4 research outputs found

    Le phénomène de la location de tableaux par les marchands de couleurs parisiens au XIXe siècle

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    The phenomenon of renting paintings by Parisian colour merchants in the 19th century In 1817, the painter, restaurateur, colour and painting merchant Alphonse Giroux suggests the rental of paintings, pictures and etchings of the greatest artists. In the following decades, around twenty merchants from Paris and the province will rent works to amateurs and painters. Even if these people have several reasons for renting a painting (for a party, for copying) they are also offered a range of other services. For Giroux and his fellow merchants, the rental of the works of living and non-living artists certainly has the purpose of diffusion of these paintings, but also in a wish to offer their clients the means to improve themselves. The link between this phenomenon, the exhibition and the selling of works, and the artistic materials and pedagogic manuals, clearly appears as the response to a real expectation from the members of the Parisian artistic life in the 19th century.Roth-Meyer Clotilde. Le phénomène de la location de tableaux par les marchands de couleurs parisiens au XIXe siècle. In: Histoire de l'art, N°58, 2006. Peintures. pp. 57-66

    Materiali d'artista. L'atelier del pittore nell'Otto e Novecento

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    I materiali dagli atelier degli artisti dell\u2019Otto e Novecento, oggi conservati e spesso musealizzati, pongono questioni metodologiche. Tali oggetti possono essere utili strumenti di indagine tecnica sul fare dell\u2019artista nell\u2019Otto e Novecento, grazie a molteplici approcci possibili: la ricostruzione e mappatura degli oggetti, le informazioni fornite dallo studio delle fonti (carteggi, taccuini di artisti, trattati) e dei prodotti disponibili sul mercato, lo studio della rete di rapporti fra gli artisti e le case produttrici di colori, la rappresentazione coeva e l\u2019odierna catalogazione di tali materiali

    Proceedings Of The 23Rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: Part Two

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