261 research outputs found

    Impact of the rs1024611 polymorphism of ccl2 on the pathophysiology and outcome of primary myelofibrosis

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can modify the individual pro-inflammatory background and may therefore have relevant implications in the MPN setting, typified by aberrant cytokine production. In a cohort of 773 primary myelofibrosis (PMF), we determined the contribution of the rs1024611 SNP of CCL2—one of the most potent immunomodulatory chemokines—to the clinical and biological characteristics of the disease, demonstrating that male subjects carrying the homozygous genotype G/G had an increased risk of PMF and that, among PMF patients, the G/G genotype is an independent prognostic factor for reduced overall survival. Functional characterization of the SNP and the CCL2-CCR2 axis in PMF showed that i) homozygous PMF cells are the highest chemokine producers as compared to the other genotypes; ii) PMF CD34+ cells are a selective target of CCL2, since they uniquely express CCR2 (CCL2 receptor); iii) activation of the CCL2-CCR2 axis boosts pro-survival signals induced by driver mutations via Akt phosphorylation; iv) ruxolitinib effectively counteracts CCL2 production and down-regulates CCR2 expression in PMF cells. In conclusion, the identification of the role of the CCL2/CCR2 chemokine system in PMF adds a novel element to the pathophysiological picture of the disease, with clinical and therapeutic implications

    New somatic TERT promoter variants enhance the Telomerase activity in Glioblastoma

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    The catalytic activity of human Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (TERT) compensates for the loss of telomere length, eroded during each cell cycle, to ensure a correct division of stem and germinal cells. In human tumors, ectopic TERT reactivation, most frequently due to hotspot mutations in the promoter region (TERTp), i.e. c.1-124 C > T, c.1-146 C > T, confers a proliferative advantage to neoplastic cells. In gliomas, TERTp mutations (TERTpmut) mainly occur in oligodendroglioma and glioblastoma. We screened, for TERTp hotspot mutations, 301 adult patients with gliomas and identified heterozygous mutations in 239 cases: 94% of oligodendroglioma, 85% of glioblastoma, and 37.5% of diffuse/anaplastic astrocytoma. Besides the recurrent c.1-124 C > T and c.1-146 C > T, two cases of glioblastoma harbored novel somatic TERTp variants, which consisted of a tandem duplications of 22 nucleotides, i.e. a TERTp c.1-100_1-79dup and TERTp c.1-110_1-89, both located downstream c.1-124 C > T and c.1-146 C > T. In silico analysis predicted the formation of 119 and 108 new transcription factor's recognition sites for TERTp c.1-100_1-79dup and TERTp c.1-110_1-89, respectively. TERTp duplications (TERTpdup) mainly affected the binding capacity of two transcription factors' families, i.e. the members of the E-twenty-six and the Specificity Protein/Krüppel-Like Factor groups. In fact, these new TERTpdup significantly enhanced the E-twenty-six transcription factors' binding capacity, which is also typically increased by the two c.1-124 C > T/c.1-146 C > T hotspot TERTpmut. On the other hand, they were distinguished by enhanced affinity for the Krüppel proteins. The luciferase assay confirmed that TERTpdup behaved as gain-of-function mutations causing a 2,3-2,5 fold increase of TERT transcription. The present study provides new insights into TERTp mutational spectrum occurring in central nervous system tumors, with the identification of new recurrent somatic gain-of-function mutations, occurring in 0.8% of glioblastoma IDH-wildtype

    TRH: Pathophysiologic and clinical implications

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    Thyrotropin releasing hormone is thought to be a tonic stimulator of the pituitary TSH secretion regulating the setpoint of the thyrotrophs to the suppressive effect of thyroid hormones. The peptide stimulates the release of normal and elevated prolactin. ACTH and GH may increase in response to exogenous TRH in pituitary ACTH and GH hypersecretion syndromes and in some extrapituitary diseases. The pathophysiological implications of extrahypothalamic TRH in humans are essentially unknown. The TSH response to TRH is nowadays widely used as a diganostic amplifier in thyroid diseases being suppressed in borderline and overt hyperthyroid states and increased in primary thyroid failure. In hypothyroid states of hypothalamic origin, TSH increases in response to exogenous TRH often with a delayed and/or exaggerated time course. But in patients with pituitary tumors and suprasellar extension TSH may also respond to TRH despite secondary hypothyroidism. This TSH increase may indicate a suprasellar cause for the secondary hypothyroidism, probably due to portal vessel occlusion. The TSH released in these cases is shown to be biologically inactive

    Characterization of Notch1 Antibodies That Inhibit Signaling of Both Normal and Mutated Notch1 Receptors

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    Notch receptors normally play a key role in guiding a variety of cell fate decisions during development and differentiation of metazoan organisms. On the other hand, dysregulation of Notch1 signaling is associated with many different types of cancer as well as tumor angiogenesis, making Notch1 a potential therapeutic target.Here we report the in vitro activities of inhibitory Notch1 monoclonal antibodies derived from cell-based and solid-phase screening of a phage display library. Two classes of antibodies were found, one directed against the EGF-repeat region that encompasses the ligand-binding domain (LBD), and the second directed against the activation switch of the receptor, the Notch negative regulatory region (NRR). The antibodies are selective for Notch1, inhibiting Jag2-dependent signaling by Notch1 but not by Notch 2 and 3 in reporter gene assays, with EC(50) values as low as 5+/-3 nM and 0.13+/-0.09 nM for the LBD and NRR antibodies, respectively, and fail to recognize Notch4. While more potent, NRR antibodies are incomplete antagonists of Notch1 signaling. The antagonistic activity of LBD, but not NRR, antibodies is strongly dependent on the activating ligand. Both LBD and NRR antibodies bind to Notch1 on human tumor cell lines and inhibit the expression of sentinel Notch target genes, including HES1, HES5, and DTX1. NRR antibodies also strongly inhibit ligand-independent signaling in heterologous cells transiently expressing Notch1 receptors with diverse NRR "class I" point mutations, the most common type of mutation found in human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). In contrast, NRR antibodies failed to antagonize Notch1 receptors bearing rare "class II" or "class III" mutations, in which amino acid insertions generate a duplicated or constitutively sensitive metalloprotease cleavage site. Signaling in T-ALL cell lines bearing class I mutations is partially refractory to inhibitory antibodies as compared to cell-penetrating gamma-secretase inhibitors.Antibodies that compete with Notch1 ligand binding or that bind to the negative regulatory region can act as potent inhibitors of Notch1 signaling. These antibodies may have clinical utility for conditions in which inhibition of signaling by wild-type Notch1 is desired, but are likely to be of limited value for treatment of T-ALLs associated with aberrant Notch1 activation

    Prevalence and Prognostic Role of IDH Mutations in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Results of the GIMEMA AML1516 Protocol

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    IDH1/2 mutations are common in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and represent a therapeutic target. The GIMEMA AML1516 observational protocol was designed to study the prevalence of IDH1/2 mutations and associations with clinico-biological parameters in a cohort of Italian AML patients. We analyzed a cohort of 284 AML consecutive patients at diagnosis, 139 females and 145 males, of a median age of 65 years (range: 19–86). Of these, 38 (14%) harbored IDH1 and 51 (18%) IDH2 mutations. IDH1/2 mutations were significantly associated with WHO PS >2 (p < 0.001) and non-complex karyotype (p = 0.021) when compared to IDH1/2-WT. Furthermore, patients with IDH1 mutations were more frequently NPM1-mutated (p = 0.007) and had a higher platelet count (p = 0.036). At relapse, IDH1/2 mutations were detected in 6 (25%) patients. As per the outcome, 60.5% of IDH1/2-mutated patients achieved complete remission; overall survival and event-free survival at 2 years were 44.5% and 36.1%, respectively: these rates were similar to IDH1/2-WT. In IDH1/2-mutated patients, high WBC proved to be an independent prognostic factor for survival. In conclusion, the GIMEMA AML1516 confirms that IDH1/2 mutations are frequently detected at diagnosis and underlines the importance of recognizing IDH1/2-mutated cases up-front to offer the most appropriate therapeutic strategy, given the availability of IDH1/2 inhibitors

    Prevalence of dementia in Tuscany: results from four population-based epidemiological studies

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    OBJECTIVE: to provide information on epidemiology of dementia in Tuscany needed to plan for dedicated health and social services. DESIGN: analysis of pooled baseline data from 4 population-based longitudinal studies. SETTING: 4 municipalities in Tuscany. PARTICIPANTS: 4,056 elderly subjects enrolled in 4 longitudinal studies. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: age- and sex-specific dementia prevalence rates and estimated number of demented people, by degree of cognitive impairment and BADL disability in the elderly population of Tuscany. RESULTS: out of the evaluated subjects, 293 are demented. Prevalence of dementia increases from about 1 % in the 65-69 age group to about 28 % in the 90+ age group both among women and men. About 43% of the demented study subjects suffer from severe mental deterioration (MMSE < 14) and56% are disabled in at least one Basic Activity of Daily Living (BADL). We estimate that about 19 thousand demented elderly men and 40 thousand demented elderly women are currently living in Tuscany of whom 26 thousand severely mentally impaired and 34 thousand disabled in at least one BADL. The resulting overall dementia prevalence standardised on the Italian 65+ population is 5,3% for men and 7,7% for women. CONCLUSIONS: these estimates could be used as a basis for the evaluation and the planning of social and health care services dedicated to demented people

    Naturally-Acquired Influenza-Specific CD4+ T-Cell Proliferative Responses Are Impaired in HIV-Infected African Adults

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    BACKGROUND Seasonal influenza has been associated with greater morbidity and mortality in AIDS patients. Highly-active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has led to some reduction in influenza-related complications but the nature of naturally-acquired T-cell immunity to influenza virus in an African setting, and how this changes with immune reconstitution following HAART is unknown. We measured influenza-specific CD4(+) T-cell immunity in unimmunized HIV-infected Malawian adults and then investigated immune reconstitution following HAART. METHODS Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected Malawian adults. CFSE proliferation and CD154 expression flow cytometry-based assays were used to measure influenza-specific CD4(+) T-cell immunity. RESULTS We found lower naturally-acquired proliferative influenza-specific CD4(+) T-cell responses in AIDS patients that was also present in asymptomatic HIV-infected adults with relatively high CD4 counts (>350 cells/µl). Influenza-specific CD4(+) T-cell immune reconstitution in HIV-infected patients on HAART for 12 months was poor despite a marked reduction in viral load and an increase in CD4 count. This poor immune reconstitution was characterised by a low influenza-specific proliferative CD4(+) T-cell response and reduced proportions of CD154-expressing influenza-specific CD4(+) T-cells in peripheral blood. CONCLUSION Our data suggest that asymptomatic HIV-infected adults may also be at risk of influenza-related complications and that HAART alone may not circumvent this risk in AIDS patients. This study highlights the need to identify possible interventions early in HIV infection to reduce the risk of influenza and to intensify influenza surveillance in these susceptible African populations

    Ca2+ monitoring in Plasmodium falciparum using the yellow cameleon-Nano biosensor

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    Calcium (Ca2+)-mediated signaling is a conserved mechanism in eukaryotes, including the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Due to its small size (300?nM). We determined that the mammalian SERCA inhibitor thapsigargin and antimalarial dihydroartemisinin did not perturb SERCA activity. The change of the cytosolic Ca2+ level in P. falciparum was additionally detectable by flow cytometry. Thus, we propose that the developed YC-Nano-based system is useful to study Ca2+ signaling in P. falciparum and is applicable for drug screening.We are grateful to Japanese Red Cross Blood Society for providing human RBC and plasma. We also thank Tanaka R, Ogoshi (Sakura) M and Matsumoto N for technical assistance and Templeton TJ for critical reading. This study was conducted at the Joint Usage / Research Center on Tropical Disease, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, Japan. KP was a Tokyo Biochemical Research Foundation (TBRF, http://www.tokyobrf.or.jp) post-doctoral fellow and PEF was a Japanese Society of Promotion Sciences (JSPS) post-doctoral fellow. This work was supported in part by the TBRF (K.P.), JSPS (P.E.F.), Takeda Science Foundation (K.Y.), Grants-in-Aids for Scientific Research 24590509 (K.Y.), 22390079 (O.K.), and for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas 23117008 (O.K.), MEXT, Japan. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript