Conclusions: Sustained release formulation of the nanocomposite, 4-ASA intercalated into zinc layered hydroxides, with its ease of preparation, sustained release of the active and less-toxic to the cell is a step forward for a more patient-friendly chemotherapy of Tuberculosis

    Evaluation of the Performance of Routine Information System Management (PRISM) framework: evidence from Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sound policy, resource allocation and day-to-day management decisions in the health sector require timely information from routine health information systems (RHIS). In most low- and middle-income countries, the RHIS is viewed as being inadequate in providing quality data and continuous information that can be used to help improve health system performance. In addition, there is limited evidence on the effectiveness of RHIS strengthening interventions in improving data quality and use. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of the newly developed Performance of Routine Information System Management (PRISM) framework, which consists of a conceptual framework and associated data collection and analysis tools to assess, design, strengthen and evaluate RHIS. The specific objectives of the study are: a) to assess the reliability and validity of the PRISM instruments and b) to assess the validity of the PRISM conceptual framework.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Facility- and worker-level data were collected from 110 health care facilities in twelve districts in Uganda in 2004 and 2007 using records reviews, structured interviews and self-administered questionnaires. The analysis procedures include Cronbach's alpha to assess internal consistency of selected instruments, test-retest analysis to assess the reliability and sensitivity of the instruments, and bivariate and multivariate statistical techniques to assess validity of the PRISM instruments and conceptual framework.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cronbach's alpha analysis suggests high reliability (0.7 or greater) for the indices measuring a promotion of a culture of information, RHIS tasks self-efficacy and motivation. The study results also suggest that a promotion of a culture of information influences RHIS tasks self-efficacy, RHIS tasks competence and motivation, and that self-efficacy and the presence of RHIS staff have a direct influence on the use of RHIS information, a key aspect of RHIS performance.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The study results provide some empirical support for the reliability and validity of the PRISM instruments and the validity of the PRISM conceptual framework, suggesting that the PRISM approach can be effectively used by RHIS policy makers and practitioners to assess the RHIS and evaluate RHIS strengthening interventions. However, additional studies with larger sample sizes are needed to further investigate the value of the PRISM instruments in exploring the linkages between RHIS data quality and use, and health systems performance.</p

    New Oldowan locality Sare-Abururu (ca. 1.7 Ma) provides evidence of diverse hominin behaviors on the Homa Peninsula, Kenya

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    The Homa Peninsula, in southwestern Kenya, continues to yield insights into Oldowan hominin landscape behaviors. The Late Pliocene locality of Nyayanga (∼3-2.6 Ma) preserves some of the oldest Oldowan tools. At the Early Pleistocene locality of Kanjera South (∼2 Ma) toolmakers procured a diversity of raw materials from over 10 km away and strategically reduced them in a grassland-dominated ecosystem. Here, we report findings from Sare-Abururu, a younger (∼1.7 Ma) Oldowan locality approximately 12 km southeast of Kanjera South and 18 km east of Nyayanga. Sare-Abururu has yielded 1754 artifacts in relatively undisturbed low-energy silts and sands. Stable isotopic analysis of pedogenic carbonates suggests that hominin activities were carried out in a grassland-dominated setting with similar vegetation structure as documented at Kanjera South. The composition of a nearby paleo-conglomerate indicates that high-quality stone raw materials were locally abundant. Toolmakers at Sare-Abururu produced angular fragments from quartz pebbles, representing a considerable contrast to the strategies used to reduce high quality raw materials at Kanjera South. Although lithic reduction at Sare-Abururu was technologically simple, toolmakers proficiently produced cutting edges, made few mistakes and exhibited a mastery of platform management, demonstrating that expedient technical strategies do not necessarily indicate a lack of skill or suitable raw materials. Lithic procurement and reduction patterns on the Homa Peninsula appear to reflect variation in local resource contexts rather than large-scale evolutionary changes in mobility, energy budget, or toolmaker cognition

    Expanded geographic distribution and dietary strategies of the earliest Oldowan hominins and Paranthropus

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    The oldest Oldowan tool sites, ca. 2.6 million years ago (Ma), have previously been confined to Ethiopia’s Afar Triangle. We describe sites at Nyayanga, Kenya, dated to 3.032-2.581 Ma, and expand this distribution by over 1300 km. Furthermore, we found two hippopotamid butchery sites associated with mosaic vegetation and a C4 grazer-dominated fauna. Tool flaking proficiency was comparable to younger Oldowan assemblages, but pounding activities were more common. Tool use-wear and bone damage indicate plant and animal tissue processing. Paranthropus sp. teeth, the first from southwestern Kenya, possessed carbon isotopic values indicative of a diet rich in C4 foods. We argue that the earliest Oldowan was more widespread than previously known, used to process diverse foods including megafauna, and associated with Paranthropus from its onset