18 research outputs found

    Molecular Genetic Background of Juvenile Polyposis

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    Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation at any cost? : ethical dilemmas in treatment of adults with prehospital cardiac arrest – a literature review

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    Bakgrunden beskriver hjärt-och lungräddning som en utmaning för ambulanssjuksköterskan.Utmaningen består i att göra det som upplevs vara rätt för patienten, anhöriga och vårdare.Trots begränsad tillgång på förhandsinformation och skiftande vårdmiljö, förväntasambulanssjuksköterskan ta snabba och livsavgörande beslut inom ett kort tidsfönster ochsamtidigt leda omvårdnadsarbetet för ambulansteamet och arbeta personcentrerat. Syftet var att beskriva etiska dilemman som uppstår hos ambulanspersonalen vid prehospitalahjärtstopp hos vuxna. Metoden var en litteraturstudie med systematisk ansats innehållande kvalitativa vetenskapligaartiklar från databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Totalt har 15st vetenskapliga originalartiklarsom besvarade syftet inkluderats och efter kvalitetsgranskning gjordes en integrerad analys. Resultatet visar ett övergripande tema: Att göra det rätta. Temat delades in i trehuvudkategorier; Att bära ett stort ansvar i en allvarlig situation, När livet tar slut och Att orkaför allas skull. Etiska dilemman uttrycktes runt att göra rätt utifrån patienten perspektiv,reaktioner och interaktion med anhöriga, konflikter runt sina egna etiska värderingar ochrädslan för juridiska konsekvenser eller repressalier utifrån organisatoriska faktorer ochriktlinjer och då bli anklagad för att ha agerat fel vid hjärtstopp. Slutsatsen var att ambulanspersonal ibland upplever en svår etisk stress i situationer därförmågan att göra snabba och ofta livsavgörande beslut konkurrerar med denpersoncentrerade omvårdnaden och anhöriga i kris. Hantering av stressfyllda ochkänslomässiga situationer upplevdes som lättare i och med ökad erfarenhet och en stabilgrund bestående av personlig och professionell mognad och en bra relation med kollegor ocharbetsgivare. Vidare forskning på området skulle kunna förbättra personcentreradeomvårdnadsarbetet, förbättra arbetsmiljön och den psykiska hälsan hos ambulanspersonal. Background describes cardio-pulmonary resuscitation as a major challenge to ambulance nurses. The challenge is to act upon the best interest for the patient, relatives and the caregiver. Despite limited initial information and great environmental diversities, the ambulance nurse is expected to make quick and life dependent decisions within a limited time frame and still lead the team through the intervention with a Patient-centered care focus. Aim was to describe ambulance personnel's experiences of ethical dilemmas in relation to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in adults. Method used was a literature review with a systematic approach of 15 qualitative research articles from the databases PubMed and Cinahl. The articles were evaluated for quality and an integrated analysis was performed Results revealed an overall theme: To do the right thing. The theme consisted of three main categories; To have a great responsibility in a difficult situation, When life ends and To have the strength for everyone. Expressed ethical dilemmas concerned doing the right by the patient, reactions and interactions with relatives, conflicts between personal ethical values and the fear of legal consequences or being subject to reprisals and being accused for not adhering to organizational factors and policies in the event of a cardiac arrest. Conclusion made was that ambulance personnel are subject to severe ethical stress in situations where the ability to make quick and life dependent decisions compete with the patient centered care and relatives in crisis. Dealing with stressful and emotional situations became easier as experience was gained. Experience included a solid foundation of personal and professional maturity and a steady relationship with colleagues and employment organization. Further research is suggested to improve the person-centered care, improvement of working environment and psychological health for ambulance personnel

    Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation at any cost? : ethical dilemmas in treatment of adults with prehospital cardiac arrest – a literature review

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    Bakgrunden beskriver hjärt-och lungräddning som en utmaning för ambulanssjuksköterskan.Utmaningen består i att göra det som upplevs vara rätt för patienten, anhöriga och vårdare.Trots begränsad tillgång på förhandsinformation och skiftande vårdmiljö, förväntasambulanssjuksköterskan ta snabba och livsavgörande beslut inom ett kort tidsfönster ochsamtidigt leda omvårdnadsarbetet för ambulansteamet och arbeta personcentrerat. Syftet var att beskriva etiska dilemman som uppstår hos ambulanspersonalen vid prehospitalahjärtstopp hos vuxna. Metoden var en litteraturstudie med systematisk ansats innehållande kvalitativa vetenskapligaartiklar från databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Totalt har 15st vetenskapliga originalartiklarsom besvarade syftet inkluderats och efter kvalitetsgranskning gjordes en integrerad analys. Resultatet visar ett övergripande tema: Att göra det rätta. Temat delades in i trehuvudkategorier; Att bära ett stort ansvar i en allvarlig situation, När livet tar slut och Att orkaför allas skull. Etiska dilemman uttrycktes runt att göra rätt utifrån patienten perspektiv,reaktioner och interaktion med anhöriga, konflikter runt sina egna etiska värderingar ochrädslan för juridiska konsekvenser eller repressalier utifrån organisatoriska faktorer ochriktlinjer och då bli anklagad för att ha agerat fel vid hjärtstopp. Slutsatsen var att ambulanspersonal ibland upplever en svår etisk stress i situationer därförmågan att göra snabba och ofta livsavgörande beslut konkurrerar med denpersoncentrerade omvårdnaden och anhöriga i kris. Hantering av stressfyllda ochkänslomässiga situationer upplevdes som lättare i och med ökad erfarenhet och en stabilgrund bestående av personlig och professionell mognad och en bra relation med kollegor ocharbetsgivare. Vidare forskning på området skulle kunna förbättra personcentreradeomvårdnadsarbetet, förbättra arbetsmiljön och den psykiska hälsan hos ambulanspersonal. Background describes cardio-pulmonary resuscitation as a major challenge to ambulance nurses. The challenge is to act upon the best interest for the patient, relatives and the caregiver. Despite limited initial information and great environmental diversities, the ambulance nurse is expected to make quick and life dependent decisions within a limited time frame and still lead the team through the intervention with a Patient-centered care focus. Aim was to describe ambulance personnel's experiences of ethical dilemmas in relation to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in adults. Method used was a literature review with a systematic approach of 15 qualitative research articles from the databases PubMed and Cinahl. The articles were evaluated for quality and an integrated analysis was performed Results revealed an overall theme: To do the right thing. The theme consisted of three main categories; To have a great responsibility in a difficult situation, When life ends and To have the strength for everyone. Expressed ethical dilemmas concerned doing the right by the patient, reactions and interactions with relatives, conflicts between personal ethical values and the fear of legal consequences or being subject to reprisals and being accused for not adhering to organizational factors and policies in the event of a cardiac arrest. Conclusion made was that ambulance personnel are subject to severe ethical stress in situations where the ability to make quick and life dependent decisions compete with the patient centered care and relatives in crisis. Dealing with stressful and emotional situations became easier as experience was gained. Experience included a solid foundation of personal and professional maturity and a steady relationship with colleagues and employment organization. Further research is suggested to improve the person-centered care, improvement of working environment and psychological health for ambulance personnel

    Proteasomal activity modulates TGF-ß signaling in a gene-specific manner

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    AbstractTransforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling relies on Smad-signaling pathway controlled in part by the proteasome. Here we demonstrate that inhibition of the proteasome function in mink epithelial cells accumulates both positive and negative modulators of TGF-β signaling, phospho-Smad2 and SnoN. Inhibition of the proteasome led to abrogation of TGF-β target gene regulation in a gene-specific manner. While regulation of p15Ink4b and myc by TGF-β are lost, PAI-1 induction, previously shown to occur in a Smad3-dependent manner, was not affected by treatment of the cells with the proteasomal inhibitor MG132. The results suggest that proteasomal activity is required for TGF-β signaling in a gene-specific manner

    Complete Genome Sequence of Francisella endociliophora Strain FSC1006, Isolated from a Laboratory Culture of the Marine Ciliate Euplotes raikovi

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    A strain of Francisella endociliophora was isolated from a laboratory culture of the marine ciliate Euplotes raikovi. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of the bacterial strain FSC1006 (Francisella Strain Collection, Swedish Defence Research Agency, Umeå, Sweden)

    Complete Genome Sequence of Francisella endociliophora Strain FSC1006, Isolated from a Laboratory Culture of the Marine Ciliate Euplotes raikovi

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    A strain of Francisella endociliophora was isolated from a laboratory culture of the marine ciliate Euplotes raikovi. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of the bacterial strain FSC1006 (Francisella Strain Collection, Swedish Defence Research Agency, Umeå, Sweden)

    LKB1 Somatic Mutations in Sporadic Tumors

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    Germline mutations of LKB1/Peutz-Jeghers syndrome gene predispose carriers to hamartomatous polyposis of the gastrointestinal tract as well as to cancer of different organ systems. Although Peutz-Jeghers syndrome patients frequently present with neoplasms of the colon, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, breast, ovaries, and cervix, somatic mutations appear to be rare in the sporadic tumor types thus far studied (colorectal, gastric, testicular, and breast cancers). To evaluate whether somatic mutations of LKB1 contribute to the tumorigenesis of yet unstudied tumor types, we screened 14 cell lines and 129 tumor specimens from different cancers for a genetic defect in LKB1. Six melanoma and eight myeloma cell lines were scrutinized for LKB1 somatic mutations by genomic sequencing. No changes were found in the coding LKB1 sequence and exon/intron boundaries. Next, we analyzed 12 pancreatic, 8 gastric, 12 ovarian granulosa cell, 26 cervical, 28 lung, 24 soft tissue, and 19 renal tumors by single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis. Three changes in LKB1 coding nucleotide sequence were identified. One base pair deletion at A957 and G958 substitution by T occurred in a cervical adenocarcinoma sample, resulting in a frameshift and premature stop codon at position 335. Substitution of A581 by T occurred in a lung adenocarcinoma sample, resulting in the change of aspartic acid at position 194 to valine. A loss of another allele was detected in this sample. One silent change, C1257T, was found in a pancreatic carcinoma sample. The changes were not present in the matched normal tissue DNA samples. Our results suggest that mutational inactivation of LKB1 is a rare event in most sporadic tumor types