46 research outputs found

    Efficient Quantum Tensor Product Expanders and k-designs

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    Quantum expanders are a quantum analogue of expanders, and k-tensor product expanders are a generalisation to graphs that randomise k correlated walkers. Here we give an efficient construction of constant-degree, constant-gap quantum k-tensor product expanders. The key ingredients are an efficient classical tensor product expander and the quantum Fourier transform. Our construction works whenever k=O(n/log n), where n is the number of qubits. An immediate corollary of this result is an efficient construction of an approximate unitary k-design, which is a quantum analogue of an approximate k-wise independent function, on n qubits for any k=O(n/log n). Previously, no efficient constructions were known for k>2, while state designs, of which unitary designs are a generalisation, were constructed efficiently in [Ambainis, Emerson 2007].Comment: 16 pages, typo in references fixe

    Topological representations of matroid maps

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    The Topological Representation Theorem for (oriented) matroids states that every (oriented) matroid can be realized as the intersection lattice of an arrangement of codimension one homotopy spheres on a homotopy sphere. In this paper, we use a construction of Engstr\"om to show that structure-preserving maps between matroids induce topological mappings between their representations; a result previously known only in the oriented case. Specifically, we show that weak maps induce continuous maps and that the process is a functor from the category of matroids with weak maps to the homotopy category of topological spaces. We also give a new and conceptual proof of a result regarding the Whitney numbers of the first kind of a matroid.Comment: Final version, 21 pages, 8 figures; Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 201

    Time-ordering and a generalized Magnus expansion

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    Both the classical time-ordering and the Magnus expansion are well-known in the context of linear initial value problems. Motivated by the noncommutativity between time-ordering and time derivation, and related problems raised recently in statistical physics, we introduce a generalization of the Magnus expansion. Whereas the classical expansion computes the logarithm of the evolution operator of a linear differential equation, our generalization addresses the same problem, including however directly a non-trivial initial condition. As a by-product we recover a variant of the time ordering operation, known as T*-ordering. Eventually, placing our results in the general context of Rota-Baxter algebras permits us to present them in a more natural algebraic setting. It encompasses, for example, the case where one considers linear difference equations instead of linear differential equations

    Sox9 Duplications Are a Relevant Cause of Sry-Negative XX Sex Reversal Dogs

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    Sexual development in mammals is based on a complicated and delicate network of genes and hormones that have to collaborate in a precise manner. The dark side of this pathway is represented by pathological conditions, wherein sexual development does not occur properly either in the XX and the XY background. Among them a conundrum is represented by the XX individuals with at least a partial testis differentiation even in absence of SRY. This particular condition is present in various mammals including the dog. Seven dogs characterized by XX karyotype, absence of SRY gene, and testicular tissue development were analysed by Array-CGH. In two cases the array-CGH analysis detected an interstitial heterozygous duplication of chromosome 9. The duplication contained the SOX9 coding region. In this work we provide for the first time a causative mutation for the XXSR condition in the dog. Moreover this report supports the idea that the dog represents a good animal model for the study of XXSR condition caused by abnormalities in the SOX9 locus

    Region graph partition function expansion and approximate free energy landscapes: Theory and some numerical results

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    Graphical models for finite-dimensional spin glasses and real-world combinatorial optimization and satisfaction problems usually have an abundant number of short loops. The cluster variation method and its extension, the region graph method, are theoretical approaches for treating the complicated short-loop-induced local correlations. For graphical models represented by non-redundant or redundant region graphs, approximate free energy landscapes are constructed in this paper through the mathematical framework of region graph partition function expansion. Several free energy functionals are obtained, each of which use a set of probability distribution functions or functionals as order parameters. These probability distribution function/functionals are required to satisfy the region graph belief-propagation equation or the region graph survey-propagation equation to ensure vanishing correction contributions of region subgraphs with dangling edges. As a simple application of the general theory, we perform region graph belief-propagation simulations on the square-lattice ferromagnetic Ising model and the Edwards-Anderson model. Considerable improvements over the conventional Bethe-Peierls approximation are achieved. Collective domains of different sizes in the disordered and frustrated square lattice are identified by the message-passing procedure. Such collective domains and the frustrations among them are responsible for the low-temperature glass-like dynamical behaviors of the system.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures. More discussion on redundant region graphs. To be published by Journal of Statistical Physic

    Small Open Chemical Systems Theory and Its Implications to Darwinian Evolutionary Dynamics, Complex Self-Organization and Beyond

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    The study of biological cells in terms of mesoscopic, nonequilibrium, nonlinear, stochastic dynamics of open chemical systems provides a paradigm for other complex, self-organizing systems with ultra-fast stochastic fluctuations, short-time deterministic nonlinear dynamics, and long-time evolutionary behavior with exponentially distributed rare events, discrete jumps among punctuated equilibria, and catastrophe.Comment: 15 page

    Stein's method on Wiener chaos

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    We combine Malliavin calculus with Stein's method, in order to derive explicit bounds in the Gaussian and Gamma approximations of random variables in a fixed Wiener chaos of a general Gaussian process. We also prove results concerning random variables admitting a possibly infinite Wiener chaotic decomposition. Our approach generalizes, refines and unifies the central and non-central limit theorems for multiple Wiener-It\^o integrals recently proved (in several papers, from 2005 to 2007) by Nourdin, Nualart, Ortiz-Latorre, Peccati and Tudor. We apply our techniques to prove Berry-Ess\'een bounds in the Breuer-Major CLT for subordinated functionals of fractional Brownian motion. By using the well-known Mehler's formula for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroups, we also recover a technical result recently proved by Chatterjee, concerning the Gaussian approximation of functionals of finite-dimensional Gaussian vectors.Comment: 39 pages; Two sections added; To appear in PTR

    Free Energies and fluctuations for the unitary Brownian motion

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    We show that the Laplace transforms of traces of words in independent unitary Brownian motions converge towards an analytic function on a non trivial disc. These results allow one to study the asymptotic behavior of Wilson loops under the unitary Yang--Mills measure on the plane with a potential. The limiting objects obtained are shown to be characterized by equations analogue to Schwinger--Dyson's ones, named here after Makeenko and Migdal