17,641 research outputs found

    Building an environment model using depth information

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    Modeling the environment is one of the most crucial issues for the development and research of autonomous robot and tele-perception. Though the physical robot operates (navigates and performs various tasks) in the real world, any type of reasoning, such as situation assessment, planning or reasoning about action, is performed based on information in its internal world. Hence, the robot's intentional actions are inherently constrained by the models it has. These models may serve as interfaces between sensing modules and reasoning modules, or in the case of telerobots serve as interface between the human operator and the distant robot. A robot operating in a known restricted environment may have a priori knowledge of its whole possible work domain, which will be assimilated in its World Model. As the information in the World Model is relatively fixed, an Environment Model must be introduced to cope with the changes in the environment and to allow exploring entirely new domains. Introduced here is an algorithm that uses dense range data collected at various positions in the environment to refine and update or generate a 3-D volumetric model of an environment. The model, which is intended for autonomous robot navigation and tele-perception, consists of cubic voxels with the possible attributes: Void, Full, and Unknown. Experimental results from simulations of range data in synthetic environments are given. The quality of the results show great promise for dealing with noisy input data. The performance measures for the algorithm are defined, and quantitative results for noisy data and positional uncertainty are presented

    Probability of detection of internal voids in structural ceramics using microfocus radiography

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    The reliability of microfocus x-radiography for detecting subsurface voids in structural ceramic test specimens was statistically evaluated. The microfocus system was operated in the projection mode using low X-ray photon energies (20 keV) and a 10 micro m focal spot. The statistics were developed for implanted subsurface voids in green and sintered silicon carbide and silicon nitride test specimens. These statistics were compared with previously-obtained statistics for implanted surface voids in similar specimens. Problems associated with void implantation are discussed. Statistical results are given as probability-of-detection curves at a 95 percent confidence level for voids ranging in size from 20 to 528 micro m in diameter

    Density functional theory for hard-sphere mixtures: the White-Bear version Mark II

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    In the spirit of the White-Bear version of fundamental measure theory we derive a new density functional for hard-sphere mixtures which is based on a recent mixture extension of the Carnahan-Starling equation of state. In addition to the capability to predict inhomogeneous density distributions very accurately, like the original White-Bear version, the new functional improves upon consistency with an exact scaled-particle theory relation in the case of the pure fluid. We examine consistency in detail within the context of morphological thermodynamics. Interestingly, for the pure fluid the degree of consistency of the new version is not only higher than for the original White-Bear version but also higher than for Rosenfeld's original fundamental measure theory.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures; minor changes; J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, accepte

    Time Data Sequential Processor /TDSP/

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    Time Data Sequential Processor /TDSP/ computer program provides preflight predictions for lunar trajectories from injection to impact, and for planetary escape trajectories for up to 100 hours from launch. One of the major options TDSP performs is the determination of tracking station view periods

    Lateral vibration effects in atomic-scale friction

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    The influence of lateral vibrations on the stick-slip motion of a nanotip elastically pulled on a flat crystal surface is studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements on a NaCl(001) surface in ultra-high vacuum. The slippage of the nanotip across the crystal lattice is anticipated at increasing driving amplitude, similarly to what is observed in presence of normal vibrations. This lowers the average friction force, as explained by the Prandtl-Tomlinson model with lateral vibrations superimposed at finite temperature. Nevertheless, the peak values of the lateral force, and the total energy losses, are expected to increase with the excitation amplitude, which may limit the practical relevance of this effect.Comment: To appear in Applied Physics Letter

    Radiographic detectability limits for seeded voids in sintered silicon carbide and silicon nitride

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    Conventional and microfocus X-radiographic techniques were compared to determine relative detectability limits for voids in green and sintered SiC and Si3N4. The relative sensitivity of the techniques was evaluated by comparing their ability to detect voids that were artificially introduced by a seeding process. For projection microfocus radiography the sensitivity of void detection at a 90/95 probability of detection/confidence level is 1.5% of specimen thickness in sintered SiC and Si3N4. For conventional contact radiography the sensitivity is 2.5% of specimen thickness. It appears that microfocus projection radiography is preferable to conventional contact radiography in cases where increased sensitivity is required and where the additional complexity of the technique can be tolerated

    Globally Guided Progressive Fusion Network for 3D Pancreas Segmentation

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    Recently 3D volumetric organ segmentation attracts much research interest in medical image analysis due to its significance in computer aided diagnosis. This paper aims to address the pancreas segmentation task in 3D computed tomography volumes. We propose a novel end-to-end network, Globally Guided Progressive Fusion Network, as an effective and efficient solution to volumetric segmentation, which involves both global features and complicated 3D geometric information. A progressive fusion network is devised to extract 3D information from a moderate number of neighboring slices and predict a probability map for the segmentation of each slice. An independent branch for excavating global features from downsampled slices is further integrated into the network. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on two pancreas datasets.Comment: MICCAI201

    Pareto optimality in house allocation problems

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    We study Pareto optimal matchings in the context of house allocation problems. We present an O(\sqrt{n}m) algorithm, based on Gales Top Trading Cycles Method, for finding a maximum cardinality Pareto optimal matching, where n is the number of agents and m is the total length of the preference lists. By contrast, we show that the problem of finding a minimum cardinality Pareto optimal matching is NP-hard, though approximable within a factor of 2. We then show that there exist Pareto optimal matchings of all sizes between a minimum and maximum cardinality Pareto optimal matching. Finally, we introduce the concept of a signature, which allows us to give a characterization, checkable in linear time, of instances that admit a unique Pareto optimal matching

    Nash bargaining in ordinal environments

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    We analyze the implications of Nash’s (1950) axioms in ordinal bargaining environments; there, the scale invariance axiom needs to be strenghtened to take into account all order-preserving transformations of the agents’ utilities. This axiom, called ordinal invariance, is a very demanding one. For two-agents, it is violated by every strongly individually rational bargaining rule. In general, no ordinally invariant bargaining rule satisfies the other three axioms of Nash. Parallel to Roth (1977), we introduce a weaker independence of irrelevant alternatives axiom that we argue is better suited for ordinally invariant bargaining rules. We show that the three-agent Shapley-Shubik bargaining rule uniquely satisfies ordinal invariance, Pareto optimality, symmetry, and this weaker independence of irrelevant alternatives axiom. We also analyze the implications of other independence axioms

    Ion confinement and transport in a toroidal plasma with externally imposed radial electric fields

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    Strong electric fields were imposed along the minor radius of the toroidal plasma by biasing it with electrodes maintained at kilovolt potentials. Coherent, low-frequency disturbances characteristic of various magnetohydrodynamic instabilities were absent in the high-density, well-confined regime. High, direct-current radial electric fields with magnitudes up to 135 volts per centimeter penetrated inward to at least one-half the plasma radius. When the electric field pointed radially toward, the ion transport was inward against a strong local density gradient; and the plasma density and confinement time were significantly enhanced. The radial transport along the electric field appeared to be consistent with fluctuation-induced transport. With negative electrode polarity the particle confinement was consistent with a balance of two processes: a radial infusion of ions, in those sectors of the plasma not containing electrodes, that resulted from the radially inward fields; and ion losses to the electrodes, each of the which acted as a sink and drew ions out of the plasma. A simple model of particle confinement was proposed in which the particle confinement time is proportional to the plasma volume. The scaling predicted by this model was consistent with experimental measurements
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