648 research outputs found

    Knowledge modelling with the open source tool myCBR

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    Building knowledge intensive Case-Based Reasoning applications requires tools that support this on-going process between domain experts and knowledge engineers. In this paper we will introduce how the open source tool myCBR 3 allows for flexible knowledge elicitation and formalisation form CBR and non CBR experts. We detail on myCBR 3 's versatile approach to similarity modelling and will give an overview of the Knowledge Engineering workbench, providing the tools for the modelling process. We underline our presentation with three case studies of knowledge modelling for technical diagnosis and recommendation systems using myCBR 3

    Daily mirror : variante der als \u27Quadratbuch\u27 bel de Jong in Hilversum 1961 erschienen Mappe

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    462 pages : chiefly ill. (some color) ; 23 cm. Vorwort zur ersten ausgabe (aus einem brief von dieter rot an den herausgeber Pieter Brattinga) --page preceding p. 1. / Foreword to the first edition (from a letter from Dieter Rot to the editor Pieter Brattinga) - page preceding p. 1.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/specialcollections_artistsbooks/1246/thumbnail.jp

    Heidelberg-Studie 2003

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    Umfrage zur kleinrÀumigen Versorgung, zum Leben, zu politischen Problemen und zur Politik in Heidelberg, 2003. 1226 Telefoninterview

    What ጐΜ Ï„áż· ÎșáœčÏƒÎŒáżł are the ÏƒÏ„ÎżÎčÏ‡Î”áż–Î± Ï„ÎżáżŠ ÎșáœčÏƒÎŒÎżÏ…?

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    The expression τᜰ ÏƒÏ„ÎżÎčÏ‡Î”áż–Î± Ï„ÎżáżŠ ÎșáœčÏƒÎŒÎżÏ… is one of the most discussed, and most disputed, phrases in Galatians. In the following article, insight into the meaning of this phrase is sought by first of all clarifying and summarising the full scope of issues which must be explained by any interpretation of the phrase. Such a summary overview has often not appeared in various scholarly discussions. Subsequently, the primary proposed interpretations are discussed with the argument ultimately being made that it is Paul’s conception of ‘the world’ which provides the key to a solution to the interpretive conundrum that best satisfies the entire context of Paul’s letter and argument.http://www.hts.org.zaam201

    Towards a new reconstruction of the text of Marcion’s Gospel : history of research, sources, methodology, and the Testimony of Tertullian

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    This thesis provides the initial and foundational steps for a new reconstruction of the text of Marcion’s Gospel. Though Harnack’s 1924 magisterial work on Marcion remains valuable and important, shortcomings in his reconstructed text of the Marcionite scriptures, as well as advances in critical methodology, text criticism, and patristic studies have led to the recognition that new reconstructions of Marcion’s scriptures are a scholarly desideratum. With the text of Marcion’s Apostolikon examined and reconstructed in a 1995 work by Ulrich Schmid, this thesis provides the most important elements for a new examination and reconstruction of Marcion’s Euangelion. Chapter 1 provides an extensive history of research, not only to provide the context and rationale for the present work, but also to provide the first in-depth scholarly survey of work on Marcion’s Gospel in 150 years. In addition, since several flaws in earlier studies arose out of a lack of an accurate understanding of the status quaestionis at various points in the history of research on Marcion’s Gospel, by considering and engaging with previous scholarship such errors can be avoided. Chapter 2 begins with a consideration of the sources for Marcion’s Gospel and provides a comprehensive listing of verses attested as present in, verses attested as absent from, and unattested verses of this Gospel. The chapter concludes with a methodological discussion, highlighting the particular importance of understanding the citation customs of the witnesses to Marcion’s text and noting the significant citation customs of Tertullian demonstrated by Schmid’s and my own research. Chapter 3 begins the analysis of the data found in Tertullian, the most extensive and important source for Marcion’s Gospel. This chapter examines all of the verses that Tertullian attests for Marcion’s Gospel that are also cited elsewhere in Tertullian’s corpus and focuses particularly on how these multiply-cited passages provide insight into Tertullian’s testimony to readings in Marcion’s text. Chapter 4 continues the analysis of Tertullian’s testimony by examining the remaining verses, i.e., those attested for Marcion’s Gospel but not multiply-cited in Tertullian’s corpus. Chapter 5 provides a reconstruction of the 328 verses in Marcion’s Gospel for which Tertullian is the only witness and offers not only readings for Marcion’s text, but also the relative certainty for those readings. Chapter 6 summarizes and concludes the thesis, along with brief mention of avenues for future research

    Missionary Ethics in Q 10:2−12

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    Elements of the mission discourse of the Synoptic Gospels are found in Mark 6:6b−13; Matthew 9:35−10:15; Luke 9:1−6 and Luke 10:1−20. Similarities and differences in these accounts have led many New Testament scholars to posit the presence of a mission discourse in Q. This discourse, along with the parable that introduces it (Q 10:2), provides insight into how Q conceives of ‘mission’ as well as the ethical principles and precepts that are part of Jesus’ missional charge in this document. Through an intertextual approach to Q, with particular emphasis on narrative structure and imagery, this paper considered the interplay of mission and ethics in this early Christian text.This article is a revised version of a paper presented at the ‘Prestige FOCUS Conference on Mission and Ethics’ held at the University of Pretoria, South Africa from 14−16 September, 2011 in my capacity as a research associate of Prof. Dr Kobus Kok in the Department of New Testament Studies, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria in the research field of mission and ethics.http://www.hts.org.z

    Zur wahlsoziologischen Bedeutung eines Modells sozialstrukturell verankerter Konfliktlinien im vereinten Deutschland

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    Der von Stein Rokkan 1967 zusammen mit Seymour Martin Lipset herausgegebene Sammelband 'Party systems and voter alignments' ist zweifellos eines der einflußreichsten und meistzitierten Werke der Wahlsoziologie. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht der Frage nach, ob das von Rokkan und Lipset konzipierte Konfliktlinienmodell (cleavage) noch einen Beitrag zur ErklĂ€rung des Wahlverhaltens im neuen, grĂ¶ĂŸeren Deutschland leisten kann. Bei der PrĂŒfung der Theorie stĂŒtzen sich die Autoren hauptsĂ€chlich auf die Daten der Forschungsgruppe Wahlen und das ZDF-Politbarometer. Die gesellschaftlichen Subsysteme bergen nach Lipset/Rokkan folgende Konfliktpotentiale in sich, die in dem Parteiensystem ihren Niederschlag finden: die Spaltung Besitz-Arbeit, die Spaltung Staat-Kirche, die Spaltung Stadt-Land und die Ethnische/Linguistische Spaltung. Die SekundĂ€ranalyse zeigt, daß die Theorie sozialstrukturell verankerter Konfliktlinien als Determinanten des Wahlverhaltens nach wie vor einen eigenstĂ€ndigen Beitrag zur ErklĂ€rung der individuellen ParteiprĂ€ferenzen in Deutschland zu leisten vermag. (pmb)'Electoral behavior in West Germany on state and federal levels was characterized by remarkable stability until the late 80's. This could be explained for a long time by the so called 'cleavage theory' of Stein Rokkan and Seymour Martin Lipset which says that the more or less frozen party systems of western democraties are based on sociostructural conflicts in these societies. Since the late 80's we report a clear drop in the stability of voting results. In addition, the unification of the two german states raises the question whether the cleavage model still can explain individual party preferences although voters in West and East were brought up in very different social and political structures. To answer this question we analyse party preferences in West and East separately as well as for the whole unified Germany. It will be clear that even under the changed conditions of the united Germany the model of Lipset and Rokkan can still contribute an independent part of the explanation of voting behavior.' (author's abstract

    Probleme und politische Einstellungen in Heidelberg

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    Umfrage zu Problemen und politischen Einstellungen in Heidelberg im Vorfeld der Kommunanal- und Europawahlen 1994. 662 Telefoninterviews

    SEASALTexp - an explanation-aware architecture for extracting and case-based processing of experiences from internet communities

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    This paper briefly describes SEASALTexp, an extension of the application-independent SEASALT architecture (Sharing Experience using an Agent-based explanation-aware System Architecture LayouT), which offers knowledge acquisition from Internet communities, knowledge modularisation, and agent-based knowledge maintenance complemented with agent-based explanation facilities
